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'What We Need is a Wall': Border Ranchers Say Unknown Number of Migrants Entering US Illegally

'What We Need is a Wall': Border Ranchers Say Unknown Number of Migrants Entering US Illegally Read Transcript

- The Trump administrationannounced over the weekend

it would cut aid to El Salvador,Honduras and Guatemala.

Now this move comes asU.S. border officials claim

they have reached the breakingpoint on the U.S. border,

even as more Central American migrants

begin the trek north,intending to claim asylum

in the United States.

Chuck Holton visited El Paso,

and has more now on this story.

- [Chuck] As bordercrossings break records

and migrants pour onto American streets,

President Trump is going to the source.

Saturday the StateDepartment announced aid cuts

to El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala.

- We were paying themtremendous amounts of money

and we're not paying them anymore

because they haven't done a thing for us.

- The Border Patrol predicts that

numbers of illegal crossers into the U.S.

will hit as many as100,000 in March alone,

and many of them are families.

Up above on the bridge, dozens of families

wait in line for up to twoweeks to come in legally,

but these migrants have jumped the line

by entering illegallybetween the ports of entry.

Now that they're on American soil,

they must be given a court date,

and with a system already crushed

under the weight of more thana million asylum seekers,

these Central American families know

they'll be allowed tolive in the United States

for up to three years beforethey get their day in court.

So right now there arethousands of migrants

that have been capturedover the last couple days

being held in this detention facility

underneath the bridge to Juarez,

but you have to understand this is not

the normal detention process.

It's not the normal facilitythat they're kept in.

The problem is BorderPatrol has been picking up

over 4000 people a day forthe last couple of days

and that's far beyond theircapacity to take care of people.

It's gotten so bad thatthe Border Patrol is saying

they're gonna have tojust let these people go.

No one really knows how many illegals

enter the U.S. without being caught.

Here in New Mexico, 100miles west of El Paso,

the human tidal wave hasleft the Border Patrol

unable to cover thisremote stretch of desert,

where these ranchers live.

- My name's Russell Johnson.

I'm a fourth generation out here

to be ranching with my family,

and this is the barrier that we've got

in one stretch of thearea that my family farms.

And as you can see it serves no purpose

to stop vehicles or people.

It's been cut multiple times.

You can step right over it.

I mean, it does nothing to stop

the illegal traffic from coming through.

It's not even a deterrent.

- I'm currently in northern Mexico

right on the U.S. southern border,

and I'm gonna cross intothe United States right now,

and I want to show you just how quickly

I can do this, just how quickcan I get over the border?

Here I am, and I'm in the United States

just like that.

- Our Sheriff's Departmentis spread thin as it is,

and so we rely heavily on Border Patrol

for our only form of lawenforcement out here,

and so with this influx of people

drawing down the manpower

within the Border Patrol,

we're basically left lawless out here.

- [Chuck] From El Paso, Texas,

I'm Chuck Holton for CBN News.

- Federal spending overthe first five months

of the fiscal 2019 is atits highest in 10 years,

reaching $1.8 trillion.

The last time it spent more was 2009

when it hit 1.9 trillionin that time period,

including a $700 billion bank bailout

signed by President George W. Bush

and a $787 billion stimulus package

signed by President Barack Obama,

at the time, two of the biggest

emergency spending bills in history.

The first five months of fiscal 2019

also saw the lowest taxreceipts in the past four years.

The Trump administration has announced

a one million dollar family planning grant

to the Obria Group in an attempt to

shift family planning fundstoward faith-based groups.

The company owns a chain of California

crisis pregnancy centersthat oppose abortion.

Obria's founder, Kathleen Eaton Bravo

released a statement celebrating

the administration's decision.

She wrote, "Many womenwant the opportunity

to visit a professional,comprehensive healthcare facility,

not an abortion clinic,for their healthcare needs.

This grant will give them that choice."

House Minority Leader Steve Scalise

is fighting for legislationprotecting babies

born after a botched abortion.

