The Christian Broadcasting Network


Financing Your Future

By Michelle Wilson
The 700 Club

Partner With CBN

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Partner Profiles

Freedom from Financial Fear

Escaping the Paycheck to Paycheck Life

You Can Love Your Work -In 2001, James and Susan Nichols moved from the plains of Kansas to the majestic mountains of Colorado. It was their “empty nesters” dream. James had a lucrative sales job lined up but had troubles selling in a struggling economy.

“I remember having to sell $10,000 in copiers in an area where there were very cheap motels,” says James. “People were barely able to survive themselves and I had to sell copiers.”

Susan took a job in home health care and sold her art on the side, but their combined income still wasn’t enough. The couple started living on credit and in a few years, they accumulated over $20,000 in debt.
“Socks only cost $4,” says James. “I couldn’t afford it. I had to put it on credit card. Humiliating.”

Susan remembers, “It was very discouraging and you just wonder, ‘how are we going to change this? How are we going to turn things around?’”

Even though times were tough the Nichols tithed faithfully to their local church. They also started watching The 700 Club, where they learned about the law of reciprocity.

“I always watched all the stories of people who gave and-and they were blessed because they did take that step of faith,” says Susan.

“Most people pull back when they’re in a time of crisis, when they’re in time of need,” says James. “At that point in time that’s when we started giving the most.”

So they became CBN partners. Then in March of 2008, James took a step of faith and started his own business as a telecommunications consultant. Almost immediately, he started making a profit!

“I was very fortunate because most people who are in this particular telecommunications business, it takes them about eight months before they really start to uh see money coming in,” says James. “I didn’t have to do that because my first month I had income.”

Before long, James had close to 100 clients. Today, he makes almost double that of his salary from his sales jobs, and the couple has paid off most of their credit card debt. As their income increases, so does their giving.

“The reason why we continued to give more to CBN is because as we give, we get increase,” says James.

“I just think it’s a miracle,” says Susan. “And we want to give and we like to give.  And as we give, we can’t out give God.  We just can’t out give Him.”

Being obedient to God's truth made an incredible difference for James and Susan. They made it possible for God's love to flow through them to others, and they are reaping a blessing for themselves as well. Join James and Susan in partnering with CBN. You will make a difference in lives around the world, through medical missions, food and clothing programs, humanitarian outreaches and so much—all in the name of Jesus. Please join today.

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