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The 700 Club - January 9, 2020

Today, a special edition of “Your Questions / Honest Answers.” Could war with Iran be on the horizon? What happens now that Trump is impeached? Pat Robertson weighs in on these questions and more on today’s 700 Club. Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Wendy] Coming up.

Whatever you want to talk about.

Could war with Iran be on the horizon?

What happens now that Trump is impeached?

It's your chance to sound off.

Get ready for a special edition

of Your Questions, Honest Answers,

featuring your voicemails.

Call us now at 800-677-7884.

Leave a message andhear what Pat has to say

about what you want toknow on today's 700 Club.

(dramatic music)

- Well welcome to The 700 Club.

Walking it back.

Both the US and Iranstanding down for now.

Still, President Trump is calling

for new sanctions against the regime

and vowing that, on his watch,

Iran will never have nuclear weapons.

So what happens next?

Jenna Browder has the latest.

- Tensions are lowering

after President Trumpaddressed the nation.

Yesterday, Congress was also briefed

on the situation with Iran,

and now lawmakers are moving to limit

the president's war powers.

New video shows Iran's missiles launched

at two US bases in Iraq Tuesday,

satellite images revealing the damage.

The chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff,

General Mark Milley, telling reporters

the missiles were meant to kill personnel.

But Iran also warned Iraqof the impending attack.

(missile explodes)

(shouting in foreign language)

And no Americans or coalition forces died,

proof, President Trumpsays, Iran is standing down.

But he did call for newsanctions against the regime.

- The fact that we havethis great military,

we do not want to use it.

American strength, bothmilitary and economic,

is the best deterrent.

- [Jenna] On Capitol Hill, a duel of words

between senators MitchMcConnell and Chuck Schumer

over the president's decision

targeting Iran's General Soleimani

and attempts to limitthe president's ability

to respond to future attacks from Iran.

- For our part,

I'd certainly hope our owncongressional delegations

do not give Tehran a reasonto question our national will.

- I'm afraid that theseimpulsive and erratic actions

throughout the worldare making us less safe.

- [Jenna] And mixed reaction

from senators briefedby the administration's

national security teamon the justification

for taking out Iran's top terrorist.

- It was very well done.

I think they've done an excellent job

of outlining the rationalebehind both the decision

to go after Soleimani and the response

to the Iranian attack yesterday.

- It is a far cry

from meeting a standardof imminent threat.

- Probably the worst briefing I've seen,

at least on a military issue,

in the nine years I've servedin the United States Senate.

- [Jenna] Republicansenators Mike Lee from Utah

and Rand Paul of Kentuckyvowing to vote with Democrats

to limit the president's war powers.

This morning, Vice PresidentPence telling Fox News

the intelligence was solid.

- The leadership in Congress,in the House and Senate,

has seen this intelligence, and frankly,

the most compellingintelligence to support the fact

that there was an imminentattack being developed

by Qassem Soleimani is,frankly, too sensitive

to share broadly.

It would compromise what wecall sources and methods.

- But later today, the House is expected

to pass its resolutionthat makes it clear,

if the president wants to go to war,

he must first get theapproval of Congress.

Iran says their attack is the end of it,

but analysts say therecould be more on the way

and warn of possible cyber threats.

DHS has alerted law enforcement agencies.

In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.

- Thanks, Jenna.

In other news, new questionsabout the plane crash

that happened just hours afterIran's attack on US bases.

Did the Iranians shoot down that 737?

John Jessup has more on that story.

- Pat, Ukraine is nowsaying that it believes

that a missile strike or terrorism

could've caused the jet tocrash just minutes after takeoff

from Tehran International Airport.

Iran denies it shot down the plane,

a Boeing 737 operated byUkraine International Airlines.

Iran's report suggestsa mechanical failure,

but some analysts say the photos

look more like an explosion,

pointing to what looks likeholes caused by shrapnel

like those on the Malaysia flight

that was shot down over Ukraine in 2014.

The pilots never sent a radio message

announcing an emergency, andIran refuses to hand over

the black boxes to theUnited States or Boeing.

Several international airlines announced

they are re-routing or canceling flights

to avoid passing throughIraqi or Iranian air space.

Well Democratic senators

are calling on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

to send the articles ofimpeachment to the Senate

so a trial can begin.

West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin

joined senators DianneFeinstein, Richard Blumenthal,

and others, saying it's timeto turn over the articles.

The House passed twoarticles of impeachment

against President Trump back in December,

but Speaker Pelosi saysshe won't send them

until Senate MajorityLeader Mitch McConnell

reveals more detailsabout the trial process.

McConnell responded, quote, saying,

"There will be no haggling with the House

"over Senate procedure."


- Well it's time to get that thing done.

I mean, Pelosi is playing a game,

but it's just blowing up in her face.

They said, "We have to impeach

"because it's an imminent threat.

"We've gotta do it right now.

"The president is out of control

"and we've got to get this impeachment."

Once they passed the impeachment,

then she says, "Well I've gotta wait

"until I find out whatthe Senate's gonna do."

The Senate should not becontrolled by the House.

The Speaker of the Houseis acting on her own

and it's blowing up in her face.

And so now the fact thatthere are Democratic defectors

in the Senate who are saying,

"Let's get this thing over with."

And I think...

