A biker is thrown from his motorcycle suffering a brain bleed and a broken neck. See how he becomes a walking miracle as Seven Days Ablaze continues on today’s 700 Club.
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- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Wendy] Coming up, a horrific accident.
- [Sherry] I was callinghim, but he didn't answer.
- [Wendy] This biker isthrown from his motorcycle.
- It was surreal.
- [Wendy] He has brainbleeds and a broken neck.
- They just said, "He's not doing well."
- [Wendy] So, how does hebecome a walking miracle?
- He should've been dead many times.
There's no explanation, but Jesus.
- [Wendy] Seven Days Ablaze continues
on today's 700 Club.
- Well, welcome to The 700 Club.
Get this, benefits of 70 to $100,000.
What are they?
That's what a family offour could have received
in federal aid withoutworking one single minute.
No wonder half of smallbusinesses in America
can't get their workers back.
They simply can't competewith free tax exempt money.
But what did those trillions of dollars
in federal aid cost our country?
And now that expandedunemployment benefits are gone,
will Americans start going back to work?
Mark Martin has the story.
- About seven million people are affected
by the loss of thoseunemployment benefits.
Some economists say endingthem is good for the economy
because it will encourage more people
to return to the workforce.
The pandemic-related benefitsfor unemployed workers
over the past 18 monthsinclude aid to self-employed
and gig workers, benefits for those
who have been unemployedfor more than six months
and a federal $300 weeklysupplemental unemployment check.
Congress passed the much needed aid
after the country's unprecedentedCOVID shutdown last year,
a move that killed jobsand threw the brakes
on a strong economy.
Single mother, April Stokes,who hasn't worked full time
since last year, says the extra money
kept her family afloat,citing affordable childcare
as a major hurdle.
- Four job interviews this week.
Getting a job's never been an issue,
it's what do I do with the kids
when they get off at school at four
until seven o'clock whenI get home from work?
- [Mark] Economist and formerTrump economic advisor,
Steve Moore, says the policieskept some from taking jobs.
- Half of small businesses in America
cannot get their workers back on the job.
Enhanced food stamp benefits,increased payments to people
for not working aremaking it very difficult
for small businesses andmedium sized businesses,
construction firms,restaurants, manufacturing firms
all throughout the country are just having
a very difficult time gettingpeople back on the job.
- [Mark] Moore pointedout just how generous
the policies have been.
- Families of four with no one working
could get benefits of 70 to $100,000
and not work a single hour.
So, yes, these programsare deterring people
from going back to work.
And, by the way, that's badfor our small businesses.
- [Mark] Businesseslike Davis Professional
in Chesapeake, Virginia.
- And it's hard to competewith free money right now.
- [Mark] Owner Jerry Flugeven rolled up his sleeves
to help.
- It's all hands on deck.
Over the past couple weeks,we've jumped in the truck,
cleaning carpets, strippingand waxing floors,
whatever it is needed to be done.
- [Mark] According tothe Labor Department,
there are still 5.7 million fewer jobs
than before the pandemic.
Still, for those willing and able to work,
some 10 million jobs are open.
- Factory jobs are open,trucking jobs are open,
business services jobs are open
and, by the way, thoseare not poor paying jobs,
these are not, for the mostpart, minimum wage jobs,
many of them pay, you know, 50, 60, 70,
$80,000 a year to start,so it is good news
we're finally suspending theseextra unemployment benefits.
- [Mark] Meanwhile, theBiden Administration
has encouraged states touse COVID relief money
to keep the unemployment programs going,
but none plan to do so.
Mark Martin, CBN News.
- Thanks, Mark.
Ladies and gentlemen, thisis what the government can do
when it starts messingwith the private economy.
Our chief financial editor, Drew Parkhill,
is here for more on the impact.
Drew, well, what has thisthing done to the employment?
Are people ever gonna go back to work?
- Pat, you know, when youdrive around this area,
and there's a lot of traffic out there,
so the economy is strong, but you just see
"Help Wanted" signs everywhere.
I have never seen somany "Help Wanted" signs
as I'm seeing now.
I mean, all kinds of businesses, too.
Now, I want to lookat, bring you this poll
that was done by MorningConsult a few weeks ago.
They were asked, "Why aren'tyou going back to work?"
"Why are you on unemployment?"
13%, the number is basicallytied for number two answer,
said, "I get enough moneyright from unemployment,"
and then you drop down to number five
and another 12% said, "I'mnot being given enough money
to return to work."
Now, part of that may wellbe is because they're getting
these generous unemployment benefits.
And you could go deeper into the poll,
but there are peoplewho are openly saying,
"I'm just not, I'm getting enough money,
I'm not gonna get enoughmoney if I go back to work
compared to what I'm getting,"so they're openly saying it.
- Well, now we're talkingabout this incredible budget
that they want to put through
and the numbers are just staggering.
What's coming?
And explain the political implication
of this upcoming battle.
- Okay, there are twoaspects, Pat, to this budget.
Now, we have talked here a lot here
about the three and a halftrillion dollar price tag.
Well, Axios reported lastnight that Joe Manchin,
the democratic senator from West Virginia,
has been telling the White House
he is not gonna vote for that.
He wrote a piece inthe Wall Street Journal
about it last week and he said, you know,
I might only support up to oneand a half trillion dollars.
