- Today from the Global Lane,
some of our best segments of the year.
Free speech silenced,
Dennis Prager explains why.
My Pillow Guy,
from crack addict toCEO and the White House.
Mike Lindell's success story.
Is public office in his future?
Hurricane Dorian devastates The Bahamas.
Was climate change to blame?
And it's all right hereon The Global Lane.
(upbeat music)
Popular opinion reflects a growing threat
to free speech in America.
A new poll shows a majority of Americans
believe the First Amendmentshould be rewritten to, quote,
"reflect he cultural norms of today."
The poll by the Campaignfor Free Speech reveals
that nearly 60% of millennials,those 21 to 38 years old,
believe the Constitution goes too far
in allowing hate speech in America.
48% of Generation X and47% of Baby Boomers agreed.
A majority of millennials also said
hate speech should be a crime,
with more than half of those saying,
it should carry jail time.
Well Dennis Prager knowsthe free speech issue well.
His PragerU had over onebillion views last year,
and I guess about 200videos were censored from
or restricted from YouTube,that belongs to Google.
- It's an amazing thing.
We put out a video eachweek, five-minute video,
and so there are400-some-odd videos on there,
and you have to understand,
they're given by former prime minsters,
Pulitzer Prize winners,
professors from Stanford, Harvard, MIT,
this is a pretty classy group of people.
We have liberals giving it,people of every background,
and yet, well look,Alan Dershowitz's video,
this is a liberal Democratprofessor at Harvard.
His video on, five minuteson Israel's legal founding,
which you would thinkwould put people to sleep
just on its title alone, andthat's put on the pornography
and violence list by YouTube,which is owned by Google.
- [Gary] How did that happen?
- Well, I don't know.
I can only say that, if itdefends Israel, they hate it.
If it defends America, they hate it.
If it defends God, they hate it.
I don't give all the videos,
90% are given by different people.
But I do give the videoson the Ten Commandments,
and tens of billions, thankGod, have watched them.
Five of the videos areon the restricted list.
The first one was "Do Not Murder."
So I was at the U.S.Senate testifying on this.
Senator Ted Cruz looks at me,
no, excuse me, looks atthe Google representative,
said, "Sir, why did youput Mr. Prager's video
"on the Ten Commandmentson the restricted list?"
People could actually watch this dialogue
on YouTube, ironically.
And the guy's answer was,"Because it mentions murder."
I'm quiet so that it sinksinto your viewers' minds.
That's pretty good thing tomention, you shouldn't murder.
- You shouldn't murder.
- Yes, don't you want kids to hear that?
It was a surreal moment.
When it was my turn to speak,
and you could see this aswell in the Senate Chamber
or the Senate Conference Room,and I said, "You know what?
"Having heard that, we're going to issue
"a Google-friendly Ten Commandments,
The Nine Commandments."
- Wow.
So you heard the statisticson this new poll.
What you make of this?
- This poll makes perfect sense.
The left, not liberals, Ialways draw a distinction,
I wish liberals drew a distinction,
but the left has never been for freedom.
Never, never, never, sincethe French Revolution,
to Lenin, to the present Democratic Party.
They do not supportthe idea of free speech
because they will always losewhen ideas can be debated.
50 years of indoctrination,it's had an effect.
Higher education now means, tragically,
higher indoctrination.
What is free speech about?
Free speech is onlyabout speech I do like?
Then there's no such thing as free speech.
- Evergreen State College, from 2017.
Tell us what happened there and why
we should be concerned about that.
- A very liberalprofessor, Brett Weinstein,
a professor of biology,lifelong Democrat, liberal,
activist in fact, didsomething courageous.
He acted like a liberal,not like a leftist.
The campus announced one day,
all Whites should leavethe campus for a day,
and he said, "No, I'm not doing that.
"That's absurd, that's racist,
"and I'm not leaving the campus."
People will see, 'cause that's the longest
single story in the film,
it's riveting, it is just riveting,
what this man wentthrough at this college,
to the point where hewas told by the police,
"Don't come to the college,we cannot protect you."
That you will see studentsscreaming curses at him.
And he says, "Will you allow me to speak,"
and they're saying, "No."
- He leaves.
