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The 700 Club - October 7, 2020

It’s a special edition of “Your Questions / Honest Answers” on today’s 700 Club. What is the purpose of life? Could my son be possessed by a demon? Why doesn’t the Bible mention dinosaurs? How can we get to heaven – and what will ... ... Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Wendy] Coming up, getready for a special edition

of Your Questions, Honest Answers

featuring your voicemails.

Hear Pat weigh in on issues such as,

"What is the purpose of life?

"Could my son be possessed by a demon?"

"Why doesn't the Bible mention dinosaurs?"

Plus many more on today's "The 700 Club."

(air whooshes)

(triumphant orchestral music)

- Welcome, folks, tothis very special edition

of "The 700 Club."

The people of America aregoing to be actually recording

their calls, voicemailcalls, on this program,

so you'll know what's onthe heart of our audience,

and you don't want to miss it.

Wendy's here with us. We'regonna have a great time.

But first, in the news, didthe CIA create the Russia hoax

in order to help HillaryClinton defeat Donald Trump?

Classified documentsare ready to come out.

Here's John Jessup with that story.

(air whooshes)

- Declassified material is shedding light

on President Obama's knowledge

of a reported HillaryClinton campaign plan

to link Russian interferenceto the Trump campaign.

Notes from a 2016 White House briefing

from former CIA Director John Brennan

state that Clintonallegedly approved, quote,

"a proposal from one ofher foreign policy advisers

to vilify Donald Trumpby stirring up scandal,

claiming interference by theRussian security service."

Handwritten notations list POTUSamong those in the meeting.

That document among others released

by Director of NationalIntelligence John Ratcliffe Tuesday.

President Trump tweetedthat he has authorized

the declassification of all documents

related to the investigationof Russian interference

in the 2016 election.

Well, overnight, President Trump calling

on the House and Senate to pass

several coronavirus stimulus measures,

tweeting Congress shouldapprove $25 billion

for the airlines and another $135 billion

for small businesses.

That in addition to $1,200checks for the American people.

This after he broke offtalks with House Leader

Nancy Pelosi earlier in the day,

stating that negotiations would not begin

until after the election.

That sparked a drop in the market,

the Dow losing 600 pointsand closing 376 points lower.

Prior to all of the drama,Fed Chairman Jerome Powell

said more stimulus is neededto prop up the economy

and prevent a recession.

(air whooshes)

- Too little support wouldlead to a weak recovery,

creating unnecessary hardshipfor households and businesses.

Over time, household insolvencies

and business bankruptcies would rise,

harming the productivecapacity of the economy

and holding back wage growth.

- Now, Powell acknowledgedthat the federal budget

has been on an unstablepath for some time,

and that the debt needs to bebrought under control, Pat,

though he right now says,quote, "This is not the time

to give priority to those concerns."

- Well, it's just beenamazing that the Democrats

have been holding thingsup, and Trump is sick of it,

and so they kind ofplayed a game of chicken,

and when he made the announcement,

"I'm breaking off negotiations,"it didn't play well,

and so he's reversed course.

He said that he thinks in the CARES Act

there is some money and hewants to get the money out,

so he's calling on Congress to do it,

and it looks like theycould, at this point,

he's got the high handand it was a smart move.

Listen, there's some tragedy coming up,

though, down in the UnitedStates as we are facing

a category four hurricane.

John has that.

- That's right, Pat.

Mexico's Yucatan Peninsulawoke up to the crashing waves

of Hurricane Delta poundingits coast this morning.

The category four storm taking aim

at the popular resort townsof Cancun and Cozumel,

dumping heavy rains and bringing

a potential 13-foot tidal surge.

The storm expected to turn north

over the Gulf of Mexico,hopefully weakening,

Pat, before hitting the centralGulf Coast later this week.

- There are states ofemergency in Mississippi,

Louisiana, and that whole Gulf Coast.

I was there shortly after Katrina,

and the devastation is beyond belief.

So we all need to pray for people,

and I would urge anybody in that area,

listen to those warnings and get out

while the getting is good.


- Well, up next, you called,and Pat's about to answer

your voicemail questions.

A special edition of YourQuestions, Honest Answers

is coming up.

(inspiring music)

All right, welcome back.

We have got some callsfrom all over the country.

We're gonna start with this one.

Our first caller is Ericfrom Armiger-Gibson Island,


Go ahead, Eric.

- [Eric] I'd like to know why the Bible

don't mention anything about dinosaurs

when there has been a lotof proof about dinosaurs.

Could you please answer us regarding this?

- There was an impact ora asteroid hit the earth

about maybe 30 to 60 million years ago,

and that is what wiped out the dinosaurs.

So when the covenant people came on earth,

it was not more than 50,000 years ago,

maybe even less than that, maybe,

and so there were no dinosaurs.

