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'What We Need is a Wall': Border Ranchers Say Unknown Number of Migrants Entering US Illegally

'What We Need is a Wall': Border Ranchers Say Unknown Number of Migrants Entering US Illegally Read Transcript

- Trump administrationannounced over the weekend

it would cut aid to El Salvador,Honduras, and Guatemala.

Now this move comes as U.S.boarder officials claim

they have reached the breakingpoint on the U.S. border,

even as more Central Americanmigrants begin the trek north,

intending to claim asylumin the United States.

Chuck Holton visted El Pasoand has more now on this story.

- [Chuck] As bordercrossings break records

and migrants pour onto American streets,

President Trump is going to the source.

Saturday, the StateDepartment announced aid cuts

to El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala.

- We were paying themtremendous amounts of money

and we're not paying them anymore

because they haven't done a thing for us.

- The border patrol predicts

that numbers of illegalcrossers into the U.S.

will hit as many as 100,000 in March alone

and many of them are families.

Up above on the bridge,

dozens of families wait in line

for up to two weeks to come in legally

but these migrants have jumped the line

by entering illegallybetween the ports of entry.

Now that they're on American soil,

they must be given a court date

and with a system already crushed

under the weight of more thana million asylum seekers,

these Central American families know

they'll be allowed tolive in the United States

for up to three years beforethey get their day in court.

So right now, there arethousands of migrants

that have been capturedover the last couple days

being held in this detention facility

underneath the bridge to Juarez.

But you have to understand,

this is not the normal detention process.

It's not the normal facilitythat they're kept in.

The problem is borderpatrol has been picking up

over 4,000 people a dayfor the last couple of days

and that's far beyond theircapacity to take care of people.

It's gotten so bad thatthe border patrol is saying

they're gonna have tojust let these people go.

No one really knows howmany illegals enter the U.S.

without being caught.

Here in New Mexico, a hundredmiles west of El Paso,

the human tidal wave hasleft the border patrol

unable to cover thisremote stretch of desert

where these ranchers live.

- My name's Russell Johnson.

I'm a fourth generation out here

to be ranching with my family

and this is the barrier that we've got

in one stretch of thearea that my family farms

and as you can see, it serves no purpose

to stop vehicles or people.

It's been cut multiple times.

You can step right over it.

It does nothing to stop illegaltraffic from coming through.

It's not even a deterrent.

- I'm currently in Northern Mexico,

right on the U.S. southern border

and I'm gonna cross intothe United States right now

and I want to show you justhow quickly I can do this.

Just how quick can I get over the border?

Here I am and

I'm in the United States.

Just like that.

- Our sheriff's departmentis spread thin as it is

and so we rely heavily on border patrol

for our only form of lawenforcement out here.

And so with this influx of people

drawing down the manpowerwithin the border patrol,

we're basically left lawless out here.

- [Chuck] From El Paso, Texas,

I'm Chuck Holton for CBN News.


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