(tense music)
- [Jenna] Tonight,
(wind rustles)
Ida strikes.
(tree crashes)
The storm making landfall as a hurricane,
now a tropical storm wreaking havoc
and tearing throughLouisiana and Mississippi.
This with hours to go.
- This is the most dangerous time.
- [Jenna] Before the self-imposed deadline
for a full withdrawal ofUS troops in Afghanistan.
Plus, the importance ofvaccines and early testing
in the fight against COVID-19,
and the secret weaponto treat the disease.
- Regeneron is the thingthat we must use today
to fight the battle.
- [Jenna] And the fallen service members
in Afghanistan brought home.
All this and more tonighton "Faith Nation."
(rhythmic music)
- Children among the deadafter a US drone strike
as evacuations in Afghanistan wind down
ahead of tomorrow's withdrawal deadline.
Good evening and welcometo "Faith Nation."
I'm John Jessup.
- And I'm Jenna Browder.
Tonight, two top stories.
We will get to Afghanistan,but we want to begin
with what's now Tropical Storm Ida.
The Category 4 stormknocking out electricity
to millions and even reversing the flow
of the mighty Mississippi River.
- Though downgraded now,
Ida still threatens to bring storm surge,
flash flooding, and tornadoes.
CBN's Brody Cartertalked with relief crews
headed into the destructionand has tonight's top story.
- John, Jenna help from allover the nation is on its way:
3,600 FEMA employees, 5,000National Guard members,
and hundreds of generators
to help families left in the dark.
Now the White House signed a handful
of major disaster declarations,saying it could be weeks
before the Gulf Coastgets up back and running.
- We're gonna stand with youand the people in the Gulf
as long as it takes for you to recover.
- [Brody] Lifesaving effortsare the first priority
after 150 mile an hour windsbattered the Louisiana coast.
- We know there's standing water.
We're hearing reports of very high water,
people trapped in their attics.
- [Brody] The storm ravagedhomes and flooded streets.
Overnight, the entire cityof New Orleans lost power.
More than a million customersare left in the dark
across a five stateradius, from Houston, Texas
to Memphis, Tennessee.
- [Man] Oh (beep)
- [Man] There goes theother half of the roof.
- [Brody] In Houma, Louisiana,
this man recorded the moments
after winds ripped off part of his roof
and sent it landing on a neighbor's house.
- There's alligators out there.
It's not, you know,
conditions, just could notgo out in the darkness,
especially with the downed power lines.
It's very dangerous.
- [Brody] The storm surgeand wind so powerful,
they temporarily reversed theflow or the Mississippi River.
- We can see some roadclosures on the major highways.
- [Brody] CBN's Operation Blessing
one of the first relieforganizations on the scene.
A crew of 18 giving food,water, and tarps to families
now taking the firststeps towards recovery.
- We're ready to go.
We got our track shoes on.
All of our goods are at thefront of the warehouse there
so they're ready to go onto any vehicle
that might need them, so it'sconsistent in our pattern
of trying to get out thedoor quickly and safely
- [Brody] As the tropical storm
now crawls through Mississippi,
a large majority of the Eastern US
preparing for a deluge of rain,
possibilities of flashflooding, and tornadoes.
- I just want to encourageyou to do everything you can
for yourself and for yourfamily and for your neighbors,
and then help will be therejust as soon as possible.
- As officials survey the damage,
it's nowhere near expectedto reach the $176 billion
of damage left behindfrom Hurricane Katrina.
One person died from a falling tree
in a suburb of Baton Rouge.
That number is expected to rise.
Thankfully, the federal levies,they withstood the storm,
likely saving many lives.
John, Jenna, back to you.
- All right, Brody, thank you.
And here with us nowwas William Trueblood,
the divisional spokespersonfor the Salvation Army
and emergency disaster services director
for Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi.
William, thank you for comingon "Faith Nation" tonight.
We know you join us fromJackson, Mississippi.
