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The 700 Club - September 1, 2021

A man is thrown to the pavement with twenty tons farm machinery barreling towards him. See what stopped this monster in its tracks. Plus, the duo behind “Courageous” and “War Room” share how they’re breaking new ground with, “Show ... Read Transcript

- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Reporter] Coming up.

- Matt's had an accident.

- [Reporter] Thrown to a pavement.

- He's hurt.

He's really hurt.

- [Reporter] With 20 tons ofsteel barreling towards him.

- [Kelly] And I thought,"He's been run over."

- [Reporter] What stoppedthis monster in its tracks?

- There's not logical reasonfor just those three wires

to be cut.

- [Reporter] Plus, theduo behind "Fireproof",

"Facing the Giants" and more.

The Kendrick brothers sharehow they're breaking new ground

with "Show Me The Father",on today's 700 Club.

- Well, welcome to The 700 Club.

President Biden is lookingfor congratulations

on his pullout from Afghanistan,

despite the fact thathundreds of Americans

are still trapped there andthere's no one on the ground

to get them out.

The president is also pledgingto get all Americans out,

but he's broken it andhe's lied repeatedly

about everything.

He seems to be somebody whodoesn't have compassion.

He isn't really feeling thatsuffering that's going on

because of his action.

And democrats and republicansare now heavily critical

of the president's decision,calling the episode

a, quote, "debacle andpublic humiliation."

Abigail Robertson has that story.

- President Joe Bidendefended his decision

to leave Afghanistanbefore safely evacuating

all remaining U.S. citizens and allies.

The president claimed he'shad to make tough decisions

and it was time to bringthe war to a close.

- For those remainingAmericans, there is no deadline.

We remain committed to get them out

if they want to come out.

Leaving August the 31st is notdue to an arbitrary deadline,

it was designed to save American lives

and I was not extending a forever exit.

- [Abigail] While Bidentouted the withdrawal

as a success, others argue,"We never should've left."

- We need to be investedin that part of the world.

- [Abigail] Commander KirkLippold, whose USS Cole ship

was attacked by al-Qaeda in 2000,

told CBN New's FaithNation, "The way we left

was a disgrace."

- There is no substitute forhaving those eyes on the ground

that really give you thatability to understand

what is happening in asociety, in a military

and throughout the country.

- [Abigail] 120,000 peopleevacuated in 17 days,

but as many as 200 U.S.citizens remain in the country,

now under Taliban control.

- Many are dual citizenAmericans with deep roots

and extended families in Afghanistan

who resided there for many years.

For many, it's a painful choice.

- [Abigail] The U.S. StateDepartment seized diplomacy

as the main hope for getting U.S. citizens

and allies left behind out of the country.

While many republicans arecriticizing President Biden

for not keeping thispromise made two weeks ago.

- There's American citizens left,

we're gonna stay til we get them all out.

- [Abigail] Also leftbehind, military weaponry.

Members of the Taliban seenhere inspecting helicopters

and war planes deemedinoperable by the Pentagon.

Former U.S. Senator JimDeMint tells CBN News,

"We've left Afghanistan as bad off

as when we got there 20 years ago.

- Us to exit inhumiliation is just so hard

for me to swallow.

- [Abigail] DeMint argueswhat's happening now

is not a surprise to ourintelligence communities.

- We knew, especially in Afghanistan,

that as soon as the Afghan army knew

that Americans would notbe there to back them up

and pay their salary that theywould disintegrate overnight.

It wouldn't happen over months.

They would immediatelyknow that the only way

for them to live was tomake peace with the Taliban.

- And just hours after theU.S. completed its withdrawal,

al-Qaeda congratulated the Taliban

on the takeover of Afghanistan

with both groups seeing this as a moment

to incite and recruit new members

to the global Jihad movement.


- Abby, what are members of Congress doing

to help those stranded?

- Well, members of Congress onboth the left and right side

have been critical of theBiden Administration's efforts

to get people out and they've been working

with former veterans who are vouching

for some of the Afghan allies

that they say are goodpeople, are translators,

they need to be protected andnot abandoned in Afghanistan.

These are some people who have applied

for the special immigrantVisas back in 2013, 2014

and have been stuck in the backlog

of the bureaucratic process.

So, they've been doing their own efforts

to get working with non-profitswho are chartering flights,

chartering buses and they are evacuating

thousands of other people that were not on

the U.S. military flights that we saw

and they've been doing this long before

the U.S. withdrawalofficially concluded this week

and they plan to keep doing it.

They have pledged to leave no man behind

and Congressman MichaelMcCaul told CBN News

that this has really been aparallel government effort

and we're gonna have moredetails on what they're doing,

the countless hoursthey've put into this work

later this week on The 700 Club.

- Thanks, Abigail, thanks for your report.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a president

who is either mentally deficientand is in senile dementia

or one who is totally heartless.

One of the stories comingout, one of those translators

actually rescued Bidenwhen his helicopter crashed

in Afghanistan and he wentin and brought him out,

that man was left behind.

