- Well, Pat, this is Holly who says,
I'm confused about the difference
in destiny versus freewill.
What's the point of prayer
if everything is predestined for us?
Do we have any control of our death date?
I ask this because my husbandpassed of pancreatic cancer,
but I was his caregiverand I beat myself up
over what more I could have done.
- Look there's a point of tension between
the plan of God and freewill.
And the apostle Paul said,
work out your own salvationwith fear and trembling
for it is God who worksin you both to will
and to do of his good pleasure.
And the truth is found in between them,
it's neither all God or all you.
So keep in mind there's nothingever in the Bible that says
you are forgiven because youwere predestined to do evil
or you're saved and you'repredestined to go to heaven.
But God said, I'm goingto give you free will
and you can decide.
Now, how it all works out I mean,
you know, maybe when we get to heaven,
we'll have the full answer,
but I'll tell you that'sthe way it is right now.
You can't go from one side to the other.
Work out your own salvationwith fear and trembling.
There's one evengelist I believeit was D.L Moody who said,
I work like everything depends on me,
and I pray like everything depends on God.
All right?
- Well, this is Jackie who says,
I recently found out mydaughter is a drug addict.
She has physically harmed herselfwhile under the influence.
Her boyfriend is her supplier,
who she says she's in love with.
How can I pray to breakthe spirit of addiction
and for him to be removed from her life?
- Well, I think thefirst thing I would do is
let the feds know that he's a dealer
and that he ought to getarrested, that's for starters.
That would wouldn't break that cycle.
The next thing you've just got to get
a group around her and you know,
like AA, you have to havea responsibility group
that gets with that daughter
and doesn't leave heruntil she gets set free.
And that may take sometime of going cold turkey,
there may be some withdrawal symptoms,
and a whole lot of stuff involved.
But the idea that herboyfriend is a dealer,
that you can take care of and you should.
- This is Cynthia who says, Pat,
there are certain peoplethat I really do not care for
the way they sing or the way they preach,
and I feel guilty about it.
Do you think that this displeases God?
- I was reading about the greatevangelist Charles Finney,
and he was a lover of goodmusic and he was in one church
and the songs were so badand he got down on his knees
and asked God to please deliver him.
You don't have to like bad preaching,
nor do you have to likebad singing, come on.
- You got choices, right?
- You don't have to, all right?
- This is Diana who says, I'mconfused about Melchizedek.
No parents, he neverwas born nor did he die.
Please explain this.
- Well, basically theBible says, you know,
there was no genealogygiven about Melchizedek,
so you don't have likeAbraham's father was so and so,
and Joseph's father was,
you don't have a genealogicalbackground for Melchizedek.
It didn't mean that hejust came out of nowhere.
But Melech is king andZedek is righteousness,
he was a king of righteousness
and he was from Salom which is peace,
but was he a theophany, I don't know,
but that's what it means,
you don't have any genealogical background
given in the scriptures about him,
it doesn't mean that he justsuddenly descended from heaven,
but that's what it means, all right?
- This is Dion who says,
I do not usually ask others for advice,
I pray and talk to God.
Still, recently I wonder
what is the point incaring about anything?
I have nothing to offer anyone
and have nothing or no one to care for.
I know God is listening,
but I would like to talk too.
Please respond to myquestion, just a response.
- Talk to the Lord, I talk to the Lord,
we all talk to him.
If there wasn't anybody else around,
I like to be off by myself,you know, with the Lord
and you talk to him, he'll talk to you.
If you listen to him, just let you
and the Bible says, be stilland know that I am God.
So you be still let Godspeak to you and he will.
And you don't need a oneother soul around you.
I know it says, you know,
you don't forsake the assemblingof yourselves together
because it's nice for,in a group together.
But at the same time,getting apart with God
is really the place to be from time,
that's where I wanna be, Iwanna be quiet with the Lord
that I talked to him and he talks to me
and I tell him all thatgoes on in my life,
and I ask for his help, and he likes that.
You know, Adam walked with God,
in the cool of the evening,they walked together
and God wants to walk with you.