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The Global Lane - December 31, 2020

The Global Lane - December 31, 2020 Read Transcript

(dramatic music)

- Today, some of our best segments

from the Global Lane.

Upfront, VE Day.

75 years have now passed,

since the surrender of Nazi Germany

and the end of the SecondWorld War in Europe.

Adolf Hitler murdered six million Jews

and the war, just in Europealone, claimed 20 million lives.

That was double thenumber of European deaths

from World War I.

Here with us to provide someinsights, is Mr. Dean Reuter.

He's a fellow at theNational Security Institute,

at George Mason University'sAntonin Scalia Law School.

Also, general counsel ofthe Federalist Society

for Law and Public Policy

and co-author of the book,

"Hidden Nazi: The Untold Story

of America's Deal with the Devil."

Dean, thank you for being with us.

We'll talk about yourbook in a few minutes,

but 75 years have now passed since VE Day.

So what lasting lessons have we learned

from that devastating conflict?

- Well for me, the biggest lesson is

that the Americans alongwith the Western Allies

can accomplish anything,

which seems like a poignantand relevant message

in today's era, where we're battling

yet another worldwideenemy, the Coronavirus.

This one not manmade,we think at this point,

but there are lots ofsimilarities in contrast,

but I would say the big lesson is,

that good triumphs over evil.

- [Gary] Not many World War II veterans

are still with us now,

so why is it importantfor us to honor them,

those who fought, those who died

and what do you want youngpeople to know about it?

- Well, I do think there's some truth

in the notion that history repeats itself,

especially if we don't learn from it.

It's appalling, we recentlyhad the 75th anniversary

of the liberation of Auschwitz.

It's appalling how people40 years or younger,

don't know what theHolocaust was, by and large.

They certainly don'tknow what Auschwitz is.

That's tragic for the loss itself,

but also for the notion that

bad could arise again,evil could arise again

and we need to be perfectly informed

about what man is capableof doing to fellow man,

not just on a one-on-one basis,

but on an institutional,government-wide basis.

- I know a lot of young people

aren't even aware ofwho fought against whom

in World War II.

"Germany, Japan? When was that?"

But anyway, your bookabout the hidden Nazi,

General Hans Kammler.

Who was he?

Why did the United Statesprotect him after the war?

- Yeah, that's a great question,why they protected him.

He was the most powerfulNazi, as we say in the book,

that you've never heard of.

He was integral to the Holocaust,

meaning the Holocaust couldnot have happened without him.

He was an architect and an engineer.

He helped identify Auschwitzas the main killing camp.

Identified other sites for camps.

Then built them out,designed the gas chambers,

installed the gas chambers and the ovens,

literally made the Holocaust possible.

From there though, he went on to rule

all of Germany's secret weapons.

As we knew Germany wasgoing to lose the war,

in the final year, wewanted those secret weapons.

The Western Allies did, the Americans did,

including the vengeanceweapons, the V1 and V2 rockets.

Indeed, we got the rocket team that made

the supersonic V2 rocket.

Helped put us on the moon,helped us win the Cold War

with the ICBM, but everybody assumes

we just sort of stumbledupon the rocket team,

through good fortune,found them in Germany.

But as we prove in "The Hidden Nazi",

Hans Kammler is the general who delivered

the rocket team to the United States

and changed the course of history.

- Of course, many peopleare horrified by that,

to think that the United Statesprotected such an evil man.

So, is there a dilemma here?

Do we always have to make these choices

between the lesser of two evils, maybe?

- Well Gary, there's certainly a dilemma.

We talk about it at length in the book.

The conclusion I can only come to is that,

it's hard for me to second guess

the decisions made on the ground,

as the war was winding down.

Everybody knew what theNazis had been up to.

Maybe not the extent of it,

but they knew they were evil incarnate.

Yet, everyone knew that the Soviet Union

was going to be the next threat,

a godless existentialthreat to the United States.

Their way of life was incompatible

with that of the United States.

So we began to recruit Nazisas intelligence assets,

but also as technicians and experts,

not just to get them for ourselves,

but to keep them out ofthe hands of the Soviets.

So there's absolutelya moral question there.

The answers don't come easy,

but we pose a lot of those questions

in the book, "The Hidden Nazi."

- Of course, following victory in Europe,

we saw the rise of theCold War, as you mentioned

and finally, in 1989, thefall of the Berlin Wall

and the Soviet Union,

eventually the fall ofcommunism in Eastern Europe.

So right now, like the United States,

we know that Europe is battling

this unseen enemy COVID-19that you mentioned,

but how likely are we to seeanother great war in Europe?

What do you think willhappen, in the years ahead?

- Boy, I hope not.

The leap from World War I to World War II,

in terms of munitions andkilling capacity, was enormous.

The technology, the killing capacity

from World War II to thepresent, is a greater leap still.

