Pat Robertson returns to the studio for an all-new edition of “Your Questions/Honest Answers.†Where did God come from? Can the devil hear our prayers? How do we know if the Holy Spirit is living with us? Your questions take center stage ... ...
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- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Narrator] Coming up.
Pat returns to the studiofor an all new edition
of "Your Questions, Honest Answers,"
featuring your voicemails.
Pat weighs in on hot topicslike where did God come from?
Can the devil hear our prayers?
How do we know if the HolySpirit is living with us?
And more.
From the spiritual to the social,
your questions takecenter stage all show long
on today's "700 Club."
- Well, welcome, folks,to this special edition
of the "700 Club."
This is your program today.
You take control of the showtoday from all across America.
You called and left yourvoicemail questions.
And today, you're going tohear your voices on the air,
and hopefully, answers tothose questions from me.
That's coming up.
But first, in the news,
America is being sorelytested on the world stage,
especially says PresidentBiden's disastrous debacle
in Afghanistan.
That's the clear message from Mike Pompeo.
So what exactly does theformer Secretary of State
stay awake at night?
He shared his concern inthis exclusive CBN interview
with our Jerusalem bureauchief Chris Mitchell.
- Nearly two months after theU.S. pullout from Afghanistan,
Secretary Pompeo told CBS News
how the consequences are playingout in Israel and beyond.
- Well, I've heard overthese past few days
while I've been here in Israel,
I've heard from manyof the Israeli leaders,
security establishment,they're very concerned.
They're concerned not onlyabout the increased terror risk,
that there'll be room forAl-Qaeda, for ISIS or for both
to grow in the region in Afghanistan,
and that this will embolden Iran.
But also they're worried.
They're worried because they saw
America execute awithdrawal from Afghanistan
that can only be described as a debacle.
Not only did we have 13Americans killed so tragically,
but we still have Americanswho are behind enemy lines.
It made no sense to me theway the Biden Administration
executed that withdrawal.
And I think America's credibilityin the world was damaged
as a result of that.
I pray that we're able toget that credibility back.
- One impact of the pullout
seems to be a more belligerent China.
How would you describe thethreat of China right now?
- All of these things are interconnected.
Leaders around the world
watch how American presidents behave.
They can sense American weakness,
that America is not preparedto honor the red lines
that it has drawn to protectAmerica's vital interests.
And so I think what you're seeing
from the Chinese Communist Party
is precisely what you'dsee follow from that.
They're gonna test, they're gonna push.
And the first place we're seeing this test
is 150 plus aircraft
flying into the air defenseidentification zone for Taiwan.
I hope the AmericanAdministration is prepared
to do the right thing tosupport the people of Taiwan.
- You've been the CIAdirector, Secretary of State.
What keeps you up at night?
(Mike chuckles)
- You know, the single biggest thing
that keeps me up at night today
is the fact that we areteaching our kids in school
things that are so deeply disconnected
from the American tradition,
that it is incomprehensiblefor me to understand.
We now have teachers whowant to tell our kids
that our nation wasfounded on a racist idea.
They wanna tell childrenthat because of their race,
they may well be the powerful
and the other group be the victim.
This is not the America that I have known.
It's not the America that I've read about.
It's not the American tradition.
We had a noble founding.
We are the most exceptional nation
in the history of civilization.
And if we refuse toteach our children that,
then the Republic is at risk.
- Secretary, you're anEvangelical Christian,
you're here in Jerusalem.
What does Jerusalem mean to you?
- I was at the Church ofthe Holy Sepulcher yesterday
right where Jesus wascrucified, died and buried,
and then rose from the tomb.
This is at the center ofwho we are as Christians.
And to get to once again,to walk, this place
is a reminder of how centralChristianity is to humanity.
And how important it is thatas we enter public life,
that we keep Christianity andour faith at the center of it.
And we never fear.
We are disciplined.
We are true.
We are tolerant of peopleof other faiths as well.
But we know who we are asbelievers in Jesus Christ.
- Mr. Secretary, thanks for joining us.
- Thank you very much, sir.- Good to be with you.
- It was wonderful to see you again.
- Mike Pompeo was first inhis class in West Point.
He was on the law reviewat Harvard Law School.
He is absolutely brilliant.
He was an incredible Secretary of State.
He's the man.
And if we ever had a leader,
he would be the one that I would pick
and I would be very comfortable
if he was running theUnited States of America.
Well, so much for that.
Now, Wendy, let's get on with it.
- Well, up next, you called
and Pat's about to answeryour voicemail questions.
Bill from Pennsylvaniaand Delores from Florida,
you are up first.
Round one of this special edition
of "Your Questions, Honest Answers"
starts when we come back.
(upbeat music)
(gentle music)
All right, welcome to this special edition
of "Your Voicemail Questionsand Pat's Honest Answers."
We're going to Pennsylvaniafor our first question.
Bill from Souderton, Pennsylvania.
Go ahead.
- [Bill] Mr. Robertson, I have a question.
Where did God come from?
Thank you very much for all you do for us.
