Our True Inheritance
My younger cousins created a Veteran's History Project, a personal narrative now on file at the Library of Congress, that helped bring our family lineage to life. My father and his brothers all served in the U.S. Armed Forces. They passed down their strong love for America to the younger generations. The deeper I probed into our rich heritage, the greater my realization became of our true inheritance.
Our grandfather was affectionately called “Pappy.” Although he was soft-spoken, the words he did speak were rich in wisdom, never frivolous. His expressive blue eyes and dimpled smile communicated his heart the most. When he spoke, everyone listened; yet he was humble, tenderhearted, and kind.
He had lived through so much of our American history, including WW1 and the Great Depression as an extremely hard worker. He volunteered in WW2 and later served in the Texas National Guard. His stable, peaceful temperament anchored our family through much adversity. Both physically and spiritually strong, he maintained his God-given authority.
The combination of his noble character with his love for God and country produced one of his unforgettable contributions. He had felt a strong conviction to organize a special Veterans Day service at our church. His passion was for America to be yielded to God (Psalm 33:12 AMPC). He had just lost his wife (our “Mimi”), but he was determined to share the inheritance he had received. None of us knew it would be his last Veteran’s Day before his own homegoing.
From his youngest grandson (my little brother) to the eldest veteran, every military branch was represented. Stories of raw, personal experiences revealed our incredible heritage of honor, service, and sacrifice at heart-penetrating levels. “Pappy” spoke of how we can express our Christian liberty because we have our American liberty (Galatians 5:1). We saluted our American flag as a congregation with empathetic, awe-inspired appreciation.
As I pondered these memories of such a precious heritage against the weight of eternal significance, profound truths emerged. An even greater legacy unites us in the bloodline of Jesus, who sacrificed His life for all the world (1 Timothy 2:6).
This was, after all, true inheritance from our grandparents—their love for country intertwined with their unwavering love for God.
You have given me the heritage of those who fear, revere, and honor Your name. (Psalm 61:5)
Their hearts’ utmost desire was for us to know Jesus and share Him with others. God’s heart-cry for souls became their own; they knew their inheritance through Jesus had eternal worth. As David prophetically spoke,
Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations as Your inheritance. (Psalm 2:8)
We receive a folded American flag at veteran family members’ funerals to remember their sacrifice. Our true inheritance is an eternal one. Go deeper in searching for your true inheritance—not only for your own life but for people from all nations to be won for God’s kingdom.
This Veterans Day, ponder this: just as our veterans paid the price for our freedom in America, so did Jesus pay the price for our eternal freedom. Let the redeeming message of God’s love reverberate through your life, inspiring you to share this treasured heritage with others—until people from all nations encounter Jesus! This is our true inheritance.
Scripture is quoted from the Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC) copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation.