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The Global Lane - December 3, 2020

The Global Lane - December 3, 2020 Read Transcript

(dramatic music)

- [Gary] Today from the Global Lane,

electronic vote manipulation.

Most secure election in US history?

- You wouldn't allow your daughter

to just use a basic software package

that they had this lack of security.

- [Gary] Assassinationretaliation delayed.

Is Iran on the brink of a crisis?

- I don't think Iran cansurvive its internal issues.

- Coronavirus vaccine, just days away.

Why these college studentssay they won't take it.

And COVID urns at the White House?

And it's all right hereon the Global Lane.

(dramatic music)

Iran is blaming Israel for assassinating

its top nuclear scientists.

Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was murdered

while traveling with hiswife in a bulletproof car.

Witnesses say they saw an explosion,

followed by a barrage of bullets.

Iranian President Rouhanipledges retaliation.

- [Translator] At the righttime, the relevant officials

will respond to this crime.

- Joining us with more is US Army

retired Lieutenant Colonel Sargis Sangari.

Mr. Sangari was born in Iran,he knows the country well,

and he currently serves as CEO

of the Near East Centerfor a Strategic Engagement.

Sargis, it's good to talk to you again.

So, President Rouhanisays at the right time,

Iran will retaliate,

with the possibility of a newUS President coming in now.

So, how long do you thinkthey'll hold off and why?

- Well, it was good to be here, Gary.

I think they're gonna hold off,

because they really don't knowwhat is happening internally.

Iran's foreign policy has nothing to do

with how US, Europe,

or other nations conducttheir foreign policy.

It is really tied todomestic internal issues

that they're having ahard time grappling with.

If you've noticed since Friday,

when the top nuclearscientist for Iran was killed,

Iran has proposed multiple scenarios

of who may have killed him and why.

And then one of the process,

they have even blamedIsrael for the killing.

And this, they haveactually strengthened Israel

when in the region thatis trying to strike deals

with all the Arab nations are now lined up

to be able to not onlymake peace with Israel,

but have economic deals with Israel.

So internal issues of thefailing of the government

is a reason why we are wherewe are today with Iran.

- Sargis, if in fact this wasIsrael that took this action

against another Iraniannuclear scientists,

was it necessary to dothat in your opinion?

What else could've been done to slow

or prevent Iran developing a nuclear bomb?

- Well, we don't know whohas killed them first of all.

If Israel has killed them,

Israel is showing that it has claws

and it can reach out and touch anyone

to include a imminent in Iran.

The issue here is that ifIran saying that Israel did it

then Iran cannot evenprotect it's own borders,

it's own people internal to its own state.

This is internal issues thatare being faced in Iran.

Iran has painted itself intoa corner where the hardliners

do not know how to be able to work

with the international community.

The problem here is that

you have multiple differentfractions within Iran.

You have their revolutionaryguards or hardliners.

You've got to standing army

that is in charge ofthe border securities.

You have multiple intelligenceservices in Iran themselves,

and then you also at the same time

have the hardlinerpresident with his cabinet

and also the laws thathave made it very difficult

for anyone who's not a hardliner

to be able to run innext year's elections.

This is what has causedthe problems in Iran

where are these 80 millionpeople that live in Iran

are now hanging on a thread,

hoping to see what the possible outcome

of the US election might be.

Even in that capacity,

I don't think Iran cansurvive it's internal issues.

- If he is sworn in as our 46th president,

how likely is it that Joe Biden

will try to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal,

the joint comprehensive plan of action.

- I think it would be very difficult.

Iran is not just bankrupt.

Its internal economy has collapsed

and this process as it's tryingto strike deals to possibly

but the hardliners sellingIran to China for $400 billion.

It is very difficult for us to see

what the possible outcome would be

with a Biden administration,

which Iran knows might be

nothing more than atwo year administration

given our governmentchanges every two years,

at least on the house of representatives.

- Okay, on another challenge for Biden,

lying ahead right next doorto Iran is Afghanistan.

Do you think there should be a ceasefire

between the government ofAfghanistan and the Taliban

before peace talks continue?

Also in your opinion, what needs to happen

before all US troops are returned home?

- Well, United Statescan leave Afghanistan

as easily as it entered Afghanistan.

However, with that said,

it can never be separate from Afghanistan.

Afghanistan has three major players in it.

One is the ties that ithas historically with Iran.

And these are historical ties.

Dari is actually thelanguage that was spoken

in the courts of the King Darius

which Afghanistan waspart of the Iran landscape

historically while it was an empire.

So that relationshiphas always been there.

The language is still there being used.

