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The 700 Club - June 24, 2020

On today’s 700 Club it’s time for “Your Questions” and “Honest Answers” as our popular Q&A format brings your voicemails directly to Pat. Should I donate my body to Science? Is the COIVD plague demonic? Will drunks get to heaven? ... ... Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Announcer] Coming up...

Time for your questionsand honest answers,

featuring your voicemails.

Hear Pat weigh in on topics like,

"Should I donate my body to science?"

"Is the COVID plague demonic?"

"Will drunks get to Heaven?"

And many, many more.

From the political to thesocial to the spiritual,

get an uncensored take on theissues that matter to you.

Get ready for an extended Q & A session.

On today's 700 Club.

(orchestral music)

- Welcome, folks, to thisedition of The 700 Club.

Before we get to your questions,

I want to take a moment to tell you

what we're going to be talkingabout today and tomorrow.

First of all, two shadowy groups

are really pushing the violencethat is racking America.

One has its roots in Nazism.

Came out of the Nazis andit's still active in America.

The other has as its core people

who are Marxists, Leninists, Communists,

who want to destroy America.

Now they are leading the charge

in what's happening to this violence.

So you say, "Who's really behind it?"

Who wants to defund the police?

Who wants to tear down the statues?

Well, groups like Redneck Revolt,

the militant wing of Antifa.

But who is Antifa?

And why do they want todestroy this country?

And what is our Presidentdoing to crack down on them?

That's the first story, andhere's Gary Lane to explain.

- [Gary] An angry mobtries to remove the statue

of President AndrewJackson in Washington, D.C.

Across the country, citiesare buckling to pressure,

and removing statues ofChristopher Columbus.

Now, growing calls forthe removal of this statue

of President Abraham Lincoln,who freed the slaves.

- The left wing mob is tryingto demolish our heritage,

so they can replace it witha new repressive regime,

that they alone control.

- The Department of Justicesays left-wing groups,

including Antifa, are leading instigators

of protest violence.

But who's Antifa?

(protestors chanting)

It's an anti-fascist groupformed originally in Germany

in the 1930s.

They were Stalinists pledgedto combating the Nazis.

Here in America, theseanarchists are based

in the Northwest.

- One of their strengths,that makes them effective,

is they stay in the shadows.

They don't have a regularheadquarters, regular funding.

So it makes it muchharder to trace exactly

what they're doing, andit lets them always claim,

"Oh, well that isn't usand you can't prove it."

- [Gary] According the Scott Walter,

President of the Capital Research Center,

some recruits seekmeaning and significance

by opposing authority.

- Almost anybody in Antifais prepared to be violent.

That's part of the essence of Antifa,

is that you're brave and tough and manly,

and you're ready to be violent.

- [Gary] Antifa's militantwing is called Redneck Revolt.

One of its main goals:

abolish police departments nationwide.

- [Scott] The Redneck Revolt is a group

active in some places,

also goes by the nameThe John Brown Gun Club.

If you know your CivilWar history, of course,

John Brown, shortly before the Civil War,

tried to have a violent revolt.

- [Gary] An undercoverreporter with Project Veritas

recently infiltrated thegroup's North Carolina chapter.

- This particular group sees themselves

as armed revolutionaries.

And they believe in totalabolition of everything,

including the police.

There were multiplechapters of Redneck Revolt

that went to Charlottesvilleand acted as the militia wing

of the anti-fascists movement.

One of their missionsis to arm minorities.

- [Gary] Redneck Revolt invitedthe undercover journalist

to the gun range.

Initially accepted as a member,

her social media activity led the group

to eventually reject her.

- I had Facebook posts in support

of a candidate for sheriff.

And that's where they said to me,

that's where we fundamentally disagree.

We don't believe in reform of any kind.

We believe in completeabolition of the system itself,

including police.

- [Gary] So who fundsAntifa and Redneck Revolt?

Walter says they don'tneed a lot of money.

- How much money does itcost to get a black hoodie,

a black face mask, and acouple of bricks, right?

You don't need multi-milliondollar grants to do that.

- [Gary] But how about othermilitant left-wing groups?

- We can find some placeswhere money like George Soros

will fund something called theAlliance for Global Justice

and that is what's called a pass-through.

It will then pass the moneyon to individual groups

like Refuse Fascism, whichwas an Antifa-style group

that started after Trump was elected.

- [Gary] So what can be done to stop

these violent leftist groups?

President Trump is saidto strengthen a statute

against destroying monumentson federal property,

which could mean up to 10years in prison for violators.

At least in the case of Antifa,

President Trump and U.S.Attorney General William Barr

want them designated as terrorists.

John O'Connor, a formerassistant federal prosecutor

for northern California disagrees.

- You're burning thebarn to roast the pig.

I don't think you need to do it.

I think if they are doing thisin order to take advantage

of some of the anti-terrorist laws,

which are created by statute,

I think you've got to showmore of a foreign nexus.