- Well, thanks, Bill.
We start with the toughestone of all, don't we?
You know, really,
the Bible says that it startsat in the beginning God.
All we know about is thatthe beginning of everything,
God was there.
There's never an explanationof where He came from.
But what we need to do isthe revelation of how we,
as His creatures, should deal with Him.
So there's no speculation.
And you go through the peoplein there in the middle ages,
they started talkingabout the uncaused cause
and the next one was an uncaused cause,
then the next cause.
And then finally, you get backto where we are right now.
We don't know.
The Bible says in the beginning God.
And everything in the whole Bible
has to do with how you and me can create
and walk with the living God.
That's what the wholelife, our entire life is.
How to behave and how to learn about Him.
But I have no idea where He came from.
The Bible does not tellus where it came from.
One day when we go toheaven, maybe we'll learn.
But right now, nobody knows.
All right.- Amen.
All right.
Our next question's from Deloresfrom Winter Park, Florida.
- Thank you, Pat, for all you are and do.
I will miss your presenceon "The 700 Club."
My question is please tellme about the Holy Spirit.
How do I know the HolySpirit is within me?
- Oh, well, you can sensethe power of the Holy Spirit.
The Bible says you'llhear a voice in your ear
when you go to the right or the left,
saying this is the way, walk in it.
The Holy Spirit will be within you.
He'll be talking to you.
He leads you into all truth.
And if you don't havethat voice within you,
I would question, I wouldask God to give it to you.
But you know, I've got a book coming out.
I've got all these books.
I've got one on the Holy Spirit,
about the gifts of the spirit,
who He is and where Hecame from, and so forth.
But it's within you.
You will feel the presence ofGod, and there's no question.
You know, within you.
For example, in Colossians,the Apostle Paul said,
"Let the peace of God bean umpire in your heart."
And you know, calling.
And the Holy Spirit, when you do that,
when you grieve the Holy Spirit,
you will feel it in yourheart something has happened.
So that's how you know.
All right.- All right, good word.
Carl from Las Vegas, Nevadahas this question for Pat.
- [Carl] What qualifies aperson to be called a saint?
- You know, the Catholicshave a group of people
and they give them sainthood.
But in the New Testament,the concept agios,
to the saints of God, the Holy ones,
every one of us has been purifiedby the Lord Jesus Christ.
And we're all saints.
All of us.
So take your responsibility.
It's not a vote of theCuria that makes you Saint.
It's God all mighty coming within you
to cleanse and purify youand make you like God.
- Amen.
All right, here's Della fromLos Angeles, California.
Go ahead.
- [Della] I just wanted toget a better understanding
of what Romans chapter13, verse eight says,
the beginning part of that talks about,
"Owe no man anything butto love one another."
Does that mean like you don'towe anyone no financial money
or not to be in debt to anyone?
Or just to love your fellow man?
- Della, I want you to know,
the Bible says that thereis the servant of the lender
and we are supposed to stay out of debt.
But the greatest debt weowe is to love one another.
You know, if there is anobligation I have to you
and you have to me andWendy has to each one of us
is to love us.
We love one another.
That's the obligation we have.
And that if there's a debtto be paid back to the Lord.
You see, he died for us andthat's the greatest gift.
So how do we repay that gift?
Well, we do it by beingobedient to His commandments
and to love one another.
This is my commandmentthat you love one another.
- All right, here's aninteresting question from Jim.
He's from Lenore, North Carolina.
- [Jim] Hi, Pat.
How do you answer someonewho is a Christian
who says they're not Trinitarian,
they don't believe in the Trinity?
I'd like to have a loving,kind answer to someone
who says that to me.
- I would take them tothe baptism of Jesus.
Jesus is there in the water.
And He is...
The Holy Spirit descends on Him
like a dove sits on his shoulder.
And there's a voice from heaven,"This is my beloved Son."
And you've got the Fatherand you've got the Son
and the Holy Spirit.
You have that in manytimes throughout the Bible,
the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
So to say that they're,you know, not Trinitarian,
I mean, you just cannotbelieve in the Bible
and in Jesus Himself.
Jesus talked about, "I'mgoing to the Father.
When I go to the Father,I'll send the Holy Spirit.
He leads you into all truth."
Jesus talked about this thing.
You know, on the Mountain ofTransfiguration, He's there.
And the Father said,"This is my beloved Son."
So you can't read theBible without understanding
that there is a Trinity.
And we don't believe in three gods.
We believe in one God eternallyexisted in three people:
Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
- It's such a foundationof the Christian faith.
- Absolutely.- You know?
- Trinitarian, and there'ssome people who are Unitarian.
They only believe in one, so.
- Okay.
Here's a caller from righthere in Norfolk, Virginia.
Go ahead.
- [Caller] Hello, Pat.
Besides the obvious wrongnessof using God's name in vain,
why does it seem likeChristians have more of an issue
with foul language thanwith other corrupt talk,
such as gossiping or bad mouthing somebody
right in front of their face?