You know, there was astatement in the old days,

politics stops at the ocean,

at the banks of theAtlantic or the Pacific.

We don't carry our politicsin international affairs

and the president cannotbe under this problem

when he's facing incredible dangers

from a number of sources.

Well, there's somethingelse that's been going on.

It's called flu, and John has that word.

- That is right, Pat.

The flu epidemic in the UnitedStates is turning deadly.

The CDC reports at least 27children have died so far.

The tragic news indicateswe're experiencing

one of the worst fluseasons in recent history.

CBN Medical Reporter LorieJohnson brings us the latest.

- More people have theflu now than at this point

during the most severe fluseasons in the past decade.

- Okay, and how long have you been sick?

- [Lorie] Since October,nearly 6 1/2 million people

across the country havecome down with the flu.

Widespread outbreaks in nearly each state

led to 2,900 deaths, according to the CDC,

as well as 55,000 hospitalizations.

- Every year, there aredifferent strains of flu

and some can be more serious than others,

and this year's a particularly nasty one.

- [Lorie] Doctors still maintain

the flu vaccine providesthe best protection

and it's not too late to get one.

Hand washing also goes along way towards prevention

as well as trying tostrengthen your immune system.

- You eat the right foods,so get rid of sugar,

processed foods whichsuppress your immunity,

eat whole foods, lots ofvegetable and whole grains

and nuts and seeds.

- [Lorie] Vitamin D can also help.

- Studies have shown thatyou can reduce the flu by 75%

by getting your Vitamin D levels up,

and almost 80% of Americansare low on Vitamin D.

- [Lorie] Studies showexercise boosts immunity

and can help you get a good night's sleep,

another way to fend off the flu.

- Sleep, so importantfor your immune system.

Get eight hours sleep,

turn off all the lightsin your bedroom early,

get your phone out of yourbedroom, stay off the screens.

- [Lorie] The flu iscontagious, so if you get it

or think you have it, stayaway from other people

and visit the doctor right away.

Symptoms include cough, aches, and fever.

New antiviral medicationscan be prescribed

to lessen the severity andduration of the illness.

They work best if taken withintwo days of getting sick.

(man sneezes)

Lorie Johnson, CBN News.

- Pat, Lorie's reportthere gives us great tips

on how to avoid the flu.

- As you know, thisVitamin D's a big deal.

And Vitamin D, from whatmy reading has indicated,

it's really a hormonerather than a vitamin,

and if its coupled witha little bit of sunlight,

it'll make a huge difference, which is,

you can take a huge dose of Vitamin D

without infecting yourself because,

if you're exposed to the sun,

you might get a million units of Vitamin D

just by sitting in the sun.

- Yeah, easier to do in the summer

than right now.- Exactly.

Well I don't take shots and stuff,

but I, I did what Lorie says.

I eat very properly.

I've taken all kinds of vitamins.

Let's just stay strong.

All right, what's next?

- Well, up next, you called

and Pat's about to answeryour voicemail questions.

A special edition of YourQuestions, Honest Answers

is coming up next.

(upbeat music)

(uplifting music)

Welcome back to The 700 Club.

Well we received anoverwhelming number of calls

and we are so excited tobe sharing some of those

and, of course, to hear your answers, Pat.

- Well, it seems to bethat's very popular.

People are just hungry forknowledge about the Bible,

about human conduct, about world affairs,

so we're taking a special time

just to answer your questions.

And we'll pray for wisdom,

and if I don't have it,I'll be glad to tell you

I don't know what I'm talking about.

All right.

- Well we're gonna start with this call

from Sherry from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.

- [Sherry] My name isSherry and my question is:

Do you think that we'regonna have a World War III?

- Okay.

Sherry, I don't think so.

I don't think the Lord'sgonna let this world

go into chaos like that.

But I do think serious problemsare coming on the world.

And as I see, what's gonnahappen is a financial collapse

that'll lead to some things.

We might, beyond that, seesome natural disasters,

but I do not think we're gonnahave, quote, World War III,

but it looks like we're on the brink of it

as we go down the line.

- All right, great answer.

Here's one from Winnie from Brevard,

North Carolina.- My name is Winnie.

My question is: Why doesthe world hate Israel

and the Jewish people so much?

- You know, Satan hates Godand he hates God's people.

And the Jews are the exampleof God's work on Earth.

They have the oracles of God.

We have the scriptures came from Israel,

and Israel is the home of the Messiah.

And so these people take us back

to the origins of Christianity,the origins of Judaism,

and the origins of faith onEarth, and the devil hates that,

so if he can destroyIsrael, then, of course,

he thinks he can wipe outthe evidence of God Almighty.

The Jews have said, "Iknow being chosen's nice,

"but I'm not sure I wantto be chosen for this."

Well, that's what they're chosen for.

They're chosen to be, theyhave the oracles of God

and be the representativeof the Lord as a nation.


- All right, Pat, let's goto Springfield, Missouri

for this caller.

- [Woman] Yes, I have a question.

How do you forgive somebody

who has stolen your child out of our house

and molested our child, killed our child,

and thrown that child in a ditch?

I can't see forgiving somebody

that would do something like that.

- Look, here's the deal.

In that condition, whoeverdid that should go to jail.

They should be arrested

and it isn't anything wrongwith having the authorities

take somebody like that and put 'em,

they perhaps oughta be locked up for life.

