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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - December 31, 2020


- Well, we wanna take time to answer

some of the email you've sent in.

This first one, Gordon,comes from Jennifer who says,

"When a saved person dies,

are they immediately in heavenin the presence of God?"

- Well, Jennifer, theApostle Paul says that.

He wrote that to be absent from the body

is to be present with the Lord

and so, there's something there.

I mean, your soul andyour spirit are with God,

but there still awaits theresurrection of the body.

So, the new body.

So, when does that happen?

You know you look at, thereare lots of Bible verses

talking about the physical resurrection,

talking about the new bodies we'll have.

Jesus had his immediately

and so, how does that work?

The Bible's actuallynot that clear on that,

but it is very clear tobe absent from the body

is to be present with the Lord.

- Okay, Brian wants to know,

"How can I be sure of my salvation?"

- Well, Brian, that's somethingthe Bible encourages you

to make sure that you aresure and it says work it out.

"Work it out with fear and trembling;

for it is God who works in you

both to will and to dofor His good pleasure."

And so, if you're notsure of your salvation,

please get sure and I've got to ask

some follow-on questions.

What's blocking your surety?

Is there something thatyou've done that you say

God can't forgive this,or I can't forgive this?

And I think a lot of people

hold onto their own guilt and shame

even though Jesus paid the price for it

and God has forgiven you, butyou haven't forgiven yourself.

For those instances I strongly encourage

finding strong spiritualguidance with a pastor.

And you're able to tellthe pastor, in confidence,

what it is that you're holding on to

so that you can receivethe assurance of salvation.

Confess your sins to one another

is something the Bible strongly encourages

so that you can be healed,

so you can be set free from this.

And the amazing thing thathappens when you confess

you find out that well there are others

that have been through this,

and perhaps a pastor can showyou some biblical examples,

and that will bring you peace.

- This is Peggy who says,

"I've been praying forhealing for a long time.

I've lost vision in my eyes;

I'm on dialysis; andmy health is declining.

How can I reach JesusChrist for forgiveness

for what I've done in my life?"

- Well, Peggy, you got twoquestions in one question.

One is about healing, theother one is about forgiveness.

And the Apostle John was clear

that if our consciencecondemn us, that is a problem.

So let's not have a guilty conscience

when we go before God.

And here's the scripture,

"Beloved, if our heartdoes not condemn us,

we have confidence toward God.

And whatever we ask we receive from him,

because we keep his commandments

and do those things thatare pleasing in his sight,"

and what is the commandment,"That we should believe

on the name of his Son Jesus Christ

and love one another."

So Peggy, the issue is, do you believe?

Do you believe in the name of Jesus?

Do you love other people?

If you do those things,then you have the confidence

that you need to go boldlyand ask for healing.


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