- Well, you know, actually,here's the, you know,
the name of God is Yahweh, Yehovah.
And that is what the commandment is.
Thou shall not take the Lord...
The name of your Yahweh or God in vain.
It's not saying hell orit's not saying damn,
or one of those things.
The actual commandment has to do
with the precious name of God Almighty.
But there's something about cursing.
You know, the Apostle Paul said,
"Let no foul communicationcome out of your mouth."
But only speak what is good for edifying.
And when you know the, Lordthat foul stuff's gotta go.
I know when I came to the Lord, you know,
I used some pretty rough language.
And overnight, it cleaned up.
If you got the Holy Spirit within you,
you will not wanna curse.
You just wanna do it.
You cannot do it becauseGod won't let you do it.
- What about when you're driving?
- [Pat] Hm?
- What about when you're driving?
(Pat sighs)(Wendy chuckles)
- You know, if you-
- [Wendy] In case somebody's wondering.
if you hit your finger,you say praise God.
(Wendy laughs)
Somebody cuts you off theroad, you say God bless him.
(Pat laughs)
- Amen.
- Okay.- Bless you, sister, brother.
Cheryl from Livermore, California.
Go ahead.
- [Cheryl] Hi, Pat.
Thanks so much for your excellent service.
And if you could say whatyour favorite thing is
out of partial retirement,what would it be?
- Cheryl, my favorite thingsince I've been a little kid.
When I was a little kid in grade school,
I would bring books home from the library
and I couldn't wait to gethome and started reading.
I love to read.
Not only do I love to read,now I've started writing books.
But my favorite thing ofall things is reading.
Now I'm reading biography.
I've read a whole lot of fiction,
but I don't do much of that.
But I love biography.
I love to read.
And that's the thing thatI really enjoy doing.
But I also enjoy praying
and I enjoy being in thepresence of the Lord,
speaking in the Spirit and worshiping God.
So I'm pretty boring.
I also work out pretty hard.
(Wendy laughs)
- You're anything but boring.
I'm curious, what biographyare you reading right now?
- Well, I just finished...
Well, I'm trying to think which one I...
- There's a new one outabout Ulysses S. Grant.
I was wondering if that was it.
- Well, I've alreadyread the one on Grant.
- Read that?- Oh, yeah.
I read Grant.
I've read all these-- Truman.
- People.
But I'm reading one about Churchill.
The last one I've beenreading is Churchill.
Then I've got the books he wrote called
"The Gathering Storm."
Brilliant, brilliant writer.
But I'm writing my own book.
I'm writing one right now on David.
So, I-- King David.
- Yeah, I read 'em and write 'em.
- I love it.- Yeah.
But the one that I'm the middle of reading
is one on Churchill.
- He's got so many greatlines we say because of him.
- Oh, absolutely.
- You know, never, never, never give up.
(Pat chuckles)
All right, Deborah from Longview, Texas
with this question for Pat.
- [Deborah] My question isabout the scripture that says,
"For many are called, but you're chosen."
I'd like to have someclarification on what that means,
who actually is called andwho actually is chosen?
- That's a very good question.
You know, the word goes out.
For example, we are on this program
and I hope that over the course of time,
over the internet andthe around the world,
millions of people watch this program
and we give an invitation,but they don't all respond.
Many people, they grew up in church.
They had the anointing of the spirit
when they were listening,but they turned it down.
They have heard the message.
They have heard the preaching.
They have read the Bible.
We have more churchesand everybody has Bibles,
but they don't read them.
And so you say, youtalk about the election.
Are they chosen?
They owe the elect.
But you decide the election,
you decide who wins and wholoses and it's in your mind.
But many, many are called,but few accept the call.
And you say, those arethe ones who are chosen,
who themselves accept the call.
- Is that talking about salvation?
- I think he's talking about salvation.
Which, you know, I get a report,I'm head of a university.
And I had a report fromour person who gets calls.
And she says, "All right, thespeed to lead is 10 seconds."
We get a call in 10seconds that's answered.
Then we have so many outboundcalls and it looks like this.
And then out of those calls,
we have so many whoasked for applications.
And then we have so manywho enroll as students,
and it's a funnel going down.
When we say many are calledto come to our university,
but only a few were chosen.
- I got that.
Interesting, good analogy.
All right, here's Jerryfrom Buffalo, New York
with this question for Pat.
- [Jerry] Hello, Pat, my name is Jerry,
and I am a Christian.
And I was wondering, is ita sin to smoke a cigarette?
- Listen, I used to smoke.
I mean, I literallysmoked a couple of packs
of cigarettes a day tilllast saw the film by a guy
named Ochsner down in New Orleans.
And it showed the effectof tobacco on people.
There is no question thattobacco will eat your lungs.
It'll hurt your heart.
It'll give you high blood pressure.
It'll give you Berger's disease.
You go down the line.
And our temple, our body isthe temple of the Holy Spirit.
And Paul said, "If anybodydestroys that temple,
God will destroy him."
So I think smoking isyou're hurting the temple.
And there is no doubt in anybody's mind
that tobacco is good for you.