But as far as you're concerned,

God Almighty says, "I have forgiven you.

"I have forgiven youthe greatest sin of all.

"What you've done to me is worsethan anybody's done to you,

"and if I can forgive you,you must forgive others."

And that's the key.

The Bible says when you stand praying,

if you have ought against any,

forgive that your HeavenlyFather may forgive you.

If you want to see miracles,

you have to have a forgiving heart.

And if you don't, you will shut off

the source of blessing in your life.

You're hurting yourself.


- Yeah, it's...

- It's hard.- But why should she

stay in prison, the unforgiveness prison,

the rest of her life.

I mean, don't get me wrong,that's the hardest thing

- I have a,

- we can ever do.- way back in the early days

of CBN, I had a call from somebody

who said he's crippled inarthritis and he wants prayer.

And I prayed for him, then he called back,

he said, "I knew that fellow was a fake.

"He didn't do anything to help me."

And I said to him, "Ifyou want to be healed,"

he was in a wheelchair,

I said, "If you want to be healed,

"you've got to bereconciled with your wife."

- Wow.- And you know

what he said to me?

He said, "I'd go to hell first."

- [Wendy] Wow.

- And he had made himself.

His wife ran off with another man

and his little child who was crippled

was running after the car,

crying out, "Mama,mama, please come back,"

and the woman is off with her boyfriend.

And he is, but he had crippled himself,

so he had put himself in a prison.

- [Wendy] Because of unforgiveness.

- Because of unforgiveness,and he was having arthritis

and he was crippled and hesaid, "I'd go to hell first."

Well he already had a hell.

All right.- Yeah, all right.

Good word, Pat.

All right, here's Lindafrom Clarksville, Tennessee.

- [Linda] Linda, and my question is:

With all of the turmoil andfighting in the Middle East,

which is talked about in the Bible

and we know it's going to continue,

why does America keep on trying

to fix a problem that can't be fixed?

The Bible even tells us that.

- Linda, it's very perceptivewhat you have to say.

You know, George Bush tried to do it,

and they faked a lot of that stuff

that was going on in Iraq.

They have weapons of mass destruction.

And Afghanistan has beenungovernable all the way back to,

you know, the early conquerors of,

you know, the great Macedonian general.

They couldn't control those countries.

And I think the sooner we get out of it,

the better off we'll be,but you're very perceptive.

You say, "Why are we doing it?"

Well, there's something about us

that just thinks we can fixother people's problems,

and the whole idea of nationbuilding is really a mistake.


- All right, here's Dorisfrom Kingman, Arizona.

- [Doris] My name is Doris.

My question is: Is America mentioned

in the end times of the Bible?

- You know, it's hard to find it.

If you look at Ezekiel,

when it's talking about the latter days

and an invasion of Israelby this Gog and Magog,

it says the young lions ofTarshish will stand around.

There's a thing in Davenport,Iowa, if you can believe it.

There was a stell, a marking on a rock

that said: Travelers fromTarshish have come here.

In Davenport, Iowa.- Weird.

- And Tarshish was kindalike the end of the world.

When you went past Gibraltar,you were out into the unknown.

And so, you say were we ever mentioned.

That's the only place that I'm aware of.

The United States is just not mentioned.

It said the lions of Tarshish.

If you wanna read that America,

that's the best I can give you, okay.

- All right, and you thinkwe're the young lions?

- Well, I don't think, but I mean,

she said, "Are we mentioned in the Bible?"

That's the only place I know

that, for sure, you can say America

may have been mentioned.- May have been mentioned.

Interesting.- Young lions

of Tarshish.- 'Cause we're so young.

What are we, 250 years old?- Yeah, we're nothing

compared to the thousands of years

of civilization, all right.- Yeah.

All right, here's one fromMaria from Anaheim, California.

- [Maria] Hi, good morning.

My name is Maria.

My question is: My husband and I

are both born again Christians,but my husband still smokes.

Is he committing sin and ishe grieving the Holy Spirit?

- Look, Maria, the Bible says your body

is the temple of the Holy Spirit,

and tobacco will destroy your body.

You get lung disease,you get Berger's disease,

you get all kinds of pathology.

The problem is we and the nation,

actually as America, we subsidize tobacco.

You realize, people arepaid to grow tobacco?

And my dear friend, JesseHelms, was in there before,

he's from North Carolina,

and I spoke out a longtime ago against tobacco

and he says, "No friend of North Carolina

"will speak out against tobacco."

- And that's true.

It's like coal in West Virginia, you don't

speak out about tobacco.- Yeah.

Well, you know, is hegoing to heaven or what?

I don't think it's gonnakeep you out of heaven,

but it sure does hurt you.

Your body's a temple of the Holy Spirit

and we should respect it.

We're finally beginning,it was a long process,

and we've finally turned the corner

so there are more non-smokersthan there are smokers.

And now, we're talkingabout second-hand smoke

and people beginning to realize

that this lung cancer is a serious thing

and the second-hand smokecan give you lung cancer.

And so they're saying, "Look,I'm not gonna sit in a room

"with somebody who'sgonna give me cancer."

The predominant feelingabout smoking and non-smoking

has gone against smoking,and so, but you say are they,

somebody's not going tohell 'cause they smoke,

but it's just unwise.

All right.- It's just gonna cut,

cut your life short.