That's way below what Bernie Sanders
and the White House wantand the progressives,
so this is all gonna be aboutdemocrats versus democrats
on two fronts, Pat,this is very important,
number one is the price tagand number two is this policy.
They're trying to turn us into Europe.
Here is the New York Timesheadline from yesterday
where they were talkingabout from cradle to grave,
in other words, aEuropean style government
with womb to tomb coverage and that's,
that headline went on to say that
it would touch virtually every American
at every point in life,from birth to old age.
So, that's a big thing andthat would institutionalize
these programs and what it would mean
was they'd be a big heavyweight on the economy
'cause we definitely talkingabout a lot of higher taxes.
And let me conclude with this,
you asked about the political implications
and democrats will say,"Well, the polls show
this is popular," yeah, because the polls
don't go very deep, butlook at this poll, Pat.
And I know you know politics.
This was from a few weeks ago,
more than two-thirds ofvoters in 33 swing districts
and closely watched Housedistricts polled by this group,
no labels, are concerned thehigh spending from Washington
could hurt their pocketbooksthrough inflation,
higher taxes or other possibilities.
So, next year, when the House races are up
and the Senate races, therepublicans would us big spending
against the democrats, they'd say,
"You're a socialist, you're a socialist,
you're a socialist,"and you better believe
a lot of democrats in Congressare very aware of that.
- Joe, thanks so much.
Ladies and gentlemen, I told you,
there's gonna be a tsunami.
It's, the question iswhether we can recover
with an inept presidentand the awful things
that he and KamalaHarris are doing together
and whether it's possible to recover.
But, if we can hold on tilthat next House election,
there's going to be a tsunami.
People are so disgustedwith so many things
that are being done, theopen border, they don't like,
the disaster in Afghanistan,they don't like,
but beyond that, they don't like the fact
that there's an inflationand that there haven't been
adequate jobs and all the rest of it.
And I'll tell you, theHouse is going to flip,
the Senate's going to flip and then,
it's a question of timebefore the White House goes,
but the question is whetherwe can hold on long enough
before all that happens.
Well, in other news, a daringescape from Afghanistan.
A Texas mother and her three children
made a 300 mile journeythrough 20 Taliban checkpoints.
So, who helped them get out and what about
other stranded Americans?
Why hasn't anyone been allowedto board six waiting planes?
Oh, our wonderful State Department.
Tara Mergener has more.
- [Tara] A Texas motherand her three kids,
making the dangerous 300 milejourney out of Afghanistan,
stopped at 20 Talibancheckpoints along the way,
reportedly paying as muchas 500 to $4000 per person
at every stop.
A team of military veterans,funded by private donations,
led the effort and saidthe State Department
was of little help.
As the Taliban claims totalcontrol of Afghanistan,
1 to 200 remaining Americans, like Nasria,
are desperate to leave.
She says the Taliban is going door to door
trying to find them.
- Am I gonna end up living here?
Am I gonna end up dying here?
What's gonna happen?
- [Tara] In Mazar-i-Sharif,empty commercial planes
that could carry some 600 passengers
are still waiting forclearance from the Taliban.
The State Department confirms Americans
are among those stuck.
The six private planeschartered to rescue Christians
by conservative media hostGlenn Beck's charities.
- They're not gonna allowAmerican citizens to leave
until they get full recognition
from the United States of America.
- [Tara] But the WhiteHouse says there is no rush
to recognize the Talibanas the official government
of Afghanistan.
Speaking in Doha, Secretaryof State Anthony Blinken
said he is unaware of any,quote, "hostage type situation"
and that Americans are among the groups
stopped by the Taliban.
- They have said that thosewithout valid documents,
at this point, can't leave.
But, because all of thesepeople are grouped together,
that's meant that flightshave not been allowed to go.
- Meanwhile, an email obtained by Fox News
shows the State Departmentis putting restrictions
on private evacuation flightsover security concerns,
stranding some Americans.
And the Taliban is now filling out posts
in its new government.
The cabinet includes several men
on the U.S. and the U.N. terror list.
Four of them spent timein Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
in the detainment facilitybefore they were traded
for an American soldier back in 2014.
And, Pat, by the way, the U.S. is offering
a 10 million dollarreward for one of them.
- Well, Tara, I understand that the women
are rising in public protest.
What's happening to thosewomen in Afghanistan?
- Well, Pat, what they wantis inclusion, equality,
a voice in the new government,
but what they're beingmet with is violence.
Just yesterday, there werea couple of demonstrations
and witnesses say they werebeat by sticks, by rifle butts,
by metal pipes, they were tear gassed
and what finally broke everything up
is the Taliban fired shots into the crowd.
So, it's gonna be a verylong road for these women
who want to have anysay in this government.
- Tara, I'm personally shocked,
what you're saying in this report
is that we have airplanes, that Glenn Beck
or some private individualshave chartered airplanes,
they're sitting there on the tarmac
and our own State Departmentwon't give them clearance
to take off?
Did I hear that right?
- Well, the BidenAdministration, you know,
claims it's the Taliban, but Plan B,
that is a private groupthat is facilitating
some of these flight evacuations,
says it is actually the State Department
that is holding up the whole show.
But, again, the Biden Administration
says that's not thecase, it is the Taliban.
Who do you believe?