Give us an update onthe damage down there.
Is the worst over yet?
- The worst seems to be over,
but now obviously that the sun is up,
it's seeing what damage is done
and it's seeing all thethings that happened.
Obviously, we still have alot of room for flooding.
It's a very slow movingstorm, and because of that,
it's very slowly going overareas that do not need rain,
areas that have had a lot of rain.
And we do have concerns
as it continues to moveinto areas east of us
that have already seensubstantial flooding
from previous stormsearlier in the season.
- William, as I understand,
you had some people pre-positioned.
So how did your teamsfare during the storm,
and can you talk aboutwhat the Salvation Army
is doing to help?
- During the storm, we reallyjust tried to hunker down.
We had a team from Texasset up in Beaumont,
we had a team from Floridaset up in Pensacola,
and then our team set up in Jackson.
And so what we're doingright now is we have
about 36 mobile feedingunits that we're taking in
to go along with the threelarge kitchens to prepare food
that are being brought in by our partners.
And what we plan to do isbring those kitchens in,
have them prepare the meals,
and then use our mobile feeding units
to go to the areas that havebeen most heavily (indistinct).
- It looks like we're havinga bit of a connection issue.
I don't know if,
if he can hear me, but I thinkwe might try to get him back.
In the meantime, we want to goto our other top story, John.
- Well, to, as Jenna wassaying, our other top story.
It is now a race against the clock
as the United States' troopsfaced the looming deadline
to withdraw from Afghanistan tomorrow.
- Hope for refugees desperateto escape the war-torn country
is quickly dimming as violence surges.
And now reports ofcivilians, including kids,
killed in a US dronestrike and rockets shot
into the Kabul airport.
- CBN-- CBN-
- Go ahead, Jenna.
CBN's Senior InternationalCorrespondent George Thomas
has more on the fall of Afghanistan.
- [George] At a safe house in Kabul,
Jaiuddin, not his realname, has been in hiding
along with 12 other Afghanssince the Taliban seized control
of the city nearly three weeks ago.
- [Interpreter] One of us isalways awake during the night,
always walking around and praying,
so if the Taliban shouldcome and knock on our door,
we should alert everyone.
- [George] In an exclusiveinterview with CBN News,
Jaiuddin and the others, whoare part of Afghanistan's
very small Christian community,
told us they have no passports,
no US government-issued exit papers,
and right now, see theirhopes of escape diminish
with each passing hour.
- [Interpreter] We had manyplans for preaching the gospel
with other brothers and sisters,
but then the Talibantook control so quickly.
It happened so fast.
- [George] And now they'vebeen marked by the Taliban.
- [Interpreter] Every day,I receive a phone call
from a private numberand the person warns me
that if he sees meagain, he will behead me.
- On the eve of the deadline for US troops
to leave Afghanistan,Jaiuddin and many Afghans
and Americans still trappedinside are terrified.
The Pentagon preparing formore Islamic terror attacks
ahead of tomorrow's deadline.
- The threat stream is stillreal, it's still active,
and in many cases, it's still specific.
And we're taking it very seriously,
and we will, right up until the end.
- [George] ISIS launched five rockets
at the Kabul airporttoday that were stopped
before reaching their target.
- US military forces successfully employed
our force protection measuresto thwart that attack.
- [George] On Sunday, a US drone strike
targeted an ISIS suicide bomber.
Civilians were also killed in the attack,
including reportedly 10members of a single family.
- When we know that we havecaused innocent life to be lost
in the conduct of our operations,
we're transparent about it.
We're investigating this. I'mnot gonna get ahead of it.
- [George] In a forebodingsign of what to expect
once American troops leave,
the Taliban's newly appointedminister of education
says any curriculumthat goes against Islam
will be purged immediately.
The Taliban follow a veryharsh and strict version
of Islamic law known as Sharia
that often puts women, girls,
and members of religiousminority groups at extreme risk.