I mean, lung disease is pretty horrible.
Emphysema is awful.
And smoking will do it to you.
And not to mention, it'll age you.
Your skin will get dried up and so forth.
But it isn't a sin.
It is, with knowledge.
There were a few years ago,
we didn't realize how harmful tobacco is.
Now we know it is terrible.
- I just feel like there'ssomebody watching that is like,
they wanna quit so bad, butthey just feel like they...
'Cause it's such a strong addition.
- It takes 21 days, because you go crazy.
You just have to say no.
This day, I'm not gonnasmoke another cigarette.
You have to get rid of 'em.
When I was in law school, Igot out of an evidence class,
put the cigarette down andit was a Saturday morning,
ground it out.
I said, "It's the lastone I'm gonna smoke."
And then those withdrawals.
And what happened was insteadof enjoying it, it flipped.
And so I hated the smell of cigarettes.
- [Wendy] Wow.
- It literally can but ittakes 21 days to get a habit.
So, look, if you're hooked on cigarettes,
you've gotta make a decision.
Today, I'm not gonna smoke.
Get rid of all of them.
Flush everything down the drain.
Don't buy any anymore.
Don't let anybody get you them.
Don't bum a cigarette from somebody else.
But those things will kill you.
- All right.- Okay.
- There's the word.
Okay, Kenny from Auburn, Washington
has this question for Pat.
- [Kenny] I've been toldthat the number 1111
is a spiritual number.
I'm asking what it means.
- Kenny, you know, I've never heard that.
I think that's going around.
It has something to do with angels.
I really don't know anything about it.
There's nothing in theBible that backs it up.
You know, the numbers are very important.
God speaks to us in numbers.
He uses the number three.
The number 40.
The numbers 10.
They've all got...
Number five has significance.
But 111, I mean...
9-1-1 is a good one for calling help.
But the other, I think, you know,
all kinds of crazy stuff isbeing thought of all around.
There are always people
that come up with these nutty things,
and that happens to be one of them.
That isn't a number ofangels or anything like that.
Frankly, I've never heard of anybody
of having any significance.
But in terms of biblical numerology,
there is no doubt that thosenumbers have a significance
and they mean something.
But not that.
Okay.- All righty.
Well, coming up, round twofor special voicemail edition
of "Your Questions, Honest Answers."
Your question could beup next so don't go away.
We will be right back.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Welcome back to round twoof our special edition
of "Your Voicemail Questionsand Pat's Honest Answers."
Jane is up first.
She's from Golden, Colorado.
Go ahead.
- [Jane] Who said, "God helpsthose who help themselves?"
I don't think it's in the Bible,
and I wonder whether it'seven good spiritual advice.
Thanks, Pat.
- Jane, you're absolutely right.
It's not in the Bible and it'snot good spiritual advice.
But it comes, I understand,out of Greek philosophy.
But I've, you know...
Look at the law of use.
If you use well what's been given to you,
then you will have more,but that's biblical.
But God helps those who help themselves,
that is not anything in the Bible.
You're exactly right.
It comes from Greek philosophy.
- All right.
Here's Lois fromHummelstown, Pennsylvania.
- [Lois] As Christians,
are we still under the 10 commandments
or are they just guides orguard rails for us to use
to live godly lives?
- You know, I've alwayswritten a book about something.
I wrote a book about the 10 commandments
called "The 10 Permissions."
And when you look at it,
it really is a protection around you.
You know, don't commit adultery.
Don't steal somebody's property.
Don't take somebody else's wife.
Don't, you know, do allthese terrible things.
And when you put God atthe center of everything,
love the Lord, it controlseverything you do.
So the 10 commandmentsare tremendous guides,
and I don't think they have ever been
taken out of the Bible.
I think those commandmentshave an eternal consequence.
And when you realize what ablessing they are, you know,
just having a day of rest once every week,
that is an incredible in advance.
You know, we remember theSabbath and keep it holy,
that is a tremendous, butit's a blessing to us.
And so Jesus said theSabbath wasn't made for...
I mean, man was have made for the Sabbath.
The Sabbath was made for man.
This is a blessing.
And these are 10 blessingsgetting our life right.
You know, honor the Lord with,you know, it just tremendous.
You know, there shall haveno other gods before me.
If you have false gods, youwill be in a heap of trouble.
And that's what's goingon right now in our world.
We have false gods.
We get our authorityfrom the wrong sources.
So those commandments are brilliant,
and I recommend them to everybody.
All right.
- You know, Pat there'speople suffering from burnout,
from overworking.
And if they would just takethat one day to relax, you know,
take a nap, take a walk,
they would be cured of their burnout.
- We are burning.
You're exactly right.
People are running.
I mean, everything'sgoing seven days a week
and it just scare me.
Buying, selling, buying,selling, buying, selling.
And of course, God gave us aprescription to make us happy.
Those things are permissions.
They're happy.
And just think,
if I don't have to worry aboutsomebody stealing my stuff,
I mean, think whatthat'll do for somebody.
