God Is Never Late
If only I had chosen another partner... If only I could eat healthier... If only I had more money and no debt... Things often don’t turn out as we expect. People don’t act according to our expectations—and sometimes we believe God is late or doesn’t even remember us.
In the Bible, we read about Lazarus, who was very ill, and how Jesus apparently delayed His journey to reach his friend. Let’s read John 11:5-6:
Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days.(NIV)
Inevitably, Lazarus dies, and when Jesus finally arrives, those around Him raise a deep question:
But some of them said, “Could not he who opened the eyes of the blind man have kept this man from dying?” (John 11:37).
Certainly, these people had previously witnessed Jesus’ miracles, but the tomb that was before them created questions about God’s plan for his friend Lazarus. If we are honest with ourselves, how many times have we felt the same, that God does not answer us or that He has delayed in coming to help us?
I specifically remember my first year as director of the CBN office in Costa Rica. There were high expectations; deep challenges; and, personally, many more questions than answers. Have you ever felt like this?
On one occasion, we were inaugurating a humanitarian project with children from one of the most troubled communities in our city. The long-awaited day of the inauguration had finally arrived. We had everything ready and we even had special guests. The same morning as the event, the principal of the local school sent me a message letting me know that she was not going to be able to send the children to the event. At that moment, I raised this question: “What do we do now?”
We were sure God had shown us that this school was the place and that He had a plan. So, we prayed with the team and then headed to the school, as planned, on what seemed like an impossible mission. Moved by faith, I proceeded to call the principal of the school and told her, “Principal, I don’t know how you are going to organize them right now, but God told us to bless these children and He is not wrong. Everything is ready for them, and the guests are waiting, so you have 30 minutes before we arrive.” Wow! I still feel the same tremor remembering that conversation. When we arrived at the school, I felt that the tomb was in front of me, and it seemed to be well-closed and without possibilities.
By faith, we started the first part of the program with only the special guests in attendance and without announcing the alleged inconvenience. Suddenly, the children began to arrive, one by one, until they filled the venue in less than 10 minutes. Glory to God!
What we did not know then is that God was training us for what would later become the Orphan’s Promise projects, which would be entrusted to us. Jesus always has a plan, and He is never late. There is no grave, circumstance or limitation that can prevent Him from fulfilling His purpose for our lives, only our own doubt about His Word and the promises He has given to us.
Would you like to take a few minutes to meditate on the power and greatness of God? You will surely remember how He has always arrived on time, how His promises have never failed—and that, despite the situation in which you find yourself, this will not be the exception.
I invite you to pray with me: “God, today I surrender my present situation and my life to You. Despite what I see in front of me and how I feel, I have decided to trust You and Your perfect timing in my life. In the name of Jesus, I pray this. Amen.”
Scripture is quoted from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.