Tornado Victims Receive a Helping Hand

TUPELO, Miss. – When 84-year-old Ben arrived at his home just minutes after severe weather had passed through, he found three large trees and a telephone pole lying across his driveway and blocking the front of his house.
Unable able to remove any of the debris or even get into his own home, Ben sat in his car, not sure what to do next. A neighbor eventually helped Ben get into his house, but his worries didn’t end there.
In addition to the damage his property suffered, power outages following the storm had caused everything in his refrigerator and freezer to spoil, leaving the elderly gentleman with almost no food.

Soon, a team from CBN's Operation Blessing was in Ben’s community, helping clear debris and repair damaged property.
The team of disaster relief workers and volunteers worked with chainsaws to remove the fallen trees from his yard, cleared away the remaining debris and even purchased groceries to restock his food supply.
“I appreciate you all coming today and helping me,” said Ben. “It’s a tremendous privilege to have you come help me when I’m in trouble.”
Operation Blessing’s efforts in Tupelo have brought hope and healing to many of the tornado victims experiencing loss and devastation, helping the ravaged community begin to rebuild and move forward.

You can help by making an online donation toward CBN’s Operation Blessing International’s disaster relief efforts. With your support, we can continue to provide emergency relief and recovery. Please make an online donation today.
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