How can I stop a demonic attack? Can the Government force us to take a vaccine? Is suicide the unpardonable sin? It’s an extended edition of Your Questions / Honest Answers as Pat Robertson weighs in on issues that matter to you.
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- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Wendy] Coming up,
get ready for an extendededition of Your Questions,
and Honest Answers.
Pat weighs in on theissues that matter to you.
How can I stop a demonic attack?
Can the government forceus to take a vaccine?
Is suicide the unpardonable sin.
From the spiritual, to the social,
to the political, no topic is off limits.
Stay tuned for a show dedicatedto answering your voicemails
on today's 700 Club.
(intense music)
- (mumbles) house and find today,
we've got your questions coming on tape
they've been pre recordedand we'll be playing them
during this show and Ithink you will find it fun.
But first of all, the Equality Act.
That would be Joe Biden'stop priority as president
and is grabbing centerstage this week as part of
the democratic party's platform.
Now, why is this a hugethreat to people of faith
and how could it undermine the safety
of our school children?
It's very alarming.
Here, Heather Sells had more.
- [Heather] Joe Biden has adeep Catholic faith and history
that he regularly toutsto potential voters.
But if elected his administrationcould easily silence
and marginalize people of faith.
Because the LGBTQ lobbydominates the democratic party.
Its former top lobbyistis the convention CEO
and its number onepriority, the Equality Act
would oppress believers.
Just last year, he madeclear that the Equality Act
would be his top priority as president.
- And I promise you ifI'm elected president
that'll be the firstthing I asked to be done.
- [Heather] And so did Tuesday'sLGBTQ democratic caucus.
- We have to pass the EqualityAct through both houses
and of course,
we have to have a presidentwho will sign it into law.
- [Heather] The Equality Act would add
sexual orientation and gender identity
to federal civil rights laws.
With no exceptions, for people of faith.
- It treats the people who believes that
marriage is between a man and a woman
and they were created male and female.
And it treats our beliefs
as the equivalent of racist bigotry.
- [Heather] Other elementsof the bill include
foreseen female athletesto compete with men
that identify as women.
Requiring faith-based adoption agencies
to choose between placingchildren with gay couples
or closing down.
It also adds the words,perception and belief
to the 1964 civil rights act.
Which senator James Lankford says
could spell even more trouble.
- If I go to interview ina job and I'm not hired,
I can Sue that employer because I perceive
they were thinking I was gayand so they didn't hire me.
- [Heather] Analysts likethe family research council's
David Closson say Biden'sLGBTQ friendly policies
would affect school childrenand their safety in bathrooms.
- Biden has said that within his first,
on his first day in office,
he would reinstate Obamaera guidance for schools
that would allow those whoidentify as transgender
to have access to the locker rooms,
bathrooms and changingfacilities of their choice.
- [Heather] Biden callstransgender equality,
the civil rights issue of our time.
His foundation launched a family
acceptance campaign in 2018.
- We'll use our resources to highlight
the harms of family rejection.
- [Heather] But with newreporting on concerns
about social contagion
and evidence that some kidsmight adopt transgender
identities to fit in.
Biden's push to force family acceptance
could strip parents of their ability
to care for theirchildren and protect them
from harmful medical treatments.
Heather Sells, CBN news.
- Well, that's not a shocker, you look at
Kamala Harrison, and that'severybody's preceding her
as a tremendous moderate.
Hill Mount say Tom was agreat and reformer too.
Well, in other news it's official
Joe Biden received the democraticnomination for president
in last night's convention,
but who gave a surprising endorsement?
John Jessup has more.
- Thanks Pat.
The nomination was delivered in a manner
unlike any ever seen before
lacking the in-person excitementof conventions passed.
- I'm pleased to announcethat vice president Joe Biden
has officially been nominatedby the democratic party
as our candidate for presidentof the United States.
(crowd applauds)
- Well, thank you very, very much.
- [John] The secondnight of the democratic
national convention included,
a message from general Colin Powell,
the former Republican secretary of state
who served under president George W. Bush
said Biden will be a president who
"we will all be proud to salute"
and I was topped off withwords from Biden's wife, Jill,
who gave a glimpse into his character.
- The burdens we carry are heavy,
and we need someone with strong shoulders.
I know that if we entrustthis nation to Joe,
he will do for your familywhat he did for ours,
bring us together and make us whole.
- Tonight's speakers include2016 democratic presidential
nominee, Hillary Clinton,
and Biden's vicepresidential running mate,
Senator Kamala Harris.
Well, things will stay asis at the US postal service,
at least through the election.
The postmaster general isdelaying new operational changes
and cost cutting measures
after some Democrats claim,they could negatively impact
mail and voting practices in November.