It is absolutely heartlesswhat this man is doing

and whether it is selfishness,

whether it is greed, whetherit is just totally heartless,

we don't know what it is, butit shocks me beyond measure

and it should all Americans.

And you say, "Well, we've gotthis guy and Kamala Harris,

we've got two incompetentsrunning our government

and how long are wegoing to have to suffer?"

Well, there's nothing can be done unless,

there's no way that you caninvoke the 25th amendment

unless the cabinet,his cabinet goes along,

which it won't happen, andimpeachment is just nonsense,

it can't possibly take place,

so we need to just call upon the lord

and deliver us from evil.

Well, in the news, fromthe fight against COVID,

one of the impacts of thecontagious Delta variant

is how it's spreadingrapidly among children.

That's leading more schooldistricts across the country

to require students to wear masks.

And what about the rightsof parents to object?

Medical Reporter Lorie Johnsontakes us into that debate.

- Millions of children areheading back to school.

For many, it's the firsttime in over a year

they're gathering in person,something medical experts say

is much healthier for thekids than distance learning.

- Being in the school, itmakes me feel this feeling,

this very happy feeling.

- [Lorie] Educators worry, however,

that in-person instructionwill need to go virtual again

due to widespread COVID-19 outbreaks.

Pediatric cases continue to rise,

with more than 204,000 reported last week,

300 kids a day being hospitalized.

In South Carolina, MystiqueGoodwin's daughter, Amari,

is fighting for her life.

- I'm just glad right nowbecause they did take her off

the medically induced coma.

We still have a long road to go.

- [Lorie] In an effortto minimize infections,

many school districts areconsidering mask mandates,

some getting considerablepushback from parents.

- [Crowd] No more masks for kids.

- [Crowd] No more masks, no more masks.

- [Lorie] Mask mandate argumentsat school board meetings

getting emotional, even physical at times.

- [Board Meeting Attendee] Allof this on live television.

- [Lorie] Further illustrating the divide,

a Gallup poll shows 48% of parents

say all students shouldwear masks at school,

41% say no students shouldbe required to do so

and 11% say masks should only be required

for unvaccinated students.

Nine governors have outlawedschool mask mandates.

Four of them now face legal challenges,

the other five face an educationdepartment investigation

on whether outlawing those mandates

discriminates against kidswith compromised immune systems

and other issues.

- We know the spread of COVID happens

when masks are not being used.

- [Lorie] The CDC saysbased on recent data,

school districts should require masks,

but some, like the HeritageFoundation's Doug Badger,

says that data is flawed,arguing the infection rate

among kids in schools with mask mandates

was not statistically significant

compared with schools wheremask use was optional.

Dr. Chris Winter is oneof a number of physicians

who says wearing a mask atschool is worth the effort.

- Is it going to preventevery bit of community spread

of a Delta variant?

Of course it's not.

Nothing that we know of can.

Can it slow or hinder the progress

of something of that nature?

And I think the data's absolutely there,

it's not debatable,really, I mean, masks work.

- Pat, proponents saymasks may be the difference

between in-person learningand shutting down the schools,

something no one wants.

- Why are some parentsso concerned about masks

and what are their options?

- Pat, it all boilsdown to parental rights.

A lot of parents are sayingthat a parent should decide

what is best for their child.

So, it's important to note that people

who are against maskmandates aren't saying

that all children should go unmasked,

what they're saying isif you, as a parent,

feel it is best for yourchild to wear a mask

and remain masked all day at school,

then by all means, do that,but if I, as a parent,

feel what's best for mychild is to be unmasked

and remain unmasked all day at school,

then I should have the right to do that.

So, it's, again, what's,parents should decide

what's best for their child.

It should be noted, Pat,that the American Academy

of Pediatricians does recommend

universal masking at schools,

but again, a lot of these parents say,

"I know better than my child's doctor

what's best for my child."

- Oh, I understand theadministration has announced

that two of the top FDAvaccine regulators are leaving

and what is the cause of that?

- Well, that's right, two FDA advisors

who advise about vaccines,who have been there

for many years quit allegedly because

of the Biden Administration's announcement

about booster shots.

You may remember, not too long ago,

that President Biden came out

and said that people aregoing to need booster shots

eight months after theyare fully vaccinated.

Well, some people insidethe FDA apparently said

that the data really isn't there

to support that announcement.

Furthermore, the Biden Administration said

that people will be able to start getting

their booster shots inthe middle of September

after the FDA approvesthat and the FDA's saying

that that was unduepressure being put on them

to approve these booster shots

when the data might notreally be there, Pat.

- One last question, Lorie.

What percentage of young children

have actually gotten COVID?

It's just infinitesimal, isn't it?

Or am I wrong on that?

- Well, the numbers are growing.

We know that last week, 204,000 children

tested positive for COVID-19and so, we're seeing

a lot of spread among children

that we didn't see beforewith the other variant.

Remember, this Delta variantis a completely different beast

and we're seeing a lot of hospitalizations

at children's hospitals,some of the ICUs are full

of COVID patients.

But, this is the debate,are the children really

that much at risk?

