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Defending Israel: Answering the Call

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"What we faced on October 7th when Hamas attacked, was evil of a different degree; the sexual violence, the fact that they took families and tied them together and burned them alive; the fact they put babies into ovens, this is something which you simply can’t just say, “Oh, that’s part of a resistance.” Or “That’s part of a war.”  That’s part of their plan to destroy the Jewish people." Jonathan Medved said. 

At the end of the day, nearly 1200 Israelis were dead…

While more than 250 were kidnapped and taken to Gaza.

The attack was unlike anything in the country’s modern history…

And in just a few days, the Israel Defense Forces tripled in size…

As reservists from all over the world came home.

"Turnout rates were something like, depending on which unit, 140 to 150% -- overwhelming majority of Israelis were showing up. And then on top of that, you have people who didn't have to serve and who weren't calling up or who had aged out of reserve duty who were showing up saying, look, I know I'm aged out, but I wanna serve."  spoke Dan Senor.

"Because they understood that the country's calling, and when the country calls, you show up, period. // Because there's a purpose that is greater than me, and my comfort and my parents' concern.  Something terrible happened, and my friends and I, our job is to ensure it never happens again." A brunette solder pitched in as well. 

"I’m a citizen. I’m an ordinary person, with a family, with a job. I’m a lawyer. And I joined the army once the war started, immediately. I came and just did it." Stated another. 

"For me, it's more difficult because I know my family at home, they're worried and they watch the news. // And that's what I kept thinking about, that my girlfriend and my family are waiting and they're extremely worried and I experienced that.  So for me that was more difficult than the experience itself." Noted Nitayi

"The day this war broke out, this incredible tribe all started coming home.

They all stopped what they’re doing, the country needs you, it’s time for heroism,

it’s time to serve, get on a plane, figure out a way, come home. (starts tearing up) And that’s really what it’s about." Said Jonathan Medved

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