And they had certain mammalsthat were living then,

and we have about lions andtigers and things like that,

and foxes and so forth, butyou don't have dinosaurs.

They were all dead, all wiped out,

and that's why the Bibledoesn't mention 'em,

because they weren't there, all right?

- Can you imagine?

It'd be like living in "Jurassic Park."

- (laughs) Well, theyfound what they call Sue

that was one of thosebig ones out in Montana.

There's apparently a lotof them in North America.

And so, there's no questionabout the skeletons

of the dinosaurs, but we'relooking at an incredible time

in the history of when itwas hit by an asteroid,

and it just wiped out all that life.

I mean, they just wiped 'em out.

- Because it was so farbefore Adam and Eve.

- The Bible time is,at best, 10,000 years,

okay?- Okay, here's a question

from Lillian fromAsheboro, North Carolina.

- [Lillian] I'd like toask the question, when we

go to heaven, I hear thatwe're gonna be like the angels.

What does that mean?

Are we going to rememberwho we were on earth,

or are we gonna be entirely different?

- I think we would remember.

There's a story about theguy who, the wealthy man

and his servant, and whenthey were at Abraham's bosom,

"I've got people down there on earth."

I think we will know who we were,

but the big thing is we'renot gonna have sorrow.

There'll be no sorrow, notears, no anguish in heaven.

We'll be so overwhelmedby the glory of the Lord.

But I think, without question,we'll know who we are.

There's no doubt about it, all right?

- All right, here's one from Joyce,

and she's from Atlanta, Georgia.

- [Joyce] I want toknow, when Adam and Eve

were in the garden anda serpent spoke to them,

it wasn't a real serpent, I don't think.

I want to know what you think, Pat.

Did someone just call it a serpent?

It was a voice coming from God, probably.

Is that how you feel? That's how I feel.

- I think, you know, Satan has always

identified as a serpent.

But I think there was a serpent there,

but the serpent waspossessed by the devil.

It was the devil speaking.

But this serpent apparently could talk,

and so it must've been a demonic spirit,

a satanic spirit inside of that snake.

- Interesting. All right, here's Dan

from Van Nuys, California.

- [Dan] I have a family memberwho is severely mentally ill

and homeless, and she hascaused so much destruction

in our family, and I'mwondering where in the Bible

can we go to a verse todeal with mental illness.

Do people who are mentallyill, are they sinning?

Will they go to hell?Is it a demonic thing?

Because the only time I read

about Jesus healing someone like that,

they're usually demon-possessed.

- You know, there was that manthat had a legion of demons,

he had 10,000 of them or 5,000 of them,

and they recognized Jesusand he cast them out.

And they gave him a prayer request,

"Please don't send us tohell before the time."

And Jesus said, "Okay, you can go get

in those pigs over there."

So they ran into thepigs and they went crazy.

But is that the question? I mean...

- Does the Bible talkanywhere about people

that are mentally ill, and how can he help

his sister who's on the streets?

- The Lord knew the differencebetween mental illness

and demon possession, sowhen there was demons,

He cast out demons, fromsomebody who was mentally ill,

He dealt with mental illness.

The Bible doesn't discussthat a great deal.

You can't find too much about it.

But there's no question that Jesus healed

every sickness and everydisease that was there.

And the thing is, He knewwhat the problem was.

He knew when it was sin.

He knew when it was guilt.

He knew when it was demonic.

He knew when it was something else.

- [Wendy] Right.

- And so when we deal with that, we've got

to have some kind of discernment.

I've had people, I've got one,

there's a story in mybook about these women

that thought was somewoman was demon-possessed,

and they said, "Will you go and cast

the demon out of the poor woman?"

When we got into more details,

it turned out that shehad an impotent husband

and then she was justterribly upset about it.

and it had nothing todo with demonic spirits.

The Lord had discernmentwhen He dealt with it,

and we need the same thing,

all right?- Amen.

Here's Gladys from Tampa, Florida.

- [Gladys] My question is, did Paul

write the book of Hebrews?

If not, do you know whowrote the book of Hebrews?

- Good question.

I don't believe Paul was the author

of the book of Hebrews,and so they thought,

possibly, it was Paul's.

But the authorship is not asclear as it ought to be, and...

Was it Paul, or was it somebodyelse that wrote that book?

But I do not believe it waswritten by the Apostle Paul,

'cause he identified his pretty clearly,

and the Greek is a littledifferent in Hebrews

than it is in the lettersof the Apostle Paul.

But it doesn't have a author given to it,

and I don't think it was possibly Peter

or anybody like that.

- That's interesting.

I mean, it's such a great bookand has all the faith verses.

- Oh, it's magnificent, absolutely.

(laughing) But I don'tthink it was Paul, okay?

- Here's Diana from St. Charles, Missouri.