So our ability to inflictharm and devastation

on one another, not just on soldiers,

but also on civilian populations,

it has just been dramatically increased.

So that means the stakesare enormously high.

So I don't think it's likely,

but having said that, WorldWar I was thought to be

the last great war of world history

and a mere 20 years later,they're all at it again, so.

- We still have manyenemies out there, don't we?

- We do.

There are a lot of governments that,

I mean, America, God bless America.

It's a freedom-loving,liberty-loving country.

There are a lot of dictators left,

a lot of tyrannical governments,

a lot of fascist,socialist-based governments.

They're not compatiblewith our way of life.

- Not to mention some Islamic ones

that chant, "Death to America!"

Well Dean Reuter of the Federalist Society

and George Mason University

and author of the book,

"The Hidden Nazi: The Untold Story

of America's Deal with the Devil."

Sounds like an excellent book.

Thank you for that.

Thank you for your insights today.

- Great to be with you, Gary.

Thanks for having me on.

(birds chirping)

(water splashing)


(water splashing)

(steam sizzling)


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(dramatic music)

(uplifting music)- Life.

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(uplifting music continues)(whooshing)

(dramatic music)

- [Gary] Replacing America'sJudeo-Christian foundation

with secular religion.

Those efforts may behappening at a record pace,

in the aftermath of theGeorge Floyd incident.

Interviewed recently on the Fox program,

"Life, Liberty and Levin,

U.S. Attorney General William Barr said,

"The left has pulledaway from the umbrella of

classical liberal values,that have undergirded America

and have made a secular religion

out of complete political victory.

- That is essentially their state of grace

in their secular religion.

They want to run people's lives,

so they can design utopia for all of us.

That's what turns them on.

It's the lust for power.

- Barr says that means the left

is not interested indialogue or compromise.

Well here to weigh in with more,

is author, speaker,radio host, Eric Metaxas.

His latest book is,

"If You Can Keep It: The Forgotten Promise

of American Liberty."

Eric, we've seen Antifa leftists

burning flags, Bibles in Portland

and then threatening totear down a 56-foot cross

in Eugene, Oregon.

Churches are burned.

Restrictions againstpeople attending services,

during COVID 19 in California.

Is America for gettinga Judeo-Christian roots?

Why is this happening now?

- America, is generally speaking,

definitely forgetting itsJudeo-Christian roots.

But I just wanna say, I praise the Lord

that these folks are doing these things,

because in the past, they would hide this

and people would think that,

"Well, they just have adifferent point of view."

By coming out of the closet

and doing these brazen, shocking things,

they have really stepped into a realm

where we can all seeprecisely what they stand for.

When you burn a Bible,or burn an American flag,

as they did both in Portland recently,

you have to understand,

this has very littleto do with Christians.

The Bible is the bookthat gave us the West.

Another words, whether you'rean atheist, or an agnostic,

or a Muslim, or a Christian, or a Jew,

if you live in a place likethe United States of America,

it's because people tookideas from the Bible.

These are God's ideas, aboutself-government and liberty,

about having a relationshipwith the creator,

where I govern myself.

That led to freedom and led to

tremendous prosperity,human flourishing, thriving,

the elevation of human dignity.

So this is the sort of thing

that Christians should bethe most alarmed in a sense,

but everyone who has a stake in civility,

everyone who has a stake in

being able to have open debate,

to figure out what'sactually best for everybody.

What's best for the country.

Christendom in Europe, overthe last two millennia,

that's what gave us the possibility

of creating something likethe United States of America.

We used to know that as a people

and even not just Americans used to know,

but everyone in Europe.

I mean Churchill would quote the Bible.

They knew that when they werefighting totalitarianism,

whether it's Hitler or Stalin,

they knew what they were fighting.

They were fighting agodless, tyrannical view,

that sees human beings notcreated in the image of God,

as the Bible declares.

Not created as something

(ringing)that God adores.

But on the contrary,

as something that can beused for anyone's ends,

for the for the state's ends.

You're gonna attack churches.

You're gonna attack Christians.

Hitler did precisely the same thing.

In my book, "Bonhoeffer", Italk about it extensively.

He went after the church, hewas very wise in the beginning.

Very canny, but eventuallythe gloves came off

and you saw the kindsof things in churches,

like Martin Niemoller's church.

The Gestapo would come inthere just to threaten them.

We see that happeningwith certain governors,

in certain states.

We see it happening- Well let's

- in California.- talk about

a couple of those.

Let's talk about a couple ofthose governors in California.

Newsom has restricted gatheringsin homes to less than 10.

Now that's had an impact on life groups,

home Bible meetings.

In China and I've beenthere a number of times,

The Communist Party doesn'tbecome overly concerned

with house meetings, untilthey reach 50 or more.

So this is worse than China.

