Daily Devotion - Waiting on God
I knew God could fix everything. He's God! But, He seemed to be asleep at the wheel ... again. Mysteriously, conspicuously absent. Why wasn't He DOING something?!
God, how do You expect people to reach their potential, to make a difference in the world, when we’re so exhausted? I looked up from the crusty snow on my boots and saw the answer.
One of the chief needs in our waiting upon God, one of the deepest secrets of its blessedness and blessing, is a quiet, confident persuasion that it is not in vain; courage to believe that God will hear and help; we are waiting on a God who never could disappoint His people.
By a virtual show of hands, how many of you expected more out of your life last year? Perhaps you prayed, waited, maybe even fasted for some dreams to be met that weren't. So what happened?
Waiting on God can sometimes feel unbearable. Nevertheless, like the cry of a bird perched on an evergreen in the middle of a cemetery, hope truly can rise above confusion and pain.
We must not only think of our waiting upon God, but also of what is more wonderful still, of God’s waiting upon us. The vision of Him waiting on us will give new impulse and inspiration to our waiting upon Him.
We wait to meet the man of our dreams. We wait nine months for our baby to be born. We wait for a job promotion or a pay increase. Waiting is a fact of life on earth. Are you looking at your own life and evaluating how much time you’ve spent waiting?
In these, the last of the last days, God the Father through the ministry of his son Jesus is calling the body of Christ to come to him that we may know him. This inner revelation of the Father given to us by the Holy Spirit shall bring a renewal and Holy fire into the church of Jesus Christ.
If we truly set ourselves to wait upon God, we shall find that it is with Him we are impatient, because He does not at once, or as soon as we could wish, do our bidding.
There is one concept in the Bible that I have struggled with repeatedly over the last four years and that is keeping spiritual things a secret. There are several instances in the Gospels when Jesus commanded witnesses not to tell of His greatness.
We know what to expect as the various seasons and holidays approach. When it comes to the seasons of life, however, we aren’t always as prepared.
“Let none that wait on Thee be ashamed.” Twice in the psalm David speaks of his waiting on God for himself; here he thinks of all who wait on Him. Let this page take the message to all God’s tried and weary ones, that there are more praying for them than they know.