- I heard, Tara, we dida report a few days ago,
that there were actuallyflights in the air
with American citizens on board
and the State Departmentasked other countries
not to give them clearance to land.
Is that a true story?
- You know, I don't know.
Nobody really knows for sure,
but in the meantime,all of these passengers,
and 600 passengers at least,are sitting on that ground,
many Americans among them,not knowing if or when
they're ever gonna take off andwhether the State Department
is responsible for some of this.
I am sure that will comeout in the days ahead.
There are reports thatand that there is evidence
to prove that they areparticipating in some of this, Pat.
- Thanks, Tara.
Ladies and gentlemen, it'sthe most shocking abuse.
You talk about, they say,"Well, why don't you impeach?"
It won't, impeachment won't work,
it won't be in time.
But it's the most fecklessunbelievable violation
of the oath of officeto defend and protect
the United States of America.
We have a president who has,has cognitive impairment
and we have a secretaryof state who's incompetent
and the generals and the other
that are up and down the line,
they're not getting the people out
and they've made terrible blunders.
I know we shouldn't havegotten into this mess,
I mean, a long time ago, weshould have just been content
to have a few of theDelta Force and Seals team
in there working andlet the rest of them go,
but we've gotten inthere, but the coming out
has just been an absolute disaster.
It is probably the worstforeign policy disaster
in the recent history of theUnited States of America.
And the suffering people ofthose who worked with us,
we no longer have credibilityaround the world anywhere.
Nobody of our enemiesfear us and our allies,
they won't want to work withus because they don't trust us
and they know, they allknow that we have a man
in charge of this governmentwho has cognitive impairment,
he doesn't know what's going on.
And then, we have somebodywho has a nervous laugh
when she's told abouttragedy and where is she?
She's not worrying about them,
she's out in California doing campaigns
for Governor Gary Newsom,who's facing a recall.
So, are they really concernedabout all these Americans
who are, I mean, are facing death?
Not really.
Biden not only is inept, heapparently has no compassion
and that's shocking.
Well, also in the news,this was a shocker, too,
the Justice Department is urgently,
he used that term, quote,"urgently" exploring ways
to challenge a strict newabortion law in Texas.
Well, now, why would they becoming in to challenge a matter
that is strictly inthe state police power?
The federal governmentshouldn't be doing that.
But Merrick Garland is leading the charge
and think what have happened if he was
on the Supreme Court.
Well, that's just one of many laws
that the challenge Roe versusWade, the Supreme Court.
And, meanwhile, the pro-life community
has come up with a different approach
to winning the abortion battle.
It's kind of a good one.
Charlene Aaron has this report.
- After almost 50 years sincethe Supreme Court decision,
people still spread wronginformation about abortion
and the life issue.
This new tool, "What To SayWhen: The Complete New Guide
To Discussing Abortion",is designed to focus
on converting hearts insteadof winning arguments.
- There's a lot of thingsthat we naturally tend to say
when abortion comes up thatcan either be insensitive
to the other person or just plain wrong.
- [Charlene] 40 Days forLife president, Steve Carney,
co-author of the book, callsit an apologetics approach
for pro-lifers.
- We don't have an argument problem
in the pro-life movement,we have a confidence problem
and a lot of people honestlydon't know what to say when
and we've gotten thousands ofrequests for a book like this.
- [Charlene] It includes how to respond
to the popular "Mybody, my choice" slogan,
adopted by abortion proponents.
- There's a lot that are in laws
that don't allow us todo with our own bodies.
We have to wear seatbelts.
We're actually not talkingabout the woman's body,
the abortion takes placein the woman's body,
but it's done to anotherbody, which is then discarded.
- [Charlene] Other topicsinclude how to navigate
the changing and oftenbizarre promotion of abortion,
bringing the balance backmore toward converting hearts
instead of winning argumentsand knowing what to say
or not say if and whenthe subject comes up.
- Some of the new argumentsbeing used by politicians
or those in the media orcertainly the abortion industry
just get more bizarre andweird to the average person.
And that was really themotivation for the book,
to cover traditionalarguments for abortion,
but also to cover the new andstrange and bizarre arguments
that we hear.
- [Charlene] In theend, Carney hopes to arm
the pro-life communitywith the right information
in order to defend those whocan't speak for themselves.
- And I just think it's gonnahelp people have confidence
to go after hearts andminds and there are ways
to respect a person andnot respect their points
or their arguments and webalance that in the book
and it's been proven to work.
- [Charlene] "What To SayWhen: The Complete New Guide
To Discussing Abortion" is out this week
and it's availablewherever books are sold.
Charlene Aaron, CBN News.
- Well, I don't know whatarguments are being used,
but there's one clear one, 60 million,
60 million potential scientists,
60 million potential inventors,
60 million potential pastors,
60 million potential police officers,
doctors, lawyers,leaders, mothers, fathers,
60 million have beenaborted in this holocaust.
You figure what Adolf Hitler did,
that was the most horriblething you could conceive of,
at best, his, the holocaust in Germany
amounted to about 50 million people
and this was a horrible,horrible thing that took place,
but to think that we havekilled more in America
than Adolf Hitlerkilled, I say 50 million,
you know, that's about the right number,
but 60 million here inAmerica we have aborted
and it's too much.
