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News on The 700 Club: September 1, 2021

As seen on “The 700 Club,” September 1, 2021. Read Transcript

- Well, welcome to The 700 Club.

President Biden is lookingfor congratulations

on his pull out from Afghanistan

despite the fact thathundreds of Americans are

still trapped there and there's no one

on the ground to get them out.

The president is also pledgingto get all Americans out,

but he's broken it, andhe's lied repeatedly

about everything.

He seems to be somebody whodoesn't have compassion.

He isn't really feelingthe suffering that's going

on because of his action.

And Democrats and Republicansare now heavily critical

of the president's decision,calling the episode a quote,

"debacle and public humiliation."

Abigail Robertson has that story.

- President Joe Bidendefended his decision

to leave Afghanistanbefore safely evacuating

all remaining US citizens and allies.

The president claimed he'shad to make tough decisions

and it was time to bringthe war to a close.

- For those remainingAmericans, there is no deadline.

We remain committed to get them out

if they want to come out.

Leaving August the 31st is notdue to an arbitrary deadline.

It was designed to save American lives.

And that was not extending a forever exit.

- [Abigail] While Biden toutedthe withdrawal as a success,

others argue we never should have left.

- We need to be investedin that part of the world.

- [Abigail] Commander, KirkLippold whose USS Cole ship

was attacked by Al Qaedain 2000, told CBN News'

"Faith Nation" the waywe left was a disgrace.

- There is no substitutefor having those eyes

on the ground that reallygive you that ability

to understand what ishappening in a society,

in a military, and throughout the country.

- [Abigail] 120,000 peopleevacuated in 17 days,

but as many as 200 UScitizens remain in the country

now under Taliban control.

- Dual-citizen Americans with deep roots

and extended families in Afghanistan

who resided there for many years.

For many, it's a painful choice.

- [Abigail] The US StateDepartment sees diplomacy

as the main hope for getting US citizens

and allies left behind out of the country

while many Republicans arecriticizing President Biden

for not keeping thispromise made two weeks ago.

- If there's American citizensleft, we're gonna stay

till we get them all out.

- [Abigail] Also leftbehind, military weaponry.

Members of the Taliban seenhere, inspecting helicopters

and war planes deemedinoperable by the Pentagon.

Former US Senator, JimDemint tells CBN News

we've left Afghanistan as bad off

as when we got there 20 years ago.

- Us to exit in humiliation is just

so hard for me to swallow.

- [Abigail] Demint argueswhat's happening now is

not a surprise to ourintelligence communities.

- We knew, especially inAfghanistan, that as soon

as the Afghan army knew thatAmericans would not be there

to back them up and pay their salary,

that they would disintegrate overnight.

It wouldn't happen over months.

They would immediatelyknow that the only way

for them to live was tomake peace with the Taliban.

- And just hours after theUS completed its withdrawal,

Al Qaeda congratulated theTaliban on the takeover

of Afghanistan with bothgroups seeing this as a moment

to incite and recruit new members

to the global jihad movement.


- Abigail, what aremembers of Congress doing

to help those stranded?

- Well, members ofCongress on both the left

and right side have been critical

of the Biden administration'sefforts to get,

to get people out and they've been working

with former veterans whoare vouching for some

of the Afghan allies that they say are

good people, are translators.

They need to be protected andnot abandoned in Afghanistan.

These are some people who have applied

for the special immigrantvisas back in 2013, 2014,

and have been stuck in the backlog

of the bureaucratic process.

So they've been doing theirown efforts to get working

with non-profits whoare chartering flights,

chartering buses, andthey're evacuating thousands

of other people that were not

on the US military flights that we saw.

And they've been doing this long

before the US withdrawalofficially concluded this week

and they plan to keep doing it.

They've, they have pledgedto leave no man behind

and Congressman, MichaelMcCaul told CBN News that

this has really been aparallel government effort.

And we're gonna have moredetails on what they're doing,

the countless hoursthey've put into this work

later this week, on The 700 Club.

- Thanks Abigail, thanks for your report.

Ladies and gentlemen, wehave a president who is

either mentally deficientand is in senile dementia

or one who was totally heartless.

One of the stories comingout, one of those translators

actually rescued Bidenwhen his helicopter crashed

in Afghanistan and he wentin and brought him out.

That man was left behind.

It is absolutely heartlesswhat this man is doing.

And whether it is selfishness,whether it is greed,

whether it is just totally heartless,

we don't know what it is, but it shocks me

beyond measure and itshould, all Americans.

And you say, well, we've got this guy

and Kamala Harris, we'vegot to incompetents

running our government.

And how long are wegoing to have to suffer?

Well, there's nothing can be done unless,

there's no way that you caninvoke the 25th amendment,

unless the cabinet, his cabinet goes along

which it won't happen.

And impeachment, it's just nonsense,

it can't possibly take place.

So we just need to call upon the Lord,

deliver us from evil.

Well in the news, fromthe fight against COVID,

one of the impacts of thecontagious Delta variant is

how it's spreading rapidly among children.

That's leading more schooldistricts across the country

to require students to wear masks.

And what about the rightsof parents to object?