- Well, listen.- What do you think?

- In the United States of America,

we are being reminded of whatit means to be an American.

Again, forgive me forreferring to my book,

but it's why I wrote mybook, "If You Can Keep It."

I said, "We have forgotten whatit means to be an American.

We've forgotten to see,to recognize overreach.

To recognize when somebody like a governor

like Gavin Newsom doessomething like that,

we should all instantly say,

"That's un-American.

You can't do that in America.

By the way, we won't abide by that.

We are a free people.

If some of us have forgotten,

others of us remember

and we will scream and shout,

until people understand, youdon't do this in America.

You have no right to do this in America.

You have no right to say thatworshiping God is unnecessary,

but casinos are necessary."

That's arbitrary.

It's the kind of thing that you see

in third world dictatorships where,

they persecute whoeverthey wanna persecute.

We're supposed to have justice for all.

We're not supposed to have adouble-tiered justice system.

All of these things are wake-up calls,

mainly for the body of Christ.

- Finally then Eric, what is the solution?

I know Bonhoeffer said,

"Politics are not thetask of a Christian",

yet, he was involved in theresistance against the Nazis.

So that's why he was executed.

Should Christians bemore engaged in politics?

- Christians should bevery engaged in politics.

The idea of making an idol of politics,

that's another story.

But any Christian who says,

"I'm not going to vote,because I can't decide.

Neither of them is perfect enough."

If you don't vote, you, Mr.Christian, Mrs. Christian,

you are on the hook forwhoever gets elected

and whoever doestremendously harmful things.

If you care about the poor,

we are commanded to care for the poor.

Who you elect, or whoyou allow to be elected,

is going to put outpolicies that are either

gonna help people get on their feet,

or are going to harm them

and keep them trapped inperpetual bondage to the state,

which is what the Democratshave done for over 50 years.

So I'm sorry to say, we must get involved.

The only reason we have governors

like Governor Newsom in California,

is because Evangelicals didn't vote.

They're not registered to vote.

They didn't vote.

This is a scandal and anything I can do

to help people see that as bad theology,

that is not biblical theology.

You must get involved.

God calls us to get involved,

if not for our sake, forthe sake of all the others

who are going to be affected

by these horrific,ultimately Marxists policies,

that elevate the state over the individual

and that do not understandwhat American freedom was or is

and certainly don't wantit to continue to be.

- Okay. Eric Metaxas.

Speaker, radio host, author.

Your latest book is,

"If You Can Keep It:

The Forgotten Promiseof American Liberty."

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(uplifting music)- Life.

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(dramatic music)

- The progressive push is onto defund police departments

in some of America's largest cities.

In Minneapolis, the city council says,

it will move to dismantleits police department

and create a new public safety system.

In New York City, MayorBill de Blasio says,

he'll shift police funding to

youth initiatives and social services.

Attorney General William Barr warns,

police defunding will lead tovigilantism and more killings.

Well here with us is Mrs. Alveda King.

She's Evangelist andDirector of Civil Rights

for the Unborn, for Priests for Life.

Mrs. King., Thank youfor being here again.

It's so good to see you.

So what do you think of this whole effort

to defund police in Minneapolis,New York City, elsewhere?

What will it mean, especially for people

living in minority neighborhoods,

already devastated by riots?

- Well, what we mustdo, even with the riots,

with the COVID-19,people not understanding,

"If I should wear a maskand social distance,

but I need to go out and protestand I'll be next to people.

How does that work?"

So we're in the midst ofsome chaos and confusion.

I want to remind people not to be fearful,

not to be tearful, don'tpanic and do prayer instead.

Get the correct information.

Find out, the White House hassome good guidelines there

for the riots and for COVID.

Your governor shouldhave that, your mayors.

So we do that.

Thankfully, the church never closed,

during COVID, nor during the riots.

The church is us.

We are the church.

So there is informationthere on Facebook and Twitter

and that type of thing.

Also, as we worship andread our Bibles and pray,

we can get guidance from heaven, as well.

- That's the best guidance of all.

So, former Vice President Joe Biden

actually agrees withthe President on this.

He says, police should not be defunded.

- What we are having now,

is a situation where violence

and unrest and lawlessness occurs.

So Mr. Biden also understandsthat there must be some order,

so that America can be safe.

He understands that.

The President of the United States

has been saying that all along

and demonstrating bywalking with his Bible,

by inviting people in to pray with him

in the White House, that Godis in control of America,

not the President.

One nation under God, in God we trust.

The President says, "Weall bleed the same."

So I'm glad to knowthat Mr. Biden realizes,

if you take away order,there's going to be a problem.

- I know there are injusticescommitted by police

in non-election years,

but it seems that larger scale protest,

racial divisions are often accentuated,

in election years.

I'm thinking of theRodney King Riots, 1992.