One thing we know for sure,Pat, is that in-person learning,

getting those kidsthere together in school

is so much better for themthan the distance learning

and a lot of people are saying maybe masks

might keep the kids at school

because if we see a tremendous outbreaks,

then the schools will be closed

and the kids will be senthome for distance learning,

so that's the concern.

You know, a lot ofparents are so frustrated

about the idea of their kidshaving to wear masks at school

that they're turning to homeschooling.

We've seen homeschooling double recently

in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic

from about two and a halfto five million parents.

We always saw a little bit of an uptick

in the years leading up to the pandemic

because of things likeschool shootings and violence

and bullying and the thingsthat the kids are being taught

about sex and American historyand so, that's something

that we're seeing a lot of parents do

because they're just so frustratedwith the whole situation,

they're just gonna homeschool.

- Lorie, I want to thankyou for your insights.

- Sure.

- Well, Wendy hassomething great coming up,

let's take a look at that.


- Thanks, Pat.

Yeah, coming up, the Green Movement

has been caught whitewashing the facts.

What does the data reallyshow about climate change?

And then later, the newest movie

from the mind behindsuch inspirational films,

such as "Courageous" and "War Room",

what does Stephen Kendrickhave planned next?

Plus, a farmer who was almostpart of his own harvest.

Thrown from the windshield of his combine,

his broken body couldn'tget out of the way.

What stopped him from getting crushed?

You'll have to see it to believe it.

Stay tuned.

(upbeat music)

- Well, it seems naturaldisasters are hitting America

at a record pace.

From Hurricane Ida towildfires in the West

to flash floods that destroythe entire Tennessee town

in a matter of hours,are these events signs

of a climate emergency?

That's what the media wouldlike to have you believe.

But, as Dale Hurdexplains, weather history

tells a much different story.

- [Reporter] The signs are all there.

- [Dale] The United Nations has declared

a climate emergency, callingit a code red for humanity.

- [Reporter] Scientists saythe planet is warming faster

than at any time in at least 2,000 years.

- It is unequivocal.

- This is the beginningof a permanent emergency.

- But, what if it's all hogwash?

What if what we've really had this year

is nothing more than whatfolks used to call a hot summer

and not even close to the hottest summer

this nation has ever experienced?

- [Reporter] A heatwave in America

and hundreds of thousands leave New York.

- [Dale] The summer heat this year

wasn't even close to 1936.

- The 1930s were really whenthe terrible heatwaves were.

- [Dale] Tony Heller

is an environmentalist who,as an electrical engineer,

helped develop the moderncomputer microprocessor.

His website has become acollection of weather history.

History which shows it was a lot hotter

90 and 100 years ago than it is today.

- The claims that summersare getting hotter

are simply not true.

During 1936, 21 states set theirall time temperature record

and none set them this year.

- [Dale] In the 1930s, mostof the nation saw temperatures

over 100 degrees.

Without air conditioning,it was common for families

to sleep outdoors.

Many thousands died andwhat would become known

as the Dust Bowl forced the migration

of three and a halfmillion climate refugees

out of the Great Plains and Midwest,

many of them to California.

- During the 1930s, places like Wisconsin

were seeing temperatures of 114 degrees.

North Dakota was 121 degrees.

Hundred degree temperatureswere very common in the Midwest

prior to about 1960, butsince 1960, they've become

much less common.

- [Dale] But, what about wildfires?

News reports suggest they'regetting a lot more common,

but the record shows wildfire burn acreage

is down 90% from the 1920s and 30s.

One reason wildfiresseem to have increased

is because the wildfire data before 1983

has been erased.

The website of the NationalInteragency Fire Center

used to show how wildfires were much worse

in the 1920s and 30s.

That has been removed.

The reason given by theNational Ineragency Fire Center,

"Prior to 1983, the federalwildland fire agencies

did not track official wildfire data

using current reporting processes."

So, now, when the media visit the website,

it shows wildfires steadily getting worse.

Heller also shows how NASA has changed

its historic weather data.

This NASA temperature graph from 1999

showed the warmesttemperatures in the 1900s

were in the 1920s and 30s.

Sometime later, NASA changed the graph

and it now shows U.S.temperatures getting warmer.

Joe Bastardi is chiefforecaster at

and the author of "TheWeaponization of Weather

in the Phony Climate War".

He says catastrophic weather events,

such as Hurricane Ida, are usedto show a climate emergency,

when hurricanes just asstrong hit this continent

hundreds of years ago.

- It is astounding whatyou see going on today

as far as the weaponization ofeach and every weather event.

Climate does change, theweather is always changing,

so the very nature of ourcreation is change and reaction.

What I do mind is peoplewith a one sided perspective

that won't give people the total picture.

- [Dale] But, this isn'tjust a debate about weather,

it's costing you money.

The Green New Deal, proposed by

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,

could cost as much as 93 trillion dollars

and most of us are alreadypaying more in taxes

because of the beliefin a climate emergency

that the weather recordssuggest doesn't exist.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- Dale, great reporting.

But, ladies and gentlemen,what is the game?

The game is to take control of your life

by the government andforce you to be part of

a global oligarchy thatwants to take control

of the lives of everybody.

