The Christian Broadcasting Network
Amy Grant

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Amy Grant


CBN.comAmy Grant is no stranger to musical success. Since her career began at age 16, she has won multiple Grammy and Gospel Music Association Dove awards, and has sold over 30 million records to date.  Throughout her journey, Grant works hard to incorporate a message of faith into her music and in her everyday life. Her diverse songbook features several hymnals as well as “Age to Age,” the first-ever Christian album to go platinum.

Today, Grant’s thriving career has expanded far beyond the stage. She is a mother of four children and the wife of country music superstar, Vince Gill. They recently received a Grammy nomination for their song, “Threaten Me With Heaven,” a track from his latest album. With Grant’s timeless music and her unwavering faith, it’s clear that the “Queen of Christian Pop” has and will continue to inspire listeners for years to come.

On her relationship with God:
“I have known the love of God and had a relationship with Jesus since I was a young teen, probably younger, but where I really felt the impact of understanding His love. I have certainly done a lot of things poorly, but that doesn’t change His love.”

On incorporating faith into her song, “Arms of Love”:
“…The opening line is ‘Lord, I’m really glad you’re here.’ Of course, the scripture that comes to mind is ‘Behold I stand at the door and knock.’ To me that just paints the picture of, ‘OK, this is the door He’s knocking on. Does He know how messy it is on the inside if I open that door?’ And the answer is ‘yes’.”

On the power of music:
“I feel like songs have the ability to connect us to ourselves and to each other, and to our faith, to the love of Jesus, in a way that conversation doesn’t do. Songs kind of slip in and move you before you realize it.”

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