He introduced a petitionTuesday forcing a vote

on the Born AliveSurvivors Protection Act.

As Paul Strand now explains,the petition is needed

because Democrats are using House rules

to block a vote on the bill.

- Last night on thefloor for the 17th time,

we asked to bring up theBorn Alive Protection Act.

For the 17th time, the Democrats refused.

- There are babies being born alive

and then ultimately murdered.

- [Paul] House pro-lifecaucus leader Chris Smith

described one such murder ina Florida abortion clinic.

- The clinic owner took the baby,

who was gasping for air,

cut her umbilical cord,

threw her into a biohazard bag,

and put the bag in thetrash, like so much garbage.

- [Paul] Not only are pro-life lawmakers

prevented from ending this practice,

they can't even get a vote.

- This is the height of shamefulness.

It is absolutely an abominationthat this is going on

and that we're havingto have this argument

in the United States today.

- The Democrats are in chargeof the House these days

and won't let the BornAlive Protection Act

come to the House floorfor a debate and vote.

Meanwhile in the States,some lawmakers fear

the Supreme Court couldoverturn Roe v. Wade

and legalize abortion nationwide,

so states like New York,Rhode Island, and others,

are pushing radical abortion legislation

to keep such practices legal.

So is Illinois.

- They have introduced theReproductive Health Act,

which according to one abortion group,

could cement Illinois

as the Midwest abortion oasis.

- [Paul] Melissa Cifuenteshas been fighting

a similar law in Rhode Island.

- We are called to use ourvoice to speak the truth

on behalf of innocent lives

that are sacred and areworthy of our protection.

- Halt this bloodlust and work to protect

unborn and born babies,rather than provide

a killing oasis.

- These legislators arepleading with Americans

to call on their Congress members

to sign the discharge petition

for the Born Alive Protection Act.

If that gets 218 signatures,speaker Nancy Pelosi

has to let the bill come to the floor.

Paul Strand, CBN News, Capitol Hill.

- The new movie, Unplanned,that tells the true story

of a former abortion clinicdirector, Abby Johnson,

took fifth place at thebox office this weekend.

The movie brought in six million dollars

after encountering severalattempts to block the film,

including television networksdenying to sell ad time.

The movie took to Twitter lastnight to rejoice, writing,

"Despite Twitter suspending our account,

TV networks refusing to sell ad time,

a targeted R rating from the MPAA,

and a myriad of blockages attempting to

undermine our film, we pushed through!"

Coming up, Israeliarchaeologists uncover seals

that point directly to the Bible.

We'll back with that and much more

right here on CBN NewsWatch after this.

(dramatic music)

- [Announcer] Parents,the Superbook Bible App

is a great way to get yourchild reading the Bible

because in today's busyworld we can use some help.

The free Superbook Bible App

has fun stuff your kids will love.

They'll have a blast learning the Bible,

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They'll have fun whilethey learn God's word.

The Superbook Kid'sBible App, available now.

- (light music)

- [Announcer] Life.

It's meant to be lived fully.

(light music)

Jesus said it.

I came to give you life,

life to the fullest.

life in your family,

life in your finances,

life in your body,

mind and spirit,

life in your every day.

(light music)

At, we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.

(light music)

We're here to help you discover life.

(light music)


Live it fully.

(light music)

- [Announcer] Discover the I Wills of God,

I will rescue him,protect him, answer him,

be with him in trouble, deliver him,

honor him, satisfy him with long life ,

show him my salvation.

- What I felt was loved and treasured.

- God spared my life twice in three days.

- The good Lord hadgiven me a second chance.

- [Announcer] Call 1-800-700-7000

or visit

The I Wills of God,

the latest teaching from Pat Robertson.

- When I came to Regent University,

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The Regent professors are world-class.

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You carry with you not just the content

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to understand that we canbe significant in the world.

- [Announcer] RegentUniversity, follow your path.

- Archaeologists havemade two rare discoveries

that point to peoplementioned in the scriptures.

One find is a clay seal impression

belonging to Nathan-Melech.