- He's no longer at EvergreenState, that's correct.
- But the good news is he won a lawsuit.
- And the other goodnews is very few students
are applying to Evergreen State.
Liberal thought, it's beingshattered by the left.
Join us in fighting that.
But this film is a wake-up call.
You can't leave the theaterand think things are okay.
- And I enjoyed seeing youdirect the symphony there in L.A.
- Oh, thank you, that's my advocation,
conducting orchestras, thatand religion keep me sane.
- Dennis Prager, PragerU.
And also the film, youwon't want to miss it.
- [Dennis] NoSafeSpaces.com.
- NoSafeSpaces.com, check it out.
Dennis Prager, thank youagain for joining us.
- Thank you.
(water splashes)
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- [Announcer] As the worldwatches from the outside.
- It's a big diplomatic tug-of-warhere in the Middle East.
- [Announcer] Go inside thestory with Jerusalem Dateline.
- Israeli archeologists aretalking about a discovery
that could change the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.
- [Announcer] Join CBNJerusalem Bureau Chief,
Chris Mitchell, and getthe biblical perspective
on the events shaping the world.
- What starts in Israel thenends up going to other places.
- [Announcer] Watch Jerusalem Dateline
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- [Announcer] Life, it'smeant to be lived fully.
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(light music)
(upbeat music)
- He says he's a walking miracle,
you know him as the My Pillow Guy.
Mike Lindell is a former drug addict
who escaped addiction and death
to become the founder and CEO
of a multi-million dollar business.
Now, he's taking some of hisMy Pillow company profits,
along with proceeds fromthe sale of his new book,
to help people overcome their addictions
and live a better life.
I interviewed him recently about his past,
the present, and his new book.
Instead of talking to himthrough my medicine cabinet,
we did it right here at CBN.
Mike, your book is "What Are the Odds?
"From Crack Addict to CEO."
And I imagine it wasn't easy writing that
and revealing someinformation about yourself
that you're putting out there in public.
What was the hardest thing to write about?
- The time, the time factor.
For my life, it's been likeliving inside of a movie,
and I wanted to get it right,
to how I felt at different times,
different things that happened,
whether it was a gun to my head
or whatever it was, to get it right.
I wanted it to be exactly like it was.
I wanted you to read this book
and you'd go, "Wow, this isthe best fiction novel ever,"
and then you'd go, "What, this is real,"
and too because themessage getting across.
I've been writing it foryears, and years, and years.
- [Gary] In your head?
- No, on paper, I mean, I've kept memoirs.
I kept memoirs all the wayback to I was a teenager,
knowing someday I would have a book.
It was really kinda strange,
I would keep proof like(coughs), I was like,
here's an example.
I was 20 years old and themafia was coming to kill me
'cause I owed them for football bets,
they're coming to collect.
And they wrote on a grocery bag, it says,
"Pay by tonight or things
are gonna get very physical," the book.
Well I kept that knowing that someday,
every time something would happen to me,
I'd go, wow, this is gonnabe cool someday in the book.
I've had 14 near-death experiences,
so from a parachute notopening, partially opening,
to crashing a motorcycle, to being burned,
electrocuted, all these different things,
but if you see the proof ofall these things that happen,
by the time you read the book,
if you don't believe in God,you didn't read the book.
I mean, in our own lives if you--
I look at God as mathematics going,
one in a million, one in a billion,
what are the odds of this happening,
gee that never happens to anyone.
In your own, if you add them together,
when do you consider it a miracle?
That's why I will lookat something and go,
that can only be God, divine appointment.
For example, when I was on TV,
I was invited to theWhite House for My Pillow,
it was a manufacturing summit,
and I get in there and Igo, "Who's sitting here,"
and they go, "The Presidentis, he wanted to sit by you."
On national TV there'sa picture of me and him,
and all my friends are going,
"Geez, this is real.
"There's no way this crackaddict from Minnesota
"is sitting in the White House."
I made them all quit,
all my friends have quit over the years,
now they've seen hope andI think my book's gonna,
I know it's gonna give people hope.
And then I'm taking proceeds,I'm pre-selling it early,
so that I can launch myLindell Recovery Network,
that's a big thing.
My Pillow has only beena platform for God,
that's all it's ever been.