- Yeah, well that's what it'll do.

You're committingsuicide, but it's gradual,

you're not aware of it, andunfortunately, it's legal.

All right.- Let's take this call now

from Gabriel from Grand Prairie, Texas.

- [Gabriel] Hi, Pat.

My name is Gabe. I was wondering,

what would happen if NancyPelosi and the Democratic Party

wait to send the articles ofimpeachment over to the Senate

after President Trumpis reelected president

in November 2020?

- It's not gonna happen that way, Hector.

I appreciate that, butit's just not gonna happen.

She's only got another few moredays to get the thing done,

and if she doesn't do it,

the Senate can go ahead and take over.

As a matter of fact,they can make an article,

I mean, they can have a majority vote

that says we just feelthese articles are improper

or else we can take it up

and we can appoint our own manager.

So she's not gonna waittill after the election.

No way, no way, no how.

- Plus, she's got pressure now from people

like Senator Feinstein even.- Yeah, exactly.

She's not gonna be able to do that.

All right.

- All right, Hectorfrom Norfolk, Virginia,

right here at home.

Here's Hector.

- [Hector] Hello, Pat.

My name's Hector.

My pastor does not think it's important

to get involved with politicsor cultural transformation

because we're gonna getraptured pretty soon.

Can you discuss the validity of it

and where the idea ofthe rapture came from?

- Look, the Bible talksabout, in the last days,

immediately after thetribulation of those days,

then shall appear the Son of Man in heaven

and he will send his angels

to pick up the redeemedthroughout the world

and then he will come with his angels.

That's the rapture.

The word rapture means I snatch

and it means I'm caught up to be.

Now, there was this womanin an Irvingite meeting

and she was about a 17 or 18 year old.

She started having thesevisions and dreams and stuff.

And there was a mannamed John Nelson Darby

who thought what he was hearing was God.

And his disciple was aman named C.I. Scofield,

and Scofield wrote the notes

on what is called the Scofield Bible.

And all this nonsense, and it is nonsense,

about pre-tribulation rapture,about people being caught up

and the other being left behindand then seven years later,

the Lord coming back and allthat, it just isn't biblical.

But that was where it came from.

- It made some great entertainment though,

some great movies.

- Oh, well I mean, you know,

what's his name, is who--- "Left Behind" series.

- Well he's made a fortune

on that "Left Behind" series, Tim LaHaye.

He's a good guy, but histheology's just wrong, okay.

- All right, here's one fromKristen in Austin, Texas.

- [Prisha] This is Prisha.

How do we know which promises in the Bible

were meant for us todayand which were meant

for a specific people at a specific time?

- Well I think you have to read it

in the context of what is...

You know, if Paul writes

that I'm writing to the Thessalonians

and I wanna tell you about something

you're supposed to do in Thessalonica

and be nice to these two ladies,

that isn't something for 2020 in America.

So you just have to read with discernment

as to who you're talking to.

It is the recipients,who is being addressed,

what is the matter at hand, and so forth,

but that just takes some discernment.

I mean, you just gotta...

You know, we talk aboutgetting wisdom from the Lord

and somebody used tosay I'd open the Bible,

put my hand on a verse andthen he'd put a hand on a verse

and said Judas went and hanged himself

and then he'd open the Bible

and put his hand on another one,

it'd say go down and do likewise.

I mean, that's just ripping scripture

out of context.- But as scripture,

like Paul said, you know, my grace,

Jesus said, "My graceis sufficient for you."

- Well, it's sufficient and,he also said all scripture is,

the Bible is, the Greek is(speaking foreign language).

It's all God breathed andit's good for instruction

and it's good for doctrineand it's good for correction

and so forth.

But at the same time, you have to realize

that what he's talking about

has to do with the culture that he's in,

the people who are therecipients, and so forth.

You have to read it that way, all right.

- All right.

Here's one from Issie Kayfrom Natchitoches, Louisiana.

- My name is Issie andI'm a 20-year-old female

from Louisiana.

And as a millennial, it's kinda hard

to wake some of my brothersand sisters in Christ up

to see what is going on in the world.

So my question for you is:

What verses can I use totestify to help wake my brothers

and sisters in Christ up from deception?

What can I do and what can I say

to really shake my brother andsisters out of their sleep?

- Well I think that youuse the one in the Psalms:

Great peace have they that love thy law

and nothing shall offend them.

And you have to realize,you read what Jesus said,

it's not just a verse ortwo, but read thoroughly.

You know, he said, "Mypeace I leave unto you,

"not as the world give unto you.

"I'm gonna give you my peaceand I'm gonna look after you."

I think that's what you need to read.

But it's not just one or two verses.

I mean, it's, the Bible isfilled with hope and blessing

and that kind of thing andthat's what you need to look for.

- I feel like she's 20 years old,

she said she's a millennial

and she feels all this pressureto get her siblings saved.

You know, that's reallyup to the Holy Spirit.

She can pray and certainlyshare some scriptures,

but I feel like she's gotall this pressure on her

to get them saved.

- The Bible says occupy till I come.

And you know, we've got to beserving the Lord till he come,

not speculating on stuff, but occupy.

And what does he say to do?

Preach the word, be faithfulin season and out of season,

and that's what He's called us to do.

And the Bible says, wheneveryou've done all these things,

say we're unprofitableservants, we've done our duty.

