Allowing Thousands of Unvetted Migrants into US: Congressman Says Texas 'Overrun by What's Happening at the Border'
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- Texas Congressman MichaelCloud tells CBS News
his state is completelyoverrun by what's happening
at the border and says it's time
the Biden administrationtakes it seriously.
- Five of the 13 counties I represented
have already declared a disaster.
- [Abigail] CBN News joined Cloud
on a tour of the border last June.
Cloud says since then thingshave only gotten worse.
- The federal governmentis not cooperating
with local agencies,
so it's our hospitals thatare left to deal with it,
it's our schools that areleft to try to figure out
how to deal with the situation.
There's new diseases thathave been virtually eradicated
from the US for quite some time
that we're now havingto deal with once again.
And so this is a very serious situation.
- [Abigail] Cloud claimsit's complete lawlessness
at the border.
- You look at what'shappening at the border,
and it's just no holds barred,virtually open borders.
The effort to intentionallyoverwhelm our system
so that it collapses is really tragic
coming from this Biden administration.
- [Abigail] While the White House says
they have the situation under control.
- People are not coming into the country
through legal methods.
And again, our policyprocess has continued to be
the same with Haiti asit is for anybody coming
for the regular migrationacross our border.
- [Abigail] Key parts ofPresident Biden's agenda
are in jeopardy, even after progressive
and moderate Democratsannounced a framework agreement
over what could be a $3.5 trillion
budget reconciliation bill.
- A big part of whatwe're talking about here,
which is not a secret to all of you,
are the size of the package, right?
There are a range ofdifferent viewpoints on that.
That's part of what the discussion is,
and that will certainly impact
as we look toward how we'regonna unify moving forward.
- Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen
is also warning Congressthey need to act fast
to address the debt ceilingbefore the government runs out
of money to pay its billsor the economic fallout
will be catastrophic.
Despite the looming crisis,
Republicans have no intentionof helping Democrats
raise the debt ceiling
with Congressmen Cloud
claiming the solution isto stop spending money
we don't have and livewithin our means as a nation.
Reporting from Capitol Hill,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.