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- [Female Host] WellPat, the first question
comes from Cynthia, who says,
sometimes before I startpraying in tongues,
if I really don't know howto pray for a situation,
I ask the Holy Spirit to pray through me,
is that biblical and okay?
- It's almost likeyou're quoting the Bible.
The Bible of the Apostle Paul says
we don't know how to pray as we ought,
but the Holy Spiritmakes intercession for us
with groanings, which cannot be uttered.
So the spirit of God willbe interceding for you.
And he that is in the Holy Spirit
will be picking up your thoughts,
and God will be giving you an answer.
So it's very biblical.
- This is Christina who says,
I would like to know if it's a sin
to terminate a pregnancy in an animal.
- There's nothing in the Bible about that.
I think we have a proliferationof animals right now.
There's too many of them.
I mean, you see all these little kittens,
you see all these littlepuppies and so forth.
I mean, you know, dogs have an awful lot
of births and they have multiple babies.
And so I don't think there'sany sin that I can tell
to terminate one of them, okay.
- This is Michelle who says,
I watched your showWednesday talking about
good food for your gut
and food and drinks that are bad for you.
Two questions.
If people have to takemedication for long-term
medical issues like highblood pressure, diabetes,
et cetera, does that destroyyour chances of having
a healthy gut?
And if you're disabled, have alimited amount of food stamps
and income for the month,
how can you eat healthywithout running out of food?
- All right, I'll answerthe second question first.
Let me tell you oatmealdoesn't cost a lot of money,
and you can buy oatmeal.
And when I was in the sortof depths of depression,
trying to live on faith,
if I got a couple of hunks ofbaloney for 29 cents a pound,
it was a big deal.
So we found soy beans, by the way,
we got a 70 pound bag of soy beans for $2.
So I tell you that a soy mealis very, very good for you.
There are a lot of things youcan get that have high fiber
you don't have to spend a lot of money on.
- And then the first question was,
what if you're taking medication
for long-term medical issues?
- Well, what we're talking about
antibiotics kill the gut flora.
Just the fact thatyou're taking medication
doesn't necessarily meanit'll kill the glove flora,
but if you stay on antibioticsa long period of time,
you will deplete your gut flora,
and then you will be subjectto all kinds of diseases.
So you wanna build a better gut,
and you wanna have fiber and so forth.
But I'll tell you sauerkrautand things like that,
don't cost all that much money.
So, I mean, you can buy a head of cabbage
with a whole lot of money. (laughs)
There are many vegetables you can get.
So don't say you don't have enough money.
You do have enough money, all right?
- This is Ken who says,
hi, Pat, I would like foryou to explain 1 John 2:27,
you do not need anyone to teach you.
Thank you.
- Well, the Bible goes onto say because the anointing
you have received teaches you,
the Holy Spirit will be your teacher.
I'd much rather have God teaching me
than to try to have somehuman teacher teach me.
You know, I mean, it'snice to have pastors.
It's nice to have evangelists.
It's nice to have teachers,and I'm a teacher,
I teach things, but the HolySpirit will do a better job.
That's what he's talking about.
- Okay, this is Rhonda who says,
our church group youth leaderis encouraging kids to join
in playing Dungeons and Dragons.
Are Dungeons and Dragons
and other internet and mediagames, wrongful behavior?
I'm from an era thatunderstood pretending to apply
occultic spells and supernatural powers
to answer life's dilemmas,is not Godly behavior.
- You're absolutely right.
Dungeons and Dragons led peopleto all kinds of pathology,
but it was years ago.
People hadn't beenplaying that as much now,
but in the days it was very popular,
I spoke very vociferously against it.
It's just, it's terrible becauseyou get into role playing
and suddenly you're a demonic person,
and everybody else is demons.
I mean, suddenly you'rehaving hallucinations.
Stay away from it it's a occultic.
- This is Rita who says,
hello, Pat, my understandingis that we are born with body,
soul and spirit.
If a person dies and goes to hell,
do his soul and spirit go to hell?
My understanding is thatthe spirit is of God,
so how can that spirit be in hell?
- All right, if you go backand into what the Bible says,
God took the just to theearth and breathed on it.
So the soma, that's the body,
and the breath of God was the spirit.
And the two togetherbecome a soul, a nefesh.
But when you die,
that dissolves and whatgoes on is your spirit.
The body goes into the ground,
and then there's no longer a soul,
you're now already a spirit.
And your spirit goes to be with the Lord.
So when He said, this dayyou'll be with me in paradise,
it was your spirit will be there.
But in the resurrection,we'll get new bodies,
but that's coming down the road.
We'll have bodies, we'll be like him.
Will be like, have a body like his body.
But right now, don't worryabout where your soul goes.
The soul doesn't exist anymore.
Once you take that apart,you take the soma away,
you know, they have sukay,somatic, psycho, you know,
your spirit, soul, body.
- So a spirit can go tohell then, if a person is
choosing that.- Absolutely.
Where it's gonna go, thetorture, the torments of hell
will be forever.
And absolutely,
but I wouldn't worry about whathappens to your soul because
once that's separated from the body,
it doesn't exist anymore, all right?