Roe versus Wade was a disaster,
it was a setup by the ACLU,
it was called Blackman's abortion,
it had no constitutional authority,
it was strictly using materialfrom Planned Parenthood,
which was erroneous andit was Roe versus Wade
and Doe versus Bolton, two state and two,
the law cases that came up and we've had
a holocaust ever since andit's time to overturn it
and I think the SupremeCourt is going to do it
and this is just one break in the dam,
this one Texas law thatapparently has survived
some legal challenges.
- Thanks, Pat.
Coming up, violent crime is on the rise.
In the city of Cincinnati, 200 shootings
in the first few monthsof this year alone.
Now, there's an outcryto defund the police.
Who's stepping up tostop this new crime wave?
And the broken biker.
This man fractured his neck, skull,
most of his ribs and his hip.
Even the paramedics called him a dead man.
So, how is he alive to tell his story?
Stay tuned to find out.
(upbeat music)
- Defend the police, you hearthat over and over again.
That became a rallying cry
after a Minneapolis police officer
killed George Floyd in atelevision event across the nation.
Well, police officers were then demonized
and calls were made to slash their budgets
and the result, obviously,a spike in crime,
with 200 shootings in thecity of Cincinnati alone
this year so far.
So, what's one Cincinnati church doing
to combat crime and support the police?
Mark Martin has that answer.
- [Girl With Megaphone] What do we want?
- [Crowd] Justice.
- [Mark] George Floyd's murder
led to calls across the country
to overhaul police departments.
Cincinnati, Ohio has notbeen immune to the protests.
- Have there beenoutcries and frustrations?
You know, there've beencalls to defund the police,
there've been calls to, you know,
reimagine the police here in Cincinnati
just like there have been in other areas.
- [Mark] The city is also on track
for an especially violent year,
with one report showingnearly 200 shootings,
29 deadly in the first six months of 2021.
Still, Captain SteveSaunders is pushing forward.
- We're not giving upbecause crime goes up.
We find a way to worktogether, to partner,
to build collaborations and partnership
to address those problems.
- [Mark] One partnershipinvolves Seven Hills Church,
a large congregation in thegreater Cincinnati area.
Pastor Marcus Mecum says as a part of
an area pastoral group,Seven Hills was assigned
to reach out to police.
- These are human beings, they have souls,
they have families, they havefutures, they have dreams
and we just do our bestas a church to be there.
- [Mark] Its support during the pandemic
led the Cincinnati police department
to name the church its 2020Community Partner of the Year.
- During COVID, you had a lotof the different race riots
and, you know, we weredown there as a church
supporting the policeby just feeding them,
giving them water, someof them were on call
for sometimes up to 20 hours.
- [Mark] Saunders recallsother times of generosity.
- They brought small giftbags for all of our officers
and all of our civilians.
We have about 1,200 employees.
- [Mark] A specific memorable moment came
when members prayed overPolice Chief Elliot Isaac.
- And to have people in thecommunity praying for you
and lifting you up andlifting your family up,
it created a hedge ofprotection over Chief Isaac.
- The church also helps promote
connections with communities.
For example, the churchand the Hamilton County
Sheriff's Office brought inretired Harlem Globetrotters
to suburban Lincoln Heightsas part of a basketball clinic
for kids there.
Organizers describe the event
as more than an entertaininggame of basketball.
They say it's an important tool
to help develop a healthy relationship
between law enforcement and the community.
- We have a basketball courtand it's filled with kids
and it's filled with adultsand some of those adults
wear uniforms and some ofthose adults work in a church
and some of the adultsare there to help people
with whatever they need.
And when the kids see thatand when parents see that,
they're so much more likelyto say positive things
at the dinner table, positivethings to their community
about what the black andgold means to this community
and all through Hamilton County.
- But, God worked it out where it's here
and for our young people here,
I'm just blessed, man,to be able to share it
with our communities 'cause sometimes
our kids feel neglected, overlooked.
Like I said, they have their challenges,
but they're kids who love life,
who need stuff like this, that positivity,
especially from adults.
- When you hear that thework that you're doing
is making a difference in your community,
of course, that's so encouraging,
but would we do itwithout the recognition?
We would, you know,because this is ultimately
what we feel like Jesus would do.
He didn't come to be served, but to serve.
- [Mark] Mark Martin, CBN News,the greater Cincinnati area.
- Great news.
You know, you hear a lot ofbad news, that's good news.
- Thanks, Pat.
Well, still ahead, the case for heaven.
Do we have proof of an afterlife
or can science explainwhat some people have seen?
Author Lee Strobel shares his discovery
and personal journeylater on today's 700 Club.
But first, meet theposter child for miracles.
That's what this biker calls himself
after he was nearly killed.
How on Earth did he survivethis horrific crash?
Find out right after this.
(upbeat music)
- Marty Cowling was thrownfrom his motorcycle,
smacked his head with such force
it actually cracked hishelmet, fractured his skull,
broke multiple bones throughout his body.
When a farmer found Marty, he was lifeless
in a pool of blood.
Doctors had little hope for his survival.
Well, how did Marty become the, quote,
"poster child for miracles"?
See for yourself.
- It was hard to believe.
I was, I think I was prettymuch in shock the whole ride.
I just remember sittingin the backseat of the car
looking out and I keptasking the same questions
over and over, just really was praying
and trying to hold it, hold it together.