- And that may be theTrump administration's

biggest challenge incombating leftist violence.

Overseas support may be hard to prove.

For now it seems, these leftist groups,

although inspired by foreignmovements, are homegrown.

They're made in America.

Gary Lane, CBN News.

- Well, tomorrow we're gonnatalk about another one.

What is the group that has organized

something known as Black Lives Matter?

The concept is one thing.

The organization thatstarted it is something else.

And we're gonna show you the leadership

that brought that about.

And it will shock you,on tomorrow's 700 Club.

- Wow.

I think the word "terrorist" is accurate

for what they are doing to our country.

- There's no question.

I said earlier, they wereanti-Nazis coming out of Germany.

But they're radicals.

They want to destroyeverything, defund the police.

But that's only part of it.

This other thing that we're dealing with

that is causing thisradical shift in America,

is again, doesn't come out of the Nazis,

it comes out of the communists.

- Wow.

- And they hate America.

They want to destroy America.

And they've used whatseems to be a noble cause

and they have hijacked itand you've got to understand

what's going on.

We'll show you on this program,

and you probably won'thear it anyplace else,

but you'll hear it tomorrow.

Well, in other news, Dr.Fauci says we're on track

for a coronavirus vaccine by January.

But we're not out of the woods yet.

As states reopen, caseshave been increasing.

John Jessup has more on that.

- That is right, Pat.

The nation's top health experts

testified to Congress, Tuesday,

as COVID-19 hospitalizations are up

in at least 21 states.

But as Caitlin Burke reports,

there's also good newson the vaccine front.

- [Caitlin] A troublingassessment of the state of COVID

here in the U.S.

- We're now seeing adisturbing surge of infections.

- This fall and winteris going to be difficult.

And we need to be prepared for it.

- Across the country,states are seeing spikes

in both hospitalizations andthe rate of positive cases.

Texas and Florida are both seeing surges.

And Arizona seeing arecord number of new cases

ahead of a two-state Trump event.

Still, thousands packedinto a Phoenix megachurch.

Most taking no precautions.

- You know, if a personfeel like they don't need

to wear a mask, I don't thinkthat they should be forced

to wear a mask.

- [Caitlin] America's topinfectious disease doctor

warning that this type of mass gathering

is exactly what people should avoid.

- So, Plan A, don't go in a crowd.

Plan B, if you do, makesure you wear a mask.

- [Caitlin] Dr. Anthony Fauciand other top health experts

testified before Congress Tuesday,

explaining that the next couple of weeks

are going to be critical.

They also addressed thiscontroversial comment

made by the President:

- "When you do testing to that extent,

"you're gonna find more people,

"you're gonna find more cases.

"So I said to my people, slowthe testing down, please."

- [Caitlin] In an exclusive interview

with CBN's David Brody,

President Trump said he neveractually made that order.

- But just to clear up,there wasn't a direct order,

if you will, to staff to stop the testing.

- No, but I think we putourselves at a disadvantage.

- [Caitlin] Members of the taskforce

confirmed that statement.

- None of us have ever beentold to slow down on testing.

That just is a fact.

In fact, we will be doing more testing.

- All of us have been, andcontinue to be committed

to increasing readily,timely access to testing.

- [Caitlin] Fauci did havesome good news for Congress

concerning the status of a vaccine.

- I believe it will be when, and not if,

we get favorable candidateswith good results,

we will be able to make them available

to the American public,

as I said to this committee months ago,

within a year from when we started,

which would put us at theend of this calendar year

and the beginning of 2021.

- One of the most promisingvaccines moves into Phase 3

of study next month.

Fauci says he's cautiously optimistic.

Caitlin Burke, CBN News.

- All right, thank you Caitlin.

Well, can China be heldaccountable for its role

in the COVID-19 pandemic?

The Senate Judiciary Committee considered

that question, Tuesday.

Texas Senator Ted Cruzsays China is liable

for the nearly half a million deaths

and trillions of dollars inlosses caused by the pandemic,

because of its actions early on.

- We know that the communistgovernment of China

actively covered up andsilenced early intervention

to stop this pandemic.

There were heroic Chinese physicians,

whistle-blowers who stoodup and blew the whistle

on this pandemic, who stood up and said,

"This is really dangerous,we need to stop it".

And the Chinese communistgovernment, they came in,

they arrested the whistle-blowers.

They silenced them.

They punished them.

- The state of Mississippihas filed a federal lawsuit

seeking damages from China forexpenses and economic losses.

Well, the Justice Department is moving

to check China's theft of U.S. technology.

As Dale Hurd reports, thecommunist nation's strategic goal

is to supplant America asthe pre-eminent superpower

and to dominate the world.

- [Dale] China loots as much as

a half-trillion dollars worth

of intellectual property fromthe United States each year.

Everything from military secretsto medical breakthroughs.

Some of the Chinese copycats are funny.