While Jaiuddin says he'snot afraid of dying,
he is asking the worldto pray for his country.
- [Interpreter] We arepraying for each other
that the Lord would putHis angels around our house
for our protection and safety.
We are also praying for peacefor everyone in our country.
- [George] George Thomas, CBN News.
- Thank you, George.
And here with us now is Bradley Bowman,
a former Army officer, Blackhawk pilot,
and Afghanistan war veteran,and now the senior director
of the Foundation forDefense of Democracy's
Center on Military and Political Power.
Bradley, welcome.
We just heard that apiece there from George
and we heard from spokespersonJohn Kirby tell reporters
that the administration hasbeen transparent on Afghanistan.
Given your background and your expertise
and all that we've seen unfold
over these past couple ofweeks, do you feel that's true?
Has this administration been transparent
with the American people?
- Absolutely not.
In the annual defensebill that Congress passes
called the NationalDefense Authorization Act,
Section 1215, your viewers can look it up,
required this administration
to answer a whole host ofquestions about Afghanistan
before the president drew down the troops.
But Congress also foolishly provided
a national security waiver
and the Biden administrationused that waiver
so would not have to answer the questions
of the represented in Congressof the American people.
Let me repeat that.
They refused to evenanswer basic questions
about things like counterterrorismand terror safe havens.
They wouldn't answer those to Congress.
And it's too bad they didn'tanswer those questions
because if they had answered them honestly
in the light of day and just stood forward
and defended their decision,
then Americans wouldhave had a better idea
of the catastrophe that thepresident announced in April.
- Bradley, speaking about accountability
for the Biden administration,there's now reporting
that the Taliban told the United States
it would stay out of Kabul
if the United States couldsecure the capital city.
The US reportedly declined
and said it only needed tosecure the Kabul airport
for its evacuation effort.
Bradley, any knowledge about this,
and your thoughts if thereporting there is accurate.
- You know, I can't confirm or deny that,
but what seems clear to anyonelooking on from the outside
is that President Bidenmade a decision to withdraw.
And if you look at his April 14th speech,
he was very explicit,I guess to his credit,
that he was willing to ignoreconditions on the ground.
So a term that I keep using,it's not some partisan slander,
it's absolutely true.
This was a conditionsignoring, and explicitly,
conditions ignoring,timeline-based withdrawal,
just like the withdrawal from Iraq in 2011
that then Vice President Biden
advocated so vociferously for.
And what did we get?
Three years later, wegot the ISIS caliphate
and US troops had return at a higher cost.
The main difference this time
is instead of the catastropheevolving over three years,
it's evolved even before we've left.
And we've already seen the highprice that we've had to pay,
not only in Afghanistan,but as I've said elsewhere,
we're unfortunately goingto see a massive boost
in terror recruitment and radicalization
based on the belief thatjihadists in Afghanistan
first defeated the Soviet Union
and now they defeated the United States.
Just like we saw during theheyday of the ISIS caliphate,
this is gonna have global ramifications.
- National Security AdvisorJake Sullivan, over the weekend,
said top military brasschose which airport
to launch the evacuation effort from.
This is a quote.
"Their advice was to closeBagram and focus on Kabul."
The context that's missing here
is that these military leaders
were forced to choose just one
after President Bidenordered the withdrawal
against many of their recommendations.
Bradley, it seems there isa lot of finger-pointing
happening here.
- There is, there is, and it seems,
you know, I never want toimpugn anyone's motives,
you know, take things at face value.
That's the way to avoidthings getting even worse
in Washington these days.
But, you know, just start with the facts.
The facts are
that the US intelligencecommunity has warned for years,
according to "New York Times" reporting,
that if we did a conditionsignoring withdrawal
that the Taliban would make gains
and potentially topple Kabul.
They've said that for years.
When President Biden assumed office,
the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
and the secretary ofdefense, shortly thereafter,
went and warned him against this
and recommended keeping afew thousand forces there.
