Hidden Glory
CBN.com -- We live in a world where each and every one of us faces the challenge of constant change. Recent events in our world are filling the hearts of millions with fear. The world’s economy seems to be hanging by a thread, as world leaders grapple with the complex issues of our day. Is it possible to face the future with confidence in a society that every day seems to challenge us one and all with so much uncertainty?
I speak today of the hidden glory. Two thousand years ago on the night before his death, Jesus Christ told his sorrow filled disciples that he was leaving them. His time had come to die as the eternal sacrifice for all mankind. Yet in the midst of the fear that clutched the hearts of every one of them he made a profound promise. He said I will not leave you comfortless but I will ask the Father to send you the Holy Spirit that he may abide with you forever.
The hidden glory of which I speak is a life changing presence or person who inhabits the hearts of every believer in Jesus Christ. When we confess him as Lord and Savior the Holy Spirit of promise changes our hearts and cleanses us from sin. Our hearts and lives are changed because we come by faith into contact with the living God. From the moment we accept Jesus as our lord and savior the Holy Spirit sets up residence within us. It is that hidden glory of the person of the Holy Spirit that gives every believer hope today.
We carry within our hearts the power and glory of God. This is the manifestation of God living within the hearts of all who have been birthed into Jesus Christ by our faith in him. My heart is flooded with images from my past where the Spirit of God has spoken to me and given me the guidance or direction I needed. His is the most gentile of hearts. How many times have I been reading the word of God and had him speak to my heart just what I needed to hear. How many times has my heart been stirred as he has spoken a word to me from the lips of some minister or teacher.
So many times in my life the Holy Spirit has imparted to me a life changing, life altering revelation. As believers in Christ our lives are not a series of events of random happenstance. No, the Holy Spirit is leading and guiding our steps not just from day-to-day but moment-to-moment. In our times of joy and our darkest hours He has always been by our side. When in desperation a believer cries out to God, it is His voice that speaks to the heart, dries our tears and calms our fears. He, by His wisdom gives us the direction to see beyond the given situation with love and understanding.
I do not mean to minimize the dangers facing our world today, but I do know that whatever dark days lie ahead He will be there sustaining us with what we face. For the Holy Spirit is a divine link to the heart of Father God. His is a mission of compassion to all hurting souls where ever they may be found. The church of Jesus Christ is the greatest force of life and change in the world today. We offer the world hope because the Holy Spirit has given us His heart, compassion, and love. When faced with the onslaughts of hell, He fills our hearts with the faith and inspiration of Jesus Christ to minister to the needs of the hurting all around us.
We do not face the future alone, for as followers of Jesus Christ the hidden glory of His life and nature resides in every one of us. Do not get caught up in the fear and dark days ahead. It would seem the events foreseen by John, Daniel, and others can be seen just over the horizon. Yet Jesus has promised that no matter what may come we can take hope that He would abide with us forever. We can have confidence in this promise because of the Holy Spirit, that inner glorious one who fills our hearts and destiny with the assurance that God’s words are true.
When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth.
( NLT)
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