It is part of socialism.

It has nothing to do with climate itself,

it has to do with taking over your life

and it has to do with ruinous taxation

and absolutely killingspending to bring forth

a new type of new world orderbased on government control.

And the whole idea is tomake the United States

to go along with the Paris Accords

to surrender our industryto break down our advantage

in what we do and to goalong with China and Russia

and whatever, who, and India,

who really are pollutingthe planet pretty badly

and we will be part ofthe Paris Climate Accord.

President Trump, to his credit,took us out of that mess,

now they want to put usright back in the middle

and they want to spend trillionsand trillions of dollars

to reorient buildings toforce everything into the mold

of some young congresswomanwho doesn't have a clue

as to what she's talking about

unless it is an evil intentto take over your life

and waste the money of theUnited States of America.


- Pat, it's been 10 yearssince the movie, "Courageous",

took the box office by storm.

A decade later, it's stillinspiring audiences worldwide.

Coming up, Stephen Kendrick tells us

what they've got plannedfor the anniversary.

Plus, he'll give us a sneak peak

at their upcoming new documentary show,

called "Show Us The Father".

But first, man versus machine.

A farmer is at the mercyof a 20 ton corn harvester.

What broke the laws of physics

and saved him in the nick of time?

He'll tell you himself.

Plus, we'll be prayingfor you, so don't go away.

(upbeat music)

- 40,000 pounds of steel and blades

tearing down the road towardhim at 22 miles an hour.

Matt Griggs thought his outof control corn harvester

would be the last thing he'd see

and then, the monster machinestopped dead in its tracks.

How and why?

You're about to find out.

(lighthearted music)

(engine humming)

(vehicle crashing)

(ominous music)

- Farming accidents have always been

one of the main thingsthat have scared me.

- [Narrator] September 22,2020, Crocket County, Tennessee,

Kelly Griggs and her husband, Matt,

a fifth generationfarmer, had just completed

the corn harvest for the season.

They both left for their house separately,

with Kelly being the first to arrive.

But after a few minutes of not hearing

or seeing Matt's combineharvester coming up the road,

she began to feel uneasy.

- He was literally right behindme after I left the field.

You can hear the combinetwo, three miles away,

so, kind of made me worried.

- [Narrator] Kelly wasgetting into her truck

to go check on Matt whenshe received a phone call

from her neighbor.

- Miss Kelly, this is Nolan,Matt's had an accident.

He's hurt.

He's really hurt.

And that's when I basically floored it.

- [Narrator] Matt wasonly a couple of minutes

down the road from thehouse when his combine

hit a rough spot, causingit to bounce out of control.

Not wearing his seatbelt, he was launched

through the windscreen andlanded hard on the pavement,

just feet from the 20ton combine's front tire.

As Kelly came over the hill,she caught her first glimpse

of the combine's wreckage andher mind went to a dark place.

- And I thought, "He's been run over."

(sirens wailing)

- [Narrator] Meanwhile, Dr. Mike Revelle,

medical director and chiefof emergency services

for West Tennessee Healthcare,

heard on his scanner thatMatt had been ejected

from the combine.

A friend of Matt's, Dr. Revelleimmediately went to meet

the ambulance at the hospitalto see to him personally.

- I expected, based onthe report from EMS,

that he would, was gonna be very injured.

Once you are thrown from a vehicle,

you know, all bets are off.

- [Narrator] As Matt wasbeing evaluated by Dr. Revelle

in the emergency room, Kelly was outside

contacting as many people aspossible, asking for prayer.

- I don't know what itwas, but it was like

someone telling me to call my friends.

My grandmother always taught me,

"If you can't pray for yourself,

then get others to pray for you

because multiple voicesare better than one."

- [Narrator] Matt had a crushed vertebrae,

five broken ribs and a severe concussion,

along with abrasions down his back.

But what amazed Dr.Revelle was that Matt had

no internal bleeding or otherlife-threatening trauma.

- You combine that with sudden stop

and being thrown through a windshield,

bounced off a steering wheel,slammed onto the pavement,

and then by the grace of God, not run over

by whatever you're in,I'm absolutely surprised

that his scan was clean as it was.

- [Narrator] Matt wasdischarged from the hospital

the same day.

It wasn't until he got homeand inspected his combine

that Matt realized his miraculous survival

came down to only three wires

that kept him from being run over.

- Those three wires hadbeen cut cleanly in half,

but the rest of that bundlewas completely intact.

It should've still kept moving forward.

There's no logical reasonfor just those three wires

to be cut, but those three wires

is what stopped the machine.

I mean, there's onlyone way to explain it,

the good lord put hisprotective hands over me,

he stopped the combine.

God is only thing that canbreak the laws of physics

and stop 40,000 poundsmoving at 22 miles an hour

in its tracks.

- [Narrator] Dr. Revelle also credits God

for Matt's outcome.

- Well, you know, I thinkthat's part of what faith is,

you have to believe andI see things everyday

that I can't put one andone together to make two

that happened.

But, you know, I thinkhe had a hand in this

and God blessed Matt to still be able

to climb in and out of thatcab and give those directions

just like he always has.