And a statement Tuesdaypostmaster general Louis Dejoy
said he believes changes arenecessary for the longterm
sustainability of the postal service.
And that "work towardsthose reforms will commence
after the election."
Well, officials in Portlanddeclared a riot Tuesday night
after agitators threw burning material,
into the Multnomah Sheriff's office.
Meanwhile, police haveidentified a suspect
in the brutal beating of aman who crashed his truck
near Black Lives Matterdemonstration this Sunday.
The driver Adam Hainerwas pulled from his truck,
punched and pushed to the ground.
At one point a man wearinga shirt, labeled security,
kicked him in the head,
leaving Hainer injured and motionless.
He was later taken to thehospital, treated and released.
Police are seeking 25year old Marquise Love,
in the accident.
Senator Lindsey Graham iscalling on the justice department
to take action saying,
"They taunted and tortured this individual
before severely injuring him.
The group responsible are great candidates
for federal prosecution
of the constitutional rights of a victim."
Well, turning now to thebattle to contain COVID-19
officials now say, a widely used test
may give inaccurate resultsif not used correctly.
That comes as schools and universities
struggle with reopening.
Charlene Aaron has a story.
- In a stunning announcement Tuesday,
the FDA revealed thata popular COVID-19 test
could be giving invalidor false negative results.
Officials say the test producedby Thermo Fisher scientific
are vulnerable to false negatives
if the samples aren't properly processed.
This as the World HealthOrganization warn that young people
are becoming the mainspreaders of the virus.
- The trouble is, thereare areas of the country,
several that are actualin community spread.
- [Charlene] Collegesand universities grapple
with reopening theircampuses as outbreaks occur.
Parties like this one at theuniversity of North Georgia
last weekend are part of the problem.
- We can't have these large parties
because of the levelof asymptomatic spread.
- [Charlene] With at least89 Corona virus cases
on the campus of Notre Dame,
the president is movingundergraduate classes online
and canceling most inclassroom instruction.
- If these steps are not successful,
we will have to send students home
as we did last spring.
- [Charlene] Officials at UNC chapel Hill
have already canceledmost in-person instruction
and students are beingencouraged to leave campus.
- Think we're going to wait it out
and once they kick us out, we'll go home.
- Yeah.
- I think that's our plan for now.
- [Charlene] Students on the campus
of the university of Colorado Boulder
are concerned after six casesof the virus were detected.
The infected studentsare now in quarantine,
but the school still plansto hold in-person classes
as testing continues.
- So we're going to besetting up a program for
testing of individuals randomly
to try and find casesbefore there is an outbreak.
- Meanwhile, Thermo Fisher says,
faulty test results are rare
and most users get accurate results
by following company directions.
Charlene Aaron, CBN news.
- Thanks Charlene.
TikTok, a Chinese zone company
is one of the world's most popular apps,
it's also been described as athreat to national security.
Dale Hurd explains whypresident Trump is still
mulling his threat to ban it.
- [Dale] After only twoyears, as a worldwide app,
TikTok has become a majorpart of internet culture
and social media.
- It is an extremely addictive platform.
- [Dale] It's an app that allows users
to create and share 15second videos on any topic.
With over 2 billion, all time downloads,
it's the most downloaded app in the world.
TikTok was downloaded 315 million times
during the first threemonths of this year.
That's more downloads in one quarter
than any other app in history.
It looks innocent enough,but looks can be deceiving.
And president Trumphas extended a deadline
until November 12th forTiktok's US operation
to be sold to a US company or be banned.
- At which point it'sgoing to be out of business
in the United States,
but if somebody and whether it's Microsoft
or somebody else buys it,that'll be interesting.
- [Dale] TikTok presents several risks.
It's owned by ByteDance,
a Chinese company so closelytied to the Chinese government
that it created a company committee
of communist party members.
Software experts sayTikTok steals more data
than any other social media app
and is specifically designed to hide
just how much data it's stealing.
Ashkan Kazarian director ofcivil liberties at Tech Freedom
says TikTok has consistentlyconcealed its connections
to the Chinese communist government.
- They refused to testify and send it
saying that their executivesare based in Beijing.
At the same time, they saidthey're not a Chinese company.
Then their lawyers told New York times
that they're not a Chinese company because
they're incorporatedin the Cayman islands.
Things like that kepthappening over and over again.
- [Dale] A big concern is thatmore than a third of TikToks
50 million daily users are14 years of old or younger.
And Lina Nealon of the national center
on sexual exploitation says,
experts have branded TikTok ahunting ground for pedophiles.
- And that was due toinsufficient controls that
allow the strangers to view miners videos,
comments on videos anddirectly message them.
