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Rob Bell: Nooma Video
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"Rich" Nooma: Video Teaching For Hungry Hearts

By Amy Mozombite
Guest Writer

So, there’s this guy Rob Bell whom I had never met nor heard of until about two months ago. My husband, having attended his first Promise Keepers event, purchased a DVD with Bell’s name on the cover entitled “Dust.” The evening of his return, in his exuberance for me to view this work, and despite the fact I pressed him to wait because I was too tired and all that, I ended up watching.

I started off absent-mindedly staring like you might a sitcom, but after only the initial comments, I was enthralled. I fully engaged in all that Rob shared.

He must have had a call to take this production company, Nooma, and make videos with a deep message in a new way that would speak to the hearts of those watching. He must have envisioned that simple scenes with effectual lighting could produce the desired effects to wrap his words around -- that watching a mundane activity like a walk around a lake or the planting of trees and just chatting while attending to these pursuits would be enough. And it is.

Bell builds a visual metaphor in his videos, taking something simple like a neighbor shoveling his driveway to connect the viewer to the one word theme from its title. As the closing comes around, you are left with some questions, challenges really, and a last look at the circle to which the visual has brought you. Not only is this a springboard for profound discussion, but it is also a reminder to those of us already walking to continue to be with God and really delve into this life in Christ.

This is not fluff. You end your time having learned something about biblical culture or the Hebrew meaning to the words for which he is speaking.

It fits. He looks like an intellectual having borrowed my Dad’s black frames from his early-married life. Being a cross between Zach Braff from Scrubs and Justin Timberlake from the boy band days, he is not hard to watch and yet not annoyingly handsome making it hard for female viewers to hear the message. His message is worth hearing too, not a three-point sermon or five easy ways to walk with God. The words stimulating, thought provoking, real, convicting and raw come to mind.

Bell's ministry, Nooma, first began releasing videos in November of 2002. They now have 13 DVDs in circulation with the hopes to continue productions -- and not just with the face of Rob Bell. They see great potential for these short videos -- that have already reached 15 million people worldwide -- to continue to bridge the gap between generations as we pursue God together.

The latest video, “Rich,” released this past June and is a good place to start a collection -- as all the proceeds go to charity. This gives the viewer the sense that Rob is not in the money-making-slap-a-Christian-logo-on-it business. Instead, he comes across as sold out, desiring to know God and let him be known as widely as possible.

Would I recommend that you purchase one of the Rob Bell’s films? Well we showed several friends and then my parents the DVD that was brought into our home, It was taken to the mission we are a part of for devotions. My brother is borrowing it to show the seniors at the Christian school where he works. And when we get it back, who knows, but it won’t sit on the shelf for long.

So, buy more then one, give them as gifts, and be certain that you also engage others in the conversation for which I am sure they were intended. Don’t view it like your favorite mindless television show and go on your way afterward. Chew on it, discuss it and see where it takes you.

Order Nooma videos on Shop CBN

Order Rob Bell's Book, Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith on Shop CBN

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Amy Mozombite is a freelance writer from Ohio. She and her husband serve as missionaries. She still has not met Rob Bell, but she now knows that he is the founding Pastor at Mars Hill Bible Church in Grandville, Michigan and is the author of Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith, published in 2005.

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