The Christian Broadcasting Network

Disaster Alert: Preparing for Hurricane Isaac

Critical Relief For Isaac's Flood Victims

By Jody Herrington-Gettys
Operation Blessing International

ST. BERNARD PARISH—Yesterday was packed full of assessment information from people on the ground, “riding out the storm,” and moving CBN’s Operation Blessing disaster relief team into the affected area. At the request of Louisiana’s State Emergency Operations Center, we have moved our mobile kitchen to St. Bernard Parish and will begin serving hot meals to affected residents tonight.

Today we visited Plaquemines as far as safely possible with our partner, Pastor Randy Millet. We are coordinating with him to set up our base of operations for equipment and volunteers in St. Bernard. We also have a semi-truck arriving later today with food, water, diapers, hygiene items and more.

Plaquemines Parish has 12 feet of flooding in some places from a levee breach. It looks a lot like Katrina with boats floating down the street looking for people to rescue. Even as I write this, there are still people stranded.

There is a lot of heartbreak and unbelief that this is really happening again. A lot of the people whose homes are now full of water are the same people who just rebuilt their homes from Katrina. The look of shock, sadness, and sense of being overwhelmed weighs heavy and can literally be seen through their eyes and on their faces.

Yesterday, we met a family who had evacuated to a hotel in Hattiesburg. “It’s tough, because we are the same families that went through this with Katrina and this is the second time we have to experience this,” she told me.

As we continue to assess the damage and identify areas that desperately need our help, please continue to stand with us and pray for the countless families who have been affected.

The people of Louisiana need our prayers.

You can help by making an online donation toward CBN’s Operation Blessing International’s disaster relief efforts. With your support, we can continue to provide emergency relief and recovery. Please make an on-line donation today.


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