But some, like China's ripoffof the state of the art

F-22 Raptor, are deadly serious.

And it's why China is closing the gap

in the technology race.

China's strategy has beento buy, cheat and steal

its way to global dominance.

And so far, it's been working.

A 2019 survey found that onein five North American-based

companies had had theirintellectual property stolen

by China within the last year.

Attorney General WilliamBarr told Fox News

the Chinese espionage inintellectual property theft

has become a fundamentalchallenge to the United States.

- So what's at stake iswhether we can continue to be

the technological leader of the world.

- [Dale] Barr has begun aJustice Department crackdown

on Chinese intelligence gathering

and intellectual property theft.

A top Harvard Universityprofessor was indicted

two weeks ago for lying about his ties

to China's Thousand Talents Plan,

a program that pays America'sbest and brightest minds

to work for China.

- They really arebreaking all kinds of laws

that are on the booksin the United States.

- [Dale] Dr. Robert Farley,at the Patterson School

of Diplomacy and U.S. Army War College,

says previous Americanpresidents were naive

to think free trade would change China.

- It was a really big betthat outreach to China

was gonna change China politically.

And that part of the bet didn't pay off.

- [Dale] But Attorney GeneralBarr says the Chinese looting

of the U.S. couldn't happen

without the heads of corporate America,

who want to do business in China.

- Cause they're willing,ultimately, many of them,

to sacrifice the longtermviability of their companies

for short-term profit,

so they can get their stock options

and move into the Gulf resort.

- [Dale] And after decades of theft,

the Chinese military is nowclose to technological parody

with the United States,

at a time when tensions betweenthe two nations are rising.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- Pat, recent reports showthat China may likely be

among those attempting tohack into American companies

working on a vaccine for COVID-19.

- All that, and more.

China used to be calledthe "Middle Kingdom".

They really were isolated.

They didn't want to gobeyond their borders.

They were perfectly contentto have that huge land mass

and that's what they wanted.

But under Xi, suddenlythe Chinese communists

have become a threat.

They want to not only be equal to America,

they want to supplant Americaeconomically and militarily.

And so, if a company wantsto do business with China,

they must give to Chinatheir intellectual property.

That's where all that trillionsof dollars has come from.

They have to turn over tothem all of their patents

and their devices, togive it to the Chinese.

And then they in turn takethat and use it against us.

We can't have that.

There was a time, thatI thought this would be

the largest Christian nation on earth.

There was a wonderful feelingamong the Chinese Christians,

there was a revival ofChristianity in China.

And they are marvelous people.

But under Xi, there has beena crackdown on Christianity.

They've destroyed churches.

They have moved against those Uighurs,

who are Muslim rather than Christian,

but they've moved againstthem with re-education.

And it is a vicious dictatorship.

And they are our enemiesand they claim to--

Not only are they movingin the South China Sea,

but they want to movehegemony all over Asia.

And we have to stand against it.

We've only got one president now,

who's been willing to do that.

Our prior presidents havethought accommodation with China,

they'll want to get into theWorld Trade Organization,

and they'll be our friends.

But under this particularcommunist leader,

they have become avowedenemies of America.

And they not only want tochallenge us economically,

they want to challenge us militarily.

And there's some thoughtthat they now have weapons

that exceed in theirability that which we have.

And they're going to push us.

And I promise you now,

assuming the President gets re-elected

in this next election,

that he's going to bechallenged by the Chinese

in ways you cannot believe.

And especially it willstart in the China Sea.

They're going to be buildingthose little islands out there.

And then they're going to beclaiming that's part of China.

And they'll be movingtheir forces in there.

And then they'll be challenging Japan.

And then they'll bechallenging Southeast Asia.

And, the question is,do we want to risk war?

And the answer is no, we don't.

But it's going to come about.

So, just mark my word, it'ssomething you really want

to pray about.

Now there's something we'vebeen talking to you about

called the Ring of Fire.

The North American plateof the tectonic plate,

has moved against the Pacific plate,

and all around the Pacific,from Santiago in Chile,

all the way up through Indonesia, Manila

to the Aleutian Islands andSeattle on the West Coast,

and down into Mexico,these plates are shifting.

And it's called the Ring of Fire,

because the Pacific plate

and the various NorthAmerican/South American plates

are moving, tectonically.

Well, John, you've got areport now about a big one

that took place in southern Mexico.

- That is right, Pat.

A powerful earthquake shooksouthern Mexico Tuesday.

The 7.4 temblor hit nearthe resort town of Huatulco.

It was felt hundreds ofmiles away in Mexico City,

sending people running into the streets.

The A.P. is reporting atleast six people have died

in the quake, whichtriggered a tsunami warning

that was later canceled.

Pat, just devastating.

- Well, it's one of those things.

I mean, we're living in interesting times.

When that occurs, they said,

"I pray that you'll livein interesting times."

Well, we're living in them now,

and it's not too pleasant.