Melech is named in 2 Kings as an official

in the court of King Josiah.

The other is a 2600-year-old seal

engraved with the nameIkar, son of Matanyahu.

According to archaeologists,

the Matanyahu appears both in the Bible.

Both items were foundin David National Park,

and of course, that is in Jerusalem.

Meanwhile, Israeli archaeologistshave also uncovered

a Jewish suburb of Jerusalem

from around the time of Jesus

in an Arab neighborhood aspart of a salvage excavation.

The community likelyinteracted with pilgrims

and provided goods for the Second Temple.

Middle East correspondentJulie Stahl has this story.

- New building construction here

often uncovers ancient treasures.

That's the case in the Jerusalemneighborhood of Sharafat.

This site was a Jewishvillage 2000 years ago.

Archaeologists uncovered it asthey were preparing the site

for a new elementary school.

- The most spectacular find here

is of a grand burial estate.

- [Julie] Archaeologist Ya'akov Billig

is heading this excavation,

which today sits inside Jerusalem.

Back then this would havebeen more like a suburb.

- The burial estate startsfrom a stepped long corridor,

going under a bridge like an overpass

into a courtyard with a bench on one side

and a bench on another side.

Then from there upwards,there was a covered

entrance to the burial cave,

and from then on inwards there'san underground burial cave.

- [Julie] Billig said the burial estate

tells a lot about its owners.

- The whole plan here belongsto some very important

and/or rich person with his family,

possibly even for several generations.

- [Julie] They've alsoidentified a Jewish ritual bath

and much more.

- We have evidence of the wine press

with a very large treading floor

where they placed the grapes.

We also have an olive press.

Between the wine and the olive oil

they probably had quite ahigh living standard here.

- [Julie] The best ofthe harvest was likely

delivered to the temple,

just an hour's walk away.

- In the far right corner you can see

a small press that is thereal virgin olive oil,

which is probably the real top quality.

I assume, when the templeexisted, not far away,

that went as a dedication to the temple.

Thank you, God, forgiving me the abundance

of which I have now.

- [Julie] Billig saiddiscoveries like this

tell us much more aboutthe people from that time.

- They had probably a lot of interaction

with the population of the city,

maybe even for the pilgrims whomade pilgrimage to the city.

We can't forget that Jerusalem had to be

supplied by produce ofagricultural products

and here we have evidenceof growing grapes,

producing wine, growingolives, producing olive oil,

growing pigeons, supplyingthe population with poultry,

with eggs, also sacrifices for the temple.

- [Julie] As for what's ahead,

a school is planned on theactual excavation site.

Pottery fragments and other discoveries

like this rare heart-shaped capital

will be preserved off-site.

Archaeologists hope thethings that can't be moved

will be preserved on the school grounds.

Julie Stahl, CBN News,Sharafat, Jerusalem.

- [Efrem] Still ahead we'regonna take you to a place

with craft time, movienight, and a swimming pool,

but this is not a summer camp.

See how this uniqueinter-generational community

is building together toraise foster children.

(dramatic music)

- [Announcer] Parents,the Superbook Bible App

is a great way to get yourchild reading the Bible

because in today's busyworld we can use some help.

The free Superbook Bible App

has fun stuff your kids will love.

They'll have a blast learning the Bible,

playing great games,

watching cool videos,

discovering heroes in the Bible.

They'll have fun whilethey learn God's word.

The Superbook Kid'sBible App, available now.

(light music)

- [Announcer] Life.

It's meant to be lived fully.

(light music)

Jesus said it.

I came to give you life,

life to the fullest.

life in your family,

life in your finances,

life in your body,

mind and spirit,

life in your every day.

(light music)

At, we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.

(light music)

We're here to help you discover life.

(light music)


Live it fully.

(light music)

- [Announcer] Discover the I Wills of God,

I will rescue him,protect him, answer him,

be with him in trouble, deliver him,

honor him, satisfy him with long life ,

show him my salvation.

- What I felt was loved and treasured.