- [Diana] We have a local minister

that I enjoyed watchingonline until the other day,

when I heard him saythat you must be filled

with the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues

in order to go to heaven when Gabriel

blows his trumpet the first time.

Otherwise, if you do not speak in tongues,

you'll be left here for tribulation.

And I found that disturbing, and I wanted

to know your thought on that.

- Diana, that's absolute nonsense

that that preacher is talking about.

I'm sorry, I hate to criticizesomebody in the cloth,

but this stuff, there's nothingin the Bible about that.

Paul said, "I went outto preach the Gospel,

and that's what saves you, it's by faith."

And later on, on the day of Pentecost,

the Apostles were baptizedin the Holy Spirit.

There's the indwelling Spirit

that reproduces the life of Jesus,

and it's what brings us into salvation.

"Nobody can say that Jesus is Lord,

except by the Holy Spirit."

But the power of God, the anointing of God

to do miracles, is what comes

from the baptism of the Spirit.

But to say that you'vegot to have that power

in order to go to heaven, it'sjust not biblically correct.

- It's crazy that people will get on TV

and say stuff like that.

(giggles)- Oh, well, that's...

(chuckling) But maybethey get paid to do that.

I hope not.

- All right, here's one from Annie,

and she's from Newark, New Jersey.

- [Annie] I'm calling to ask the question,

why do you call your show "The 700 Club"?

I love the name, I'm curious about it,

and I just wanted to know,what does the 700 stand for?

- (laughs) That's great.

You know, in the earlydays, I began to figure,

we were living by faith,and I began to figure,

if we ran this ministry, howmuch money would we need?

Well, we needed $7,000 amonth to make the budget.

And so I said, "Okay,if we have 700 people

who will give $10 apiece,then we'll have our budget."

- [Wendy] And this wasback in the early '60s.

- It was the early '60s.

We just started, wewent on the air in '61,

and this was in '62 or'63, something like that.

And so, 700 was the number, and of course,

in those days they had 007,

and it was kind of a mod thing to do,

so we called it "The 700 Club."

And then first, we went onthe air and asked for help,

and we got about 330, $10 a month,

so we couldn't call it(laughing) "The 330 Club."

- (laughing) No, doesn'tsound nearly as good.

- Finally, when we hada great move of God,

we got way over that,and so it exceeded that,

but we continued with the name "The 700"

because we figured it sounded pretty good.

- Did you ever think about changing

the name over the years at all?

- [Pat] No.

- That's amazing.

- Now, in Latin America,(speaking in foreign language)

doesn't sound too good,so our man down there,

Sixto Lopez, said, "Wecan't use '700 Club.'"

I said, "What do you want to call it?"

He said, "Let's call it(speaking in foreign language)."

I said, "Well, thatsounds pretty good to me."

"Moments of Joy and Praise."

- Okay!

- So instead, in Latin America,

it's (speaking in foreignlanguage), not "700 Club," okay?

- (giggles) Great question.

All right, here's another one from Iren.

She's from Parkville, Maryland.

- [Iren] A friend ofmine is a Jehovah Witness

and she says that we only havea body, we don't have a soul.

And she said there's nowhere in the Bible

that says we have a soul.

So is there anywhere in the Bible

that says we do have a body and soul?

- Well, certainly. TheBible talks about dividing

from the soul and body.

It's clearly in the Bible thatwe have a three-part being.

We have a body, which is the soma,

we have the spirit, which is the pneuma,

and we have this soul,which is the psyche,

and you put togetherthe body and the spirit

and you get the soul.

And the body talks about "dividing asunder

between the body and soul."

It is clearly in the Bible.

So Jehovah's Witnesses, theyfelt they were the 144,000.

I mean, they're just seriously in error,

and I mean, I wouldn'tpay attention to them,

okay?- Amen, great stuff, Pat.

Well, coming up, we've got round two

of our special voicemail edition

of Your Questions,Honest Answers from Pat,

so don't go away, we'll be right back.

(inspiring music)

(air whooshes)(urgent music)

- And welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN Newsbreak.

Joe Biden says he'll make Roev. Wade the law of the land

if the Supreme Court overturns it.

At this week's town hall in Miami,

the Democratic presidential nominee vowed

to pass a nationwide law tomake abortion rights permanent.

The nomination of Amy ConeyBarrett to the Supreme Court

is causing concerns that conservatives

will revoke the 1973 ruling.

President Trump tweeted in response,

"Joe Biden just took amore liberal position

on Roe v. Wade than ElizabethWarren at her highest,"

end quote.

The White House hasblocked new FDA guidelines

on bringing potential vaccinesfor COVID-19 to market.

The guidelines could halt the approval

of any vaccines beforethe November 3rd election.

The FDA planned torequire trial participants

to be monitored for twomonths for side effects

and to see how long a vaccine works.

The agency says companiesare aware of the standards

and are still expected to comply with them

despite the move by the White House.