- [Dale] NathanielBradley, CEO and founder
of Data Donate Technology saysthe best thing parents can do
for their kids safety is removeTikTok from their phones.
- These applications havebecome a Trojan horse.
It is just a situation where as a parent,
I would recommend deleting it.
- [Dale] Experts say TikTokwas designed primarily
as a data stealing app,
meant to look like a social media app.
And it's given the Chinese communist party
access to the personal dataof millions of Americans.
Microsoft and Oracle have been mentioned
as wanting to buy TikTok,
which is valued globally at $50 billion.
Dale Hurd, CBN news.
- And Microsoft had been intalks with TikTok for weeks,
but Oracle's recent interestscould hijack the deal.
And Pat, president Trump said,
Oracle would be a great company
to take over TikTok's US operations.
- Well, it's a big deal, but I tell you
the Chinese are so
droid in mining
American interest.
If a company wants todo business in China,
they have to guaranteethey'll give them access
to their proprietary information.
And the Chinese are building up a
tremendous arsenal of weapons
and cyber security applications.
I mean, it's a dangerous thing.
In other (mumbles) so much from the news
now let's get into some fun.
- You're not on TikTok, are you?
- I'm not a kid, I don'tanything about TikTok.
- I'm not either.
- Okay.
- Don't plan on it.
Well, up next, you calledand Pat's about to answer
your voicemail questions.
A special edition of Your Questions,
Honest Answers is coming up.
(upbeat music)
(musical chime)
All right, we've got somevery interesting calls
and questions coming in for Pat
in our special edition of YourQuestions, Honest Answers.
Our first caller is Doriefrom Atlanta go ahead.
- [Dorie] I'm calling because my
23 year old son is involvedwith a 37 year old woman
with four kids withthree different fathers.
She proposed to him and nowthey're planning on getting
married in November.
I'm very conflicted,
I don't think it's a good match for him,
but I don't want to alienate him.
Should we support him?
What should we do?
- I think you better warnhim as quick as you can.
That is a match that'smade from the pit of hell
and that poor man is being seduced.
If you saw an animal draggingyour child off into a cave,
you would hit the animal in the head
if it alienated your child tough luck.
But I mean, by all meansstand up against that because
he's going to be destroyed.
That is a unbelievable situation
and you wonder wherethat woman is coming from
and what she wants to do.
She's like a predator andyou absolutely stand up
against it and if youalienate him tough luck.
- Wow.
You nailed that Pat, man, that was good.
Good advice, I hope she takes it.
Well, here's Mark fromAnderson, South Carolina.
- [Mark] Hey Pat, I'm noticingit's getting to be harder
and harder to get coinschanged at the register.
Can you tell me what's up with it.
Thank you.
- You get coins at the register,
I think we're getting to a position where
the men don't want to produce coins and
I think at the same time,
they don't even want folding money.
I was in one store the otherday, it's sold produce,
they said we won't take cashwe'll only take credit card.
- [Wendy] Really?
- Well, they didn'twant to handle the money
because of the COVID there.
- Yeah, I have noticedthe coin thing though
at a couple of different places saying,
we were very limited on ourcoins and I, interesting.
- Well, I think it costsmore money for the government
to make these thingsthan they were worth and
so I mean, they probably are limited.
I don't know, I don't haveany information personally,
but that's what I would think.
- Alright.
Well, here's another question.
Lisa is calling from Anchorage, Alaska.
- [Lisa] My question to you is,
my significant other andI have addiction issues.
What verse or verses shouldI look up when I feel like,
I'm in a spiritual warfare.
Like under being attacked or something.
I am trying to quit.
- Oh, significant other thatmeans you're not married,
but you're in a relationshipthat probably is
classified under the bevelhot term of fornication and so
the addiction, it's just onemore of a sign along the way.
The Bible indicates thatthere's no temptation taken you,
but such as is common to manthe will of the temptation
make a way of escape ifyou want to escape it.
We are free, God createdus to have dominion.
You go back to the bookof Genesis and it says,
God has given man dominion
and he's given him dominionover the fish and over the fowls
and over the plants, overeverything in this earth.
But the addiction comesabout being addicted to
you're submitting yourself to a plant,
alcohol, cocaine, marijuana,these are all vegetables.
And you're made in the image of God.
I recommend reading the book of Genesis
and seeing the fact that you have dominion
and what you need to do,
you and your called significant other need
to take that seriously andrealize you're a child of God
and act like one.
- All right, tough love.
All right, here's anotherquestion from Kerry
and he or she is fromCampbellsburg, Kentucky.
- [Kerry] I'm 68 and I would like to know
if they could force the vaccine on me.
- Somehow, I'm not hearing they're saying.