I always an entrepreneur,
but God gave me the dream for this pillow,
and like I say, I think itwas a divine appointment.
I got the dream of it fromthe My Pillow name first
before -- were common.
- I know you have this foundation,
what do you wanna say to someone
who may be watchingthis interview right now
who has an addiction, thosethat you're trying to help.
- Right, it is called theLindell Recovery Network,
and what I wanna say is, rightnow, if you're out there,
until I get this launched,you need to get yourself
in a faith-based treatmentcenter, not a secular one,
ones that work, your Teen Challenge,
Union Gospel, Salvation Army's.
These wounds that youhave, to get them addressed
and replaced with Jesus, I mean, it works.
If you look at the--
And also right now everybodyknows someone that's addicted,
addiction affects everybody,and if you have an addict
and you know someone'sthat made it through,
go show your addict thatperson that's made it through
so he has common hope.
That's a big thing, to have common hope.
My story gives people hope,
but maybe not a 22-year-old opiate addict,
but I might give a lot of58-year-old crack addicts hope.
- Up next, more with Mike Lindell,
we talk Trump and politics.
Will the My Pillow Guyrun for public office?
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- [Announcer] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.
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- [Announcer] Life, it'smeant to be lived fully.
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(upbeat music)
- Now you have a governor of Minnesota,
former Governor Jesse Ventura,
was a pro-wrestler, ends up governor.
You end up with anothersenator who was a comedian
who ended up in the U.S. Senate.
- We're a mess in Minnesota.
- How about My Pillow Guy?
- Well, everybody's asked me that,
and I gave them the same answer,
if God had me run for something,
I would do it in a heartbeat,
but right now I wanna keep backing
the greatest presidentwe've ever had in history.
I met him before he was presidenton a divine appointment,
and it was just him and I,
and by the way theysaid, "Whatever you do,
"don't tell him you were a crack addict."
And I walked in there for that day,
when I walked into hisoffice on August 15, 2016.
I go, I'm wearing my cross, he says,
"Mike, you always wear your cross,"
he said, "Are you a Christian?"
I said, "Yes, Mr. Trump, andthis is a divine appointment,"
and we talked about theinner cities, and addiction,
I said, "Yeah, I used tobe a crack cocaine addict."
He just loved the realness,but I went all in there,
I figured God had me back him,
I would talk to his employees,it was like talking to mine,
so for me, I'm getting my platform
to get behind what I figure--
Here's an example, someone saidto me in the last election,
"Mike," this was a Republican,they want me to draw people
to their donor eventsor whatever, and I said,
"I can't back you," Isaid, "You're pro-choice."
I said, "I can see the headlines now,
"'Mike Lindell Goes AgainstHis Christian Values
"to Back a Republican.'
"No, I'm backing a presidentthat's the most pragmatic,
"common sense president in history,
"and I can't help all my Christian values
"go fall right here in this Conservatism."
- I think at CPAC you said he was
the Best American President in history.
- No, he's the best president in history.
- [Gary] Now, I've gotta tell you--
- And I talked about Jesus and Bill Maher
badmouthed me for fiveminutes on TV. (laughs)
- We're not gonna badmouth you here.
But some Americans would sayyou're still smoking crack.
The best president inthe history of America?
- You know what, I can saythat because I'll tell ya what,
when I came out of crack addiction
and came out of addiction,I had never voted.
I didn't know a liberalfrom a conservative,
I had a clean slate.
It's like a child growinginto something going,
"Where are all our values and stuff?
"What's going on?"
When I came out of addiction,I seen our country,
a president giving awaymoney to evil empires,
I heard of a thing called ISIS,
all my friends were unemployed,
it was like I'm going,"What happened here?"
And then I meet Mr. Trump, and I go,
and I have been in places where,
in the worst places in the country,
and all the way up to eatingwith five forks with people,
and everyone's got problems.
Well, when I met our presidentbefore he was president,
I'm reading him and I'm going,
wow, this guy has absolutely no agenda
other than to help our country,
and he genuinely cares about individuals.
When I talk to his employeesbefore I went all in,
every one of them was liketalking to one of my employees,
they all had somethingvery good to say about him,
that he's an amazing guy,amazing boss, and he's so smart.