Not only is there a plagueof locusts coming across,

now we understand there'sa dust storm coming

out of the Sahara that isthreatening the southern part

of America, and certainly the islands down

in the West Indies.

- Run to the hills.


- I don't know where you run, anymore.

But these are difficult times.

Okay, we've got some fun things now.

I say "fun", but let's hearwhat's going to happen next.

- Yeah, we do.

Up next, you called andPat's about to answer

your voicemail questions.

A special edition of YourQuestions, Honest Answers

is coming up.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- Welcome to our special edition

of Your Questions, HonestAnswers, voicemail edition.

Our first caller is Glendafrom Sterling, Illinois.

- [Glenda On Voicemail] I wasthinking of leaving my body

to science when I pass.

What is your view on this?

- Well, I think it's awonderful thing to do.

I really do.

These bodies of ours, you don't need them.

"Dust you are, dust you will return."

Your spirit will be with the Lord.

And if your organs canhelp keep somebody alive,

they need a new heartor they need a new liver

or whatever they need, kidney.

And your body, you'renot gonna use it anymore.

- Yeah, makes sense.

- It's a noble thing todo, in my opinion, okay?

- Amen.

All right, here's anothercaller from Titusville, Florida.

- [Caller On Voicemail] Hi, Pat.

I'm a single mom.

And my question for you is...

What's the best way for me toparent my eight-year-old son?

- [Wendy] "What is thebest way for me to parent

"my eight-year-old son?"

- To do what?

- "Parent my eight-year-old son".

- I think the biggest thingis to set him an example.

What's the best way to--

You know, one of the things...

I had a birthday some years ago,

and my children were giving sort of a...

And every one of them saidthe thing that stood out

in their minds is when theywoke up in the morning,

they found me on my knees, praying.

- [Wendy] Wow.

- And I had a quiet timein the early morning,

before they got up.

And that stood out as the big thing.

- They saw that, yeah.

- They will look at you and see.

They'll copy that, not whatyou say but what you do.

So, how's the best way to parent?

Set them a good example.

All right?

- Great advice.

All right, here's a question from Dave

and he's from Hollywood, California.

- [Dave On Voicemail] Yes,there are a few of us Christians

actually left out here in Hollywood.

Pat, I've heard youmention a number of times

on The 700 Club that the United States,

vis-a-vis the rest of the world,

is headed for a major economic,

financial meltdown, breakdown.

What are some of the signsthat we should look for

so that we don't lose our money?

Then after we realize and see the signs,

where should we put our money?

Should we find a bank to put the money in?

Should we put it under our mattress?

Where should we put our money, Pat?

- Well, I want to tell you something.

The Bible says, "Neitheryour silver nor your gold

"can save you in the dayof the Lord's wrath."

Seek righteousness and seek humility.

That's what God said.

I'm serious.

Where do you put your money?

The truth is that we are spendingso much money in America.

We're spending trillions of dollars.

And our debts are enormous.

When we lose our reserve currency status--

We are now the reservecurrency of the world,

which means we can print moneyand people have to accept it

as the standard of value.

Once that goes, then ourability to print money loses,

then we're gonna be at the mercyof the people of the world.

We'll be at the mercy ofthe Chinese, the Russians

and whoever.

Where do you put your money?

I tell you, I'm just a great fan, frankly,

of solid corporationsthat pay solid dividends.

You know, you can checkon the balance sheet

of those that have triple A ratings,

and have paid dividends for years.

Go with that.


- All right, good advice.

Here's a caller from Clearwater, Florida.

- [Caller On Voicemail]In I Corinthians 7:29,

it's talking about marriage and it says,

"Those who have wives shouldlive as if they had none."

What does that mean?

- Well, I think whathe's trying to say is--

It don't mean you don'tact like you're married.

You live for the Lord.

And the Bible is telling usthat you put your spouse--

If you get married, you'll putyour spouse ahead of the Lord

and you shouldn't do that.

You should put God first.

Always put God first, then your family.

And then your work, after that.

Not the other way around,

not your work first, thenGod, then your family.


But I think that's what he's trying to say

and I hope he's made it clear.

Act like the Lord is the mostimportant thing in the world.

If you seek the kingdom of Heaven,

all these other thingswill be added unto you.

You'll have all the money,you'll have all the blessing,

you'll have all the power.

But what you need is to seekfirst the Kingdom of God

and His righteousness and theseother things will be added.


- Yeah, that's the scriptureI was thinking about, as well.

(Pat laughing)

Alright, we've got aquestion now from Dorothy,

she's from Houston, Texas.

- [Dorothy On Voicemail] I want to know

why you do not believe inthe pre-tribulation rapture.

All right, love you, bye-bye.

- I tell you, I don't believe in it

because the Bible doesn't teach it.

The Bible says--

You read it carefully, look atthe 24th chapter of Matthew.