That's what called us to do.

So he said occupy till I come.

So what do you do?

You're supposed to help the poor.

You're supposed to help the needy.

You're supposed to bringthe gospel to the world

or to the people of your neighborhood.

You're supposed to be awitness to the glory of God.

That's what you're supposed to do.

And you don't have to worry about

some of these speculations.

All right.- Amen.

Wow, these are some great questions.

- Yeah, they're wonderful questions.

- Well coming up, we've got round two

of our special edition of YourQuestions and Honest Answers

so don't go away.

We'll be right back.

(dramatic music)

(uplifting music)

And welcome back to The 700 Club.

We're having a great timetaking your questions today

and Pat is giving some amazing answers.

We're gonna start again with round two.

Cynthia from Bammel, Texas.

Here's Cynthia.

- [Cynthia] Hello, my name is Cynthia.

I have a stepson who is gaywho is engaged to be married.

I have two young schoolage children, six and 15.

They have been invitedto be in the wedding.

That goes against all my beliefs.

My question is: How do youlove someone through this

and still stand in yourbeliefs and still say no,

that you don't agree with it?

Do we still visit?

- Oh, Cynthia, you canvisit and you can love them.

I think, if somebody iscarrying on an activity

that you feel is unbiblical,

you still wanna love the person.

You love them.

The saying is you hate thesin, but you love the sinner.

But in terms of participating,

you're talking aboutparticipating in a wedding

of two homosexuals married together,

which you feel is contrary to the Bible,

and I don't think there'sanything in the Bible

that would require you tobe loving but participate.

You've got to say no and thesepeople will have to realize

that the conduct they'redoing, in your eyes, is wrong.

And unless you show that,then they won't realize

that they're doing something wrong.

- And she's got the two children

that she's raising and they're watching

what's going on.- Exactly.

- And you're absolutely right.

She has to do it in love,

kindly say no.- Well,

you just have to do that.

Sooner or later, they'll come

to the realization of theLord, but if you participate,

then of course they will enterfurther into this lifestyle

and you don't want them to do that.

What did I say?

You love the sinner, you hate the sin.

What's next?- All right.

Here's one from Martha fromHaddon Heights, New Jersey.

- [Martha] My name is Martha.

My question for Pat is: Whatare you doing to stay so fit

and so healthy at your young age?

- Well, I tell ya,

as somebody said, I chosemy ancestors wisely.

I really look after myself.

I eat very properly.

I eat a lot of vegetables andfruits and that kind of thing.

I don't eat a lot of meat

and I stay off of sweets pretty much.

But in addition, I do work out.

I've got a Total Gym at home.

I've got some other weight equipment

and a weight bench and everything.

And so I work out and try to stay fit.

You know, I've lost a lot of weight.

I've lost about 60 pounds

and I don't know how it happened.

All of a sudden, Ididn't have any appetite,

so I just.

- I don't know any other89-year-olds going on 90

that host their own TV show every day.

Do you?

I don't know of that happening anywhere.

- I may have set a record,

but the main thing, I stay in prayer.

You know, great peace havethey that love thy law.

And I have peace because I love Jesus.

And I ask for his anointing.

I pray.

I mean, when I was in my timeof prayer over the holidays,

I said, "God, I just want those things.

"I want to have wisdomand anointing and favor.

"I want to have wisdom.

"Give me an understandingof what you want in life."

And when you have this,

God renews our strength like the eagles.

Okay.- He promises

to give us strength for our days.

- He does, day by day by day.

All right.- All right, thanks, Pat.

Well Tammy from Columbia,South Carolina has this call.

- [Tammy] Hello, my name's Tammy.

My question is: Does itsay anywhere in the Bible,

it tells us we should beburied and not cremated?

- In the Old Testament, whensomebody's bones were burned,

it was a sign of disrespect.

They would dig up thebones of the dead people

and burn them.

A legitimate burial.

Abraham bought the field in Mamre

in order to bury his spouse.

And they said bury your dead

and he got that cave andhe paid money for it.

But there was a sign of respect.

And I don't know of anything that the,

we cremate people all the time now

and it probably saves a lot of money

and you get 'em crematedand you don't have to worry

about a big plot of groundand all of the expense,

but at the same time, Ithink it's disrespect.

In the Old Testament,it was a sign of hatred

that you would dig upsomebody's bones and burn them.

People were honored by being preserved.

It's where the Egyptians had all that,

thing they did for these mummies.

But anyhow, that's what I feel.

I think Christian burialdoes not include cremation.

- Okay.

Good word.

Here's a caller from Dodge City, Kansas.

- [Man] Our church says

there is no denominationmentioned in the Bible.

Since Jesus was not denominational,

what do you say that the Biblesays about denominations?

- (chuckles) Well, you know,

when Paul was writing those letters,

he would say the churchof God in Philippi,

the church of God in Corinth,

and so they were alltogether in one place.

And denominations have risen up.

The Bible says we hold the truth,

we maintain the unity of thespirit in the bonds of peace

until we come into the unity of the faith.

And you see the problem is

presbytery is a type of government.

Methodism is...

John Wesley had a method to follow

and it was his set of rules.

Episcopal has to do withbishops, the episcopas.

The Catholics have a pope

and they have their way of thinking.