The other tie is to China.

China has invested heavily,

especially in the miningfields of Afghanistan.

And China has had thathistorical relationship

when it comes to the silkroad that it uses Afghanistan

for the land piece of thebelt and road initiative.

And then of course it tiesthat started in Afghanistan

once the Soviet Union invaded.

So we can leave Afghanistan,

but we can never leave Afghanistan

when it comes to the politicalneed of staying there.

If you turn it over to China,

China will not only take over Afghanistan,

but they will take over Iran

as is trying to purchase Iranto a tune of $400 billion.

It has already put in much paid

and has bought off every member

of the parliament of Pakistan

who has business tiesto Chinese companies.

That means if you loseAfghanistan to China

that means you'll definitely lose

in a near future Iranand Pakistan to China

and then virtually the entire Middle East.

- Okay, we'll have to waitand see what happens here

with a new administrationor a continuation

of the Trump administration.

Sargis Sangari CEO of the Near East Center

for Strategic Engagement.

Thank you Sargis, we appreciateyou sharing your insights.

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(dramatic music)

- The clock may be running outfor president Donald Trump.

With less than two weeks to go

before the Electoral Collegemeets to decide the presidency,

can the Trump legal team and other lawyers

prove vote fraud?

Appearing on 60 Minutes this week,

former Cyber Security ChiefChristopher Krebs claimed

the November election was the most secure

in American history.

- We can go on and on withall the farcical claims

that alleging interferencein the 2020 election.

But the proof is in the ballot.

- Here with us as Rich Higgins.

Mr. Higgins is formerDirector of Strategic Planning

at the National Security Council.

He currently serves asPresident of HTG security

and Information WarfareConsulting Service.

And his book is The Memo,

20 years Inside the Deep StateFighting for America First.

Rich, it's a pleasure to have you with us.

We just heard comments from

former Cyber Security Chief Chris Krebs

who said this election wasthe most secure in US history

yet cybersecurity expert,retired army Colonel Phil Waldron

just testified in Arizona this week

that votes weren't quote, assecure as your Venmo account.

What do you think?

- I think that Mr. Krebs is full of it.

I think he's compromised in multiple ways

not the least of whichis he has representatives

from Dominion Voting Serviceon his advisory staff

at the department of Homeland Security,

which is just theatrically absurd.

And then, as to ColonelWaldron's commentary,

the lack of audit logs inthese machines it's remarkable.

I mean, you wouldn't allow your daughter

to just use a basic software package

that they had this lack of security.

I mean, it's absolutelyabsurd where we're at.

- Do you really believe JoeBiden received 80 million votes

more than Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton?

I know former federal prosecutorAttorney Sidney Powell says

that foreign playersmanipulated our vote totals

through Dominion Voting Systems.

So what evidence existsto prove her allegations?

- Well, we have a mountain of evidence

that goes to some specifics.

And I'm not a lawyer,

but the circumstantial evidence is there,

the data, the digital evidence is there.

Just the eyewitness testimony is there.

And so far as SidneyPowell specific allegations

about the Dominion Voting Services,

you have to do a bit of a history lesson

and go back to Venezuelaand understand that

when Chavez came to power in 2003,

he had a six year term

and about halfway through that in 2006,

he wanted to have areferendum on his leadership.

And to do so he wantedto assure his own victory

and Smartmatic evolves from that

through a series ofmachinations and procurement,

the software, the backend software

that Dominion Voting Services rides on

was developed by Smartmatic.

And so the question becomes,what were the holes?

What were the specificfeatures built into the menu?

And we know they wereable to switch votes.

We know that they were able to wait votes,

we know they were able to fraction votes.

All these different capabilities,

I think what Sidney's getting to

and I think she's right is,

we really don't trust these softwares.

Now there are manycountries around the world

that have banned digitalvoting, Israel, for example,

or they just do not allowthese electronic platforms

and because they knowthey're too insecure.

- How about China?

I mean, we've heardabout Venezuela Chavez,

Maduro, Cuba you mentioned that,

but China, some people say

China played a role in this as well.

What do you think?

- Well, when I've mentioned Venezuela,

I immediately think of Cuba.

I mean, they're thebasically one in the same,

at least in the intelligenceand security world

they work very closely together.

Both of which are client States of China

with long relationships.

Now just being reported todaywere some preliminary reports

that up to $400 million was invested

by a Chinese investment fund

into the parent company

of Dominion Voting Services.

And so, there's just alot of questions here

that have to be answered andwe're on a very tight timeline.