- [Narrator] October2019, while Sherry Cowling
was away on a cruisewith friends and family,
her husband, Marty, took asolo weekend motorcycle trip
through Oklahoma and Arkansas.
Marty had been ridingmotorcycles for 40 years
and had thousands of milesthrough the United States
and Europe in his rearview mirror.
On Sunday, Sherry called to check on him.
- I was calling him, but he didn't answer,
but I knew he was trying to ride home.
The goal was to be home bychurch Sunday night at 6,
so I figured he's trying to get in
every minute he can riding.
- [Narrator] Sherry had no way of knowing
that afternoon Marty hadbeen in a terrible accident.
His body was found over 120 feet
from his wrecked motorcycle.
Sherry didn't get word of the accident
until two days later whenher ship arrived at port.
Marty's brother and sister-in-lawmet her with the news.
- First thing we did whenSue told me is I said,
"Let's sit down, we gotta pray."
So, I always heard when you have problems,
first thing you do is prayand then you take action.
- [Narrator] They spentthe next eight hours
on the long drive to the hospitalin Little Rock, Arkansas,
praying and hoping for Marty's survival.
When Sherry finallyarrived, she wasn't prepared
for what she saw.
- It was surreal.
Kind of like a dream gone bad.
How can this be?
This strong man that I'veknown since the sixth grade,
my soul mate, my bestfriend, always so strong
and there for me, and just laying there,
and I just, I justcouldn't leave his side.
- [Narrator] Marty was in a coma
with a fractured skull and neck.
He had multiple brainbleeds, yet, somehow,
he clung to life.
Sherry says her church family joined her,
pleading for Marty's survival and healing.
- People I didn't evenknow would, were praying
and doing things and sending us stuff
just 'cause word got around, many people,
they were covering us withprayer and everything we needed,
physically, mentally, spiritually.
Could have never made itwithout family and friends
and our church body.
I've never seen a church bodysupport somebody like that.
My whole world was upsidedown and they were there.
- [Narrator] After three weeks in the ICU,
Marty was transferred to along term acute care facility.
Soon after, his blood pressure crashed
and his organs began shutting down
as he battled renalfailure, sepsis, pneumonia
and a host of otherlife threatening issues.
Cyndy Holter is a volunteerchaplin with their church
and was there to pray for Marty.
- The nurses and doctors wereworking frantically on him,
it seemed like his life was in the balance
and every time I would goin and check with the nurses
they didn't say anything,they just shook their heads.
They just said, "He's not doing well."
- [Narrator] In themiddle of their efforts,
a nurse reminded Sherry to keep praying.
- Everything was shutting down
and finally she justlooked at me and she said,
"I'm praying for Marty, you need to pray
and you need to geteverybody you know to pray."
And then she spun around and ran back in
and we just startedcalling everybody we knew.
- [Narrator] Their churchresponded in prayer once again.
As prayers of faith roseup on Marty's behalf,
he eventually stabilized.
- Immediately we're seeingthe great power of prayer,
especially united prayer ofagreement by many people.
Just covering him in prayer and faith,
that's all I knew to do'cause everything else
was out of my control.
- [Narrator] His conditioneventually stabilized,
but the extent of damage tohis brain was still unknown.
As they brought him out of his coma,
Sherry tried to communicate with him.
- I would say, "You werein a motorcycle accident,"
and he goes, "That's not good."
It was so exhilaratingbecause he was tracking
as he started getting stronger
and you could see that his mind was okay,
he wasn't paralyzed or anything like that.
I mean, all the thingsthat could be wrong,
everything was just morehope and more encouragement.
- [Narrator] Marty hada long, hard recovery.
It took three monthsbefore he was strong enough
to return home.
He then spent several moremonths in physical therapy.
Now, Marty and Sherrycelebrate God's goodness
and the prayers that helped him through.
- Now he's here and he's like100% or very close to it,
he's normal, we're together.
Yeah, this proved that, yeah,
nothing is impossible with God, nothing.
- You know, it wasn't my desire
to be the poster child for miracles,
but seeing how prayeractually impacted my condition
and restored me, it really encourages me
to reach out to others, youknow, in their time of need,
knowing that, you know,God can intercede for them,
just as he intercededfor me through prayer.
It's nothing short ofa miracle in my mind.
- Every time I see Martyit is just a delight.
I'm just so thrilled thatGod would resurrect him
and raise him up and thathe's gotten his life back.
- He should have been dead many times
and the circumstances wereso dire and just beyond hope.
There's no explanation,but Jesus, but the lord.
Every time I look athim, he's walking proof
that God is alive and in control
and our hope is in the lord.
- I like that, though, Godis alive and he's in control.
Now this is what we call Seven Days Ablaze
and I have in front of us here
some of the thousands of prayer requests
that have been writtenin, the urgent needs
of people in our audience who are saying,
"God, please help me."
Now, here are some very seriousones that I'll read to you.
This one says, "I've gotcongestive heart trouble."
Another one has a brain stem injury.
Somebody else has got,said, "I've gotta be freed
from bondage of drugs and alcohol."
And somebody else says, "Iwant to pray for the finances
to pay off medical and dental bills."
- Here's some, Pat.
"That my 11 children," 11 children,
"will come to know Jesus andput him first in their lives."
"That God would help all students,
especially those with learning challenges
to catch up to their grade level."