- Oh, she wants to knowif she's 68 years old
and she wants to know if they could force
the COVID-19 vaccine on her
and a lot of people havethat question right now.
- Well, yes they probably could,
but it's unlikely right nowthey don't have enough vaccines
to go around and they're not sure.
Though the problem is that they,
it's an uncertain thing whetherthose vaccines will work
and secondly, they are notsure how long they'll last
and we've gotten a lot offalse negatives in that.
We just had, it's part of the story today.
The testing labs are wrong but so,
I think the idea of somebodyforcing you to take a
vaccine right now is highly unlikely.
- Yeah, let's hope so.
All right, here's anotherquestion from Mike
he's from Unionville, New Jersey.
- [Mike] I wanted to ask you,
as antisemitism is rising in the world
and US people are gettingattacked from both sides
of the political spectrum,what can a Christian do to try
and stop this hard virulent.
- I think the biggestthing we need to do is
to stand with Israel, tostand with the Jewish people,
I made a commitment for CBon a long, long time ago,
but Benjamin Disraeli wasasked by queen Victoria,
Mr. Prime minister, whatevidence do you have
for the existence of God?
And Disraeli said, the Jew, your majesty.
And I believe the Jew
is the evidence that God has a plan
and to them who are entrusted,they Oracles of God,
the old and new Testament cameto us except for one author,
Luke, they're all Jewish people who wrote
the old and new Testament.
And the faith we have as Christians
comes out of the Jews.
And I think we need to celebrate that
and we need to stand with Israel, but yes,
God wants to defend his people.
But at the same time,
the devil wants to eliminatethe evidence of God.
And through the Jews,
we have the precious faithin Jesus Christ let's face it
was Jewish.
He was a Jewish rabbiif you want, you know?
- Yeah, absolutely.
- Absolutely.(laughs)
- He was a Jewish carpenter and a rabbi.
But I think, you know, he wasasking, how can he stand..
Obviously we stand withhim, but at prayer, right?
- Well, we can pray but Ithink more than anywhere,
we let our voices be heard.
If there is an incidence of antisemitism,
we need to stand against it.
But it is amazing to me,
the limit of, the extent of antisemitism
and in countries like Romania in Hungary,
where they're only,
a few thousand Jews in the whole country
and yet this virulent antisemitism
that's carried over from the Nazis.
Okay, question.- So demonic.
All right, well, this next question
comes from our own backyardof Norfolk, Virginia,
here's Carol.
- [Carol] I've been reading your book,
"I Have Walked With The Living God"
and I absolutely love it.
Recently, you interviewed a doctor
and he talked about abook that you had written
that he had recentlyread that I thought that
you had recently writtenon the Holy spirit.
Could you please give usthe name of that book?
I would love to get that book as well.
Thank you and God bless.
- Thanks you liked theother one and the book is
on the Holy spirit.
I've gotten a book on the Holy spirit,
it is in manuscript form, ithas not been published yet,
but I look forward to bringingit up when the time comes
but, I'm talking to the publisher,
but they're very interesting but,
we've got one book in the marketplace
and they didn't want toput another one out there.
But the Lord showed mesomething about the Holy spirit
that I think is very, very interesting
and I think you'll enjoy, but it's,
I told a guy at the university,
I'll either be hailed asa breakthrough theologian,
or I'll be condemned as a heretic.
I don't know what just (laughs)
- No, I've read a few chapters of it,
'cause you gave me a sneakpeek and it's really good.
It'll be well received.
- Well, I hope so.
"I Have Walked With The Living God"
is the one that's out there right now.
- All right, well, here's Caller
all the way from NorthHollywood, California.
Go ahead.
- [Caller] Hi Pat, I've always wondered
why did Rachel steal her father's idols?
I don't understand why shewould steal from her father.
- Well,
she was leaving her father's house and
as I recall the story Iwant to go into detail but,
she was, they were pursuingher and you know her,
she, it was time to leave,
and why did she carry thefamily gods along with her?
I don't know but,
- [Wendy] Maybe protection or something.
- She claimed to be having her period
and she couldn't get upto greet her father and so
she had these idols in.
How do I know what's wrong with her?
I mean, she,
that was part of theculture that they lived in.
- A woman during that time of the month,
it's hard to explain.
- They can't explain.
- We don't know, we don't know.
- Well, but she was tryingto hide from her father,
she was running away, all right.
- Well, here's Josephinefrom Toms river, New Jersey.
- [Josephine] I have aquestion, what does it mean,
what you loose on earthyou loose in heaven?
What are we supposed to lose on earth?
- The loosing and binding was what the
rabbis did when they boundcertain restrictions on people
and they would lose restrictions.