The Bible says, again, wemaintain the unity of the spirit

till we come in to a perfect man

unto the knowledge of the truth.

We haven't gotten there yet.

It's sort of a good thing and a bad thing,

but the idea we're splitbecause I'm Presbyterian

you're Baptist, you're Lutheran,

you're Church of God, you're something--

- Well, you know, andthen the Methodist church

I guess just split over the issue

of homosexuality.- Oh, can you believe that?

- So you know, you mighthave a denomination

and it might split becauseof different ideologies.

- Many of 'em have split.

You've got Church of God,Church of God of Prophecy,

your various ones, and a lot of times,

it's human resentment or--- That's why I like


- Yeah (laughs)- There's plenty

of non-denominational churches

out there.- Well, I'm a little bit

of everything.

I believe in the baptism of the saints,

believer's baptism I believe in.

So many of those things,

I've taken a little piece of all of it.

But I think we're calledto love each other.

That's the big thing.

And I'm not at war because I,

say I'm a Baptist, I'm notat war with the Catholics,

I'm not at war with the Presbyterians,

I'm not at war with the Episcopalians,

but I think we need tounderstand where they came from,

all right.- That's right.

Okay, good, good stuff.

All right, here's onefrom Emporia, Virginia.

- [Woman] Yes, my question is:

Should a sinner take communion?

And also, will God answer yourprayers if you're not saved?

- The Bible says if Iregard iniquity in my heart,

the Lord won't hear me.

If I'm looking at myself,

you see, in order to have unity,

if two of you agree,where's the agreement?

Your spirit has gottaagree with the Holy Spirit,

and if your spirit is condemning yourself,

then you can't agree with the Holy Spirit

and you're not gonna have a miracle.

He just won't do it.

So if I regard iniquity in myheart, the Lord won't hear me.

And, what was the other question?

- So how did you get,

how do you get there?

Do you forgive yourself?

Do you ask for forgiveness

and then you can haveunity with the Holy Spirit?

- Well, you have to bedoing the right thing

if you know you're sinning.

There're many people that know very well

they're doing something wrongbut they keep on doing it.

- And the other questionwas about communion.

Can you take communion?- Well.

Paul said that people who come

to the table of the Lordin an unworthy fashion

are bringing condemnation on themselves,

and because of this, someare sick and some die.

You know, the Baptistssay it's a memorial.

Well, memorials don't kill people.

But this is a very serious matter.

And when you take communion,

it's really the body andblood of Jesus Christ.

If you really take it seriously

and you know you sin in your life,

you're doing terrible things

but you go ahead and takecommunion anyhow, you're,

that's what the Bible says,

you're eating and drinkingcondemnation on yourself.

- [Wendy] Wow.

- I didn't write it folks.- So make sure

you're right with God

before you take it.- Amen.

And so, let a man can sense,

when you get ready to take the communion,

you ask God to forgive you and cleanse you

before you go into thatvery sacred moment.

All right.- Okay, good word.

Here's one from Elmer fromGrand Junction, Colorado.

- [Elmer] Hi, my name is Elmer.

I have a question of how Godsays He forgives all sins,

but then at the end time,he's gonna judge everybody.

If He forgives you for all your sins,

why are you being judged?

- Well, the Bible doesn't sayHe forgives everybody's sin.

He forgives those who have come to him

and asked for forgiveness

and have accepted Jesus as Savior.

There're two types of judgment.

One has to do with the bema,the judgment seat of Christ,

when there're gonna be rewards passed out,

and there'll be a certainamount of judgment

on people who've knownwhat God wanted them to do

but they haven't done it.

So you talk about thosethat knew the Lord's will

and didn't do it, they'll bebeaten with a few stripes.

Those that knew the Lord'swill and didn't do it

will be beaten with many stripes.

There'll be a judgment, you know,

at the last time.

But the final judgment

is what's called the Great White Throne,

when the books will be opened

and all the world willbe before Almighty God.

And the Bible says that hethat has come to the Lord

and accept him will notcome into the judgment

but has passed from death into life.

If I have come to JesusChrist and believe that he is

and received the Lord as my Savior,

then I'm not coming intothat final judgment.

But there is a finaljudgment, and believe me,

you know, people thinkthey're gonna get away with it

because they'll justlive any way they want to

and I'm gonna have a good time

and when I'm in hell,it'll be a time of party.

It'll be an awful time.

It'll be separation from God.

Hell is awful to contemplatefor all eternity.

That's what hell is, for all eternity.

You'll be having a conscience,

you'll say, "I could have come to the Lord

"and lived in paradise forever.

"Instead, I'm away from the Lord

"and I'm here forever and ever and ever."

That's what the lastjudgment is gonna be about.

Okay?- Wow, that's scary.

Well thanks, Pat.

- Thank you, Wendy.- Very great answers.

Well still ahead, more ofyour voicemail questions.

Round three of this special edition

of Your Questions, Honest Answers.

That's coming up next.

(upbeat music)

(dramatic music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN newsbreak.

A judge in Brazil ordered Netflix

to stop showing a Christmas special

that depicts Jesus as a gay man.

The movie is called "TheFirst Temptation of Christ."

The film's creators defended it

as legitimate freedom of expression.

A Brazilian Catholic organization argued

that the honor of millions of Catholics

is damaged by the movie.