- [Narrator] It tookseveral weeks of recovery

before Matt was back on his feet

and ready to get behind thewheel of his combine again.

Both he and Kelly believethat it was prayer

and their trust in God's protection

that ultimately saved Matt.

- I can't imagine anybodygoing through this experience

without having faith.

And I think the mostpowerful thing you can do

is ask someone to pray for you.

- It was an amazingexperience to be able to feel

the power of the prayer,the presence of the lord.

Everyday I'm able tostep out on this farm,

I mean, it's a blessing.

The accident shown me that,you know, life's short.

You know, just try to be alittle bit more easy going

and appreciate everythingthat God's given me.

- Amazing.

Who cut the wires?

Did an angel come down?

Did God himself do it?

What an amazing thing.

They just don't cut spontaneously.

But they did.


Well, Wendy, we've gotsome answers to prayer.

- Yes, we do.- Then it's time to pray.

- I love that story.

Okay, Bernadette, she wrote by email,

"I was suffering fromsevere migraine headaches."

"Pat had a word andsaid, 'You are suffering

with severe headachesand a heart murmur.'"

"I knew it was mebecause when I was young,

the doctor did a testand the results showed

that I had a heart murmur."

"Since the word, I have not had

one of those migraine headaches."

"Thank you, Pat."

"I'm out in South Africa."

- [Pat] South Africa, thisprogram goes all over the world,

- Yes.- Isn't that great?

- [Wendy] Love it, wow.

- Here's one, Ruth, "On August 11th,

Wendy prayed for a Tony,who had a diabetic,

saying, 'God is healing yourfeet and doing a miracle.'"

"Tony is my husband."

"The night before, I stayed up praying

because he had no circulation."

"I claimed the word and wasalmost afraid to tell him."

"Well, he received it for himself,

all the color and warmth areback in his feet and hands."

"He now wants to go to church

and I am praising God with him."

- [Wendy] Wow.

Oh, I remember that word veryclearly because that was-

- Time to pray.- Woo.

- Well, Wendy and I are gonna join hands,

we're gonna pray for you.

That's one of the excitingthings in this program

is that we see God at workand I believe in the lord.

And, Father, we thankyou for the anointing

of the holy spirit, in the name of Jesus,

go out and touch people,we pray, thank you, Lord.

There's somebody, Ibelieve the name is Eloise,

you have muscle spasmsin your feet and ankles

and it's been very hardto walk and right now,

God is relieving youof those muscle spasms

and you are completelyhealed, in Jesus' name.

Wendy, do you have anything?

- There's many of you praying,you're watching right now

and you're saying, "Pleasepray for the COVID patients,"

because you've got a loved one,

for some of you, it's your husband,

for some of you, it's yourbrother, but, or your sister,

Lord, we ask you right nowto send your angel armies

to those in the hospitalright now with COVID,

Lord, let today be the daythat the ventilators come off,

let today be the day thatthe oxygen is restored,

let today be the day that people walk out

and miracles happen, Lord, wehave not because we ask not

and we ask for people to be delivered

from this evil COVIDtoday, in Jesus' name,

we thank you for the miracles

that are gonna take place, God.

- Thank you, Lord.- Thank you, God.

- There's somebody, wemay have had it before,

but I believe you haven't responded.

You were crushed, you had ribs broken

and you, whether it wasan automobile accident

or whatever it is, right now,you can just put your hand

on your ribs and on your chest,

in the name of Jesus, you are, touch them.

Thank you, Lord.

- And, Lord, there's somany suffering right now

in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast,

Lord, the heat is so intense, Lord,

will you especially lift up the elderly

and those who aresuffering from illnesses,

Lord, that you would deliver them,

God, have mercy on the hurricane victims

over the Gulf Coast, Lord, do miracles,

we pray in Jesus' name.

- And, Lord, we pray for Afghanistan

and we pray for ourpeople being left behind

and we pray that youwill deliver us from evil

and, Lord, may we be anation that is worthy

of your blessing and we praythat you will lift the curse

that's been upon our landbecause we are living

as we should, inaccordance with your word.

May it happen, may we seenational revival here in America?

In Jesus' name, amen.

- Amen.- And amen.

- [Wendy] I believe we'regonna see revival, it's coming.

- I believe we are.

Give us a call, by theway, it's 1-800-700-7000.

We love to have your calls,we love to hear from you

and we especially love tohear those answers to prayer,

so please call and thetelephones are available,

even after the program's off the air,

we, our phones are available all day long,

24 hours a day.


Well, up next, inside the brand new movie

from the Kendrick brothersand this one may be

their most personal yet.

Stephen Kendrick sharesabout the inspiration

behind his upcoming film,"Show Me The Father".

That's next.

(upbeat music)

Well, the Kendrick brotherswanted to do something special

for the 10th anniversary oftheir hit movie, "Courageous".

As they revisited thatfilm, they came across

a number of powerfulstories about fatherhood.

Some involved great dads,others, not so much,

each and every one of them

featured their own twists and turns.