In other words, you could eat
unleavened bread or youcouldn't eat unleavened bread.
And this was the binding and Loosing and
so Jesus gave the authority to his people
that whatever you bind onearth will be bound in heaven.
Whatever you loose on earthwill be loosed in heaven.
So God says heaven is goingto go along with the church,
but it's gotta be in counseling.
And I think a lot of,
we haven't had really churchCouncillors in a long time
where the whole Christiandenomination comes together
and says, these are our wounds,
but you remember Paul appeared before
the elders and he, they said,
well, now here's what we're gonna do,
you tell the gentiles to
abstain from fornicationand from taking blood
and everything else is okay.
So that was binding and losing
that's what they were doing, okay.
- All right.
Great first segment.
- All right.
- And love Pat's answers.
Well, coming up we've got round two
of your special voicemail edition of
Your Questions and Honest Answers,
so don't go away, we will be right back.
(upbeat music)
(intense music)
- Welcome back to Washingtonfor the CBN news break
evangelists, Franklin Graham
and other conservativesare calling on parents
to boycott Disney's LGBTQ agenda.
He says Disney has the rightto make their cartoons,
but Christians also have theright to not support them.
The latest LGBTQ characteris in the lead role
of a show on the Disney channel.
The L house is about a bisexual teenager
exploring her sexualityand dabbling in witchcraft.
The 14 year old characterhas shown affection for male
characters in previous episodes,
but begins to explore theidea of a relationship
with a female.
Well, an Oklahoma boywho pleaded for a family
received 5,000 adoption inquiries
within 12 hours of his interviewwith a local TV station.
Nine year old Jordan currentlylives in a group home
and has been under statecare for six years.
A local news outlet askedJordan about three wishes
he wanted granted.
He would simply reply, a family.
Since then thousands ofpeople have reached out
hoping to grant Jordan, his wish.
Well, you can always getthe latest from CBS news
by going to our website
Pat and Wendy, will be backwith one of the 700 club
right after this.
(intense music)
And I want to thank you CBN partners,
you are making adifference around the world
and right here at home
with your love and withyour money and your prayers.
So if you would like to helpso many hurting people right
now, please go to your phones,
the number is toll free.
It's on your screen.
1-800-707-7000 or youcan log on to
and make your gift that way.
You know a lot of us aren'tgoing to church right now,
and we're looking for a place to tithe,
CBN is great ground.
If you're thinking,
I still want to tithe,CBN is the place to do it
because we are making a difference.
So please go to your phones right now.
Well, it is time for roundtwo of your questions
and Pat's answers
and we have a question fromPam and she's from Newton,
North Carolina.
Go ahead.
- [Pam] I've always been toldthat if you commit suicide,
you'll never get into heaven
'cause it's an unforgivable sin.
Is this true?
- That's a very good question.
I just believe that's the sin is very,
how can you repent ofit once you've done it?
You have to repent when you do something
and to take your own life.
But of course, again at law it is presumed
that a person whocommits suicide is crazy.
- [Wendy] Right.
- And so if a crazy persondoes some foolish thing,
it's not held against thembecause they don't understand the
law and don't know what they're doing.
very frankly, eternity is horrible,
hell is beyond belief andthere's no way you can get free
from the problems of thislife by killing yourself.
And if to launch yourselfinto an eternity of darkness
away from God is just toofrightened to contemplate.
So suicide is not the answer,
but it isn't the unpardonable sin.
Well, this is for God to decide,
but it's one sin that I figureonce you've killed yourself,
it's very hard to repentthat you've done it, okay.
- Alrighty, well, here'sanother question from Clara,
she's from Everett, Massachusetts.
- [Clara] I just want tosay, I've been watching
the 700 club for two weeksnow and enjoy it very much.
Anyways, I want to ask Pat a question.
My mother never treated me right,
all my life she was very mean to me
and very abusive to me for no reason.
Is it a sin that I stopped talking to her
because whatever I did,wasn't good enough for her.
- The Bible says that we're to honor
our mother and our father.
And that's the only command with promise
because it says that yourdays may be long in the land
that the Lord of your God has given you.
So honoring your mother and father,
it doesn't say anything abouthim being mean or not mean
it's just terrible to havea parent who does this,
but I would say this,
whatever you do, don't get inan argument with your mother
because they can be so unreasonable,
they could hurt you very badly.
And I just think you oughtto honor the fact that
this is the only mother you've got
and your mother and father
were the ones that God gave you to.
And so they brought you into the world
and respect them for that.
But the Greek in that istomato, give them weight.
Give them weight for who they are,
but you don't necessarilyhave to argue with them,
nor do you have to stay in the presence
of being to be abused.