Well, you can always getthe latest from CBN News

by going to our website at

Pat and Wendy will be back with more

of "The 700 Club" right after this.

(air whooshes)(urgent music)

"The name of the Lord is a strong tower.

You can run into it and be safe."

And as you just saw, thereare so many names of God.

And it's all in here,Gordon's new teaching

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You know, it's so much fun.

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And I just wanna encourageyou to know that joy today,

to know, even if maybe youcan't give $20 a month,

which is just 65 cents a day.

Maybe you can do more, maybeyou can do $40 a month.

Whatever you can give, just experience,

I want you to experiencethe joy of giving.

You cannot outgive God, I promise you.

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So please go to your phones right now,

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If you don't wanna talk to anybody,

just go on to your computerand you can give that way.

But I promise you, a blessingis coming if you give.

All right, Pat, are youready for round two?

- All right, let's see it.

- All right, we've got a special edition

of your voicemail calls, and this one

is from Judith, from Davison, Michigan.

Go ahead, Judith.

- [Judith] I have beentithing for a few years now.

I tithe to several differentorganizations and ministries,

but I keep getting morerequests in the mail.

Am I sinning by not givingto all those requests,

because God says, "Be generous"?

- Judith, I think the time has come

to be an intelligent steward.

You need to focus ontwo or three ministries

that you feel are importantand that you want to help,

because if you spread it out,

you give $10 here and $10 thereand $20 to something else,

it really is not gonna have an impact.

But you get besieged.

The mail's full of solicitations,

and you go on televisionand it tears your heart out.

You see some of these little children

and the things thatthey're asking money for,

and you wanna help, but youjust can't give to everything.

So focus your giving.

I think that's theintelligent way to do it.

And God knows your heart, and so,

but God loves a cheerfulgiver, so you wanna be cheerful

and to give is an opportunity,

but you just can't turneverybody that solicits,

because let's face it,there's a direct mail program,

they make money puttingout these enormous numbers

of letters.

- [Wendy] Yeah.

- (chuckling) I mean, they really do.

I mean, it's a business, and so,

you give what God tells you,

but I would focus on two or three,

and your gifts will be muchmore significant for them.

- And of course, CBN is good ground.

(laughs)- (chuckling) Of course.

And Operation Blessing,obviously, but look,

but I don't wanna sound like

I'm just pushing for us, okay.- Exactly, I got you,

all right, I'll pitch it.

All right, well, here's Kim,and she's from Findley, Ohio.

- [Kim] I have a 20-year-old son, Chad,

who deals with anger issues.

He says he has a monster inside him

that he's even drawn pictures of.

I believe his monsteris Satan and his demons.

How can we rescue Chad from his demons

without him knowing what we're doing,

because he'll erupt inanger and start growling?

- I tell you, that one's terrible,

but what does she-

- She has a 20-year-old son, Chad,

who deals with anger issues.

He says he has a monster inside of him,

and the mother believes it's Satan.

"How can we rescue ourson, Chad, from his demons

without him knowing?" because she's afraid

he'll erupt in anger and start growling.

So he's really got something demonic.

- Well, I mean, if youhave something demonic,

you need to tell the demon to shut up.

And you don't wanna take onthat demonic thing by yourself.

Get some people who are Spirit-filled,

and don't listen to somebodyyelling and screaming,

because they'll do that, and the demon

doesn't like to be cast out.

But the name of Jesus,He said, "All authority

in heaven and earth is givenunto Me," all authority.

And He has authority over every devil

that's ever been created,Satan and all of his minions.

But you take authority, but get

some Spirit-filled people with you.

But that demon must give way.

But sure, if your sonstarts growling or fighting,

have somebody hold him, and "Hold still,

in the name of Jesus, I commandyou to come out of him,"

all right?

- Amen, all right.

Here's a question fromDan, from Ionia, Michigan.

- [Dan] So, what is the purpose of life?

You know, Solomon seemed to have said

in Ecclesiastes that it was to obey God,

and that's what gavemeaning to all of life.

What do you think?

- Well, I think theWestminster Confession of Faith

is, "Man's chief aim is to glorify God

and enjoy Him forever."

God made us in Hisimage to give Him praise

and to give Him enjoymentand to enjoy Him,

and I think we weremade in the image of God

so we would know God and love Him.

That's why we're here on earth.

We're here as His, youknow, the Bible talks

about we're witnesses,we're His witnesses.

But man's chief aim isto enjoy, to praise God

and enjoy Him forever and to serve God.

That's why you're here.

And God created you in His image.

I'll tell you what, if youcan think of a contest,

if you will, that's a great God

and an evil force named Satan,

and God put human beingsin the midst of that

to say, "Look, here arepeople made in My image,

and I'm gonna show you thatlove will triumph over evil.

Love'll triumph over evil."

And so the devil has to shout at us,

and God's got His Word to us,

but you're in the middle of it.

