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- Pat, this first one comesfrom Melissa who says,
good day, Pat, I'm from South Africa.
I have a question.
Will we have an angel whenwe die to take us to heaven?
- Well, you know, Jesus said,
I'm going to come and I'm goingto send the angels together
the elect from the fourcorners of the earth.
So is it a mass thingor an individual angel?
You know, we talk about Lazarus
and he was carried by theangels to Abraham's bosom.
So you know, why not?
I can't say exactly,the Bible doesn't say,
yes, you are going tohave a special angel,
but the angels are in there, so why not?
It's a nice thing to think, I mean,
God will send the angelsto carry me into heaven,
must be wonderful, all right?
- This is Susan who says,
why are people so threatened by Jesus?
No one persecutes, Buddhistsor Hindus or Muslims.
Why is Jesus, who's the Godof peace, love and salvation
so hated and so divisive?
- Because there's a devil
and the devil hates people
who are being born intothe kingdom of God.
And they know that Jesus isthe way, the truth and the life
and nobody comes tothe father, but by him.
And he also gave his disciples,the authority to bind Satan.
And so if we take ourauthority, like we should,
we can control a satanic activity.
But the others so oftenare motivated by Satan
they don't even realize it.
So why are they persecuted?
That's why, all right?
- This is Taylor, whosays I'm a new mother
to a four month old and I'mtrying to balance my life.
I'm finding it very difficultto find time and energy
to do anything for myself,
let alone spend qualitytime with the Lord.
I'm feeling so much guilt from this,
what can I do to keep myrelationship strong with the Lord
while tackling motherhood?
- I had the same thing whenI was going to seminary,
long time ago when I had children
and I had all these burdens,
I just had to get up early in the morning
and it imposes on your sleep,
but the Bible says early will I seek you,
and I think that's what you've gotta do,
you've literally gottaset the alarm and get up,
and you don't want to becauseyou're tired and you say,
I can't do it.
But when you wait upon theLord, you renew your strength.
And as you wait upon him and talk to him,
he gives you an infusion ofstrength so you can handle it.
But that's what you have to do,
you really have to have some timer,
otherwise the world justtakes control of your life
and you don't want that, all right?
- This is a viewer who says in marriage,
when a husband is continuouslyarguing with his wife
and the wife is feeling hurt,but no, she must forgive,
how does that heal the marriage?
Isn't it just like being a doormat?
I know Jesus told Peter,we must forgive 70 times 7.
How do I do that in my marriage?
- Well, the first thing you do, just say,
you know I'm married him, and so
I'm responsible for doing it.
But the biggest thingis to avoid controversy
and just kind of stay away from it.
I mean, really.
I mean, there's always some reason
you trigger an argument and something.
And if somebody isinsulting and demeaning,
just walk out of theroom and shut the door.
But if you harbor these thingsand you start to fight back
and then you've gotcontroversy continuously,
that's all I can tell you,but you know, as I say, dear,
you married him, I didn't okay?
- This is Patricia who says hi, Pat,
will you please explain what"The Great Tribulation" is?
- Well, the Bible talks about a time,
Jesus said it very clearly.
If this time had not been shortened,
there'd be no flesh living on earth.
So I really,
I wrote a book called "The End of the Age"
and I had an asteroid hitting the earth.
And I do believe that somethinglike this will happen,
you know the sun won't giveus light, the moon won't shine
and the stars will fall from heaven.
But that's what Jesussaid, the time will come
but we shouldn't be spending our time
looking for the tribulation.
And then you've got people who say,
well, there's pre-tribulationand post-tribulation
atrib and all this stuff.
I don't think that's,
you're not going to get raptured before,
that's false theology.
So there will be a time of testing.
But Christians have beenengaging in tribulation
ever since the early church,
they've been persecuted ever since,
but there will be a time.
And as I say, I thoughtit would be an asteroid,
and not a great big one,but big enough to, you know,
to wipe out maybe athird of the population.
And Jesus said, exceptthose days were shortened,
no flesh would be alive,
but for the sake of theelect, they will be shortened.
- Okay, this is Susan, Pat, who says,
my friends who are Christianssay they're still sinners
just because they sin.
I say, I'm not a sinner
because I'm a new creationin Christ, who's right?
- Well the Bible says, ifwe say we have not sinned
we make God a liar.
So you have sinned and all have sinned
and fall short of the glory of God.
So the answer is, yes, we are sinners,
but we are forgiven of our sinsand we're cleansed from sin.
But there's such athing as sanctification,
where we come into a state where God is,
we're walking with him,
and most people haven'treached that stage yet.
Then there's glorificationwhen we finally are dead
and our spirits go to be with the Lord.
- This is Jim who says, Jesus says,
if we have faith we coulddo what he did and more.
Except for the apostles,
has there been anyone able to do that,
to have that kind of faith?
- You say, what is he doing?
You know, Jesus walked around in Israel,
and maybe even though he hadbig crowds, maybe at max,
he got to talk to 30 or40,000 of 500, maybe,
how many people would?
A hundred thousand something.
We talk to millions on television.
So in a sense, we're doinggreater things than he did,
not necessarily greater miracles,
he did miracles and weall just stand in awe of,
but in terms of extension,
we're are to do and that's what he said.
Either works that I do, you shall do,
and greater works than thesebecause I'm going to my father.
So I think we should expect tosee the miracles of the Lord
being worked out in some of us,
but we also should see anextension of what he's doing.
And, and we here at CBN, I mean
right now I'm talking to more people
probably than he did in his lifetime.
- Oh, for certain.
- Really.
- Yes.
- I mean, that's great.