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700 Club

He Turned into a Human Fire Ball

“We didn't anticipate any issues.” Steve Hertz recalled. “It looked like a very normal evening for flying, and we were just looking forward to getting in the air.” Steve and his friend, Don St. Clair had done this hundreds of times before; prepping their gear to enjoy an evening of powered paragliding.

Steve recalls, “I think it was pushing 80 degrees. The winds were light, and it was a beautiful blue sky evening.” Don started to take off first, but when he couldn’t get his wing properly inflated, he had to abort and start over. So, Steve, with his GoPro recording, took off. He circled the field then flew to the rendezvous spot to wait for Don. Steve says, “After 10 minutes of not seeing him in the air, I decided to fly back to the airport and check on him. I saw him inflate the wing and begin to take off.”

Then… something went wrong. Don was too low and heading towards some trees that lined one side of the airfield. Steve recalls, “Normally his machine would have enough power to climb out and straighten out, and this particular evening it didn't.” Don banked hard to the right and avoided the trees. But now the wind was at his back and he was picking up speed -- heading straight toward some power lines. All Steve could do, was watch. He says, “I thought he was dead. I literally watched him turn into a ball of fire and I thought, that's not survivable. It was just the worst feeling I've ever had.”

Immediately, Steve landed at the airfield. He grabbed his phone to call 9-1-1, as he ran across the street to his friend. Steve recalls, “I was praying that he was alive. I really thought I watched a human being die.” But, as he got closer he couldn’t believe what he saw. Don was conscious and appeared to be unhurt. Steve says, “He looked up and talked to me and I thought, ‘Wow, this is a miracle.’”

Incredibly, Don recalls everything that happened. He says, “As soon as I saw I was gonna hit 'em, the only thought that went through my head is I'm dead. When I hit those lines, the whole world turned into a ball of fire. And I was just waiting literally for it all to come to an end 'cause I expected it...any minutes for the lights to go out. And instead I had the feeling of falling. And next thing I knew I was on my back on the ground looking up at the sky. I couldn't believe I was alive to be quite honest. And as I laid there, I said, ‘thank you, God,’ because I knew right away the only way I survived that was divine intervention.”   

Within minutes, paramedics arrived and rushed Don to the University of Michigan Hospital in Ann Arbor. Meanwhile, Steve called Don’s wife, Karen. She recalls, “Steve's like, ‘Oh, Don's gonna be okay but he had a little accident.’ He was very calm, which was very good. I was praying instantly from that point on.”

Karen drove the 30 minutes to the hospital, praying the whole way. When she arrived, she learned Don had second and third degree burns over 25% of his body. She recalls, “Definitely the Holy Spirit was with me 'cause I don't know how I didn't panic or didn't have an anxiety attack.” Don says, “When I finally got to see Karen, first of all, I was elated to still be there. But seeing her and assuring her that I was gonna be okay and that I was gonna make it through it, that just strengthened our bond even greater.”

Now Don would begin the long process of recovery that would start with skin grafts. Karen started texting people to pray for his healing. Two days later when Don went in for skin graft surgery, his doctor discovered something remarkable. Karen recalls, “It looked like the skin was starting to heal itself. They went ahead and covered his burnt skin with pig skin to allow it to heal on his own.” Don says, “In my heart, that wasn't a surprise. Literally hundreds of people sending out prayers to me. And I know that that was part of my healing process.”

Don says those prayers also helped in the painful weeks that followed. He recalls, “I actually had waves of pain that would course through my arms, my legs, and as I, I closed my eyes and just concentrated on what was going on. And the image that came to me was that those waves were hands that were actually caressing those wounds. It was those prayers that were coursing through me, and that set me at ease.”

Just two weeks after the accident, Don’s doctors decided he was well enough to go home. Don recalls, “The surgeon had looked me over and he said, 'you're healing quickly.' I knew it was the prayers doing a good job, but I healed quicker than they expected.”

Don was soon back to his chores on their ranch and six months later, he had made a full recovery. There are few that don’t agree that Don’s survival was a miracle. Especially considering the power lines he hit were carrying 140,000 volts of electricity. He says, “When I hit those lines, the explosion knocked the breath outta me. Had I inhaled that super heated air, it would've seared my lungs. The electricity surrounded me, it should have gone through me. The gas didn't ignite or explode. The battery didn't explode. 50 foot fall should be fatal. I came down motor side first. Had it come down face first, that 85 pound engine would've crushed me. The list of things of why I know I'm blessed and why there was divine intervention is a long list because there's no way I should have survived that.”

Karen recalls, “It definitely strengthened my belief in prayer and realizing how specific you can pray.” Don adds, “Put your troubles into Jesus' hands. You'll get through this life so much better. You'll have a comfort in your soul that is unmatched by anything else.”

700 Club

Freedom from Tremendous Pain

Eunice has spent more than a decade dealing with a painful goiter.

“For years, I could barely take care of myself and my family.  I went to the hospital, and I was told surgery would cost more than 2,000 dollars.  I sell fish in the market, and in my entire life I have never seen that much money. My family and friends are all poor, too, so I have nowhere to turn.  All I can do is live in pain.” - Eunice

The goiter continued to grow.

“I can not do house chores or manual work any more.  The pain is unbearable.  I can barely eat, and it is so hard to sleep.” - Eunice

Eunice's unwavering faith kept her going. She prayed tirelessly, holding onto the hope that a miracle was possible.

“I believed that the God who created me
without this goiter is the same God who will heal me.” - Eunice

When Operation Blessing heard about Eunice’s struggle, your support made her life-changing surgery possible.