There's nothing in the Biblesays, you got to do that.
- All right, good advice, Pat.
Our next caller is Bruce fromProvidence, Rhode Island.
- [Bruce] My question for Pat is,
since Jesus said that his kingdomwas not part of the world,
and to his disciples andapostles did not run for office,
how do you justify yourpolitical involvement.
- Well, I'm not Jesus.
I don't see anythingin the Bible that says
that Christians shouldn't be involved.
He said render to Caesar what Caesar's
and to God what's God.
- Well, who is Caesar?
We are Caesars, we are the government.
And we owe the governmentinformed citizenship,
we owe the vote, we oweand service as a member
of the legislative body or,
is a calling from God.
So I don't,
Jesus said my kingdom is notof this world to be sure.
He said, if it was, mydisciples would fight for me,
but this is the kingdom of God.
And this is, we live in theUnited States of America,
this isn't the kingdom of God
and as citizens of this land, we owe it
to Caesar, render toCaesar what belongs to him
and where he belongs ishis intelligent service,
including sometimes offeringourselves for public office.
- We need more Christiansin public office not less.
- Absolutely.
If you don't have any in there,
then who do you got in this place?
You've got people who are not Christian,
that's the corollary of that, all right?
- Oh, yeah and the Bible says
when the righteous are in power.
- The people rejoice.
That's exactly it, and whenthe wicked are in power
the people groan, all right. (laughs)
- There you go.
All right, next on theline is Sheniqua from
St. Petersburg, Florida.
- [Sheniqua] I have a question,
I am a tither and I watch the 700 club
and I see where these tithersare getting out of debt,
but I am $11,000 in credit card debt.
And I have to live off of mycredit cards because I give
my tithe and I fall short.
So my question is, what am I doing wrong?
Thank you.
- I really can't answerwhat you're doing wrong
all I can say is that,
God does promise that ifyou are faithful in giving,
he said, prove me withyour ties and offering
if I don't open the windows of heaven
and pour you out a blessing,you can't contain it.
So I think when the money leaves your hand
and gets into God's hands,
it could be multiplied many times over.
Beyond that, look at your own heart.
I mean, is there something in your life
that's blocking the blessing.
If you have resentment in yourheart towards somebody else,
you will not have an answer to prayer.
So is there somebody you're mad with,
somebody who hurts you,
somebody that you resentful against,
all those things will block
the flow of God intoyour life financially.
All right.
- All right.
Here's Carol from Houston, Texas.
- [Carol] My husband and Ihave recently changed churches,
he chose the first church that we visited.
This pastor preaches againstthe gifts of the Holy spirit
and speaking in tongue.
I was raised in acharismatic church myself
and totally believe that it is true.
I found a church myselfthat is spirit filled
and I attend there.
I'm I wrong to not go with my husband,
to the church that he chose?
- I don't want to advocatebreaking families and wives being
disloyal to their husbands.
But you, (laughs)
I think it was Daniel Movy said,
you don't set livechicks under a dead hand.
I think to go to someplacethat denies the power of God,
you are cutting yourselfoff from the source
of what God's doing.
I believe in the power of God.
And it's the power of Godthat brings the forth fruit,
is the anointing of the Holy spirit and
if somebody denies thegifts of the spirit,
then it's deadening.
Would you be sitting in asurly if you went to one church
and your husband walked toanother, you can do that.
I mean, work with him and say, look dear,
here's the deal, here's what I feel
and I have been filled with the spirit
and I am enjoying the gifts of the spirit
and I want to go someplacewhere I can do that.
Would you object and see ifhe can't work it out, okay.
- Maybe he'll get tired ofsitting in the Pew by himself.
- Yes.
- All right, here's Davidfrom Lynchburg, Virginia.
- [David] Yeah this is David.
Pat, how many bookshave you had published?
Thank you.
- I think I've had about 22.
The one that sat here rightnow is either 22 or 23.
- [Wendy] Okay.
- But, again I've geta lot about there and,
but the Bible talks about youbearing fruit in old age and
somewhere he just gave mean anointing of the spirit
I've turned out three books recently.
"The 10 Laws of Success"
is a redoing of "The Secret Kingdom"
The new one on "I HaveWalked With the Living God"
is powerful autobiography of
the miracles that God has done
and then one on the Holyspirit, that's still yet to go.
But then I've had many of thebooks, "The New World Order"
and other than that,
many books that I havewritten and they've--
- [Wendy] And one novel.
- Huh?
- And one novel.
- One, exactly I had a novelcalled "The End of the Age"
my one attempted fiction and it sold.
- [Wendy] I loved it, that was so good.
- It sold about 150,000 copies.
So it went pretty well, okay.