And then at the last minute,
just before his April 14 announcement,
they warned him again.
And according to the "New York Times,"
Secretary of Defense Austin,
who actually oversawthe withdrawal from Iraq
and so he would know, said, quote,
"We've seen this movie before."
By that he means a withdrawal
that ignores conditions onthe ground that goes badly.
Biden brushed aside that decision.
If I may, real quick, I just want to add,
a lot of, you know, in thiskind of finger pointing
that's going on, a lotof people are trying
to blame the catastrophe we're seeing
solely on how the implementation,
the withdrawal wasconducted or implemented.
That really misses the main point.
Those who have been calling
for any quote-unquote ending endless wars
in the pursuit of cheap talking points
at town hall meetingsgot what they wanted,
and now we're seeing the catastrophe.
And that's not a partisan point.
That's a let's learn thislesson together point
so we don't make the same mistake again
in Iraq or Syria and elsewhere.
But they got their way
and we're seeing whathappens when you leave
and ignore conditions onthe ground, in my view.
- Bradley, speaking of lessons here,
I want to go back to somethingyou just said earlier
about the Soviet Union beingdefeated by Afghanistan
and now also the United States.
You know, the Americanpublic is not used to losing.
I gotta ask you, for the US military,
what is it like forthem leaving Afghanistan
under these conditions?
What's it gonna be likefor military personnel
from here on going out?
- You know, I had a lot of...
Thank you for that question.
That's such an important question
because I suspect a lot of people watching
served in the military andmaybe served in Afghanistan.
Some of them have, you know,maybe did multiple tours there.
And you know, many of our fellow citizens
never returned home to their families,
and many returned home, youknow, scarred with scars,
both seen and unseen.
So at this moment,
we need to rememberthem and their families.
And to them, I would sayyou raised your right hand.
You swore note the Constitution.
You agreed to deployaway from your loved ones
to stand between them andthose who would kill them.
And for 20 years, yousuccessfully prevented
another 9/11 attack on our country.
By keeping pressure on terrorist there,
you prevented them from killing us here,
and for that, you deserve great credit.
This is not a failure of people,
of our soldiers and Marines and airmen.
This is a failure ofour political leaders,
a bipartisan failure, not this failure
of our service members.
- All right, Bradley Bowman with FDD,
thank you so much for yourtime and your perspectives.
- Thank you.
- [Jenna] Coming up, what's next for kids
and the COVID vaccine,and what some are calling
the secret weapon in treating the disease.
(uptempo music)
(paws tap)
(water splashes)
(man yawns)
(woman sighs)
- [Announcer] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.
Get your free DVD or bookletof "Protect Your Sleep."
- [Announcer] As the worldwatches from the outside.
- It's a big diplomatic tug-of-warhere in the Middle East.
- [Announcer] Go inside thestory with "Jerusalem Dateline."
- Israeli archaeologists aretalking about a discovery
that could change the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.
- [Announcer] Join CBN JerusalemBureau Chief Chris Mitchell
and get the biblical perspective
on the events shaping the world.
- What starts in Israel thenends up going to other places.
- [Announcer] Watch "Jerusalem Dateline"
Friday night at 8:30 onthe CBN News Channel.
(soft piano music)
- [Announcer] Life.
It's meant to be lived fully.
Jesus said it.
I came to give you life,
life to the fullest,
life in your family,
life in your finances,
life in your body, mind, and spirit,
life in your every day.
At CBN.com, we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.
We're here to help you discover life.
Live it fully.
- Welcome back.
The European Union isrecommending EU countries
ban Americans from non-essentialtravel over recent surges
in COVID-19 cases in the United States.
That international travel guidance coming
as the Education Departmentopens investigations
into five states over banson mask mandates in schools.
The investigations into Iowa, Oklahoma,
South Carolina, Tennessee, and Utah
come up with new developmentsregarding kids and vaccines.
