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Recent Devotionals

Samson. So many epic tales and adventures, so many triumphs and tragedies wrapped up in that one…
Incredible things can happen when we put our trust in God. In Luke 5, a paralyzed man's friends…
While working on a project, do you ever say to yourself, “Something is missing…”—but then, after…
When you think you are hearing from the Lord, but you're not sure, what do you do to figure out if…
Early in His ministry, Jesus visited His hometown of Nazareth. On the Sabbath day, he read Isaiah's…
God made a promise to Simeon that he would not die until he had seen the Lord's Messiah. Simeon may…
Easter Sunday brings such excitement to young and old alike. This author's memory of one special…
Taking a trip away with friends can bring such joy—connecting with each other and a spiritual focus…
Looking for inspiration and guidance in your faith journey? Look no further than the life of Saint…

Adoption is a beautiful thing and a powerful picture of who God is. In Ephesians, Paul tells us…

An unnamed woman poured an entire year's worth of wages worth of expensive oil over Jesus' head as…

If we cannot see God working in our lives, the problem may be our spiritual eyesight, not God's…

After more than 20 years of striving to live up to my aggrandized view of the Proverbs 31 woman…

Jesus always viewed servanthood as a privilege. He also taught that to His disciples.

God looked down from heaven and saw a husband’s wickedness and his wife’s suffering. God did not…

You are never too old to start something when God puts it on your heart!