Well, from there, theKendricks decided to embark

on a brand new journey and it resulted in

their first documentary,called "Show Me The Father".

Take a look.

- [Narrator] All of ushave a fatherhood story.

- [Movie Interviewee] Mydad was my hero growing up.

- [Movie Interviewee]My father was somebody

who disappointed you.

- [Movie Interviewee]To have my father proud

was my sole purpose of playing football.

- [Movie Interviewee] Iwant to make a difference

in the lives of youngpeople the way my father

made a difference in my life.

- [Movie Interviewee]We put a representation

of our father in all of our feats.

- [Narrator] Sony Pictures, Affirm Films

and the Kendrick brothers'first documentary,

"Show Me The Father", iscoming to theaters nationwide

September 10, 2021.

- Stephen Kendrick is here with us now.

Stephen, great to see you.

- Good morning, Wendy, goodto be a part of the program.

- Let me turn you up, so Ican hear you, there you go.

Okay, this is your first documentary.

How was the filmmaking process different

for this than a traditionallyscripted feature film?

- Absolutely, well, the lord knew

that we needed to beable to film during COVID

and so, we flew little tinycrews across the United States

to film these interviewsof real personal stories

and God has given ussome incredible stories

about fatherhood that really ties back

to the perfect fatherhood of God.

- Stephen, why is the roleof a father so important

when it comes to raising a child?

- Well, it says in scripture,"The glory of children

are their fathers," andGod has put in our hearts

this longing for that relationship

and he created fatherhood on Earth

out of the fatherhood of God,

it says in Ephesians, Chapter Three.

So, the seven roles that anEarthly father is to play

in the lives of hischildren are reflective

of the seven roles thatGod plays in our lives.

And so, when a fatherdisconnects from his children

or abandons them, it's like the bus driver

jumping out of the busand it leaves so much harm

and tragedy and pain.

So, God wanted us, through Jesus,

to be able to connect withhim as the perfect father.

And in the movie, "Show Me The Father",

we take people on aroller coaster of emotions

and they laugh, they cry, but ultimately,

we tie back to what we all long for

and that is God as our perfect father.

- Yeah, you didn't shyaway from showing stories

that featured fatherswho weren't really there

for their children, why did you do,

why did you go that wayand what's the message

to people that you wantthem to take away from that?

- Well, everybody has a father story

and some of us, like in my situation

and my brother, Alex's, wehad a dad that loved us,

blessed us, prayed overus, but a large percentage

of the population wereemotionally disconnected

from their dads.

So, we have some incrediblestories of abandonment.

Jim Daly, who's the presidentof Focus On The Family,

talks about what it was like to grow up

with an alcoholic father andit is a very moving story.

We also see coachesbecoming father figures

for players.

But we want everyone to be able to relate

and you will find a storyto relate to in this movie.

But some people have said thisis the most moving production

that we've ever done and we're grateful

because we're praying thatpeople have an encounter with God

and the holy spirit, whether it's healing

of a father wound or theyplace their faith in Jesus,

we're already seeing people come to Christ

from the pre-screenings, orthey begin to pray to God

as a trustworthy, loving father.

- All right, "Courageous",coming back out.

I was there with you guys10 years ago in Atlanta

at that star-studded premier,

what a beautiful theater that was,

what an incredible movie,what can people expect

from the re-release of"Courageous" coming out?

- Sure.

Well, "Show Me TheFather" is September 10th,

which is a week away, andthen "Courageous Legacy"

will hit theaters across the United States

and internationally on September the 24th.

It is a remastered newversion for a new generation.

We've added new bonus scenes to it,

re-edited the film and we'veshot a new twist ending

that people are gonna love and enjoy.

But, we've thought there'smillions of young men

that have become dadsover the last 10 years

that are holding their children now

and they will view this movie differently.

And so, people can enjoy Courageous Legacy

on September 24th, you cango to

and see the showtimes for that film

and the trailers, as well.

But, we've got two moviescoming out this fall

and they're family friendly,they present the gospel,

they honor the lord,there's no profanity in them

and we hope that it willbe a blessing to families

and to churches, you know,in the next few weeks.

- Can you believe that it's been 10 years?

It seems like yesterdayI was standing there

on the red carpet interviewingyou about "Courageous"

and, well, what else do youguys have up your sleeve?

I know you're always working on things

and I know you always do everything,

or you do nothing, rather,without lots and lots of prayer,

tell us what else is going on.

- Well, and you're absolutely right.

The secret sauce behindthe scenes in our lives

has been that we can'tdo it, but the lord can.

Our parents instilledthat kind of faith in us

and so, we pray through everything,

the lord birthed, really, "Courageous"

and "Show Me The Father"in a time of prayer

and then, everyday on set, we're praying,

asking God to show up and so,

we have just filmed anothermovie this past spring

that I don't want togive the stories away,

but, you know, we hope torelease some time next year.

But we would ask people to please pray

because this fatherhood theme

that is in both "Show Me The Father"

and in "Courageous Legacy" is something

that we can all relate to.

