What Must I Give Up to Become a Christian?
To become a Christian, you must give up searching for hope, peace, and fulfillment.
God gave up only one thing so people could become "Christians." He gave up his only Son, Jesus Christ.
Jesus gave up everything, including His life, so you and I wouldn't have to. He doesn't make us give up anything. He merely offers us a new, abundant life while we're alive and the afterlife to come.
He only asks that we recognize we are lost and wayward and need a Savior. He only asks that we lay down the pride of our selfishness, which says, "We don't need God."
That pride is sin. The plain truth is we are born that way, born in sin and separated from God. That's why our lives get so messed up.
What are you searching for? The list could be long, and the answers may be many, but there is only one right answer to your search and to your struggle—Jesus Christ.
It is wise to count the cost of Christianity, just as it is wise to consider the cost of life without it. Should you decide you do not want to live in loneliness, hopelessness, fearfulness, or whatever state you find yourself in, the next step is simple. Answer this question, "Are you willing to lay down your pride and ask God for help?"
If so, by faith, which comes from God, admit your life is a mess, and you need a helper, a comforter—a Savior. Recognize that you need Jesus as your Savior. Commit to putting your trust in Christ so that you will be right with God.
So far, you have been trusting in yourself, and look where you are. Trust in Jesus; He will not let you down. The Bible says, "For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. As Scripture says, 'Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame'” (Romans 10:10-11 NIV).
Lay your pride down, hold your head up, and receive new life.