The judge said withdrawing the program

is, quote, "beneficial not onlyfor the Christian community,

"but to the Brazilian society,which is mostly Christian."

Well Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy says

his company is not abandoningfaith-based organizations,

just shifting focus.

In a letter to the AmericanFamily Association,

Cathy responded to criticism

for no longer giving to the Salvation Army

or the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

He told the AFA's Tim Wildman, quote:

We inadvertently discredited

several outstanding organizations

that have effectively servedcommunities for years,

and said the company is open to donating

to such organizations in the future.

Well you can find the story

and read Cathy's fullletter at

and find all the latest newsof the day there as well.

Pat and Wendy will be back

with more of The 700Club right after this.

(dramatic music)

(inspirational music)

- Welcome back to The 700Club and this special edition

of Your Questions,Honest Answers from Pat.

We're gonna start with round three.

We've got this call and question

from Nancy from Haymarket, Virginia.

Hey, Nancy.

- [Nancy] Hi, this is Nancy.

My question for Pat is:

Will we know our family members in heaven?

Will we see them and will beable to interact with them?

And where does it say that in the Bible?

- I think, without question,

we're gonna recognize the family members.

But the Bible, you know,

there's a story in the Bible

that Jesus is talking about a rich man

and a beggar who went to heaven.

And the rich man was in Abraham's bosom

and he was being tormentedand he told Abraham

that I've got family back in there.

Let me go to them.

And Abraham says they've got Moses

and the prophets and that's it.

But I do believe that,when we're in heaven,

there's no question about it,

that there'll be joyous reunions.

I don't think, again, that dead people

are looking down from heaven

and observing what'sgoing on in your life.

I think that's a mistake

'cause it opens up tospiritism and witchcraft

and familiar spirits and all that stuff.

But I do think when we're in heaven,

there's gonna be joyous reunions.

Those who've gone...

You know, the Bible saysthose who die in Christ

shall not go behind those who are alive,

and so when the Lord will descend,

we who are alive will becaught up and be in the Lord

and we'll therefore all be with the Lord.

So the people who die in Christ will go up

and we will go up.

That's the rapture.

And I think we will be there together

and there will be incredible reunions

and the Bible says He'll wipe every tear

away from their eyes andit'll be nothing but joy,

and there'll be no pain,no suffering, no sorrow

for all eternity.

And yes, we will see our loved ones.

Okay.- Beautiful.

All right here's one, a call from,

or a question rather, fromJeanerette from Louisiana.

- [Woman] Is the rapture and tribulations

really mentioned in the Bible?

I did research and read they were invented

in the 19th century by aman named John Nelson Darby.

And is the United States oneof the seven heads of the beast

mentioned in Revelations?

- I don't know that we'rethe seven heads of any beast.

I don't see that, but the answer

of John Nelson Darby's exactly right.

But this rapture, there'sgoing to be a rapture.

The rapture, the word(speaking foreign language)

is I snatch, and we will becaught up to be with the Lord.

But the Lord is goingto descend from heaven

with a shout of command andthe dead in Christ will rise.

And the Bible says immediatelyafter the tribulation,

there's going to be atribulation, a severe testing

where the sun and themoon won't be visible.

I think we're looking at the possibility

of volcanic explosionsor maybe an asteroid

hitting the Earth or something,

but it will obliteratethe sun and the moon

and there'll be troublein the stars in the sky

and great pestilence and so forth.

But that is short-lived,

and immediately after the tribulation,

then you'll see the Son of Man in heaven

and you will be caughtup to be with the Lord.

That's what the Bible teaches.

Okay.- So the rapture

and the second coming are the same thing?

- Yes, they are.

They're not the samething, but they are one...

- [Wendy] They go together.

- They go together.

One precedes the other, but you know,

he comes back and then he sends his angels

and gathers the elect fromthe four corners of the Earth.

- Got it.

All right.

Here's a caller fromLa Follette, Tennessee.

- [Woman] When we get to heaven,will we have a free will?

And if we do, might wesin also as Lucifer did?

- (chuckles) That's, I'm sure you,

I think when we get to heaven,

we're going to be in the presence of God.

It will be so overwhelmingly glorious

when we're standing in His presence.

I'm gonna be with God and I'll be like Him

because I'll see Him as He isand I will be in His presence

and His love will fill me

and I'll be so much in love with Him,

I don't know what to do.

I mean, everything in mylife will be taken away.

You see, Satan had decided hewas gonna be greater than God.

He was the anointed cherub

that covered the very holiness of God,

and somewhere along the way,iniquity was found in him

and he began to look at himselfand said, "I am so beautiful

"and I can run this universebetter than God can."

But that is, so pride was the first sin.

But I mean, the average person

doesn't think he can run theuniverse better than God.

If he does, he's crazy.

You know?

- Yeah, totally, nuts.

- But I'm in the presence of God.

It's so wonderful.

It's so glorious.

Why would anybody wantto go away from God?

Only somebody who wasdistorted in his mind,

who thought he could run the universe.

Of course, you know, we've got that song,

"I Did it My Way," and it'skind of that kind of thing.

Whatever happened, I did it my way.

That's that Satan spirit, all right.

- All right.

Here's one from Malcolmfrom Lawton, Oklahoma.

- [Malcolm] Hi, my name is Malcolm.

My question is: What covenant

are we considered under today,

and do we have to obey the commandments?

