Priorities, Priorities
Life is interesting. God has a way of showing us things in the midst of daily life experiences.
Chatting online with a friend, I said, "We should get together to do something fun—play a game, sing, or whatever. We haven't done that in a long time."
She jokingly responded, "Fun? What is that? Who has time for fun anyway?"
Nothing came out of it. No fun, no time.
In my mind I thought, We make time for the things we really want to do. When it comes down to it, it is all a matter of priorities. In all honesty, I felt a little hurt. If we can't make time for a friend every now and then, how important is the friendship?
Later in the day, the thought popped back into my mind. I said, "Lord, I need to have fun sometimes. Life is so intense with work and obligations. I need a friend who can spend time with me."
That's when I heard the words as clear as day, "SO DO I."
It was a very unexpected reply. Suddenly, I realized that I keep giving the Lord the same excuses for not spending quality time with Him. I'm too busy. The day flies by and it is too late to take some quiet time. In the morning, it gets too rushed too often.
"Priorities, priorities—if I'm as important to you as you claim, you would want to spend time with Me a whole lot more."
So there it goes. I stand corrected by my own measuring rule. I'm sorry, Lord. I must really hurt you a lot with my constant excuses. Help me to change my priorities so You will know how important You are to me. I know You don't condemn me, but I sure want to please You.
Once again, in the midst of the daily hustle and bustle, the Lord took time to teach me something. Now is time for action. Join me; let us get our priorities straight. We can use the ultimate guide for priority setting: God's Word. Listen to Jesus:
Look! Here I stand at the door and knock. If you hear me calling and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal as friends (. NLT).