And, "To be healed of over 50years of migraine headaches."
And "To be healed of ovarian cancer."
Just a few of thesethousands of precious prayers
that have come in, Pat.
- Well, listen, the Bible says,
"Where two of you wouldagree on Earth as touching,
anything they ask would be done for them
by my father in heaven."
Now, Wendy and I are gonna agree with you
and, therefore, we're gonnaagree with all these people
and we're gonna ask God,we don't have the ability
or the time to read all of them,
but God heard every one of them,
they're in his preciousheart and he knows your need.
Now, we're going to join hands
and I'll ask you to pray with us
and the one thing, all I'll ask you to do
is just don't fight what God's doing,
open your heart and receive it.
- [Wendy] Amen.
- Father, in Jesus' name, we pray together
and we pray for all these people.
Lord, they have so much suffering,
so many people are in bondage,
so many people are crying out,
oh, God, there's so much suffering
and we know that we have asavior who has been touched
by the feeling of our infirmities.
You know what it's like to suffer
and so, we bring them before you, Lord,
and we cry out and sayin the name of Jesus,
touch them, Lord.
Now, somebody has a broken hip.
In the name of Jesus, that hip right now
is knitting together, it'll be a miracle,
in the name of Jesus, shall he touch him.
Now, Wendy.
- So many calling outfor miracles right now,
so many people with lovedones in the hospital
that, you just saw the story and you saw
that there is still hope,so that's what the lord
is giving you right now, hopethat your loved one will live,
start declaring it, start decreeing it
and getting people to pray
because you're about to see a miracle.
In Jesus' name.
- Again, I've had this before,
but I believe there's somebodywho didn't take it before,
it's the eighth cervicalvertebrae in your spine,
the lord has just healed itand you can sit up straight,
everything's going to be fineand all the pain's taken away.
Thank you, Lord.
Somebody else with a lumbarproblem in their spine,
I don't know, God is justfixing spines right now
and he's just walking up and down,
you will sit up straightand the lord has healed you.
Terry, I mean, Wendy.
- Yeah, there's someonewith, you've had laryngitis,
you lost your voice andit has not come back
and you are very nervous and scared.
God is going to heal you.
Just put your hand onyour throat right now,
your voice is coming back, in Jesus' name.
- There's a woman named Meredith,
you're pregnant, you'rehaving morning sickness
and you just have cried out to God,
even as you're watching this program,
you throw up, you're so sick,
and God is going tospare you in childbirth
and this nausea isgoing to pass right now,
you'll feel something go through your body
and from that moment on,you're gonna feel strong
and you will bring forth a healthy child
to the glory of God.
Now, Father, in Jesus' name, once again,
we come before you for this nation.
Lord, we know, as anation, that we have broken
your commandments, we know thatwe have sinned against you,
we know we have exploitedthings that are terrible
in your sight and we ask, Lord,that you would forgive us,
as a nation, we ask for your forgiveness.
And, Lord, spare us, spareus from what might be coming,
but we know that rightnow we are so vulnerable
because we have such weak leaders.
Give us righteous leadership.
In Jesus' name, we ask for it.
Thank you, Lord.
- [Wendy] Amen.
- And amen.
Wherever you are, please give us a call,
we'd love to hear from youand it's always a blessing
to hear the answers to prayer.
It's 1-800-700-7000.
Call in and say, "Hereis a prayer request,"
or "Here is the answer," andwe'd love to hear from you.
- Yes, because we are in the middle
of our annual Seven Days Ablaze
and if you want us to pray for you,
please call us right now,the number is toll free,
it's on your screen,1-800-700-7000, 1-800-700-7000,
or visit cbn.com/prayer and you can submit
a prayer request online anytime.
We invite you to joinus each day this week
at noon Eastern for live prayer
with Gordon Robertson and Ashley Key.
They will be taking requestsand praying for you live
at cbn.com/prayer.
Well, up next, the answer tolife's most important question,
what really happens to us when we die?
Author and investigativejournalist, Lee Strobel,
has done the research.
So, what does it reveal?
See for yourself right after this.
(upbeat music)
In recent years, we've seen no shortage
of so-called heaven tourism stories.
Some people have written books
that have become bestsellers about heaven,
others have recanted their testimonies.
So, who and what should we believe?
That's exactly what LeeStrobel wanted to find out.
- [Narrator] As a younginvestigative reporter
for the Chicago Tribune,whose wife had found Jesus,
Lee Strobel made ithis mission to disprove
or prove his existence.
Lee's journey to faith becamea popular movie in 2017.
After a brush with death 10 years ago,
Lee added another book to hispopular "The Case For" series,
this time, examining the afterlife.
"The Case For Heaven" is Lee's answer
to what he says is life'smost important question.
- Then, what happens tous after we close our eyes
in this world for the last time?
- And that's the million dollar question.
Joining us now via Skype is Lee Strobel.
Lee, welcome back to the show.
- Well, thank you so much,great to be with you.
- Well, Lee, 10 yearsago, you had a close call.
Doctors said you were twosteps away from death.
What happened?
Tell us.
- Yeah, my wife found meunconscious, called an ambulance,
I woke up in the emergency room,
the doctor said, "You'reone step away from a coma,
two steps away from dying,"
and then I fell back unconscious.