So I think, the challengefor the Trump administration

is to address these long-term issues,

but also to make a compelling case

that the short term fraud really occurred,

that it wasn't randomized fraud

this happens in every election,

that there was a purposeand intent behind it.

For example, when sixStates stopped counting

at the same time, somebodytold them to do that, right?

And it gets into what doesthe DNC know and not know,

who were they working with?

Why was a representative of Dominion

on Joe Biden's campaign staff?

A lot of questions thathave to be answered here.

- Now, Dominionspokesperson, Michael Steel,

debunked the election interference

and any connection to foreign countries,

Venezuela, Germany, Spain, et cetera.

He called it all conspiracy theory.

Yet a Dominion contractor in Detroit said

machines there wereconnected to the internet.

Others say votes went toservers in Frankfurt, Germany

and elsewhere.

So how do you prove though, Rich

electronic vote manipulation

when by design and maybe doneso as not to be detected.

- Right, I think the way you prove it is

you go back and you audit the logs,

but they don't giveyou those facts, right?

I mean, just the lack of presence to it.

It goes to Mr. Krebs comment.

I mean, it's just a theatricallyabsurd comment to make

that this was the mostsecure election in history.

And so far as thefraudulent activity though,

the thing that I think happened here,

I can't prove this is that

the audit itself willreveal a couple of things.

This is a hand counted auditedsignatures matching audit,

not just a ballot recount.

It will show that whenthe stop order was given

on the night of the election

and these massive ballot dumps happened,

and then post the ballot dumps

the algorithm that they wererunning was just sufficient

to maintain Bidens less thana percent lead across this is,

which was completely breakingfrom the pattern before

the ballot dumps.

And I think what we haveto do is we have to go back

and we have to use statisticsand math and science

to actually show this right.

The left loves to use science.

Well, here you go.

Here's the data science it's proving that

this is a statistical impossibility.

The question goingforward really though is,

how do you come back from this, right?

I mean,

if they're willing todo this to retain power,

what else are they willing to do?

- I was going to ask then a Rich,

no matter who's sworn inas president January 20th,

all of this has kind offocused our attention

on election security or insecurity.

So what do we do now?

What do we do to protect thevote integrity in the future,

especially with those twoSenate runoff elections

coming next month in Georgia?

- Look, I think that theproblem is large enough

that it requires a national effort

to maybe federalize at least the standards

through which theseelections are conducted.

I'm not a big believerin the federal government

coming down and imposing on these States

certain rules and strictures,

but, again, it goes back to

the banning the mass mailing of ballots.

Just the extra constitutional nature

of the activities in thepast year under COVID

of which the election is a part of it,

it's just mind boggling where we're at.

And I think from atechnological standpoint,

you can fix this by requiring audit logs

as part of the voting system

or we could just simplygo back to paper ballots

if we have to.

I get this is one of those things where

the low tech answer maybe the right answer.

- Okay, the book is The Memo

20 years inside the deep statefighting for America First.

Rich Higgins thank youfor sharing your time

and insights today, we appreciate it.

- Thanks, sir.

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(dramatic music)

- The first batch ofPfizer's COVID-19 vaccine

is now in the United States,

waiting Emergency Food andDrug Administration approval.

An FDA green light maycome as early as next week.

40 million doses are expected to be ready

for distribution in January.

So what do college studentsthink of this historic

fast track development of a vaccine?

Campus Reform videocorrespondent Ophelie Jacobson

recently talked about the vaccine

with students at Georgetown University.

She found that mostdidn't want to give credit

to Donald Trump

for advancing an effectiveprevention in record time.

- Would you credit this accomplishment

to the Trump administration?

- I would not credit it tothe Trump administration.

- No.

- Probably not.

I personally think that theyhaven't been doing a great job

with dealing with the coronavirus.

- I would not credit toTrump's administration

just based on like how all the plannings

have been going on so far.

- AH, no, I don't think so.

- And what did the college student say

about actually taking thevaccine once it's available?

Well here to set us straight

from the University ofFlorida in Gainesville

is Ophelie Jacobson.

Hi, Ophelie it's good to meet you.

So you were surprised by thoseresponses that you heard.

Did you receive some positive comments?

Why did you think most were negative?

- So majority were negative

and I went to Georgetown University

to see if these students again

would be willing to give theTrump administration credit

for working with these private companies

to develop this vaccine.

And what I found was just another example

of how college students don'tseem to recognize any good

that comes from the administration.

At the Leadership Institutes Campus Reform

we've found that collegestudents have a strong dislike

for the administration and the president,

even working with pharmaceutical companies

to develop this vaccine.