You know, shall not steal.
I mean, it's a tremendous blessing.
- Yeah, I wish we lived in that world.
But we don't.
Lock your cars.
Wanda from Los Angeles,California has a question
we all want the answer to.
Go ahead, Wanda.
- [Wanda] I'm calling tosay, Pat, we love you.
You have been such a voice of reason
and strength through the decades.
And my question is, what isyour schedule for the future?
I would like to know.
God bless.
- It's been my pleasure tobe able to talk to people
on television for 60 years.
And I'm very grateful for the privilege.
I'm now in charge of apretty significant university
and I'll be doing some teaching there.
I'm also writing another book.
My book now is gonna beon the shepherd king.
I'm already writing on David.
You know, tonight,
there is born to you in the city of David,
a savior who's Christ the Lord.
And I'm going to, I thinkit'll be an interesting thing.
- He's a figure we can all relate to.
He was flawed, but he was aman after God's own heart.
- Absolutely.
And well, you see how God spoke to him.
I mean, it will betremendous, but that's fun.
But I'll come back, Lord willing.
I'd like to.
I've told the guys,
I wanna make sure I dothis program once a month.
But I'll be available to make comments.
And I enjoy this.
I enjoy being able to talk to you all.
And so I'm not going away.
I think if I was listeningto the Lord right,
I'm supposed to get to another 29 years.
I'm 91, ad I think I'msupposed to go to 120.
(Pat laughs)
- Do it, do it.
You know?- That's the plan.
- Well, I told them.
I said I'm glad you didn'tcut us off cold turkey.
That you're still coming in.
- Yeah, I'll still be here.
- That would have been too much.
Too for all of us.
Thanks for that question, Wanda.
And now Evelyn from Henderson, Nevada.
Go ahead.
- [Evelyn] Why don't people live
as long as Abraham or Methuselah?
When did the people stop living that long?
Was there some mistake made and their age?
- Evelyn, to the best of myknowledge, after the flood,
people, you know, Noah lived a long time.
He was six, 700 years old.
But I think that those people who lived,
those centenarians, prettymuch died out after the flood.
I don't know if some pathogenwas released in the earth.
I don't know whetherfermentation took place
or whatever it is.
But after that, God said,you know, in the Psalm,
man's life is threescore and 10.
But that's not what it is after the flood.
The guts of the man's life is 120.
And that was the extent that was given.
And why did it happen?
Could it have been because ofall the moisture on the earth
that the germs began to proliferate?
I really don't know.
And I don't think any of us do.
But all I do know is that those guys
who live like Methuselah,almost a thousand years,
we don't have them anymore.
But I tell ya, I'm at 91.
I'm doing pretty goodand going strong, I hope.
But I'm planning on getting 120.
That's what the Bible says.
- Well, my mother-in-law,as you know, is 101.
- Is she really?- And doing well,
still living on her own.
And we just had a storyon CBN News about a lady
who's 110 just celebrated andgave glory to God saying that-
- She must be one ofthe oldest in the world.
- Yeah, 110.
- Yeah.
So Joshua was 110.
So I'm looking at all of them.
We'll see.- We're getting older.
- All right.
Why did it happen?
I've heard after the flood,
there was so much water andthere was a lot of fermentation,
which would proliferate germs.
But I don't know.
I mean, the Bible doesn't tell us.
Okay, so if it's not in theBible, I can't tell you,
I can guess, but I can't tell you.
- All right.
- Jeff from Charlotte, Michiganwith this question for Pat.
- [Jeff] My question to you ishave you ever seen an angel?
A Psalms 91:11 angel,
and ever had any kindof interaction with one?
Thanks, Pat.
- You know, when we usedto go into telethons,
we'd go into cities and I would pray.
I'd say, "God, send the angels."
And people have actually seen the place
where we were sitting and praying
and they saw beings around us.
But I personally have neverhad a visitation from an angel.
That doesn't mean it's not possible.
I just haven't done it.
But I have encountered demonic presence,
which are fallen angels.
I've cast out demons.
And I've also, 'cause Isay, people have seen it.
And we used to always askGod, "Send the angels.
Send the angels to help us."
And I believe He hears that prayer.
They're ministering spirits
sent to take care ofthe heirs of salvation.
And so I believe they're there.
But have I had any interaction with them?
And the one thing the Bible warns us about
is not to be praying to angels.
No way, no how.
Okay.- All right, amen.
Here's Erica from Austin, Texaswith this question for Pat.
- [Erica] I have a question.
As you walked this journey withthe Lord for many years now,
what have you learned,
and what is your adviceto fellow believers today?
- The biggest thing is you can trust God.
And I would rather haveone verse of scripture
clearly understood withall the books of philosophy
that ever been written.
And that's the one thing I'll tell you.
You can trust the Lord.
I have learned, you can trust His word.
He is absolutely faithful
and He will do according to His word.
And if you live according to His word,
He will bring blessing to you.
And if you pray for Hisblessing and you ask for Him,
He will answer you.
He said, "Seek, and you will find.