Michael Brown and Ferguson in August 2014.

Then I think there were riots in

Sacramento, Milwaukee andCharlotte, in the summer of 2016.

Election years.

I'm not saying it doesn'thappen in off election years,

but it seems it's accentuated.

So what do you think ofpoliticizing race relations?

- You can observe two things,

during election years.

The gas prices go up and go down

and they manipulate thosepolitically, believe it or not.

Also, maintaining order is very important,

but if you can do something that shifts

the attention to the peopleout of order into chaos,

during an election season,

then the people are more vulnerable.

Then it becomes a money game,

who has the most money to get out the ads,

to calm the people down.

However, there is a God in heaven,

that is not ruled by human mechanics.

So I just ask people to continue to

seek the Lord, examine your faith.

As these things occur, don't be moved.

Some things we have tojust agree on and vote for.

The sanctity of life fromthe womb to the tomb.

Not just the babies in the womb.

The veterans, the oldpeople, the sick people.

The different minority groups.

People may have money,

but that doesn't meanthat they're not people.

They're still people.

So my uncle Martin Luther King Jr. said,

"When we value the human personality,

we won't kill anybody."

So we need to vote forlife, for stable families,

for safety, security.

For jobs, the opportunityto worship as we choose.

I'll even say not worship as we choose.

We can't force people to worship,

but we should not demandthat people not worship.

That's the differencethat we sometimes miss.

- I saw a meme on socialmedia the other day.

It was a photo of actor Denzel Washington.

Had a quote in it.

I'm assuming it was from him.

It was about eliminating racism.

It said, "An innocent man wasmurdered by a corrupt cop."

He struck out the words black and white.

So what needs to be done now

to make more progress againstracism in the United States?

- Well my uncle MartinLuther King Jr. also said,

"We may have come over on different ships,

but we're in the same boat now."

So many of us are at leastdescended from immigrants.

The Europeans coming out of Europe.

Some were indentured slaves or servants,

or that type of thing,or trying to run from

some legal matters and all of that,

were either shipped here, or came here.

In Africa, our own Africanbrothers and sisters,

sold us to white slavemerchants and mercenaries.

So they did that together.

We all get here in America andthere's already a family here

called Native Americans.

They were mistreated sometimes, as well.

So here we have a human condition,

where we all need to recognize,

regardless of skin color.

See skin color.

we can see, God is creative.

We have colors in our skins, our clothes,

flowers, everything has color,

but we're not supposed to fight over it.

So we are not color blind.

We can see.

But we have to see each otheras brothers and sisters.

Acts 17:26 says, "Godcreated us of one blood."

- One race, the human race.

Mrs. Alveda King.

Evangelist and Director ofCivil Rights for the Unborn,

for Priests for Life.

Always good to talk to you.

Thank you for your time and your insights.




(motor whirring)

(paper ripping)

- [Narrator] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.

Get your free DVD or booklet of,

"Protect your Sleep!", today.

(upbeat music)- I'm Efrem Graham

and this is Studio 5.

Cruise with me, as I discover

the good things happening in the world of

music, sports, television and movies.

- The fact that Ryan Coogler

was gonna be directing the film,

I knew that somethingspecial was gonna happen.

(upbeat music continues)- We'll chat with artists

at the forefront of entertainment

(engine whirring)and explore

the connection betweenpopular culture and faith.

- I asked my pastor, I said,

"Well, does that mean I'msupposed to be a preacher?"

He says, "Well no, youalready have a pulpit."

(engine whirring)- Watch Studio 5,

Wednesday night at 9:30.

(uplifting music)- Remember for a moment

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You saw a world full ofendless possibilities.

What stories will the world's

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There's is a world ofendless possibilities.

They are looking for a story to believe.

We will tell them that story.

Will you join us?

(uplifting music continues)


(children laughing)

(dramatic music)

- A cult of death anddestruction is rising,

from the far reaches of the world,

to right here in the USA.

- [Crowd] Death to America!

- [Woman] Death to America!

- Death to America, death topolice, death to the unborn.

Disregard for human life,metastasizes like cancer.

It begins with children in the womb,

then spreads to children outside the womb.

Children are traded like property,

enslaved and or sexually abused.

You see, if you don't protect the unborn

and value the sanctity of life,

then all lives are no longer relevant.

Life is cheapened.

It's an attitude of no lives matter

and eventually evolves into disregard,

for the lives of the elderly.

How many of them needlesslyperished from COVID-19,

in New York and New Jerseynursing homes and elsewhere?

Celebrating life, honoring God

and treating all lives as sacred,

is the key to creating a morevirtuous and just America.

Well, that's it today,from The Global Lane.

(dramatic music)Be sure to follow us

on Facebook, iTunes, SoundCloud,

YouTube, Parlor and Twitter.

Until next time, be blessed.

(dramatic music continues)



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