- All right, thanks for that.
- Well, next on the lineis Paula from Philadelphia.
- [Paula] My question is,
when you die, do you go straight to heaven
or are you asleep in a graveuntil Jesus Christ returns?
- There are a lot of peoplethat talk about soul sleep.
But you remember on the cross,
Jesus was talking about the thief
and he said, Lord, remember me
when you come into your kingdom.
And he says, this day, youwill be with me in paradise.
And Paul said, I am ina strait betwixt two,
whether to remain in theflesh, which is needed for you
or to depart and be with theLord, which is far better.
So my feeling is when we leave here,
our spirit, not our body,
but our spirit goes to be with the Lord.
And I don't believe in soul sleep,
I don't think the Bible teaches that.
All right.
- That's refreshing and assuring.
'Cause nobody wants tobe like just waiting.
- Well, a lot of people teach that.
I mean, you go to the grave
and you're just sitting there waiting
and they talk about purgatory.
The Bible says nothing about any purgatory
where you have to go and be processed.
What you do in this lifeis going to determine
what happens in thenext life and that's it.
- This day, you willbe with me in paradise.
- This day, today and Paul said,
I am in a strait betwixttwo whether to part
and be with the Lordor remain in the flesh,
which is needed foryou, but it's only two.
Either stay here and helpyou or be with the Lord.
- Amen, I love it.
All right, one morebefore we go to the break,
this is Lilly from Tampa, Florida.
- [Lily] I agree withPat when he says to buy
AAA rated blue chip stocksthat pay a dividend.
However, I can't find a stockbroker that wants to do that.
You have to have a fewhundred thousand dollars
before they even want to try
and buy you the individual stocks.
Please I want to know where Ican buy blue chip AAA stocks
and I don't have to spendhalf a million dollars before
a broker will give you the time of day.
Thank you.
- Well, I think if you look at
the big brokerage house theywelcome, the small accounts,
a lot of them aresoliciting small accounts.
I think, well,
there are a number of them out there that,
they solicit applications on the air.
You don't need to have hundredsof thousands of dollars.
Now, if you want to get special treatment
they're looking for big accounts.
But, I think
there are a number ofaccounts that welcome you
and you could open abrokerage account with
a thousand dollars or ahundred dollars if you want to.
Look around, at various brokers,there are discount brokers,
Triab used to take awhole bunch of them and,
it's available, absolutely.
You don't have to have a lot of money
to open up a brokerageaccount, just a small amount
then you can buy stock through that.
All right.
- All right, good stuff.
Still ahead, we've got moreof your voicemail questions.
Round three of the special edition of
Your Questions and Honest Answers from Pat
that's coming up, stay tuned.
(pensive music)
(rock music)
Welcome back, we begin our final round of
Your Questions, Honest Answers
and we start this question from Jean,
from Richland, Wisconsin.
- [Jean] I have been married for 25 years,
I left my husband after 21 years.
We're not divorced,he's been very abusive,
no sex, no financial help.
I've been abused physically,mentally and emotionally.
Do I have the right to divorce him?
- I use the term construction desertion.
The apostle Paul gave this permission
he said, if the unbelieveris pleased to depart,
let them depart the brother and sisters
not bound in a case like that.
But I think there's such athing as constructive desertion,
a man who's adulterers,that's the key right there.
If he's committing adultery,
Jesus gave that as an exception to,
'cause your marriage is already broken.
But in terms of physicaland emotional abuse,
that to me is construction desertion
and I think that you're freeand you can free to leave
and you're free to divorce andyou're free to get remarried.
That's my feeling and I believeit would be backed up by
what the Bible has to say.
- Absolutely, thanks Pat.
Our next caller comes to usfrom New York city, here's Jay.
- [Jay] I'd like toknow how could you say,
that Trump is going to beat Biden,
when Biden is 14 points ahead.
Could you please assure me why you think
Biden is going to loose to Donald Trump?
- Why do I think so?
'Cause I just know in myheart what's going on.
But I think these polls,
we had a deal that we were talking about
on our programming andDavid Brody brought it out
that the polls have abias toward Democrats.
There's nowhere to thatthey're gonna pull the country
and they presumed that 10% more people
are democratic andRepublican and therefore
when they take a sampling,
automatically it's slanted.
I think these polls don't show enthusiasm,
they don't show a lot of things
and let's face it,
there is quite a few weeksleft before the election.
But I think especially
the media likes to bring these polls out
to diminish Donald Trump's strength.
And they don't show enthusiasm,
they don't show the levelof support that he has,
but we'll see.
I mean, it's,
the only poll thatmatters is on election day
that's the poll thatcounts up to that point.
