Help Needed!
(Proverbs 18:24 KJV) says “There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”
I am the youngest in the family of two greatly admired older brothers. There were many advantages to having older brothers because they were always there to protect, encourage, give advice, and care for me. In times of trouble, their presence comforted me. Just standing on the front porch without saying a word, my enemies would flee. Although I was the typical annoying little sister, they were always there, helping me in times of need.
After graduating from High School, I began looking for a summer job before going away to college. So, Allen enthusiastically told me that he had just left the canteen at the Veteran’s hospital and saw a sign that they were hiring and needed help.
Extremely excited, I rushed out of the house to ask about the job and apply. The manager came out of the office and said, “We are not hiring here.” So, I eagerly walked over and showed him the sign. He said, “Oh! that sign is asking the customers if they needed any help behind the counter.”
I told him that my brother told me about this sign because I was looking for a summer job. So, unfortunately, we both misunderstood! Surely, I was very disappointed, discouraged, and getting ready to leave, but suddenly, he called me into his office and said, “We can use more help here and there is a special program for students.”
Then he told me to go to the personnel office in another building and tell them I wanted to work in the sales department. Then, to call him and he would approve it. I could hardly believe the good news. I was so grateful and filled with joy for this Divine appointment, a supernatural intervention.
When I got home, I told Allen that God had opened the doors for me with favor because we both misread that sign!
I am sure he had been praying for me to find a job because he prayed about everything. For years as a partner of The 700 Club, my brother always called for prayer for himself and others. How ironic and amazing because 40 years later I am now on the prayer team at CBN ministering to people like my brother Allen, who are daily seeking help, favor, wisdom, healing, deliverance, and salvation.
God continuously has the power to somehow, in ways I don’t understand, take all my challenges, disappointments, and discouragements alongside life's trials and create beautiful results from it.
Romans 8:26 says, “But the Spirit Himself makes intercession in each of our lives”. The power of agreement and answered prayers of my brother Allen opened the door of opportunity and favor for me. I believe that every detail of my life has been woven together to fit into God’s perfect plan—bringing His goodness into my life to fulfill His designed purpose for me.
Pray this prayer with me:
Heavenly Father, You are a giver and keeper of promises. Thank You, for supernaturally fulfilling Your promises to work all things together for my good, to bring all honor, glory, and praise to You. Lord, help me to cling to You, always trusting Your promises, provisions, and blessings in my life. I rejoice that You are my friend who sticks closer than a brother and has promised to never leave nor forsake me. What a friend we have in You, Jesus! You are truly a loving and faithful friend. Humbly, I pray with a grateful heart in Your worthy and powerful name—Jesus. Amen!