At the end of the day ofdeveloping this vaccine

for the coronavirus should bea bipartisan accomplishment

that all Americans should be proud of.

But it's unfortunate thatpolitics have distorted

these college studentsminds into thinking that

everything that the Trumpadministration says or does

can't be trusted.

- Well how about actually taking a vaccine

once it is availableto the general public,

what did the students tell you?

- Right, so I asked studentsexactly that question.

If a vaccine were to bedeveloped by the end of the year,

would you be willing to take it?

And a lot of them said no.

One girl specifically told me that

she would not be taking the vaccine

simply because, well, it was developed

under the Trump administration.

She told me that she was skeptical

of everything the president says or does.

And for that reason,

she would be skepticalof the vaccine as well.

But I can guaranteeyou if the same vaccine

were to have been developedunder a Biden administration,

this students would have beenfirst in line to take it.

- Yeah, it's actually, it's been developed

by Pfizer and Moderna, others.

and you are at the University of Florida

so tell us about another subject.

You asked students there

about a potential Trumpsecond term agenda,

but you told them it was Joe Biden's.

How did they respond?

And what did they say once they found out

it was actually Trump's agenda?

- Yeah, so I brought up acouple of things from Trump's,

you know his agenda and hisaccomplishments actually.

I told them that they wereactually Biden's at first

and they all seem to jumpon board with that idea,

agreeing that they were good ideas

and that they should beimplemented in the government.

But when I told them thatthey were actually Trump's,

you see their minds do a complete 180

and all of a sudden they aren't so sure

of the accomplishments any more

simply again, it's tied to the name Trump.

And students have beenconditioned by their professors

and by their peers to hate

that everything thatis associated with him

and his administration.

- Even though they maylike those policies.

So Ophelie, although many college students

are still not on campus,

many are doing theirclasses remotely online.

And like you, if they are on campus,

they're still doing themfrom their dorms online.

So you say a leftist doctrinenation is continuing.

So how is that happening whenstudents aren't actually there

to attend speeches and hearspecial speakers and events,

that kind of thing?

- Well, we have onlineevents on campus, on Zoom.

And we have our lectures online

and professors are stillable to voice their opinion.

And especially in theelection year of 2020,

a lot of professors use that opportunity

to express their own opinion

instead of actuallyfocusing on the lectures

and the content that theyare actually paid to teach.

And because of that,

this is a trend that we'vebeen seeing at Campus Reform.

A lot of professors willvoice their own opinion

and students will take that in

without ever actually goingout to do their own research

and learning how to think for themselves.

- Ophelie Jacobson, thanksfor setting us straight today.

- Thank you so much.

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live it fully.

- Unless there's an electoralcollege or legal miracle,

it looks like this is MelaniaTrump's final Christmas

as first lady.

During her first Christmasat the White House,

Mrs. Trump's critics tweeted out contempt

for her Christmas decorations.

They said she had apotential pension for quote,

existential dread.

And then in 2018 more disdain.

This time about treeslining the East Colonnade

of the White House,

adorned in Christmas red,

a pension for blood they said.

And this year The Guardian reported

Melania Trump's swappedhorror for a tradition,

with a lighter approachto Christmas decor.

They described her America,the beautiful theme

as a break from previous years,

which featured blood redtrees and bare branches.

Folks, this is justmore unrelenting hatred

against the president and his wife.

Believe me if this had beenMichelle Obama or Jill Biden,

these same people and members of the media

would have called the WhiteHouse decorations exceptional

a vanguard displays,

brilliant breaks from holiday tradition.

Now I say holiday because

the media has a hard timecalling it Christmas.

And on rare occasions, whenthey actually forced themselves

to utter the word Christmas,

it's always in a secular sense, right?

For them, it's aboutSanta, holiday not Jesus.

It may be only sympathyfor what they believe

is a departing first lady,

but the New York Times declaredthis year's decorations

as strikingly normal.

Still one person on Twitter took note

of the vases lining the East Colonnade,

tweeting how fitting theurns of COVID Christmas.

Folks, I love this year'sAmerica, the beautiful theme.

Here's a short clip.

Take a look and you decidewhether or not you agree.

(Christmas carol music)

Thank you, Mrs. Trump for bringing beauty,

elegance, and faith to the White House.

If your departure comes on January 20th,

I know millions ofAmericans will miss you.

Your charm, grace and humility.

May God be with you andyou always with Him.

Well, that's it todayfrom the Global Lane,

be sure to follow us on Facebook,

SoundCloud, iTunes,YouTube, Parler and Twitter.

And until next time, be blessed.

(dramatic music)


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