- God spared my life twice in three days.

- The good Lord hadgiven me a second chance.

- [Announcer] Call 1-800-700-7000

or visit

The I Wills of God,

the latest teaching from Pat Robertson.

- [Announcer] Get the top political news

and analysis fromWashington on Faith Nation,

tonight at 6:00 Eastern

only on the CBN News Channel.

(light music)

- When a retired nun in Tampa took over

what was once a failinghousing development,

she saw an opportunity,not only to provide help

with affordable homes, buta way to fulfill her dream

of helping foster children.

Abigail Robertson shows us Sister Claire

created a community thatbrings old and young together

at a New Life Village.

- It takes a village to raise a child.

That's the motto here atNew Life Village in Florida,

a unique, inter-generational community

that's goal is to reducethe number of children

in foster care, and provide kids in need

with a loving, stable environment.

- I want to empty the foster care system.

I want to be part of a process,

and that's a call from God.

- [Abigail] Sister Claireanswered that divine call

with New Life Village.

- These kids have reallybeen through a lot, and so

it's like living at a YMCA.

We have all these events,we have pool time,

and movie night, andcraft time, and tutoring,

and there's always something going on.

- [Abigail] The villagedoors opened in 2012

after a donor provided money to purchase

a Tampa housing developmentsitting in foreclosure.

- I was hoping that aninter-generational community

such as this one wouldbe attractive to people

who otherwise could notadopt or even foster children

out of the foster care system.

- [Abigail] Her originalplan was residents

would either be parents offostered or adopted children.

- There's so muchsupport in this community

that it's crazy, butit's what's gonna help me

and other kids, so I'm grateful for that.

- I think it would be moredifficult for us to foster

if we were at a place wherewe wouldn't have the support.

- [Abigail] Or retirees willing to care

for the children or community.

- Of course, being ineducation all my life

it was a thrill to come here

and be again with children.

- [Abigail] Then SisterClaire quickly realized

this community could providehelp on a wider scale.

- What God said is thereare a lot of grandparents

who are adopting and caringfor their grandchildren,

and they need a lot of support.

- [Abigail] So her visionexpanded to include

families like Antonia's, whoneeded low-income housing

and help with grandchildrenshe was suddenly raising.

- It just blew my mind, but then again,

I kinda knew and felt like you know,

it was definitely all God.

We automatically knew that God

was taking us to a higher level.

- [Abigail] And he wasusing Sister Aline to do so.

- For me, Sister Aline ismore than just a neighbor.

She's actually my angel, our angel.

Any time, last minute, Ican always call Sister Aline

and know that she wouldalways cover for the girls,

for the boys, and has stayedwith them numerous times.

- [Abigail] Vivian Bordeaux moved here

after retiring from teaching,and now tutors the kids.

- It gives me goosebumpswhen I think about

I might make a differencein that kid's life.

I might be the grandmotherthat were never able to have.

I praise the Lord that I'vebeen chosen to do this,

and I really feel that way.

- [Abigail] She alsohelps Marquise Carter,

a single parent raising his two nephews.

- It's important because bothof my parents are deceased,

and so my kids don't havea biological grandmother,

so to have someone like Miss Vivian,

someone like other residents here,

who take on that responsibility,give a extra hug,

give a meal, come over here,let me love on you kinda thing,

that's really important.

- [Abigail] Marquise toldus many children here

have been through trauma,

and need an understanding community.

- It's a soft place to land,because life can be hard.

They have meaningful relationships,

meaningful friendships.

- [Abigail] New Life DirectorMariah Hayden tells CBN News

they know the Lord willfurnish needs for the future.

- Any time we have a hurdle,a challenge around here,

we're such a prayerful community,

and we all come together andpray for what's meant to be,

and it's like the wind is at our backs.

- [Abigail] Mariah sharedthe story of a miracle

for one of their newest residents,

a grandmother who took inher three grandchildren

after the fourth died from child abuse.

And a three-bedroom houseopened at just the right time.