The FDA now set toapprove the Pfizer vaccine
for kids as young as five this winter.
- The vaccine could be availableat some point late fall,
more likely early winter,
depending on how long FDA takesto review the application.
Historically, they'vetaken four to six weeks
to review these authorizations.
- And now to an exclusive report
from CBN News on COVID-19,America is at war
with an ever-changing virusand multiple COVID mutations,
but there just may be a secret weapon
that could mean the differencebetween life and death.
- Yeah, CBN News MedicalReporter Lorie Johnson
spoke to Dr. Chauncey Crandall,
who explains this littleknown but powerful treatment.
- This week, President Biden announced
all adults will need booster shots
eight months afterbecoming fully vaccinated
because of data showing adecrease in their effectiveness,
illustrating we're in a waragainst an ever-changing enemy.
- It's mutating, it'smutating, it's mutating.
And it's really, you know,your audience are Christians.
This is really like the devil himself
is going after everyoneand he wants to kill
and destroy everyone in his path.
- [Lorie] Floridacardiologist Chauncey Crandall
says people should try toavoid becoming infected,
but should know whatto do if that happens.
- The best thing is really
always to stay strong and healthy.
You know, there's always adebate about the vaccine.
If you get the vaccine, Ithink you have some advantage.
But those that are unvaccinated,
and many Christians are unvaccinated,
you need to take precautions.
And if you do appearthat you have symptoms,
you need the get tested and youneed to get tested early on.
Don't wait.
- [Lorie] That's becauseof a little known treatment
called Regeneron.
- This is a dramatic treatment
for those that have COVID early on,
not for the people that are hospitalized,
but for the people thathave early diagnosis.
- [Lorie] Regeneron wasgiven to President Trump
after he became infectedwith COVID last year.
The FDA granted emergency useauthorization in November.
The synthetic antibodybegins fighting the virus
soon after entering the body.
- Regeneron is the thingthat we must use today
to fight the battle, andit is a winning tool.
- [Lorie] Florida Governor Ron DeSantis
set up Regeneron infusionsites across the state.
- You go there, you will get an IV.
They will infuse this for an hour
and then you'll be underobservation for an hour.
And if you do well, you go home.
- Can you take Regeneron prophylactically?
In other words, can you takeit instead of a vaccine?
- Well, sometimes it isapproved for families.
Those are also candidatesto receive Regeneron therapy
as a protective measure.
And we know that this therapy,
which is a monoclonal antibody,
will prevent them from getting infection
in a household that is already infected.
- [Lorie] Dr. Crandall saysif more people used Regeneron,
perhaps hospitals wouldn'tbe so overwhelmed.
- Do you know that the families
aren't even allowed in these hospitals?
Ministers and churches aren't allowed in
and they're not going in.
But I don't see the church outside.
So I'm calling on thepeople who've gone to pray
this Friday and Saturday night
for all those that are in the hospitals
that are sick and dying right now.
- [Narrator] On October 1st, 1961,
history was made when a tiny station
began transmitting the first signals
of the Christian Broadcasting Network.
- [Announcer] CBN, theChristian Broadcasting Network.
- [Narrator] And now, a new era has begun
with the all new CBN News Channel.
- Just moments ago, theIron Dome intercepted
an incoming rocket righton the Gaza border.
- In ministering in this area,
spiritual warfare is definitely involved.
- [Narrator] A 24/7 news network
bringing you the news you wantfrom a source you can trust.
- In Kenya, 40% of the medical services
are actually provided bythese Christian hospitals.
- Let's talk about the economy.
- Believers here are joining together
to win people to Jesus Christ.
- [Narrator] All your favoriteshows now in one place.
Go to CBNNewsChannel.com
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on your TV all day every day.
CBN News.
(dramatic music)
(dad yawns)
(cereal patters)
(whimsical music)
(juice splashes)
(dad grunts)
- [Announcer] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.