Well, you know what, notone person came forward
during that election to saysomething bad about him,
and they were all offered money,
and they couldn't do it because he had
such a great, genuine heart to help.
And for me, to riskeverything and go all in,
people say to me all the time,
"Mike, what's your bestday ever in My Pillow?"
The day we're sitting in.
I've listened to God,what I'm supposed to do,
and we just keep gettingrewarded and rewarded.
- You gonna help Trump win Minnesota.
- Absolutely, we're gonna win Minnesota,
that's exactly what I'm gonna do.
And in Minnesota, I'm goingto every city I can myself
and doing speaking out with the people,
I wanna talk to people over here.
I've always said, everybodyloves our president,
some just don't know it yet,
I want the ones over here--
I could be anywhere in the country,
I could be in California,
I was there for my movie "Unplanned,"
it was very controversial, and I'm there,
and these people come up tome that are on the far left,
and they go, "Mike, Ilove what you're doing,
"but what's wrong with your brain,"
that I'm backing this president.
So I'll sit there, andtalk to them, and I'll go,
"You know, I've met him,and I tell him the things
"that's going on," and I said,"If you shut off the news,"
I tell 'em, "Look around you,
are you better off than youwere," and they all say yes,
and I can pull 'em in.
I wanna say the good things,I wanna bring to Minnesota
and the country all the goodthings that are going on.
We're living in the best times,
if you just shut off the news,
consumer confidence isat an all time high.
I'm so proud right now, Isee people all around me,
employees, that are taking chances,
entrepreneur taking chances
in the service business and products
because now they have a safety net,
they can always go backto a great-paying job.
- Would it be a bit of a tough sell
in the area where you're from,
which is farm country, is it not,
with some of the farmers who've been hurt
by China's reciprocal punishmenttariffs on our products.
- Well, you know what,I've actually talked to
a lot of the farmers andstuff, and believe it or not,
most of them, almost all ofthem, are behind what's going on
because they're gonna berewarded in the long run,
and the President's done everything
he can right now to help them.
And when you talk about that,
this is the one thingwhere both sides know
we have to do this withChina, we don't have a choice.
If this wouldn't have beendone, this is a bipartisan,
both sides agree wehave to stand our ground
because in the long run,
we get the deal donewith Mexico and Canada,
the farms are gonna be,
I think they're gonna come out of this
and they're gonna be the best ones,
you just gotta get through,and come out the other side,
and believe me, they'regonna be well taken care of.
Our President has promised them that.
- Well, Mike Lindell, My PillowGuy, you're an inspiration,
keep doing what you're doing.
Thank you and God blessyou for taking the time.
- Thanks for having me on, God bless you.
(buttons beep)
(copy machine whirs)
(paper rips)
- [Announcer] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.
Get your free DVD or bookletof "Protect Your Sleep!" today.
- [Efrem] I'm Efrem Grahamand this is Studio 5.
Cruise with me as Idiscover the good things
happening in the world of music,
sports, television, and movies.
- The fact that Ryan Coogler
was gonna be directing the film,
I knew that somethingspecial was gonna happen.
- [Efrem] We'll chat with artists
at the forefront of entertainment
and explore the connection
between popular culture and faith.
- I asked me pastor, I said,
"Well, does that mean I'msupposed to be a preacher?"
He says, "No, no, youalready have a pulpit."
- [Announcer] Watch Studiofive, Wednesday night at 9:30.
- [Terry] Remember for a moment
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They have their whole lives ahead of them.
Theirs is a world ofendless possibilities.
They are looking for a story to believe.
We will tell them that story.
Will you join us?
(light music)
(upbeat music)
- It'll be a long, longroad back for The Bahamas
after Hurricane Dorian devastated
many of the country's islands.
Before the category fivehurricane hit The Bahamas
and skirted the U.S. coast,
environmental extremists were sounding
the alarm about global warming.
Warning about Dorian, CongresswomanAlexandria Ocasio-Cortez
said quote, "This is whatclimate change looks like."
And not to be outdone, Democraticpresidential candidate,
Bernie Sanders, said Dorian had quote,
"everything to do with climate change."