Knock, and it will be...
Ask, and you will receive.
Seek, and you will find.
And knock, and it will be opened."
If you continually ask forGod to do things, He will.
And what have I learned?
That's what I learnedis that God is faithful.
And He tells us if weobey His commandments,
as He is supposed to,that He will bless us.
And I have seen that blessingover and over and over again.
- You've asked for some bigthings and he's delivered.
- Yeah, amen.
I mean, good grief.
The stuff that we haveseen Him do in His leading.
You know, He says, "Godo this," and you do it.
Yes, sir.
Build a school.
Yes, sir.
You know, buy a TV set.
Yes, sir.
TV station.
Yes, sir.
He sent me down here.
This is true story.
I had $70 and I didn'town a television set.
And God said, "Go buy a TV station."
And wow.
- [Wendy] That one act of obedience.
- Well, just one after the other.
I mean, it's more than that just one.
- Right, that started it all.
- What did I learn?
What I learned is you can trust God.
That's what I learned.
Okay.- Amen.
- Great work.
Here's Jeanette from Augusta,Georgia with this question.
- [Jeanette] I'd like to knowis it possible for someone
that's in a homosexual lifestyle
to have a relationship with Christ?
My daughter is married to another woman
and I've been praying for her.
How should I pray?
- Well, you with theBible, we've used the term,
we love the sinner and hate the sin.
Right now, there is a thrustbeing placed upon people
that they don't go for diversity
that they're gonna lose out.
You have to acknowledge homosexuals.
You have to talk about transection.
You have to make accommodation.
And if you don't do it, youget penalized in this society.
Now, we know that's wrong.
And if you read the book of Romans,
when Paul says, "God gave them up,
God gave them up to a reprobate mind."
And then men were burningthis lust toward fellow men.
Women are burning withlust toward one another.
And he said, "That is thefinal step of the abandonment
of humanity by God."
And when we're doingthat in our world today,
I mean, it's everywhere.
And if you are not involvedin this diversity thing,
I mean, the government of theUnited States will punish you.
They will punish you, come after you,
and bring lawsuits against youand keep you from privileges
because that has nowbecome the accepted thing.
And what you ask about yourdaughter, God loves her.
And my suggestion is continue to love her.
Continue to let her know you love her
and that you're praying for her.
But also hold a standard and say,
"Look, there's a better way."
And you know, so many of these people
who are in theserelationships are miserable.
But if they're being condemned,they get pushed away.
So don't condemn.
I don't condemn.
You don't condemn.
We love and we keep on loving.
And watch what happens.
- Do you think thereason they fight so hard
for that to be accepted isbecause deep down they know?
- Absolutely.- They know.
- You know, they have a conscious.
They know it's wrong.
- [Wendy] Yeah.
- And you know, but you know that song,
how can something be wrong?
That feels so good.
Feels so right.
Well, I mean, you know, yes, yes, yes.
But you know, you've got nowmovies. more and more movies.
- [Wendy] More and more.
- I mean, every time youturn around, you know...
Now they even got one withSuperman out of the closet.
- I just heard that.
- Do you believe that?
Superman is-- Yeah.
- Is having a homosexual affair.
I mean, it's just (Pat squeals)
- Too much.- Okay, what's next?
- All right.
Here's the Jim fromClearfield, Pennsylvania
with this question for Pat.
- [Jim] My question is wheredid the people come from
that were in the land of Nod?
When Cain was banished in Nod,
he was worried that they would kill him.
Where would these people come from?
- Jim, that's a great question.
And I really don't know.
You know, all I can thinkof is that Adam and Eve
supposedly have Cain and they had Abel,
but they had to have some daughters
and they had to have some granddaughters.
And over the years, theremust've been a family developing.
And you know, the whole concept of incest
didn't exist in thosedays between Adam and Eve.
And the daughters and the sons.
And so they must've had a big family
and there must've been a timeframe.
It wasn't like five years or 10 years.
It could have been 100 years.
It could have been 1,000 years,
you know, that thesethings began to happen.
But the Bible isn't very clear about that.
You know, there's certainthings that are just there
and not to not explain.
And I haven't seen any commentary
that would indicate otherwise.
- All right.
You've answered it aswell as any of us could.
All right, here's Jordanfrom Conway, North Carolina
with another question for Pat.
- [Jordan] The question is,
how does one go about forgiving themselves
for past transgressions?
I believe in my heartthat God has forgiven me,
but I just can't stop thinking about it.
- You know, the Bible sayshaving their conscience cleansed
from dead works that theymight serve the living God.
You know, God isn't interested
in your continual flagellationof saying how bad you are.
He knows you're a sinner.
And we all know that you're a sinner.
We're all sinners.
Every one of us.
We're sinners.
So God is interested in your service.
And what you need todo is to read the Bible
about what it says about forgiveness.
The Lord has forgiven you your sins.
And He said, "All mannerof sins and trespasses
will be forgiven the sons of man."
So you have to forgive yourself.
And if you keep beating yourself up,
I mean, I know it sounds very virtuous.
