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Daily Devotion

Doubting God

By Diane Markins

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When doing strenuous exercise it is wise to keep your head above your heart so that your brain is getting plenty of oxygen-rich blood flow. I find that principle applies to many other areas of life as well. If we make major decisions primarily guided by our hearts instead of our minds, we may act unwisely.

One exception to this rule is when we talk about faith. The moment I begin to contemplate some of the stories, promises and principles in the Bible from a strictly cerebral perspective doubt begins to creep in. Think about it: water turning into wine, multitudes being fed by a few loaves of bread and a couple of lousy fish, a sea parting so that people can cross without learning the backstroke, little guys killing giants, dead people coming back to life...come on! Sounds like something from a Tolkein novel.

Fortunately God knows of my over-thinking, doubting nature (just as He did of Thomas) and loves me in spite of it. When my mind begins to wander down the path of doubt all it usually takes is to steer my mind toward the opposite. Can I believe Jesus was a liar? Could God not be real or faithful? Is there no plan for my life...everyone's life? When I die is that the end?

Well, when you put it that way the answer is a resounding NO! I simply do not believe we are in the world alone to fend for ourselves and turn into dust at the end. I've experienced too many spectacular, undeniable encounters with my God to stop believing. It has to be one or the other; I either believe or I don't and the answer becomes clear (once again) that I DO. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding,” instructs Proverbs 3:5.

But why is my faith so weak? I'd like to think it's because my mind's so strong, but that's obviously not it. I simply fall into the "What have you done for me lately" camp. I need to be reminded frequently that God is always with me but that I often forget to do my part; seek His face. I go on about my busy life, and then suddenly need comfort, peace, protection or rest and wonder why I'm not getting it.

Matthew 14:31 says, “…You of little faith, why do you doubt?” Even though He’s proven Himself to me time and again, I’m right there in the boat with those thick-headed disciples. My dwindling faith amazes even me sometimes.

Faith needs to be exercised and nurtured in order to gain strength. The sustenance for faith comes in the good times and the busy times, not just in the needy and desperate times.

If you start to doubt God’s love, promises, faithfulness, or even His very existence, try imagining how it would feel to stand firmly claiming those things are false. Can’t do it, can you? So get off the doubting road and get back to the path of believing, then stay put. Time to change up and keep your heart (and spirit) above your head. You may not always be able to see what He’s done for you lately, but what He did once and for all is the undeniable foundation to build lasting faith on.

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Diane Markins writes and speaks in a "high def, life-transforming style" about issues that impact daily living. She is the host of Bold Living radio show, but is also a speaker and writer. She enjoys travel and has been from Mexico to Zimbabwe but always loves coming home to roost in Arizona near her family.

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