And why are you here?

Well, it's a cosmic struggle between God

and evil to show the angelsand the principalities,

that's what the Bible says, it's to show

principalities and powers,all the created beings

throughout all theuniverse, we are Exhibit A,

and that's why you're here.

So if you love God andyou turn in love to Him,

I love this 91st Psalm,"Because he has set

his love upon Me, therefore,I will deliver him,

I will exalt him, I will defend him."

And God will bless you,but put your love upon Him.

That's why you're hereon earth, to love God.

And listen, it's great.

You love God, and all of a sudden,

you see miracles begin to happen.

We're seeing huge, hugelysuccessful miracles

because God's on the throne, okay?

- Amen. God wanted a lot of children-

- Lots of children.- (giggles) And a lot of joy.

Well, He spoke to me, Hesaid, "Heaven is big,"

and I said, "What do you want?

What do you get out of all this?"

And He said, "Well, heaven is big,

and I wanna fill it up with people."

- Yeah, He wants fellowship.

- Fellowship, amen.- Fellowship.

All right, here's Bernadettefrom Toronto, Ontario.

- [Bernadette] Hi, Pat.My name is Bernadette.

I'm calling from Canada.

I have a problem with my head,

and I've been praying and praying

and hoping that God wouldheal me, but so far, nothing.

Can you tell me what I am doingwrong, if I'm praying wrong?

I do believe in God and I believe in you,

so please, Pat, can yougive me an answer to this?

- When the Lord said, "Look,when you stand praying,

if you have ought against any, forgive,

that your Heavenly Fathermight forgive you."

So start out, Bernadette,and ask yourself,

"Is there somebody that I resent?

Is there somebody I'm mad at?

Is there somebody who I've not forgiven?"

That's where you start.

And then you say, "If Iregard iniquity in my heart,

the Lord won't hear me."

So look at your own life.

Are you doing somethingthat you know is wrong?

And you ask yourself,be brutal on yourself,

and say, "What am I doingthat displeases God?"

And then, then having found that,

the answer is then tobelieve what God said,

and He says by His stripes,you already are healed.

You don't have to have healing,

God's already got you healed, and so,

what you need to do isto walk into the healing

that God has already prepared for you.


- All right, great stuff.

Here's Carla Sue from Roanoke, Virginia.

- [Carla Sue] My question for Pat

is what do you do when yourfamily's completely cut you off

and you miss your family very much?

Exactly where do I go in the Bible?

What do I do with my life as a believer?

And what help can He give me?

- I'll tell you what, that's so sad.

You said your family's cut you off.

- [Wendy] We don't know why.

- First of all, I don'tknow why they cut you off.

What have you done, or what did they do?

I mean, have you donesomething really wrong,

or did you steal moneyfrom them or something?

So the Bible says if yourealize, when you stand praying,

if you know that somebodyhas got ought against you,

you go to that one andtry to get it straight.

So, have they got something against you?

Try to figure it out what it is.

I mean, it's strange for a wholefamily to cut somebody off.

- The only thing I'm thinking is that she,

'cause she says, "I'm a believer."

Maybe they are not believers,'cause a lot of times,

families will disown youif you're too religious,

they just don't want you around anymore.

- Absolutely, that's true.

So if that's the problem,well, you just live

for the Lord and pray forthem and get on with life

and find other fellowship,if that's what it is.

I mean, it's one of the other, okay.

- Yeah, you don't wanna be around it.

It's toxic. (claps) Find new friends.

- [Pat] Good word.

- Okay, Ed from Raleigh, North Carolina,

has this question, Pat.

- [Ed] On one of theChristian programs I watch,

the pastor said that when you die

and aren't saved, you go to hell.

He then said, depending on your sins,

that you are only inhell for a certain time,

then no longer exist.

He said, "Why would a person not saved

suffer and spend eternity in hell?"

- Oh, there's no answer,I mean, excuse me,

there's no escape from that bondage.

It's eternal.

It's eternal.

And eternal meanseternity, it means forever.

And when you're in hell,it's forever, it's torment.

Jesus gave the symbol ofGehenna, the place of burning,

and He said it's eternal torment.

So there's not gonna be some reprieve,

that you have a waiting period,

some kind of a intermediate stage

where you get yourself purified

and then you come back again to the life.

It doesn't work that way.

If you're in hell, it's forever,

and that's what is soawful to think about,

that hell is forever.

And so we can't play with it.

Our eternal destiny is soimportant, but it is forever.

And He talked about a place of burning,

a place of remorse, aplace of utter darkness,

a place of isolation and loneliness,

a place of fire and torment.

And hell, I can't express,I don't have enough,

able to articulate how horrible hell is.

