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Biden Admin Says It's Sending Bridge Migrants Back to Haiti, but Thousands Actually Being Released Into US

Biden Admin Says It's Sending Bridge Migrants Back to Haiti, but Thousands Actually Being Released Into US Read Transcript

- The Biden administrationis struggling to get control

of the crisis at the borderas bipartisan criticism

of its handling of theproblem intensifies.

Homeland Security Secretaryfacing tough questions

on Capitol Hill Tuesdayover the migrant crisis

at the border.

- How many people have been returned?

How many people are being detained?

How many people have been dispersed

to all points around America?

- Senator, I would be pleasedto provide you with that data-

- I want them now.

Why don't you have that information now?

- Senator, I do not have that.

- [Charlene] More than 14,000 migrants

have surged the border over the past week,

many from Haiti, a countryrecently devastated

by a massive earthquakeand political violence.

The Haitian migrant crisis comes

as the border has already been swamped

by the highest numberof migrants in 20 years,

reaching over 200,000in both July and August.

Thousands seeking asylumunder a Texas bridge

have already been sent backto their home countries.

Both Democrats andRepublicans are critical

of the White House'shandling of the crisis.

The Biden administrationbelieves it can process

remaining migrants by the end of the week.

According to the Associated Press,

two officials say many Haitian migrants

are actually being released in the US,

undercutting the Bidenadministration's public statements

that the thousands in thecamp face immediate expulsion.

Texas Governor Greg Abbottat the border Tuesday.

- They have shown no capability

of being able to processall of these migrants

by the end of this week.

The only thing that they'veshown is an incapability

of dealing with this crisis.

- [Charlene] The president promising

to get the situation under control.

- We will get it under control.

- For now, at least 10,000men, women, and children

are still under the DelRio International Bridge.

Charlene Aaron, CBN News.


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