"Immediately after thetribulation of those days,

"then shall appear the signof the Son of Man in Heaven.

"He will send his angelsto gather His elect

"from the four corners of the earth."


And the idea of a pre-tribulation rapture

means before there is any trouble,

we're gonna get caughtup to be with the Lord.

And that just isn't theway it's gonna happen.

If you look at Revelation,

"Because you have keptthe word of my patience,

"I therefore will keep youfrom the hour of trial,

"that's going to try the whole earth."

Not catch you out of it,

but keep you in the middle of it.

- How many times inRevelation does it say,

"those who overcome","those who overcome"?

- Exactly.

- You got to overcome something, right?

- But He said, "Youkept, and I will keep you

"from the hour"--

But there's nothing inthe Bible that indicates

that we're gonna get caughtup to be with the Lord

before anything bad happens in the earth.

It's so comforting to think,"Oh, well, I'm pre-trib."

But somebody says pre-trib,mid-trib, aft-trib and pan-trib,

I believe in all.

Okay, go ahead.

(Wendy laughing)

- All right, let's nowgo to Portland, Oregon

for this question.

- [Caller On Voicemail]If you're born again,

and you're intoxicatedwhen the Lord comes back,

will you go to Heaven?

- If you're born again, andyou're a little bit boozed up

when He comes back?

- [Wendy] Will you go to Heaven?

- I think you will (chuckling).

I don't think having a few drinks

is gonna cancel out your Heaven.

But drunkards...

The drunkard will not go.

If you're an alcoholic drunk...

You read what Paul saidabout who will be outside.

And there's certain classifications

that, I think, drunkardsand unbelievers are.

If you're a constant drinker.

You said "are you a littlebuzzed when He comes back?"

Well, that's one thing.

But staying buzzed all the time,

and being dependent on any kind,

whether you're on drugs oralcohol or whatever it is.

You really need to keep your body--

Your body's a temple of the Holy Spirit.

And the Holy Spirit dwells within you.

So honor this temple.

And the Bible says, "Hethat destroys that temple,

"God's going to destroy him."

That's what it says.


- Amen.

All right, here's Kim fromChula Vista, California.

- [Kim On Voicemail] Howdo you hear God's voice,

and how do you know ifGod is talking to you?

- You know, the Biblesays by reason of use

you have your senses exercisedto understand good and evil.

And there's nothing shortof walking with the Lord,

and listening to His voice.

And it takes time.

But, how do you know?

The Bible says, "Be stilland know that I am God."

We're always talking and we'repraying, yakkity-yakkity-yak.

The Bible says, "Be stilland know that I am God."

You've got to be quiet before the Lord,

and say, "Now Lord, please speak to me."

And then let your mind be open

to what He has to say.

And then having senses exercised

that you can discern what's good and evil.

All right?

- Yeah, easier said than done.

It's hard to be just...patientand wait for that word.

- But we're big talkers.

We've gotta talk, talk, talk.

As somebody said, "The Lordgave us one mouth and two ears",

so keep that in mind.

(Wendy laughing)

- That's true.

All right, well comingup, we've got round two

of our special voicemail edition

of Your Questions and Honest Answers.

Don't go away, we'll be right back.

(upbeat music)

- [Announcer] In thistime of global pandemic,

your faith and prayers are needed.

Join CBN and commit to pray for your home,

your nation and the world.

Watch for this mailing.

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to stand and pray each day.

Plus, sign up to receiveencouraging scripture from Pat

by email or text.

Let's Stand And Pray, together.

(orchestral music)

- [Pat] Isaiah 54:13-14:

"All your children shallbe taught by the Lord,

"and great shall be thepeace of your children.

"In righteousness youshall be established;

"You shall be far from oppression,

"for you shall not fear;

"And from terror, for itshall not come near you."

(orchestral music)

(dramatic music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN Newsbreak.

The FBI says the noose found in the garage

of NASCAR driver BubbaWallace had been there since

as early as last October,

and that no one at the time could've known

that Wallace wouldeventually use that garage.

The FBI completed no federalcrime had been committed.

Wallace is the only blackdriver in the series.

NASCAR's president says it will continue

its own investigation into why the rope

was made into a noose.

Well, a combination of groups is opposing

the Mississippi state flag,

which includes a Confederate emblem.

The Mississippi Baptist Convention,

which is majority white,

said lawmakers have a moral obligation

to remove the emblem from the flag

because many people are,quote, "hurt and shamed by it."

Walmart said it willstop displaying the flag

while the state debateswhether to change the design.

And the MississippiLegislative Black Caucus

is also calling for it to be changed,

saying the state shouldhave one unifying flag.

Well, you can always getthe latest from CBN News

by going to our website at

Pat and Wendy will be backwith more of The 700 Club,

right after this.

(dramatic music)

- I just want to add to that,

if you're a CBN partner, thank you.

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We want you to have this.

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and just say, "Yes, I wantto join The 700 Club".