Everybody has a fatherhood story,

whether it's painful or inspirational,

and when you get people tostart talking about their dads,

they often times are moved to tears,

even hardened criminals, andit is through that connection

that we're able to point them back to God

and many people are finding healing

as they're watching these films.

Even security guards thatare in the pre-screenings,

not even planning on watching the film,

and wanting to give theirlives to Christ at the end.

But, you're absolutelyright, 10 years ago, Wendy,

I remember us praying foryou for God to send a husband

and I've heard that it's happened.

Is that right?

- I wasn't gonna go there, Iwas gonna be professional today

and this was all about you,but, yes, I will never forget

your selflessness.

Here, you're having this big movie premier

and I'm like, "Please pray for me,"

- Yes.- and, yeah,

I got the ring, I gotthe man, it's all good.

It's all good.

- Praise the lord, that is great.

- Praise the lord.

Well, I think we ought to end it there.

"Show Me The Father",the first documentary

from the Kendricks, hitstheaters on September 10th

and don't forget "Courageous"returns to the silver screen

on September 24th.

Stephen, you haven'tchanged, thank you so much.

Thank you for all your, you guys are doing

and for all the incredible movies

and we can't wait tosee this one, as well.

God bless you.

- Thank you, Wendy.

Thank you so much.

Have a good day.

- You too.

Well, still ahead, the part of the program

that's a hit online, yourquestions, honest answers.

P.K. writes, "If I havesex with my girlfriend,

is it an unforgivable sin?"

What will Pat say to that?

Stay tuned to find out.

(upbeat music)

We are just a few days away from launching

our annual 7 Days Ablaze celebration.

It begins on Labor Day,that's September 6th,

and you'll see amazingstories of answered prayers

and we'll also be praying for you.

If you're a CBN partner,you might've received

a packet in the mail,please just fill it out

with your prayer requestand send it back to us,

if you're not a partner,but you still want us

to pray for you, go to

or give us a call, 1-800-700-7000.


- Well, we're gonna havea good time of prayer.

Well, when Alecia was born, hermother Rhonda was overjoyed.

She was the first babygirl after five boys.

But Rhonda's joy soon turned to sorrow.


Take a look.

- [Narrator] Rhodaalways wanted a daughter.

After five boys, herdream finally came true.

- [Rhoda's Interpreter]Alecia is my little princess,

she's such a happy baby and Iwas happy when she was born,

but when I saw she had acleft lip, I felt terrible.

- [Narrator] Friendstold Rhoda to take Alecia

to the hospital to be treated,

but as farm workers, thefamily couldn't afford it.

- [Rhoda's Interpreter]I worry about her future

because she will never have a normal life.

I pray God will make a wayfor us to get her treated.

- [Narrator] One morning at church,

Rhoda learned about Plaster House,

a ministry supportedby Operation Blessing.

She left with her baby right after church

and arrived here 11 hours later.

We soon arranged and paidfor Alecia's surgery.

(monitor beeping)

- [Rhoda's Interpreter]Alecia looks beautiful.

I love to dress her up andtell her how pretty she is.

As she grows up, I will remind her

about what God has done for her.

May God bless you for helping her

and may he refresh your giving spirit,

so more lives can be changed.

- More lives can bechanged, what a joy it is

to reach out and help somebody.

You know, the Bible talks about it being

more blessed to give thanto receive, it's true,

and what we'd like you to do, though,

is would you like to help us help others?

We help literally millionsof people around the world

with all kinds of problems andwhen you join The 700 Club,

you're part of an army of thousands

that's making a difference in our world.

So, you can join The 700Club with just $20 a month,

65 cents a day, or moreif you feel so inclined,

but when you do, I wantto send you something.

Edie Watsonberg asked meto read something for you

and so, we have some selected verses

from the Book of Romans andit's called, "God Is For Us!"

and I'll be delighted to give this to you

as our gift to you whenyou join The 700 Club.

So, the number is there onyour screen, 1-800-700-7000.

You had a comment?

- Bobbie from Palestine, Texas,

I didn't know therewas a Palestine, Texas,

she says, or he says, I think it's a lady,

"I love it."

"I listen while I'm on the treadmill."

"If God is for us, thenwho can be against us?"

"Keep them coming," she says.

Thanks, Bobbie.

- Well, thank you, Bobbie.

We'll hopefully get some fromEphesians next, down the road.

Okay, some email.

- Yeah, now it's time for your email.

P.K. writes in, "Am Iconsidered a fornicator

if I have sex with my girlfriend?"

"Is it an unforgivable sin?"

- You know, there's a song,"How can something be wrong,

it feels so right?"

Well, sex with your girlfriend,

according to the biblicaldefinition, is fornication

and that is a sin.

And will that kind of thing keep you

from the blessings of heaven?

It could, absolutely.

And the Bible says thatpeople who are immoral

and liars and so forthare not gonna be part of

the kingdom of God.

So, if you love thisgirl, and hopefully a man,

whichever it is, you loveyour spouse, your partner,

there's nothing wrong withgetting married, okay?

- I recommend marriage.

- Yeah, it happens, all right?

- Well, and he, P.K. or,well, it's probably a guy,

he knows he's doing the wrong thing.

