What Does the Christmas Story Have to Do with Me Going to Heaven?
In one word – everything.
Today’s society often challenges us to see just how much we can accomplish each day. Thousands of products and services exist offering better and more efficient ways to organize and plan. Most of us have discovered that the most efficient way to accomplish a goal is to know how you are going to do it.
When God created the world, He had a plan. He knew when He put Adam and Eve in the garden they would not obey Him thus introducing sin into the world. And even though they disobeyed Him, God loved them more than we could ever imagine. After all, He created man for His companionship. But from that time on, every baby born in the world was born with a selfish, sinful nature – every thought and desire put him or her first. No decision was based on love or the concept of what was right.
Years later, however, that changed at Christmas. Jesus, God’s Son, was born. A very important part of God’s plan was for His son to come live on Earth. He wanted man to know what He was like and experience perfect love in the flesh. He wanted people to see His love in action.
But, the most important part of God’s plan came later. When Jesus was in His early 30s, He was crucified on a cross. He had never done anything wrong. Part of God’s plan was for Jesus to die on the cross as payment for our sin. Jesus died for you and me and every person born since he lived. Then, He rose from the grave and went to Heaven to sit at God’s right hand. He shed His blood and rose so that we could be forgiven and live in Heaven forever.
God’s only requirement to receive that forgiveness Is to believe in the sacrifice of His son Jesus and to accept Him into our lives. In
, it says,For God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.
What a great love God has for us!
Without the Christmas story and the birth of Jesus, there would be no opportunity for us to go to Heaven.
Copyright © Linda J. Gilden, used with permission.