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Four Ways Leaders Can Make a Difference Through Social Media December marks the start of the season for giving. As a leader, it’s important to recognize the significance of this time of year and the benefits of integrating a sense of altruism into your message. By advocating generosity of spirit and aligning yourself with charitable associations, you’ll extend the reach and the meaning of your leadership platform. The following are methods to accomplish these goals through the outlet of social media.

Followers on Twitter are always hungry for your next 140 characters—why not make them about the charities that are important to you during this season of giving? Guide your followers to the organizations you support and tweet (and of course, retweet!) news articles related to their causes.

Register a Twitter account»

Generating awareness through YouTube is as easy as clicking play. Issuing a call to action by shooting or compiling your own video (or challenging others to submit their own!) is an effective—and creative—way to promote a cause. Spots can be easily integrated with other social media channels and produce a truly comprehensive campaign.

Create a YouTube account »

Facebook offers a number of ways to raise awareness for charities. Simple actions, like using status updates to share links to websites or news articles, or even changing your profile picture for a period of time, can all aid in generating interest and communicating a relevant message. Becoming a fan of an organization’s page and subscribing to their news feeds are also smart ways to stay informed and share your advocacy with others.

Sign up for Facebook »

Blogs already function as a beneficial platform to share with others what’s on your mind in a valuable, long-content format. Devote a post (or several) to the charities that are important to you. Post pictures chronicling your involvement with the organizations or links to their websites, where readers can find more information. Like YouTube, blogs are also easily integrated with other forms of social media.

Open a WordPress blog »

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