So if any of you are watching this program

and you don't know theLord, whatever you do,

whatever happy sin,whatever greed you've got,

or whatever gluttony you've got,

or whatever sexual activity you've got,

that you think is so important,

it can't compare to a lifetimeapart from God Almighty,

all right?

- I pray for so many loved ones, "Lord,

don't let them leave earthuntil their names are written

in the Lamb's book of life."- Yeah, that's true.

- And do you think thoseprayers are powerful,

that God, He wants them to be

in heaven.- Well, you know,

George Muller prayed forsomebody for about 50 years,

and after George Mullerwent to be with the Lord,

this guy finally came to Jesus.

So God does hear your prayer, but He's not

gonna enforce Himself on anybody.

That's the thing you've gotta remember,

all right?- Okay, here's Joyce,

and she's from St. Petersburg, Florida.

- [Joyce] Hi, Pat, this is Joyce.

I just wanted to find out, can you tell me

when Jesus was actually born?

I'm just glad He's here.

I just want to know becauseI heard September 29th

on a show I was watching,so I just basically,

you know, I'm just glad He here.

- Unfortunately, our audiogets muffled. Do you know-

- She wants to know theexact day Jesus was born.

You know, we celebrate His birth

on Christmas, December 25th.

She said she heard it was September 29th.

(Wendy and Pat laugh)

- Listen, we don't know.

First of all, it maywell have been two years

before we celebrated.

We don't have the appropriate records.

We really don't know.

And the shepherds wereabiding in the field,

which meant that it was probably warm.

They weren't sleeping outside in the snow.

- [Wendy] Right.

- So it wasn't necessarily December.

I mean, all those things.

- 'Cause it can snowin Israel in December.

- Well, yeah, it getsplenty cold out there,

and so, but they've had snow,

but shepherds were abiding,and they keep in the fields

keeping watch over their flocks by night.

But the angel of the Lord came,

but was it 2 B.C. when He was born?

We don't really know!

- And if it was important, God would

have told us.- Of course He would.

I mean, the big thing is Hesent His Son to die for us.

He came to bear our sins andHe rose again from the dead,

and He's gonna come back again.

(laughing) That's the big deal.

But the precise date, we're not sure.

As I said, some people evensay it could be 2 B.C.,

they don't know, I mean, 2 or 3,

but we've had all kinds ofcalendars along the way.

But in terms of Christmas, all this,

well, I won't get into that.- Guess what?

We're not that far from Christmas.

(Wendy and Pat laugh)

Yeah, yeah, breaking news.

- [Pat] All right.

- Well, still ahead, we have got more

of your very interestingvoicemail questions.

Round three of the special edition,

Your Questions, Honest Answers coming up.

(inspiring music)

Welcome back to "The 700Club" and our special edition

of your voicemail questionsfrom all over the country

and Pat's amazing answers.

Well, (claps) we are gonna start

this third segment with Bob.

He's from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,

one of my favorite cities.

Here's Bob.

- [Bob] I would like to knowwho Cain and Abel married,

and where did all the otherraces of the world come from?

- [Wendy] That's a good question.

- Hey, Bob, that's a great question.

People wonder, Cain slew Abel.

The only thing I canfigure, in those days,

they didn't have laws against incest,

and I think it had to be that Adam and Eve

had a couple of daughters andthey married their daughters.

You know, Lot married his daughters,

who had sex with himand they had children.

So I think that's all I can figure.

And then, you know, it's amazing

how the multiplication takes place,

but two then becomes four,then becomes six, becomes...

You know, I have got fourchildren, I have 14 grandchildren,

I now have 18 going on19 great-grandchildren.

And then the grandchildrenand great-grandchildren

get married, and the next thing you know,

my family is gonnaspread out into hundreds,

and that's what it (laughs) does.

So that's where all the races came from,

out of one family, fromone came many, all right?

- You have been fruitful

and multiplied.(Pat chuckles)

- Well, that's what I'm supposed to do.

Still bearing fruit in old age, right?

- Yes, indeed.

Elsie from Ossining, New York.

I practiced that city, Ossining.

- [Pat] That's where they have Sing Sing.

- [Elsie] I was wondering why was it

that when Jesus gave thesight to the blind people,

He told them, "Don't tell anybody"?

And of course, everybody wantsto know, why did He do that?

Every time He would heal someone,

He would say, "Don't tell anybody."

But we all wanna know, and aren't we

supposed to tell everybody?

- Well, I think we'resupposed to be witnesses

and tell everybody, but look, what Jesus

was trying to keep them from doing,

they wanted to make Him king.

They wanted to lift Him upand be an earthly ruler.

And remember, when He multipliedthe loaves and the fishes,

and then said, "You came to Mebecause you wanted more food.

You didn't come for spiritual reasons."

And I think the samething is He he didn't want

people running around,saying, "Well, He's the healer

over there, He's thehealer," and everybody

pointing to Him and thentrying to make him king

or to make him some special thing

beyond what He wantedto be, because he knew,

sooner or later, that he was gonna have

to face the cross, and thecross is what was needed

to liberate us from sin.

