Get ready for another super-sized round of “Your Questions / Honest Answer†featuring your voicemails. If people are cloned, will they have souls? Will those with Down syndrome still have it in heaven? Can you lose your salvation? From the ...
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(dramatic music)
- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- Coming up,
get ready for another super-sized round
of Your Questions Honest Answers,featuring your voicemails.
Pat tackles the topics that matter to you.
If people are cloned,will they have souls?
Will those with Down Syndromestill have it in heaven?
Do you really need tobe baptized to be saved?
Can you lose your salvation?
From the financial tospiritual and social,
whatever you ask, get ready to know.
On today's 700 Club.
(dramatic music)
- Hey welcome folks tothis special edition
of The 700 Club.
Today, you will takecontrol of this program
from Riverside, California,to Dayton, Ohio,
from Wausau, Wisconsin, toSt. Petersburg, Florida,
plus dozens of cities in between.
You called and left yourvoicemail questions,
and coming up,
you're going to hearyour voices on the air
and answer your questions live.
But first let's take a look at the news.
The food we eat, the carswe drive, the gas we buy,
prices are going up, up, up.
So what will thisso-called Biden inflation
mean for the midterm elections,
CBS white housecorrespondent Eric Phillips
says the explanation.
- Prices on just abouteverything are soaring
and consumer patience is waning.
As Americans deal with increased inflation
while the economy makes acomeback from the pandemic,
the White House promisingprices will level off,
the question how long will that take
and will Republicans in the meantime,
be able to ride what somein the GOP are calling
bidenflation to amidterm election victory.
You can't miss it.
Americans are paying morefor the food they eat,
the cars they drive andthe gas that fuels them.
Republicans are pointing thefinger of blame at Democrats
who are in majority power,
especially the chiefDemocrat, President Biden.
- He's continued to cause crisesfor every American family.
Gas prices are up 45.1%.
Used cars and trucks are up 45.2%.
fruit at the grocery store is up 7.3%.
Milk is up 5.6%.
- [Reporter] The president insisting
the increases are temporary.
- Economists call all thesethings transitory effects
and they account for about60% of the price increases
we've seen over the last few months.
- [Reporter] But even if that's true
people across all socioeconomic lines
are still feeling the pinch right now.
According to a recentlyreleased Fox news poll,
83% of respondents areconcerned about inflation.
- We did notice thedairy stuff is going up.
- Usually I spend maybe20% more, 10% more.
- [Respondent] The costof grocery has gone up,
especially like we shop at (indistinct)
anything organic is expensive.
- [Reporter] A separatepoll being released
by Republican non-profitAmerican action network
indicates 88% of voterssay they are worried
about the rising cost of living
73% about possible tax increases.
- And Joe Biden, by the way,
promised he wouldn't raisetaxes on hardworking families,
and yet he already has because inflation
hits the lowest income people the hardest.
- Republicans see an opportunitywith the upcoming midterms
because higher prices resonate with voters
across all socioeconomic levels.
Republicans hope it's their ticket
to regaining power in Congress,
and maybe even convincing someto change political parties
in light of what they callBiden runaway spending,
case in point a $3.5 trillionbudget reconciliation package
to fund social programs
ranging from childcareto free college tuition
to environmental initiatives.
Regardless of where inflation stands
when the 2022 elections roll around,
the White House is hoping voters
will remember its vaccination efforts,
as well as the passage ofthe American rescue plan,
which they say help keep people afloat
even though the bill hadno Republican support.
At the White House,Eric Phillips, CBN news.
- Well other news, fireworks in Congress,
Dr. Fauci and SenatorRand Paul go head to head.
So what really happened in that Wuhan lab?
Who's telling the truth and who's lying?
John Justin has more from CBS news.
- Pat that fiery exchange in congress
between Dr. Anthony Fauci
and Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul
centers on the controversyabout whether COVID-19
originated in a lab in Wuhan China
and if the NIH funded
what's called gain of function research,
which includes experiments
to make the virus more transmissible.
- The evidence is pointingthat it came from the lab.
And there will be responsibility
for those who funded thelab, including yourself.
- I totally- This committee will allow
the witness...- I totally resent
the lie that you arenow propagating Senator.
And you are implying that what we did
was responsible for thedeaths of individual,
I totally resent that.- It could have been.
It could have been.
- And if anybody is lyinghere, Senator it is you.