Get your free DVD or bookletof "Protect Your Sleep" today.
- [Announcer] Life.
It's meant to be lived fully.
Jesus said it.
I came to give you life,
life to the fullest,
life in your family,
life in your finances,
life in your body, mind, and spirit,
life in your every day.
At CBN.com, we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.
We're here to help you discover life.
Live it fully.
- Tonight, the oldestmember of the Supreme Court
and one of three liberal leaning justices
is mulling retirement.
Justice Stephen Breyer tellingthe "New York Times," quote,
"I don't think I'm goingto stay there till I die.
Hope not."
In deciding on when and whether to retire,
Breyer says he takesinto account the words
of late Justice AntoninScalia, who told Breyer, quote,
"I don't want somebody appointed
who will just reverse everything I've done
for the last 25 years."
Those words of advice,
a possible nod to liberalsurging Breyer to step down
so President Biden cannominate his successor.
- Well, with the eyes ofthe world on Afghanistan,
a word of warning fromNorth Korea watchers
over the Hermit Kingdom's nuclear program.
North Korea appears to have restarted
its plutonium producing reactor, Yongbyon,
according to the UN Atomic Agency.
Plutonium is one ofthe two key ingredients
used to create a nuclear bomb
along with highly enriched uranium.
The restart may enable thereclusive country to make good
on open threats to enlargeits nuclear arsenal.
- Well new hope forpeace in the Middle East
after the first high level meeting
between Israel and Palestine in years.
The Sunday meeting betweenIsrael's defense minister
and the Palestinian presidentin the occupied West Bank
coming just days after President Biden
met with Israel's new prime minister.
This meeting between BennyGantz and Mahmoud Abbas
also signals a shift after abreakdown in communications
in recent years, believedto be the highest level
public meeting between the two since 2014.
(papers shuffle)
(buttons beep)
(copier whirs)
(paper rips)
- [Announcer] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.
Get your free DVD or bookletof "Protect Your Sleep" today.
- [Efrem] I'm Efrem Grahamand this is "Studio 5."
Cruise with me as I discoverthe good things happening
in the world of music, sports,television, and movies.
- The fact that Ryan Coogler
was gonna be directing the film,
I knew that somethingspecial was gonna happen.
- [Efrem] We'll chat with artists
at the forefront of entertainment
and explore the connection
between popular culture and faith.
- I asked my pastor, I said,
"Well does that mean I'msupposed to be a preacher?"
He says, "Well no, youalready have a pulpit."
- [Announcer] Wednesday night at 8:30
on the CBN News Channel.
- [Terry] Remember for a moment
what it was like to be a child.
You believed every story you were told.
You saw a world full ofendless possibilities.
What stories will the world's orphaned
and at risk children believe?
We believe the Bible tells the only story
truly worth believing.
We believe that every child
should have the opportunity to dream,
the chance to take challenges
and turn them into possibilities,
the chance to stand onthe promises of God,
to recognize their place inthe greatest story ever told.
They have their whole lives ahead of them.
Theirs is a world ofendless possibilities.
They are looking for a story to believe.
We will tell them that story.
Will you join us?
(soft music)
(child giggles)
- Finally tonight,
America's fallen heroesreturn home from Afghanistan.
- The president, First Lady Jill Biden,
and the secretaries of state and defense,
along with other military officials,
paid their respects to theAmerican military personnel
who gave the ultimate sacrifice.
US service members carried out
the dignified transfer service in Delaware
for the 11 Marines, onesoldier, and one sailor
who lost their lines last Thursday
in the Kabul suicide attackat the international airport.
Something to consider here,
all of the deceased troops were children
during the 9/11 attacks,including 23-year-old Nicole Gee.
Days before her death, sheposted this photo of herself
holding a baby in Afghanistan,captioning the photo simply,
"I love my job."
We wanted to pause tonight toreflect the price of freedom
and the honor, the courage,
of those who bravely fought for it.