Like, one died for oursins, and all were in sin,

and God delivered us all.

But that's why He didn'twant the word going around,

because the crowds werebig enough as it was.

He hardly had time toeat, He was so besieged

with people who were trying to get healed.

They didn't have anymedicine in those days,

remember, they don't havethese marvelous doctors

and medical teams, theyhad no decent medicine,

and so people were sick, they had blind,

they were crippled, they were paralyzed,

and the fact that there was a guy

who could heal people was just incredible.

So they would mob Him,and He didn't want that.

All right.

- Amen. All right, Lydia fromFlorida has this question.

- [Lydia] My child is currently doing

the virtual school, andI've gotten a glimpse

of what goes on in the classroom every day

when he is in the brick andmortar, if that would be it.

They have a programcalled the Calm Classroom,

and I researched it, andit's breathing techniques

based on meditation, so I toldmy child not to participate

during that time becauseof the meditation.

But what is your take on it?

- I couldn't understand anything she-

- Well, she's concerned 'cause her child

is doing online virtualschooling and they have a period,

they have a breathing, Calm Classroom,

which is a breathingtechnique based on meditation

is part of the curriculum,and so, she's told her son

not to participate inthat, and she wants to know

if she should be concerned about that.

- It depends.

You know, they used tohave all those exercises

that you would say a mantra,and you were actually

praying to Hindu gods, andsome of that meditation

comes out of that, andyou would have a mantra

and you would speak those words.

I don't know if a breathingexercise is necessarily demonic.

I don't know enoughabout what they're doing.

- If you're not saying namaste

and you're not reciting anAsian deity or something,

then I guess, if you're justbreathing to learn to relax,

I mean, there's somebenefit to learning how.

- I mean, you breatheand it quiets you down,

and, "Take a deep breath," I mean,

people say that all the time.

"Take a deep breath and count to 10."

I don't know enough aboutit, but it doesn't sound

like that's like those yoga exercises

that you had to have the mantra.

- Maybe just keep an eye on it.

(Pat chuckles)Keep an eye on it

and make sure.- But deep breathing

is not bad.(Wendy laughs)

One of the things that I use sometimes,

you blow all the air out of your lungs,

you can't just keep blowing it out,

and then you take a deepbreath and it throws your lungs

and it's healthy for you or something.

But anyhow, take a deepbreath, that's what the,

you know, before you getmad, take a deep breath.

(chuckles) That's okay.

- (laughing) That's good advice.

All right, here's C.J. from New York City.

- [C.J.] I wanna know,why is it in the Gospels

when they say that thewoman who was washing

Christ's feet with herhair was Mary Magdalene,

when you look in the Gospel of John,

it tells you that she was Mary of Bethany,

who happened to be the sister of Lazarus,

who was raised from the dead.

Could you please tell me this paradox,

and why people think thatit was Mary Magdalene

when it was actually Mary ofBethany, the sister of Lazarus?

- I think there were two Marys.

One is Mary Magdalene,the other's Mary, who is-

- [Wendy] Bethany.

- Of Bethany, and Ithink it's the same name,

but different people, as far as I know.

Okay, okay, that's it.- Yeah, okay.

All right, Tina fromLancaster, Pennsylvania,

has this question for you, Pat.

- [Tina] When we get to heaven and see

that some of our family,maybe our mom or dad

or sister or brother,or friends aren't there,

how will we not cry?

That seems to be a question of mine.

Because it says in the Bible,

there will be no tears in heaven.

- Well, look, God is so powerful.

He lives in unapproachable light.

And when you're in His presence,

everything else fades into insignificance

because you're therein the presence of God,

and your life is filled with joy.

God is love, God is light.He's everything good.

And suddenly the fact thatyou have an earthly person

who doesn't share inheaven, I know that's hard,

but it's not going to be something

that'll be overwhelming in your life.

So there'll be no tears in heaven

because you'll be in thepresence of the Lord, okay?

- Amen. Good answer, Pat.

Nikki from Newport News,Virginia, has this question.

- [Nikki] I'm actually a chaplain, Pat,

and I'm studying grief.

I would love to know howyou've handled grief personally

in your life, and how you'vehelped others handle grief.

- Well, you know, I have grieved,

but I really love the Lord, and I think

what's important to me is Jesus.

I mean, really.

And I've had many, manyfailures, many of them,

and I've had all kinds ofattacks and bad things,

but first of all, you don't hold a grudge,

and I think that's important.

It's gotten, with me, it's almost,

I'm unable to hold a grudge,

(Wendy laughs)because the Lord

has been so good, so I'm focusing on Him,

and why get mad at other people?

I just can't do it, you know?

And so-- Even in traffic,

where people cut you off?