Well, we are gonna get back into round two

of Your Questions,Honest Answers from Pat.

This is our voicemail edition.

And we're starting with B.Gibson from Bellevue, Washington.

- [B. Gibson On Voicemail]This question's for Pat.

Is it okay to getinvolved on online dating

and go to church?

- Is it okay to getinvolved in online dating?

You know, the Bible says...

"Can two walk togetherif they are not agreed?",

and "What fellowshipis Christ with Belial?"

You know, if you're gonna be dating,

you ought to date somebodywho knows the Lord.

I don't know if an online dating service--

You're gonna wind up witha bunch of strangers,

and you don't know whoyou're dealing with.

- There are some Christian sites.

There's Christian Mingle...

- Well, that may help.

- And Christian Cafe.

I think there's a couple others.

But it doesn't mean your...

People can lie.

- If you're lonely andyour looking for something,

maybe this Christian Mingle is the answer.

But, surely there's a church.

Surely, there's a young people's group.

Surely, there's an elderly person's group.

Surely, there are places whereyou can go and meet people

without having to do it online.

But, you know, this is anew world we're living in.


- Ask a friend to set you up,

that's what I did.

- Yeah, exactly.

- And I got the ring.


All right, let's go to Jenniferfrom Flagstaff, Arizona.

- [Jennifer On Voicemail] Welove our son's girlfriend,

and think they might end upeventually getting married.

They each live in separate cities,

though we know they sleep together

when they visit each other.

They're both in their late twenties,

and I didn't feel like I could tell him

how to live in his own house.

However, they may bevisiting us this summer

and I want to know how to explain

that they will need tosleep in separate bedrooms

while in our house.

What Biblical verses can Iuse about pre-marital sex

and respect for our beliefswhen under our roof?

- There are plenty of verses

about what's called fornication.

You know, we have adifferent culture today

than perhaps that'sbeen there for a while,

although in the days of Paul...

You know, in Corinth, they had2,000 prostitutes in Corinth.

Two thousand of them.

And so, Paul said, "Such was some of you".

The whole idea of marital sexual purity

was enunciated very, very clearly.

Now listen, you'reasking me what do you do?

Your son and girlfriendare sleeping together.

So they come into your house.

I think you need to show them,

"Look, I love you, Iwant you to get married,

"I want to help in any wayto foster the relationship,

"but when you're under my roof,

"I'm not gonna let yousleep in the same bedroom."

- Yeah, and just show some respect.

If you know your parents don't...

It seems like the son wouldwant to respect his parents.

- Sons don't feel that way.

And that's just not the way they are.

So, I think you need to seta standard and say, "Look".

But make it clear that you love them,

but "These are my rules, andyou're coming to my house,

"and you're welcome here.

"But this room's for youand this room's for you.

"And you stay apart."

Okay, what's next.- Amen, all right.

Here's a caller fromSisseton, South Dakota.

- [Caller On Voicemail]Why doesn't President Trump

call in all the military(audio break up) to America?

- Why doesn't President Trumpcall in all the military...

- [Off-Camera] Troops.

- Troops.

- I don't quite understand it.

Look, he's the Commander in Chief--

- Oh, to put down the riots.

Why doesn't he call in thetroops to put down the riots?

- It's a state matter andthese are federal troops.

And the federal troops,under our Constitution,

can't go into the states,

unless the state governor calls for it,

and there's an insurrection.

But just the fact that there'ssome people protesting,

he can't do it.

And you know, the right of the citizens

to petition their governmentfor redress of grievances

is built into the Constitution.

So, that's why you don't want presidents

sending the Army into that.

And the Army doesn't want to go, either.

- Yeah, all right.

Here's Denise from Jacksonville, Florida.


- [Denise On Voicemail] My question is,

does it matter the sin of a backslider?

I have a pastor friend who'snow in a same-sex marriage.

Can she be restored to salvation?

- Anybody can be restored to salvation.

But they have to repent.

Repentance, the termin Greek is "metanoia".

I'm going one way andI have an afterthought,

and I now go another way.

If you continue in sin,

you cannot find release.

And you ask, "Can he be redeemed?"

Of course he can.

Can somebody change?

Of course they can.

The whole idea of thegospel is forgiveness.

We believe in forgiveness.

We believe in restoration.

We believe in a new life.

We believe in all these thing.

And the answer is, of coursesomebody can be restored.

So you don't hold against somebody

what they've done in the past.

But if they keep on...

"If anybody's born again,they cannot keep on sinning",

is what the Bible says.

You cannot keep on doing it, all right?

- All right, here is acaller from Atlanta, Georgia.

- [Caller On Voicemail] Hi, Pat.

My question is, if you'rewidowed and if you married again,

will you meet yourfirst husband in Heaven?

And will you meet yoursecond husband in Heaven,

if you're married a secondtime, and he passed also?

How does it work?

Please explain.