- They had seen severaldifferent foster homes.

They had seen their brother die.

They had seen the systemof care try to figure out

what to do with them, and God had,

in his way, shown the grandmother here.

- [Abigail] Even with this new home

and friendly surroundings, the kids

would not leave their grandmother's side.

- When she came, they were glued to her.

They were afraid to go to the restroom.

They were afraid to just do anything.

They'd seen so much inthe last couple of months.

- [Abigail] Then Mariah noticed a change

that led her to believethings would work out.

- That was a big momentbecause he felt safe enough

to just take off with his bike,

and he was doing laps around the village

with his new bicycle.

I saw the kids are okay, we'rehome, it's safe, we're good.

- [Abigail] Residentshope the trauma will be

left in the past for many of these kids

now that they're at New Life.

- It's a joy.- It is.

- It's a joy being here.- It is.

- There's a long wait listto get into New Life Village,

but they're workinghard to raise the money

to build even more houses on the 11 acres

they're blessed to own.

Reporting from Tampa,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.

(dramatic music)

- [Efrem] Coming up, it was the gift

and surprise of a lifetime.

See why this Christianteacher just received

one million dollars.

(dramatic music)

- [Announcer] Parents,the Superbook Bible App

is a great way to get yourchild reading the Bible

because in today's busyworld we can use some help.

The free Superbook Bible App

has fun stuff your kids will love.

They'll have a blast learning the Bible,

playing great games,

watching cool videos,

discovering heroes in the Bible.

They'll have fun whilethey learn God's word.

The Superbook Kid'sBible App, available now.

(light music)

- [Announcer] Life.

It's meant to be lived fully.

(light music)

Jesus said it.

I came to give you life,

life to the fullest.

life in your family,

life in your finances,

life in your body,

mind and spirit,

life in your every day.

(light music)

At, we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.

(light music)

We're here to help you discover life.

(light music)


Live it fully.

(light music)

- [Announcer] Discover the I Wills of God,

I will rescue him,protect him, answer him,

be with him in trouble, deliver him,

honor him, satisfy him with long life ,

show him my salvation.

- What I felt was loved and treasured.

- God spared my life twice in three days.

- The good Lord hadgiven me a second chance.

- [Announcer] Call 1-800-700-7000

or visit

The I Wills of God,

the latest teaching from Pat Robertson.

- [Caitlin] Check out the CBNNews Daily Rundown podcast

each weekday with me, Caitlin Burke.

Click on the Show tab at

where you can listen and subscribe.

- A Christian science teacher

from a remote villagein Kenya is the winner

of this year's one milliondollar Global Teacher Prize,

not only because he's astar in the classroom,

but because he gives 80% ofhis earnings to poor students.

Peter Tabichi, who isalso a Franciscan friar,

was selected among 10,000applicants to take home the prize.

He teaches at a government-run school

that has no library, no laboratory,

and only one computer.

Almost a third of thechildren in his village

are orphans or just have one parent.

Despite this, he has helped them

to compete in internationalscience competitions

and even to go on to college.

- Tabichi also thanked his father

for teaching him Christianprinciples as a young person.

He says he will use themoney to improve his school

and to feed the poor.

Time now for your Monday Motivation,

and today I leave you with this thought,

especially in light of that story.

Perhaps you're staring at what looks like

an impossible situation.

Know this.

Now is not the time to backdown from the impossible.

Stretch out, do what you can,

and watch God pick up where you fall off.

God makes the impossible I'm possible.

With that word, makethis a marvelous Monday.

That will do it for this firstedition of CBN NewsWatch.

Remember that you can find more

on the issues you care most about

always at,

and you can watch CBNNews programs any time

throughout the day onthe CBN News Channel.

We'd also love to knowwhat you think about

the stories you've seen here today.

You can do that byemailing,

and of course you can alsoreach out and touch us

on Facebook, on Twitter, and Instagram.

Hope you'll join us againright here next time.

Make it a marvelous Monday.

We'll see you back here tomorrow.

(dramatic music)


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