- Oh, that didn't...

(Wendy and Pat chuckle)

That's nothing.

- That's nothing.- (chuckles) Yeah.

They could probably get mad at me,

'cause I don't driveas fast as I once did.

(Wendy and Pat laugh)

All right?

- All right, good stuff.

Here's Mary Ann from Orlando,Florida, with this question.

- [Mary Ann] When we passaway, do we still keep

our names we were born withand we were given at birth?

- Do we still keep the names

we're born with when we get to heaven?

- No, I think we'll have a new name.

You know, there's supposed to be a stone,

and there'll be a new name printed on it,

and the name will describe who you are

and your relationship to the Lord.

Like when you facet a diamond,

you have many, many, many facets,

and each one reflects thelight in a different way.

And so, we will have aname that will describe

how we reflect the light of God.

That's what you're gonna do.

So the fact that...

I mean, why am I called Pat?

Well, it's in my book,but my older brother

was pattin' my little cheekwhen I was a little baby,

And that's how they got Pat.

I'm not gonna take that to heaven!

(Wendy and Pat laugh)

I hope the Lord's got

a (laughs) better name for me.- Better name for you?

- The other one's Marion Gordon,

and I'm not too keen about that either,

but (mumbles).- Pat, let's just

stick with Pat.

(Pat chuckles)I think

it's a good idea to stickwith Pat at this point.

- (laughs) All right.

- Alrighty, well, here's Bernadette

from Sharon, Pennsylvania.

A lot of Pennsylvania people today.

- [Bernadette] My question is,

someone who's never heard about God,

or even like a littlechild, as they're starting

from birth to grow up, how do you begin

to teach them about God?

Like, where did God come from?

How do you describe God?

- Little children, they can understand,

they can understand love, you know,

but a child normally willassociate God with their parents,

they'll associate God with their father.

And so, hopefully you'vegot a good father.

But you can tell them, "Look,there's somebody beyond here

who is all-loving and who loves you."

Look, a little child willunderstand about Jesus

a whole lot better than you can think.

Because Jesus said,"Suffer the little children

to come unto Me, for suchis the kingdom of God."

And he said, "Their angels always behold

the face of My Father in heaven."

So little kids have gottenan insight into heaven

maybe you and I don't have, all right?

- "Out of the mouth of babes."

- "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings

thou has perfected praise."

That's exactly right, okay.

- Here's a caller fromSparks Glencoe, Maryland.

- [Caller] Whenever I pray or even mention

the name of Lord Jesus Christ, I weep.

This is very embarrassingif I happen to be in church,

but it just happens.

If you could tell me why and give me

a logical explanation,I would appreciate it.

- You're overwhelmed with love,

and when you think aboutthe goodness of the Lord,

if there's anything thatbrings you to tears,

that would be it.

And godly sorrow, the Bible says,

is the work of righteousness.

But I don't think you're insorrow, you just love the Lord.

And the fact that you'rethinking about His goodness,

that just shows you'regetting close to Him.

That's good! (laughs) I mean-

- I wouldn't be embarrassed.

- Not at all in this world.

- I have friends that when they pray,

they often cry during the prayer.

- Well, it's becauseof the goodness of God!

I mean, you love Him somuch and it's so wonderful

what God has done, andso, of course, you cry.

There's nothing wrongwith that, all right?

- All right, we have a question from Alec.

I'm gonna read it, though.

"How did God make you and'The 700 Club' successful?

What are your keys to success, Pat?"

- Well, the key to successis that God showed us

how to do television, and I didn't know.

And when He came in and began to show us,

and one of the things that was important

is we started praying for people

and they started givingus prayer requests,

and then we were getting answers.

So we had an interactiveprogram that God Himself set up

where we were doing one of these telethons

and people began tohave answers to prayer.

And it's because, ofcourse, there's a lot more,

we've studied the thing,and understood that people,

they didn't like music,'cause it divided people,

but they did like news,news, and so we put news on.

We have excellent news, and we have

a very professional staff.

And we keep improving, we don't stop.

We are always doing something different

that makes it better.

But the biggest thing is,people can talk to us,

and we can talk to them, andI think that is the secret,

because, not to mention thefact that it's the power of God

and people sense theanointing of the Holy Spirit.

Well, boy, that's all the time we've got.

This has been a lot of fun.

Thank you so much.

Well, today's Power Minute is from John 1,

(air whooshes)"From the fullness

of His grace, we have all received

one blessing after another."

So for Wendy and all ofus, this is Pat Robertson.

By the way, Dr. Hugh Ross isgonna talk about climate change

with knowledge you havenever heard before,

it will amaze you, as he talksabout the coming new ice age.

You don't want to miss it,it's tomorrow's program.

So for Wendy and all of us, God bless you,

thank you so much for being with us,

and we'll see you tomorrow.


(energetic, inspiring music)


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