Do Not Forget to Remember
Water, Bible, cream cheese, crackers, camera — all were prepared and ready for my weekend retreat at Virginia Beach’s ocean front.
I have grown to enjoy the art of photography as a hobby, and recently upgraded to a more expensive camera. I already imagined the photographs I would take, especially of the sunrise.
I was on the eighth floor of the hotel and knew the view would be spectacular. At 6:00 am, I was ready. Sunlight slowly began to fill the morning sky. Ten minutes later, it had arrived … the beauty announcing a brand new day.
Turning the camera on, no light appeared. Another try — again, no light appeared. I had forgotten to recharge the battery.
Many times in our lives, we forget to begin our day by recharging our faith in remembering Words from Scripture.
David’s custom was to recharge early (see
). As a result, when he faced Goliath the giant, he did not forget to remember God’s power."You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Heaven's Armies — the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.” 1 Samuel 17:45 NLT.
He had spent time to recharge his faith through the Word. The more we spend time with our Heavenly Father, the more we will remember Words spoken from Scripture. The more we will forget doubt and become strong in our faith, causing us to believe, trust, and have confidence in who our God is, remembering what He has promised.
In any given day, we too may be faced with giants: financial lack, medical, physical, family, and employment situations. As we face the day, we can remember and declare the words David spoke to the giant fearlessly, and confidently, we will overcome in “the name of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.”
Your day may begin at 2:00 or 6:00 o’clock in the morning, 3:00 in the afternoon, or 9:00 at night. Whatever the time, begin by taking a few moments in the presence of our Heavenly Father to read, focus on, remember His Words, and thank Him for a fresh recharging of faith for the day.
Scripture tells us:
Job considered God’s Word, “more than my necessary food.”
Solomon said God’s Word was, “life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body.”
Jesus said: “And the very Words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.”
David remembered that our Heavenly Father was with him when he killed the lion and the bear (
), so when facing the giant, he remembered God’s help, and was fearless. He did not forget to remember Words from Scripture:“I will call to you whenever I’m in trouble, and you will answer me.”
After regaining my thoughts, I remembered my cell phone. I had forgotten its photographic capability. As a result, I was still able to capture stunning photographs of the sunrise, which almost seemed to wait for me with expectancy.
In future trip planning, I will not forget to remember to ensure that my camera battery is fully charged.
Heavenly Father, I pray You will help us not to forget to remember the value of daily recharging our faith, through Your Words given to us in the Holy Scriptures, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Copyright © 2017 Merle Mills. Used by permission.