But going into the electoral college,
we'll see what happens.
But I think Trump is runningon a platform of law and order
and the more riots there are in Portland,
the more riots there are in Seattle,
the more riots there are in Chicago
and in New York and other cities.
The more of that people will say,
well, we're on a boat for law and order,
and that hasn't beenreflected yet in these polls.
All right.
- All right.
Here's a question from Katherine,she's from Foley, Alabama.
- [Katherine] Hi, Pat,
I wanted to know if you knewof a good pro, but Arctic,
anything that would helpthe digestive system
would be appreciated.
Thank you so much and God bless you.
- Well, what could helpthe digestive system?
I think don't load it up withsweets and things like that
and heavy meat, that's the big thing.
But, we've been talkingabout metabolic syndrome
and we have got a thingon build a better gut.
And, you have these littlecritters down in your stomach,
that actually is like a second brain.
It controls a great many ofthe functions of your body
and your brain.
And we talk aboutprobiotics and prebiotics
and, for example, thethings that kill them,
if you take an antibiotic,it'll kill your gut floor.
And when you have yourgut floor, isn't healthy,
then you have all kinds of diseases
that take over your body.
And if your gut floor is healthy and
you don't eat a lot of sweets,
you don't love a lot of redmeat and things like that
and you don't eat a lot of processed food
and trans fats if youstay away from that stuff,
all the white flour and things like that,
you'll be much more healthy
and that'll help whatever you got, okay.
- All right, good stuff.
Here's a question from Julie,
she's from Seattle, Washington.
- [Julie] Hello, Pat.
I have tried to ministerand share my faith
in Christ Jesus to my neighbor.
Sadly, he continues his evil ways,
stealing line and takingadvantage of people.
He never seems to get caught.
Does Satan have the powerto protect evildoers?
Thank you.
- There's no question, Satanis looking after his people.
And, what does the Bible say,
if you're going to thespore with a strong man,
you've got to bind the strong man first.
And I believe the questionof you've got a neighbor
who you think is underthe influence of Satan.
I think you bind the strong man,
you pray that in the name of Jesus,
I bind you Satan and the forces of evil.
And you say it specifically,
and you mean it in the name of Jesus.
And then you'd take the protection away,
and in that way beforeyou despoil his house,
you first bind the strong man.
And if he's in possession of his goods,
he's not going to turn them loose, okay.
- That's great, all right.
Here's Andrea from Brentwood,New York, she's on the line.
- [Andrea] I'm calling to ask a question
about the old Testament.
Why were there such strict restrictions on
mixing textures like, wool and linen
and all that kind of a thing?
What was the importance of that?
- I believe that somehow down the line,
the Lord realized what was going to happen
was genetic altering.
And we have things in our society now
that is pretty frightening.
And they're talking about cloning,
they're even talking about cloning,
we've cloned sheep, we've cloned horses
and there's a possibility that
they would even try to put
monkey cells that get along with humans
and see if they couldbring out a mixed creature.
The old Testament, theycouldn't do any of that stuff,
but it was forbidden.
And I think God knew downthe line that human beings
would get into that position
where they could bring forthsome really frightening things.
It hasn't been accomplished totally,
but the idea
of cloning a human being is, has been
discussed by scientists inplaces like China, and so forth.
- So, mixing fabrics waslike a slippery slope
towards things like that.
- Exactly.
You fake wool and so forth.
That's for starters.
But I think that, why is it in there?
I mean, I didn't write the Bible
and I didn't give thosethings to why God did it.
I'm giving you a a guess,it's an educated guess.
But I think down the road,
God knew what human beings were capable of
and he didn't want themto do it, all right.
- All right, here's Desireefrom Phoenix, Arizona.
- [Desiree] Pat, happybelated 90th birthday.
Could you please help me better understand
with God there is no time, heknows us before we were born
and also gives us free will.
Then doesn't he know who will be saved
and not before they die.
- The Bible is, of coursehe knows everything.
He sees from the end andfrom the beginning and
he spoke to Jeremiah and said,
before I formed you inthe womb, I knew you
and I called you to be aprophet to the nations.
God knows these things,
but he doesn't take away our free will.
And he lets us live thelife we are going to live
and we are free at anytime at all to receive him.
But he doesn't want justa bunch of robots that,
or live for him just becauseof fear and so forth.
So he's given us free will
and that's part of you in a human being.
Where he, you and I have free will
and we were made in theimage of almighty God.
Well, listen, thank you so much
that's all the time we've got,
we appreciate all thosewonderful questions
and we'll leave you withthese words in Colossians.
Whatever you do in word or do,
do everything in thename of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to Godthe father through him.
See you tomorrow, bye bye.
(musical chime)