- So they asked that question about people

and this one married, andthen the other one married,

and whose wife would it be in Heaven.

And He said, "You don'tunderstand the power of God.

"When you're in Heaven,you're like the angels."

But will you recognize them?

Of course, you will.

I think we'll recognize our loved ones.

But we'll be like angels.

- There's no marriage in Heaven, right?

- Huh?

- There's no marriage in Heaven.

- Well, marriage is for reproduction.

And angels don't reproduce,cause they live forever.

You know, we die and we haveto have children to keep on.

We have reproduction.

Angels don't reproduce, they don't marry.

But the question was,"Do you recognize them?"

Of course, you'll recognize.

There'll be great reunions in Heaven.

Of course we'll know our loved ones.

All right?

- Awesome.

All right, here's Kenneth fromCastro Valley, California.

- [Kenneth On Voicemail] My question is,

why do we have so manydifferent denominations

within the church of Christ?

And does it make a difference?

- You know, Paul saidthat we should be eager

to maintain the unity of the Spirit

until we come into the unity of the faith.

And unfortunately, we have--

Like the little kid saidto the preacher, said,

"Reverend, what abominationdo you belong to?"

(Wendy laughing)

And you know, we have dozens of them.


We haven't come intothe unity of the faith.

Why is all that?

Well, it's self will, it's pride.

This is my deal and I believe this

is more important than anything.

And I believe in the pre-triband I believe in the post-trib

and I believe in the saved by grace,

and I believe in falling andI believe in all this stuff.

But until we come intothe unity of the faith,

we're not there yet.

Why not?

Because we are selfish,sinful human beings

and we're not angels.

I remember Madison said,"If men were angels,

"you wouldn't have anyproblem with government."

But men aren't angels.

- [Wendy] They're not.

- In the church, they'renot angels either, okay?

- Good answer.


Here is Tila from Waxahachie, Texas.

- [Tila On Voicemail] I was wondering,

when is the church gonna bethe church, like in Acts?

Why don't we see miracles and healings

and people raised from the dead,

like in third-world countries?

Why don't we see that here?

- Well, I tell you, we'reseeing it on this program,

all the time.

There's not a day that goesby we aren't seeing miracles.

And we are seeing thousandsand thousands of miracles.

And I believe this is thevisitation of the Holy Spirit

like we've never known, maybe,even in the early church,

there hadn't been anything this extensive.

Because there's so many million people.

But there is a move of God right now.

And you say, "Why isn't it in the church?"

Well, there's a book thatwas shown to me years ago,

called "The Descent of the Dove".

"Descent of the Dove".

And the book premise was, the Dove,

when He came into the middleof somebody's church service,

they had a pre-printed program

of what they were supposed to do.

And so, it's all printed out.

"Today, I'm gonna have a song,

"then I'm gonna have a scripture,

"then I'm gonna have a sermon,

"then I'm gonna have another song,

"then I'm gonna have something else."

And the Holy Spirit comesin and tears all that apart.

And the church says,

"We don't want that, it's too disorderly."

I'm serious.

And so they wanted somethingthat they could control,

instead of God's control.

I think we ought to have itcontrolled by the Holy Spirit.

Let Him take charge and then, wow!

It's marvelous.

But you asked why isn'tthe church doing it?

Well, because thepreacher's got his sermon.

I had a service, a long time ago,

in the Araneta Coliseum in Manila.

And we had about 100 security,

we had the place packed,it was packed with people,

and I prayed all day long,and I had no message.

No message at all, none!

And I was gonna preachto all these people.

It was packed out.

- [Wendy] That's nerve-racking.

- I stood up there andwhat am I gonna say?

And I said, "Why don'twe just praise the Lord?"

And so we started praising God.

And all of a sudden, theHoly Spirit came down.

And people began to be healedall over that audience.

There were thousands of peoplewho were miraculously healed.

It was a tremendous time of miracles.

Because what we did, wedidn't have a program,

we waited on God.

So, you ask "Why don'tthe churches do that?"

Well, the preacher figureshe's paid to preach a sermon,

and you're there to hear it.

- But lucky for you, Hedidn't give you a sermon.


- I'm saying, "God, I'mgoing in front of--"

The place was packedwith all these people.

And we began to praiseGod and miracles came.

That's the way it ought to be.

- [Wendy] That's amazing.

- Well, why don't youdo it in your church?

Well, tell the preacherthat's what you want, okay?

- Amen, I want that.

All right, still ahead,

more of your voicemailquestions, still ahead.

Round three of this special edition

of Your Questions, Honest Answers.

That's coming up.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

Welcome back to this special edition

of Your Questions, Honest Answers.

We're starting withthis voicemail question

from Justin, from Philadelphia.

Go ahead, Justin.

- [Justin On Voicemail] My name is Justin.

I have not talked to my father

in over three and a half years now

because he had said the mostterrible thing to hurt me

and to upset me.