- [Pat] Yeah.

- That's why he wrote and so.

- Of course it's wrong, Imean, you're consciously,

of course it's wrong, all right.

- Do the right thing.

All right, here's Annie.

"Hi, Pat, does the Bible mention anything

about having a prayercloset in your home?"

"Would it be beneficial to have one?"

- Well, of course if youcan, got enough room,

you can have a privateplace where you can go pray.

It's nice to get along with the lord

and I don't know anything in the Bible

that uses the term prayer closet,

but we do know that those whogo apart to be with the lord,

Jesus went apart and he prayedby himself to the father

and it makes a huge difference, all right?

- Amen.

Daniel writes, "What good fruits came from

the Protestant Reformationthat were not there

before the Reformation?"

- Well, what good fruit wasthe whole idea of being,

of justification by faith.

And Martin Luther said it'ssola fide, by faith alone.

Up to that point, the sacramentswere mediated by the church

and they had, if you didn'tfollow their teachings,

you couldn't come to heaven.

And Martin Luther wentback to the Book of Romans

and he said, "By faith you're saved

and that not of works,but it's a gift of God,"

that's what theprotestant, it freed people

from ecclesiastical bondageand gave them freedom

and the priests, out of all believers,

became the watch word rather than having

intermediate priests andthen there were indulgences

that they were selling, Imean, it was a mess, you know?

And the pope would sell indulgences

and Luther said, "Look, if hecan give indulgence to one,

why didn't he get everybodyout of purgatory?"

But there was no such thing as purgatory,

people were under greatfear and now they were free.

That's the blessing of the Reformation.

- Yeah, I mean, if you couldpay for your sins to go away,

why did Jesus need to go to the cross.

- They had this thing, you know,

they had to give indulgences and there was

a guy named Tesla goingaround selling indulgences

and he says, "When thecoin in the bottom rings,

the soul from purgatory springs,"

and that's what, anyhow, there was people

who were under terriblefear of going to hell

and Luther set them free.

- All right, good answer.

Parker says, "Is there sucha thing as cease to exist

when you die?"

"If a person isn't acommitted follower of Jesus,

but they go out of theirway to do great things

for others, will they still go to hell

even though they weren't a bad person?"

"Or will they just cease to exist?"

- You know, we've got thisthing as I am a good person,

but who is a good person?

You know, they had a survey the other,

oh, years and years agoabout who was going to heaven

and who wasn't.

Well, I think OprahWinfrey said she was gonna

absolutely go to heaven andpeople who preached the gospel,

like me, were gonna go to hell.

I mean, it was just, theword has got it all reversed

and there's only one thing that saves you

and that is the blood of Jesus Christ

because all have sinned andcome short of the glory of God,

all have sinned, there's not one of us

who's not a sinner.

And the only way to get free from that

is by believing inJesus Christ, all right?

- Amen.

Jeff says, "I have readthat the world is 10,000

to 12,000 years old."

"Is this true?"

"When we go to heaven, will God show us

how he created everything in this world,

from how a rose grows to howa bird thinks and flies?"

- I think there's no question about it

that God's gonna give us revelation.

But the idea of 10 to12,000 years is nonsense.

The created universe that we have

is something estimated atabout five billion years,

10, five billion years old,I think it's about that.

But, you go through theprocesses of how God

created the Earth and theidea of it 10 to 12,000 years

is not true.

- All right.

Joanie writes, "Hi, Pat."

"First John 3:9 states,'Whoever has been born of God

does not sin.'"

"I have accepted thelord and I still sin."

"I don't want to, but it happens."

"How are we still able to sin

when the verse is saying you shouldn't?"

- You know, the Greekshave a number of tenses,

one's the aorist tense,one's the present tense,

present is continuing action.

The Bible says, "He that is born of God

does not keep on sinning."

If you've been born in the spirit of God,

you don't keep on doing it.

That's what he's saying.

Obviously, we sin, we'reall sinners, all have sinned

and Paul said, "I'm the chief of sinners."

So, but, you plead the bloodand day to day to day to day,

if you walk in the lord, in thelight as he is in the light,

we have fellowship with one another

and the blood of Jesus Christ continually

cleanses us from all sins, all right?

- All right.

Here's Lou Ann.

She says, "I'm 77 yearsold and have been raising

my two grandsons for almost nine years."

"I do not have a lot of money to spare,

but I wanted to know, what is the best way

for me to invest small amounts of money

to help my grandsonsafter I have gone home?"

Good question.

- You know, we've talkedabout this before.

I think the best investment is companies

that are, pay dividends andthe dividends multiply and grow

and that's what you wantto do for your children.

I don't know, you say,"What's the best investment?"

Fidelity has all kindsof interesting funds

that are good and wementioned the realty income

that has been paying dividendssince the 1930s, I think,

I mean, so, or certainly the50s, so that's what I would do.

Well, thank you for watchingthis edition of The 700 Club.

We leave yous with a word from Romans.

"For those who are ledby the spirit of God

are the children of God."

See you tomorrow.

Bye bye.

(upbeat music)


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