Medical reporter, Lorie Johnsontakes us into that debate.

- Millions of children areheading back to school.

For many, it's the firsttime in over a year

they're gathering in person,something medical experts say

is much healthier for thekids than distance learning.

- Being in the school, itmakes me feel this feeling,

this very happy feeling.

- [Lorie] Educators worry, however, that

in-person instruction willneed to go virtual again,

due to widespread COVID-19 outbreaks.

Pediatric cases continueto rise with more than

204,000 reported last week,

300 kids a day being hospitalized.

In South Carolina, MystiqueGoodwin's daughter,

Omari is fighting for her life.

- I'm just glad right now,because they did take her

off the medically-induced coma.

We still have a long road to go.

- [Lorie] In an effortto minimize infections,

many school districts areconsidering mask mandates,

some getting considerablepushback from parents.

- [Crowd] Unmask our kids!

No more masks, no more masks!

- [Lorie] Mask mandate argumentsat school board meetings

getting emotional, even physical at times.

- [Man] All of this on live television.

- [Lorie] Further illustrating the divide,

a Gallup poll shows 48% ofparents say all students

should wear masks at school,

41% say no students shouldbe required to do so,

and 11% say masks should only be required

for unvaccinated students.

Nine governors have outlawedschool mask mandates.

Four of them now face legal challenges,

the other five face an EducationDepartment investigation

on whether outlawing thosemandates discriminates

against kids withcompromised immune systems

and other issues.

- We know the spread of COVID happens

when masks are not being used.

- The CDC says based on recent data,

school districts shouldrequire masks, but some,

like the HeritageFoundation's Doug Badger says

that data is flawed,arguing the infection rate

among kids in schoolswith mask mandates was

not statistically significantcompared with schools

where mask use was optional.

Dr. Chris Winter is one of anumber of physicians who says

wearing a mask school is worth the effort.

- Is it going to preventevery bit of community spread

of a Delta variant?

Of course, it's not.

Nothing that we know of can.

Can it slow or hinder the progress

of something of that nature?

And I think the data is absolutely there.

It's not debatable, really.

I mean, masks work.

- Pat, proponents saymasks may be the difference

between in-person learningand shutting down the schools,

something no one wants.

- Lorie, why are some parents so concerned

about masks and what are their options?

- Pat, it all boilsdown to parental rights.

A lot of parents are sayingthat a parent should decide

what is best for their child.

So it's important tonote that people who are

against mask mandates aren't saying that

all children should go unmasked.

What they're saying isif you, as a parent,

feel it is best for yourchild to wear a mask

and remain masked all day at school, then

by all means, do that.

But if I, as a parent, feelwhat's best for my child is

to be unmasked and remainunmasked all day at school,

then I should have the right to do that.

So it's, again, what's,

parents should decidewhat's best for their child.

It should be noted, Pat,that the American Academy

of Pediatricians doesrecommend universal masking

at schools, but again, alot of these parents say,

I know better than my child's doctor

what's best for my child.

- I understand the administrationhas announced that two

of the top FDA vaccineregulators are leaving.

And what is the cause of that?

- Well that's right, twoFDA advisers who advise

about vaccines, who havebeen there for many years,

quit, allegedly because ofthe Biden administration's

announcement about booster shots.

You may remember not too long ago that

President Biden came out and said that

people are going to needbooster shots eight months

after they are fully vaccinated.

Well, some people insidethe FDA apparently said that

the data really isn't thereto support that announcement.

Furthermore, the Bidenadministration said that

people will be able to startgetting their booster shots

in the middle of Septemberafter the FDA approves that.

And the FDA is saying thatthat was undue pressure

being put on them toapprove these booster shots

when the data might notreally be there, Pat.

- One last question, Lorie.

What percentage of young children have

actually gotten COVID?

It's just infinitesimal, isn't it?

Or am I wrong in that?

- Well, the numbers are growing.

We know that last week, 204,000 children

tested positive for COVID-19.

And so we're seeing a lot ofspread among children that

we didn't see beforewith the other variant.

Remember, this Delta variantis a completely different beast

and we're seeing a lot of hospitalizations

at children's hospitals.

Some of the ICUs arefull of COVID patients.

But this is the debate: are the children

really that much at risk?

One thing we know for sure, Pat, is that

in-person learning, gettingthose kids there together

in school is, is so muchbetter for them than

the distance learning anda lot of people are saying

maybe masks might keep the kids at school.

Because if we see a tremendous outbreaks,

then the schools will beclosed and the kids will be

sent home for distance learning.

So that's the concern.

You know, a lot ofparents are so frustrated

about the idea of theirkids having to wear masks

at school that they'returning to homeschooling.

We've seen homeschooling double recently

in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic

from about two and a halfto 5 million parents.

We always saw a little bit of an uptick

in the years leading up to the pandemic

because of things like schoolshootings and violence,

and bullying, and the thingsthat the kids are being taught

about sex and American history,and so that's something that

we're seeing a lot of parentsdo because they're just

so frustrated with the whole situation,

they're just gonna homeschool.

- Well, Lorie, I want tothank you for your insights.


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