I've forgiven him before, and he's okay,

and then he goes back tothe same things again.

If I don't forgive him,

will God still forgiveme and hear my prayers?

- You know, Justin, youknow what the Bible says.

Jesus said, "When you stand praying,

"if you have ought against any, forgive

"that your HeavenlyFather might forgive you."

And so it's the key to miracles.

If you want miracles in your life,

you have to forgive.

Now, the Bible sayswe're supposed to honor

our mother and father.

And the word in Greekfor "honor" is "tima'o"

which means "give weight" to them.

You've only got one father.

You know, Paul said youmay have many teachers,

but you only have one person who begot you

into the gospel.

You've got one father.

So, why this man is soabusive, why he tears you up.

But I tell you what you ought to do,

you ought to honor him andyou ought to forgive him

and love him.

But when you get in his presence,

just keep your mouth shut.

And don't argue with him.

And don't be offended by what he's saying.

Look, you're a child of God.

And the Lord loves youand He's accepted you.

And you belong to the Heavenly Father.

And your earthly fatheris due a certain respect

but you must forgive him.

Sure, he's hurt you.

Those wounds are terrible.

I remember talking to onekid, and he was so despondent.

And I said, "What's so wrong?"

He said, "I'm no good, I'mnot good for anything."

And I said, "Your father told you that."

And he said, "Yeah."

And I said, "Let me tell you something,

"your old man's wrong."

He said, "He is?"

I said, "Yeah, he's wrong."

You're a child of God.

So, parents can do terriblethings to their children.

But A, don't let it get you,

and B, don't try to answer back,

and just be forgiving andbless those that curse you,

bless those that despitefully use you.

And watch what God will do.

Maybe God will change him.

You hope so.

Pray for him, that one day hemight come to the realization

of who you are and who God is, okay?

- Fantastic.

Great advice, thank you Pat.

All right, here's one from Lou Ann

from Beckley, West Virginia.

- [Lou Ann On Voicemail] I lost my father.

He went to Heaven three years ago.

And I want to know what you would say.

What is he doing in Heaven?

- What is he doing in Heaven?

- What is he doing inHeaven, she wants to know.

- I'll tell you what he is doing,

he's up with the angels having a ball.

Maybe God gave him a planet to run.

You know, the Bible sayswe will judge the angels.

And you know, really, thereare millions of those angels,

and the saints of Godwill be judging them.

They'll be sitting on thrones.

And your father isrejoicing with the angels.

And so, I know you have agrief that you've lost him.

You were so close to him,and he meant so much,

and when these people leave,it leaves a hole in our heart,

and we're sad.

But you can rejoice with him,

that your father is justhaving a wonderful time.

He's not doing any kind of soul sleep,

he's with the presence of the Lord.

Jesus said, "This day youwill be with me in Paradise."

And Paul said "I'm in a strait between

"whether to depart and be with the Lord,

"or remain in the flesh."

So, he's with the Lord.

And he's rejoicing before the Father.

And it's something soincredibly wonderful,

you can't conceive.

"Eye hasn't seen, ear hasn't heard,

"neither has it enteredinto the heart of man

"what God has preparedfor them that love Him."

So your father is justhaving the time of his...

I shouldn't say his "life".

He's having the time of eternity.

So, rejoice, and one dayyou'll be with him, all right?

- I have a feeling Lou Annreally needed to hear that.

Thank you so much, Pat.

All right, here's another callerfrom Sunnyside, Washington.

- [Caller On Voicemail] My husband and I

are both Christians.

It has come to light that my husband,

during his younger,drinking, partying days,

had a child with another woman.

And I'm just devastated over that.

And I don't know how to deal with that.

He thinks that me or mychildren may harm him,

financially, which I would never do.

But I can't seem to be, honestly,

wanting to stay here with him.

I don't know what to do.

- I tell you...

You know, I've been readingbooks about presidents.

And I've got one on Hamilton, now.

And the stuff that wenton is unbelievable.

How many children were born out-of-wedlock

to married people, ofvarious races, I might add.

And I just believe your husband--

You know, what does ittake to conceive a child?

It's a, quote, "one night stand".

It didn't take a long-term relationship

to have a child.

- [Wendy] And he wasn'tmarried at the time.

- Well, it doesn't matterwhether he was married or not.

I know he wasn't married.

- [Wendy] To her.

- I didn't hear that part.

So, when he was not married to you,

he had an affair and had a baby.

So what?

You are to forgive himand get on with your life.

And I think he didn't do this to you.

And so, welcome that childand try to get to know him.

And love your husband andget on with your life.

- [Wendy] Amen, good advice.

- Thank you so much for your questions.

We leave you with today'sPower Minute from Psalm 103:

"As far as the east is from the west,

"so far has He removed ourtransgressions from us."

Thank you so much for your questions.

And for Wendy and all of us,I'll see you tomorrow, bye-bye.


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