I had a rare conditioncalled hyponitremia,
which is a precipitous dropin my blood sodium level.
And I lost a kidney in the process
and I hovered between life anddeath for quite awhile there
and as difficult as that experience was,
it was a very clarifying experience
and really motivatedme to want to make sure
what really does happenafter we close our eyes
for the last time in this world.
- You didn't see, youdidn't go to heaven, though,
when that happened to you?
- No, I didn't havewhat's technically known
as a near-death experience,but I had a brush with death.
But, you know, I was a skepticabout near-death experiences,
I thought that they were kindof a new agey sort of thing,
they were not well-documentedand yet, in my investigation,
I found there are over900 scholarly articles
in scientific and medical journals,
investigating near-deathexperiences over the last 40 years.
And what shocked me aboutthat is we have corroboration
of many of these experiences,
which I talked about in my book.
In other words, people whosesoul separated from their body
at the time of clinicaldeath and they saw things
or heard things that theyotherwise could not have seen
or heard, and this corroborates the fact
that indeed they did havean out-of-body experience
and it means that our spirit,our soul, our consciousness
can actually survive physical death.
- Lee, but can't science sort of explain
what people go through when they're dying?
I mean, they have theseendorphins are released
as you're dying and it makes you smile,
can science, you know, can prove anything?
- That's a great question.
That's what I thought.
I thought, "Okay, this wasjust oxygen deprivation
or the dying gasps of abrain or hallucinations,"
but an article in The Lancet,
which is the prestigiousBritish medical journal,
said that there are noalternative explanations
to near-death experiencesthat stand up to scrutiny
when they're thoroughly investigated.
None of them can explain this away.
Especially the corroboration.
For instance, in the case of Maria,
who died during surgery, herspirit floated out of her body,
she watched the resuscitation efforts,
her spirit actually floatedthrough the hospital
and out of the hospital and then when she,
her spirit was reunited with her body,
she said, "By the way,there's a tennis shoe
on the roof of the hospitalon the third story landing
and it's a men's bluetennis shoe, left footed
and there's a littlewear mark over the toe
and the shoelace istucked under the heel."
And they went up and investigated
and sure enough, there it was.
- Okay, that makes mea believer, for sure.
Well, you interviewed aprofessor named Scott McKnight
and he says heaven isn'tjust some beautiful place
in the clouds.
So, what does he believe?
- Yeah, I mean, what the Bible teaches
and what a lot of people,you know, mistakenly believe
is that heaven is a veryethereal experience,
we're up in the clouds,we're just spirits,
not physical bodies, that'snot what the Bible teaches,
the Bible teaches therewill be a new heaven
and a new Earth, that Godwill renew his creation.
So, it's gonna be a very physical place.
The Book of Revelation does not say
that God's gonna make new things,
it said he's gonna make all things new.
And so, our world willbe a physical world,
it will be theocentric,that is centered around
worship of God, but also,there'll be relationships,
there'll be activities, we'll do things,
we'll have responsibilities,we'll explore,
we'll have adventures and so forth.
So, you know, God is infinite,
so we'll have an infiniteamount of time to explore God.
- And you say that the Christianworld view of the afterlife
offers the best possible outcome
and the best hope for all of us.
Why is that?
- Yeah, even the atheist, Luc Ferry,
admits that of all the religions,
Christianity's view of theafterlife is the most appealing
if you're a believer'cause it is a world of joy
and adventure and fulfillment,no tears, no suffering
in the presence of God,himself, for eternity.
There's relationships that are renewed
and new relationships that are made,
so it's really, if it's true,it's a incredible promise.
And I believe, as my bookdemonstrates, for many reasons,
it is true and especially when you look at
the resurrection of Jesus, which I believe
is one of the best attestedevents of the ancient world.
We have good evidencethat he's an eye witness
to the afterlife.
Not only that, but he's shownthat he's the son of God
and so, he created the afterlife.
And what does he describe it as?
Like a home.
That this is not ourhome, but that is gonna be
a home for eternity.
- Well, your new book iscalled "The Case For Heaven,"
and, by the way, I thoughtthe movie about your life,
"The Case For Christ", was phenomenal
and I've been tellingeverybody they gotta see it,
so maybe this'll become a movie, ay?
- It will, it'll be inmovie theaters next March.
- Oh, okay, wow.
- Yeah.- Breaking news,
breaking right here.- Yeah.
- That's fantastic.
Well, great.
Well, "The Case For Heaven" is available
in stores nationwide.
Lee Strobel, God bless you.
Thank you so much for being with us.
- My pleasure, blessings to you.
- That's a book everybody should get.
- Yes.- That's fantastic.
- He's a phenomenal investigative reporter
and, again, the movie.
- The Apostle Paul said,"The one thing I want
to attain the resurrection of the dead,"
that's the most important,I'm looking forward to it
and it's gonna be great.
Well, then I had LeeStrobel, what a terrific guy.
Well, deep trouble, that'swhat Jyoti knew she was in
after COVID-19 hit.
Jyoti lost her job, could not pay her rent
and had no money for food.
Well, where did shefind work and the answer
to all her prayers?
Just watch.
- [Narrator] Jyoti usedto work cleaning schools.
- [Jyoti's Interpreter]When we were hit by COVID-19
and lockdown started, thenschools were also shut down.
I was in deep trouble.