I'm a sinner, Lord.
The Bible talks about theman who was praying, said,
"God, be merciful to me, a sinner."
But it's not enough to keep saying
after you've been forgiven,"Oh, I'm still a sinner."
The Bible says havingyour conscious cleansed
from dead works that youmight serve the living God.
God wants your service.
He doesn't want you tocontinually condemn yourself.
So do what He wants and whatHe wants you is to get busy
to work for Him.
And you can't do it
if you're constantly in self-condemnation.
Okay.- Wow, what a great word.
Thank you, Pat.
I know that spoke to a lot of people.
Well, still ahead, we have moreof your voicemail questions.
Our final round of this special edition
of "Your Questions,Honest Answers" from Pat
coming right up.
(upbeat music)
Welcome back to our final round
of "Your Voicemail Questions,Pat's Honest Answers."
We're gonna go to Donna to kick it off
from Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Go ahead, Donna.
- [Donna] I listened to Pat's recent book
called "I Have Walkedwith the Living God,"
and he talked about his run for president.
He made a comment that God knew better
than to tell him the outcome.
And I just wondered what he meant.
- Well, if He'd told me theoutcome, I wouldn't have run.
(Pat chuckles)
It was an exhausting thing.
It costs an awful lot of money.
And I was physically justabsolutely demolished.
But the result of that,
I formed was called theChristian Coalition.
It became the most powerfullobbying group in America.
We, through that organization,
had a revitalized Republican party
and the Christians took a major role
of the Republican party,and they have ever since.
I mean, they were key in Trump's election,
key in George Bush'selection, and so forth.
So there was also...
What I did, I campaigned hard.
If I had known how it was gonnacome out in the beginning,
I wouldn't have done it.
Nobody would go into a meat grinder
knowing how bad it's gonna hurt him.
But it's only the resultsof what's gonna happen.
The Bible says, "The wisdomis known by by her children."
And so the wisdom of that run,
I mobilized people all over America
to get involved in politics.
Up to that, the Christianhad not been involved.
And from that, there'd beenany number of congressmen
and Senators who've been elected.
There've been city councilmembers that'd been elected.
There've been all kindsof things happening.
And had I known what the pain,I wouldn't have gone into it.
That's where I'm at.
All right.- Well, we're glad you did.
All right, Kenneth fromCastro Valley, California.
Go ahead.
- [Kenneth] My question is,
why are there so manydenominations when denominations,
there's no record of it in the Bible?
- I tell you the joke about the preacher
that came for lunch.
And a little boy said to him, this pastor,
"What abomination are you a member of?"
Well, hey, you know,
the Bible talks about eager to maintain
the unity of the spirit untilwe come into the perfect man
into the knowledge of the Lord.
We haven't gotten to the knowledge,
but we do have the unity of the spirit.
But unfortunately, people are selfish
and they're self-motivated
and they come out with allthese cockamamie ideas.
And out of that comes to the denomination.
There's a splinter here.
And I think we should havethis kind of confession.
Or we ought to have this kind of baptism
or we ought to have these sins.
Or this is okay.
And you know, you'resupposed to cut your hair.
Or you're not supposed to cut your hair.
- [Wendy] No makeup.
- You know, and on and on.
And out of this comes these denominations.
And we are not in theunity yet of the Lord.
We're in the knowledge, we'rein the unity of the spirit.
The Bible said, "Eager tomaintain the unity of the spirit
till we come in to theknowledge of the faith."
We're not there yet.
So how come there's so many denominations?
Because people areself-centered and selfish.
That's why we've got them all.
- There's plenty ofnondenominational churches
you could go to.
- Nondenominational, but...
In the old days, there was...
'Cause they had one church.
And you know, and being in church,
and Ephesus and the church and car.
And so the churches inside(indistinct), so forth.
They had one church
and all the Christianswas together in one unity,
but they're not anymore.
All right.
- Okay, here's Laurafrom Milwaukee, Wisconsin
with this question for Pat.
- [Laura] I'm calling to ask,
why do we need rewards in heaven?
What is the purpose of that?
- Well, you'll have to ask the Lord.
I'm not sure I've got the answer.
But you know, we're motivated by things.
Do you wanna work all your life,
and recognize when you getto heaven, nobody cares?
I mean, you know, if yourgave your life in service
and we'll stand...
You know, there are two judgments.
There's the great white throne judgment
where people will besent to hell or heaven.
But the Bible says we will stand before
the Bema judgment seat of Christ
to receive the things thatwe've done in our body.
And I would think that somebodywho hasn't done anything,
who's been totally ignoringwhat the Bible says
should get the same deal
that somebody who's flavoredall his life or her life
in the service of the Lord.
And so I do believe.
But what is a reward in heaven?
To me, it's closeness to the Lord.
The best reward I could possibly get
is not more money or more goods in heaven.
The streets are paved with gold.
They got plenty of money up there.
But what he really wantedis access to the Lord.
And I think if there's a reward
to have more of therevelation of God himself,
that is what it was used tobe called the beatific vision
by the middle-aged Catholic.
