The Christian Broadcasting Network

International Outreach

Better Than Boxing A Bully

By Dan Reany
The 700 Club

Partner With CBN

There are people in this world who are crying out to God for help this very minute. You can end hunger and thirst, bring medical and disaster supplies, provide jobs, and give hope to millions of hurting people. When you join, you help preach the Gospel in 147 countries and territories and 65 languages around the world. Do something that will last for eternity.

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Partner Profiles

Freedom from Financial Fear

Escaping the Paycheck to Paycheck Life

You Can Love Your Work —Vasya and Sasha are twins, who struggled all their lives because they have crossed eyes.

“Other kids make fun of us all the time and call us names,” says Vasya. “It’s really hard to go to school.”

“I tried not to pay attention to the bullies when they called me names,” says Sasha. “But when I ignored them, they hit me.”

Simple surgeries would have helped these guys out, but their family couldn't afford it. So Vasya decided to take care of things himself.

“I learned how to box and I exercised every day to get strong,” says Vasya. “I wanted to protect myself and my brother, too.”

But through their church, the boys gave their lives to Christ, and asked God for his protection.

“And I prayed that we would be able to see better,” says Sasha.

One day, CBN learned about the young men and took them to the best eye clinic in the country. We paid for their surgeries and in just two days, the boys were back home.

“I feel like I have a new life,” says Vasya. “I look into the mirror and see myself in a normal way, not two of me. I like it very much that I am like other people now.”

“Thank you so much for giving us these surgeries,” says Sasha.

“You changed our lives,” says Vasya. “Thank you!”

“Thank you,” adds Sasha.

Your compassion has made a difference in the lives of Sasha and Vasya. If you are not a partner, please join with us today. You will touch lives all around the globe with a message of hope and a tangible expression of God’s love–bringing food, water, clothing, medical care, and so much more to those in desperate need. Please join with us today.

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