Well what they,
and other climate changealarmists won't tell you,
is that four of the fivedeadliest hurricanes
to strike the UnitedStates actually occurred
during the first half of the last century,
between 1900 and 1957.
It seems hurricanes were muchworse 60 to 120 years ago.
Well joining us with more insights
is geologist, author, Gregory Wrightstone.
Mr. Wrightstone is author of the book,
"Inconvenient Facts:The science that Al Gore
"doesn't want you to know."
Mr. Wrightstone, it's good tohave you here with us again.
So, here we go again,another major hurricane,
not for the UnitedStates, but The Bahamas,
now the alarmists are comingout of the woodwork again.
What do you think of that
and what Bernie Sandersand AOC are saying?
- Yeah, well it's all very predictable,
they use any tragedy that'sweather or climate-related
to link it to manmadecatastrophic warming.
But the science, the facts, and the data
actually tell us somethingcompletely different.
The latest thing, and with this hurricane,
there were three thingsthat were being told
by people like Al Gore andAOC related to hurricanes,
that they're increasing in number,
they're increasing inintensity or wind speed,
and the latest thing with Dorian now
is that climate change,manmade climate change,
has caused hurricanes to slow down,
so they're more devastatingwhen they do hit.
All of those things arecompletely dispelled
with the actual science on.
Even the intergovernmentalpanel on climate change
has stated there's no causal link
between rising sea surface temperatures
and the number of hurricanes.
They allege that theintensity may increase,
and there is some datathat might support that,
we probably have as much to go against it.
But even the NOAA's top climate scientist,
his name is Christopher Landsea,
he predicts that warming will cause
a 1% to 2% increase inhurricane wind speed.
I'm not sure I agree with that,
but let's give him thebenefit of the doubt
and say that's the correct thing.
I don't think anybody that was living
on The Grand Bahamas last week,
and when the hurricane struck,could tell the difference
between 142 and 144 miles per hour.
And also when it comes to whether
the hurricanes are slowing,
granted, Dorian, according the records
that I was able to look at,
I checked back on it this morning,
showed that Hurricane Dorian was one of
the slowest-moving hurricanesthat NOAA cataloged,
but the bulk of the slow-moving hurricanes
occurred early in the 20th century,
it's not been these recent ones.
So we just, look, I like touse science, facts and data.
What the alarmists do is use predictions,
speculation about what might happen
30, 50 or 80 years in the future
based on failed climate models.
I live in the real world,
and I look at what's actually happening,
and if these things are gonna happen
we should see some evidence of that today,
and we just don't.
- Greg, I know years agoit was global cooling,
and the environmentals gotinto this global warming kick,
now it may be back to cooling,
so they just say "climate change."
So, what are the facts, isEarth getting warmer or cooler?
- Well, we've been in a300-plus year warming trend,
it's been warming in fits and starts,
we go through, youreference the cooling period
that started in the early '40sand ended in the late '70s,
when I was in college my professors,
we were all discussing the possibility
of going into the next ice age,
which we will at some point,
but so we're in this warming period.
I think for your viewers, thething that's really important
that's rarely talkedabout, is we're being told,
again by Al Gore and his like,
that we need to be awareof increased temperatures.
Oh my God, oh my God, it can't get higher
than another degree and a half centigrade
or we're all gonna die andthere's gonna be famine.
Historically what we'veseen is just the opposite.
Historically these warmingperiods that we saw before,
during the Medieval times,during the time of Christ,
the Roman Warm Period, wasa time of bountiful harvest,
we see there's a strongcorrelation between
the rise and fall of temperatures,
and the rise and fall of civilizations.
We see that great civilizations rose up
during times of warming that were
a lot warmer than we are today.
It's the cold periods, Gary,
that your viewers are probably unaware,
these are the horrific timesthat led to crop failures,
famine, pestilence, and massdepopulation consistently,
and it's just oppositeof what we're being told.
We're being told it's gonna get warmer
and we're all gonna die, andthat's, just historically,
has not been the case at all.
- Okay, I guess we'llhave to leave it there.
Greg Wrightstone, geologist and author,
we thank you for joining us today.
- Thank you, Gary.
- Well that's it from the Global Lane.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook, YouTube,
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and until next time, be blessed.
(upbeat music)