Do we have to abide by the dietary laws?

- You remember, Jesus saidthat he made all foods clean.

He said, "Whatever you eat or drink,

"it just goes into your stomach

"and is passed out in the draught,"

but said what corrupts aman is what's in his heart,

adultery and slander and--

- So bacon is okay?

- The what?- Bacon is okay?

- I think we're free from thedietary laws, exactly right.

And listen, some of thosethings are pretty smart.

I mean, you eat shellfishthat's been breeding

out in some sewer andyou'll get allergies.

Some of those dietary laws are very smart.

But it's not a religious thing;it's just a health thing.

- [Wendy] Yeah.

- Okay.- You want oysters

from fresh, from nice water,

clean water.- I don't,

I don't eat oysters anymore.

I used to eat oysters, butthere's so much stuff, you know--

- Filtered through,

they're filter fish.- And many people

have allergies to shellfish

because they're outthere eating that stuff

out in the sewers,

and so, anyhow.- Gross.

(chuckles) All right.

Here's a question from Kenfrom Nashville, Tennessee.

- [Ken] Yes, my name isKen and my question is:

Is using the term, oh my god,

taking the Lord's name in vain?

- I think it'sdisrespectful, but, you know,

I notice some of theJews, they say G blank D,

like somehow they're notbreaking the commandment.

The Lord's name is Yahweh, Yahowah,

and in Hebrew, it's thehiphil of the word to be,

and his name is He WhoCauses Everything To Be.

And so, when you're swearing by His name

or you're cursing by His name,

you're talking about Jehovah.

You're not talking aboutusing the name God.

And so if somebody thinksI'm gonna say G blank D,

like somehow I'm holy, well that's,

in my opinion, it's nonsense.

If they--- But most Christians say

oh my gosh.

So I don't know if that's- Well I,

- allowed either,

but that's what we say.- No, it's the same thing.

- Yep.- Oh gosh, oh golly.

I mean, all of those things.

The British used to say bloody, you know--

- Oh yeah, and that goes

back to the blood- Well that's the blood

of Jesus Christ.- of Jesus.

- So it is disrespectful,

but it's not breaking the commandment.

The commandment has to dowith the actual name of God,

which is Yahweh.

That's who the commandment'sabout, all right.

- All right, thanks, Pat.

Here's a question from Catherinefrom New Haven, Kentucky.

- [Catherine] My name is Catherine.

I used to work in publicwork, but now I am disabled.

My husband takes all of his overtime money

and puts it in a separateaccount for his self.

He drinks all the time, every day,

and he says he has to havethat money for himself.

Is it right for him to do sowhen I've got medical bills

and bills need to be paid?

- You know what the Biblesays, it's very clear.

If any man will not take care of his own,

he's worse than an infidel;he's denied the faith.

And for a man to take money,

now, did she say the sourceof the money was hers?

- No, it was his overtime.

- Overtime.- Only not his main paycheck,

but his overtime he,- That he puts in a separate

account.- for drinking and whatever.

- Well, he shouldn't do it,

but I don't know how you can stop it.

You can get some kind of adecree about it, but it's wrong.

You know, if anybody thatwon't look after his own,

and if he's gonna--- I'd just keep praying

for the Holy Spirit toconvict him because I don't,

he's not, he's not gonna listen to her

at this point,- Probably not.

- but he'll listen to the Holy,

the Holy Spirit knows how to talk to him.

- It's gonna take thatand maybe an intervention,

but what he's doing is wrong,

and the fact that it's a separate account

and he's gonna get drunk on it,

I mean, he's hurting himself too.

All right.

- All right, we've got this question

from Tracy from Lebanon, Tennessee.

- [Tracy] Hi.

My name is Tracy and I'mcalling in reference to

the specific topic of Sodomand Gomorrah in the Bible.

And I believe that hadto do with homosexuality,

but there's other people, I believe,

that's in the gay and lesbian community

that say that that isnot mentioned in there.

They say it's moreabout raping of a woman.

And I do believe that it hadto do with homosexuality,

so I wanted Pat to answerthat question for me.

- Term sodomy, by the way,comes from Sodom and Gomorrah

and it has to do with homosexuality.

Those people actuallywanted to rape angels.

There were angels staying at Lot's house

and they broke downthe door and they said,

"Come out, we want to havesex with these strangers."

I mean, they wanted, thesemen were so depraved,

and that's when thejudgment of God fell on 'em.

But when you read the Bible,

it says pride, fullness ofbread, and careless ease.

That was the sin.

Pride, fullness ofbread, and careless ease.

And the Bible doesn't say'cause they were homosexuals.

Pride, fullness ofbread, and careless ease,

they were the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah

- Wow.- according to the Bible.

Isn't that amazing?

- That's amazing.

- Yeah, okay.

- Well, Pat, thank you so much.

This has been fun.- Well thanks.

This has been fun.

I hope we can maybe do another one.

Your questions are marvelous.

Thank you so much.

Well today's Power Minuteis from the book of Isaiah.

For I am the Lord your God

who takes hold of your right hand

and says to you, do notfear, I will help you.

Well tomorrow, the racefor the White House.

What's at stakes for Christians?

Charisma editor Steve Strangis going to be with us.

Hopefully he's got the answer.

See ya later.

(uplifting music)


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