I mean, the Catholics in the middle-ages.
The beatific vision, that's the reward.
And it's a pretty good one.
That to me would be far, farbetter than anything else.
So I would like to...
You know, gain, themistranslation, you know,
the Bible says, "In my father'shouse are many mansions."
That has a bad translation.
In my father's house, thereare many resting places.
There are many rooms.
He's got plenty of room.
But you're not gonna have apretty room than somebody else.
But I think access to Lord.
That to me is the great reward.
All right.- Absolutely.
- Amen.
All right, Lena fromBakersfield, California
has this question.
- [Lena] I would like to know
when we are baptized as infants,
does that mean we don't needto be baptized as adults?
- I don't really go alongwith infant baptism.
I think that we should...
I mean, the Bible talks aboutbeing buried with baptism.
It was Him in baptism andraised in the newness of life.
And I think having little kids sprinkled,
to me, doesn't do it.
You know, I was baptizedat the Baptist Church
where we believe in believers baptism,
but I didn't know the Lord.
- But dedicating, you know,dedicating your child.
- Yeah, yeah.- Is a good thing, right?
- The adhere is, howdo you get born again?
Well, I'm justified because of my faith
in the efficacy of what thepriest is doing as a child.
That's not it.- Right.
- But as I say, I was baptized as a kid,
but I didn't know the Lord.
So I wanted to be filledwith the Holy Spirit
and I was rebaptized.- Two, yeah.
- Yeah.- Oh, yeah.
- To be filled with the spirit.
But I just think that, you know,
we need to have believersbaptism in my opinion.
That's what you're asking for,that's what you're getting.
(Pat laughs)
All right.- Yes.
That was perfect answer.
Mickey from Clearwater,Florida has this question.
- [Mickey] Thank you, Pat Robertson,
for all the years of ministry.
Your parents named youMarion Gordon Robertson.
I'd like to know how youbecame Pat Robertson.
- I've got that in my book, you know.
I would like to think that I'm Irish
and I have an affinity with the Irish.
I love the Irish, but I'm not Irish.
And I'm Marion Gordon.
But my older brother, Tad, hewas six years older than me.
When I was a little baby,he used to pat my cheeks.
And he said-
- 'Cause you had such cute, fat cheeks.
- He went, "Pat, Pat, Pat, Pat, Pat."
And they said, "Well,that sounds so cute."
And so they called me.
That's how I got the name Pat.
- And everybody juststarted calling you Pat?
- Well, yeah, because of it.
But I'm not Irish, but Ithink the Irish are terrific.
(Pat laughs)(Wendy laughs)
- All right, here's the colorfrom Clarkesville, Georgia
with this question for Pat.
- [Caller] Wanted to ask Pat:
for someone that hadbeen married seven times,
that had married two of the men twice,
do you think God would giveme another chance in marriage?
And do you feel like that Ideserve one, another chance?
- [Wendy] Wow.
- You know, you needed tokind of examine yourself.
What in the world is wrong with you?
You know, Jesus wasasking a question of us,
somebody who was married toa widow over and over again,
they all died, whose wife wasn'tlaying in the resurrection.
But will you have another chance?
You really need to get your act together.
Something is seriously wrong.
Why did you marry theseguys in the first place?
What was going on in your mind?
What were you looking for?
And what is your desire?
Do you want a father figure?
Do you want a companion?
Do you want a lover?
Well, what do you want?
You want somebody that'swealthy to look after you?
I mean, what are you looking for
to have had that many marriages?
And I think you need toexamine your own heart
to find out what is it I'm doing wrong.
But let's take one last question.
- Yeah.
Here's Donna from Sarasota,Florida with this question.
- [Donna] My question is,
do the stars refer to fallenangels in Revelation 12:4?
Which says, "And histail drew the third part
of the stars of heaven anddid cast them to the earth."
Thank you.
I just love your program.
- I don't think.
I think there's just a metaphorfor the stars being angels.
I don't think the stars are angels
and you've gotta be very careful
because people used toworship with the stars.
But I don't think the stars are angels.
- [Wendy] All right, I think we have time-
- One quickie, all right.
- We don't?- Yeah, go ahead.
- [Wendy] All right, here'sPam from Lafayette, Indiana.
- [Donna] My question is,
do the stars refer to fallenangels in Revelation 12:4?
Which says, "And histail drew the third part
of the stars of heaven anddid cast them to the earth."
Thank you.
I just love your program.
- Okay.- That's a wrap.
- [Wendy] Sorry.
- Oh, I'm sorry, we had to...
Well, thank you so much.
That was fun.
I appreciate all of your questions.
And the Bible says,
we'll leave you with thesewords from the book of James.
If any of you lackwisdom, you should ask God
who gives generously to all without fault.
It'll be given to you.
And tomorrow, we've gotan incredible story.
A boyfriend tried to kill his girlfriend.
You don't wanna miss it.
And so for all of you,this is Pat Robertson.
Thanks for being with us.
(stately music)