“My family and friends were very happy and excited to see me back home after the surgery,  especially my children.  I was finally healed! When I looked at myself in the mirror for the first time, I could not believe my eyes.   I was overwhelmed with joy, and I gave thanks to God. I used to feel so ugly, but now I feel beautiful.  I can eat and drink, and I am able to fetch water, do laundry, cook, and do all the house chores.  I am especially happy I can take care of my children again. I can never pay you back for your kindness, but I pray that God will continue to bless you and increase you so that you can continue to be a blessing to others like you have been to me. Thank you so much and may God bless you.” - Eunice


Do you know that CBN partners can reach people around the world for Christ every day? We invite you to join us in ministry together as we provide financial support to those in need through our life-giving surgeries, food and clothing programs, humanitarian aid, and so much more! When you give today and become a CBN partner, you’ll help transform lives in the name of Jesus Christ! Join us now!

Mahmoud, a 13-year-old boy in Indonesia, faces the camera. Gizmo rides a hoverboard behind and to the right of Mahmoud. The CBN Animation and Superbook logos are stacked above Gizmo.
CBN Animation

From Darkness to Light with Superbook

In the vibrant and diverse country of Indonesia, a young boy named Mahmoud faced significant challenges from an early age. Growing up in a family that did not know God and in a neighborhood with negative influences, Mahmoud’s childhood was marked by rough and rude behavior. He often followed the actions of other children in his neighborhood, even spitting at passers-by in front of his house.

Mahmoud’s life began to change when he was 7 years old. A neighbor and friend invited him to Sunday school, marking the start of a transformative journey. This invitation led Mahmoud to participate in worship every week diligently. The support of his friends and the guidance of his Sunday school teacher played a crucial role in encouraging Mahmoud to become better and more committed to attending church.

His Sunday school teacher utilized curriculum from Superbook Academy, Mahmoud stands wearing his choir robe.and the Bible lessons from Superbook had a profound impact on Mahmoud’s life. One episode, in particular, stood out to him—“A Giant Adventure,” which tells the story of David and Goliath. The courage and faith of David resonated deeply with Mahmoud, motivating him to believe in God and accept Jesus as his Savior.

Mahmoud’s transformation was remarkable. He decided to be baptized and felt a strong calling to serve in the church. Now at the age of 13, Mahmoud has taken on significant roles, becoming a guitarist, worship leader, and Sunday school teacher. His dedication and passion for serving God is evident in everything he does.

The lessons from Superbook helped Mahmoud connect deeply with God’s Word, experience Jesus’ love, and change his behavior in profound ways. Mahmoud’s story is a testament to the global reach and impact of CBN Animation’s Superbook. Through engaging storytelling and captivating animations, Superbook brings the Word of God to children worldwide, fostering spiritual growth and transformation. 

Join us in this mission to bring the Word of God to life for the next generation. By donating to CBN Animation’s Superbook ministry through the link below, sharing this story, or accessing Superbook resources for your own families, you can help extend this ministry to even more children and families around the world. Together, we can bring the love of Jesus to more children like Mahmoud.

Give to Superbook

CBN’s impact around the world


Daily prayers for people across the country

In 2023, the CBN Prayer Center in the U.S. responded to 1.3 million prayer needs from viewers—recording over 6,500 professions of faith and fulfilling over 336,000 requests for ministry resources. Our ministry extends beyond phone calls, offering assistance in various languages and digital platforms.

Latin America

Highlighting testimonies of God’s faithfulness

Vida Dura or “Hard Life” stories are sourced throughout Latin America and produced in Spanish to reach a region with testimonies of people who hit rock bottom and turn to God for change. CBN has a prayer center in Latin America to support people through prayer and faith resources.


Help in Times of Crisis

When tragedy struck Israel, CBN partners helped war victims by providing emergency shelter, food, supplies, and access to counseling. Our team members also visited bomb shelters to bring hope, encouragement, and much-needed supplies.


For 30 years, CBN has been serving the people of Ukraine

CBN’s Orphan’s Promise continues to minister to desperate men, women, and children in Ukraine by providing warm clothes, winter shoes, blankets, flashlights, and thermoses. We were even able to provide some with generators.


Reaching Kids for Christ

 CBN partners are reaching children around the world with the Gospel of Jesus through Superbook, a Bible-based animation series. Through the free Superbook Kids Bible app, kids can watch Superbook, hear the Gospel presentation, play games, and more. They can also read the Bible, many in their own languages. 

CBN News


Israel Halts Aid to Gaza: 'Hamas Steals Supplies for Terror Machine'

Israel has halted humanitarian aid into Gaza, citing Hamas' diversion of supplies for military use. This move comes as Hamas continues to reject a U.S.-backed ceasefire plan that would have freed hostages in two phases.

After White House Blowup, Europeans Offer to Help Ukraine End War

Saying Europe is at a "crossroads in history," 18 world leaders at a summit in London on Sunday agreed to take new steps to stop the fighting in Ukraine. 

'In the Center of a Hurricane of God's Glory': How Gather25 Covered the Globe with Worship

Christians around the world united for an unprecedented 25 hours of prayer, praise, and repentance this weekend. The event is called Gather25, and organizers are already making plans to do it again in two years. 

'Parent-Free Zones'? US Court Rules School Had Right to Hide Child's Gender Identity from Parents

Massachusetts parents of a middle school student are hoping to take their case against their child's school district to the U.S. Supreme Court. That comes after a federal court ruled they do not have a constitutional right to be informed that their daughter changed her gender identity and name while at school. The court essentially ruled that her school had a right to hide that information from the parents. 

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