I had no money to payfor rent or to buy food.
- [Narrator] Jyoti is a single mother.
She was married, but whenshe became a Christian,
her Hindu husband abused herand eventually abandoned her
and their children.
- [Jyoti's Interpreter] During that time,
in God, I received strength and comfort.
After that, in every step of my life,
God took care of me and God saved me.
For this reason, my heartis filled with gratitude
for God forever.
- [Narrator] Jyoti heard aboutan Operation Blessing kitchen
opening in the children's center
where her kids used to go after school.
- [Jyoti's Interpreter] Thanks be to God
that I got a job here.
He took care of all my needs.
Now I get a salary and I'm happy
that I can buy essential household items
and pay my rent on time.
And now, all my worrieshave been taken away.
- [Narrator] In addition toproviding for her own family,
Jyoti helps many families in her community
serving people in needwith the love of Christ.
- [Jyoti's Interpreter]This is all by grace of God
and I thank all those people who helped us
to open this communitykitchen and gave us a job
during the lockdown.
I wish them from the bottom of my heart
that may God bless them abundantly.
- Isn't that great?
And you say, "Well, where is she?"
We reached out to India.
Gave hope to a woman who'd been divorced
by her Hindu husband whenshe came to the lord.
We would invite you to participate with us
in helping people likeJyoti and millions of others
around the world.
And how do you do it?
It's just 65 cents a day, $20 a month.
It's a whole lot lessthan a can of soda pop,
if you're a smoker, it's a whole lot less
than a pack of cigarettes,but it's just 65 cents a day.
And when you join The 700 Club,
we have something thatI'd like to send you,
it's called, "God Is For Us!",
it's some verses fromRomans of inspiration,
salvation, peace and victory,
and we'll send that to you as our gift
because you are special to us.
- And guess what?
Barbara likes it.
She's from Ringgold, Georgia,
she says, "The Book ofRomans can be confusing."
"However, Pat, you made itso much easier to understand
as I listened to "God Is For Us!".
"Thank you so much for this recording."
And, Barbara, thank you forletting us know it's a blessing.
- Amen.- Time now for your questions
and Pat's honest.
- [Pat] Okay.
- [Wendy] All right, Lancewrites, "Pat, in Amos 3:7,
it says, 'Surely thelord, God, does nothing
unless he reveals hissecrets to his servants,
the prophets.'"
"In these last days, don't youthink it would be appropriate
for the lord to havea prophet on the Earth
that we can follow and be instructed by?"
"I appreciate your answer, thank you."
- Well, I totally agree with that
and I want you to know thatthere are a lot of people
that are hearing fromthe lord, not just a few,
but a lot of them.
And I remember some yearsago when it looked like
we were going to war in the Middle East
because the Russians weremoving in and I was praying
and the lord said to me, "Did I tell you
anything about that?"
I said, "No, you haven't."
And then he said, he said,"Do you any of your friends
know anything about it?"
I said, "No, they don't."
And he said, "Well,nothing's gonna happen."
And that was he willshow us and I pray a lot
to hear what God is saying andI think that a lot of others,
the same thing.
So, we're not looking for one voice,
that would be a danger, butthere are thousands of people
who are listening to the voice of the lord
and he is instructing themabout what's going on.
Like that tribe in Israelthat knew the times
to tell Israel what it ought to do.
And I think, I mean, Ipray daily asking God
for his inspiration on these matters.
Daily, I say, "God, showme what's going on,"
and others are doing the same thing.
All right?
- All right.
Irene says, "Pat, I reada lot of Christian books
about how to serve God and they have
lots of Bible verses in them."
"Is that like studying the Bible?"
- It helps, but not really.
I mean, I, you reallywant to go to the source.
And people are always, you know,
this is their interpretation,this is what it means.
Get yourself a fairly goodtranslation of the Bible,
by, likely, NewInternational or one like it
and start reading and let thelord speak to you himself.
You don't have to get somebody else's,
don't get your revelations secondhand,
get it direct from the source.
All right?
- Amen, good word.
Kevin says, "When is the earliest
that God reveals his will to us?"
"Especially when it comes tohis purpose for a job or career
that he has for us where wecan use our gifts and talents."
- Well, there it is, he reveals it to you
is when you're a little kid and you see,
well, what do you like to do?
And I think if you go back,what you really enjoy doing
while you were a youngsterbecomes what you like to do
when you get older andGod has given you talents
when you were a youngster.
So, that's what I think that answers it,
I don't know what else to say.
- When I was about 10, I was in a mall
in Knoxville, Tennessee where we lived
and I saw the local news anchor
and she was interviewingthe governor and his family
and I remember juststanding there thinking,
"I want to do that."
- Yeah.- And that was when
the seed was planted, thatwas when the seed was planted.
- God will show you.
I wish we had time formore of your questions,
but I guess that's all the time we got.
We'll leave you with thesewords from the Book of Romans.
"Don't let evil conquer you,
but conquer evil by doing good."
Tomorrow we've got ourfriend, bestselling author,
Joel Rosenberg, he's got a new book
about serious changes in the Middle East.
That's on tomorrow's 700 Club.
So, for Wendy and all ofus, this is Pat Robertson,
thank you so much for being here.
Remember our telephones are available,
even though we're not on the air.
See you later, bye bye.
(upbeat music)