- Senator Rand Paul later telling Fox news
that he'll seek a criminal referral
from the Justice Department
because he believes Dr.Fauci lied to Congress.
Well, Israel is pushing backagainst ice cream maker,
Ben & Jerry's decision tostop selling its products
to Jewish communities
in the west bank and Eastern Jerusalem.
The decision giving a boostto the boycott divestment
and sanctions movement
aimed at isolating the Jewish state.
Israel's ambassador is sending a letter
to the governors of 35 USstates with anti BDS laws
asking them to enforce sanctions
against companies thatsupport the movement.
In a statement. Ben & Jerry said,
it is inconsistent with its values
to do business with what it called
occupied Palestinian territory,
but its parent company Unilever
said the ice cream maker wantedto boycott all of Israel.
A spokesman for the US State Department
did not comment on the company's action,
but did affirm that the White House,
"firmly rejects the BDS movement,
which unfairly singles out Israel"
Pat, back to you.
- Well, I'm just not gonna (indistinct)
I'm not sure I haven't boughtit up today, anyhow, but
- Well I'd have, and I reallyam kind of sad, but you know,
they don't know that scripture Pat
that says those who blessIsrael shall be blessed,
Those who curse Israel,
that is not gonna be good business.
They're very popularand they're very good.
But you don't mess with Israel.
- The Yale faculty hasjust done the same thing.
They've both cut Israel.
I mean, you know,
let's face it that thatwe showed on this program,
the training of youngPalestinians to kill Israelis,
the whole idea of havinga two-state solution
is just a kind of mirror.
It will not happen.
Okay, well let's get onwith stuff that's more fun.
- Let's do it.
All right, up next,
you call and Pat's about toanswer your voicemail questions,
a special edition of YourQuestions, Honest Answers
that's coming up next, stay tuned.
(dramatic music)
Welcome to this special editionof your voicemail questions
and Pat's honest answers.
We're gonna start with this caller,
Sheila from Center, Alabama.
Here's Sheila.
- [Sheila] My question is,
if there is success incloning human beings,
what is your opinion onthem actually having a soul?
Thank you.
- I hope and pray thatwe never get to the point
where we clone humans.
We cloned a sheep,
we've cloned other animalsand we've actually,
I noticed they werecalling them polo ponies,
but to human beings,
I don't think that... it's toomonstrous even to consider.
And you know, so I don't want to just
whether a clone will have a soul,
so I just don't think it should be done.
It's a monstrosity that shouldbe stopped by the government,
I don't think that anyresponsible medical person
will get involved in that.
- Let's hope not.
Well, here's Steve fromHanover, Pennsylvania
with this question for Pat.
- [Steve] I had two questions.
One, does God sleep?
And two, does God ever get sick?
- (laughing)
He who watches over Israel the Bible says
neither slumbers nor sleeps.
No, the God is eternally vigilantand no, he doesn't sleep.
- Nor does he get sick?
- No, he certainly doesn't get sick.
- All right, here's a question.
Sharon, from Centralia,Illinois with this one.
- [Sharon] We've supportedyour ministry since the 70's
and watch you everyday.
Thank God for you.
Here's my question: if our sins-
and we ask for forgiveness-
are drowned into the sea of forgetfulness,
how is it we're judged
for every idle word or unproductive word?
Thank you, God bless.
- The sins are forgiven,
God doesn't hold usaccountable for our sins,
but we will all appearbefore the judgment seat,
the beam of Christ, thecapital within in our bodies.
So are you're doing good works?
Are you cheating peopleand stuff like that.
I mean, how has your life been lived?
And there will be rewards.
I just can't believethat we stand before God
that everybody's goingto get the same deal.
I mean, if somebody hasworked hard all their lives
to serving God,
the thought that hewould get the same thing
as somebody who laid aroundand didn't do anything.
So with that is the same thing as sin,
that's not gonna hold usaccountable necessarily for sin,
but we are gonna give account
for what we built in our bodies.
So the life we live is going to be,
there'll be some accountabilityat the last judgment.
The Bible says that.
- Amen, here's Paula from Tampa, Florida
with another question for Pat.
- [Paula] When the Lordraises the dead in Christ
and he takes the livingbelievers up with him,
do we come down then later
when he establishes hisrule on earth, thank you.
Enjoy your program.
- The Bible says, he'll listen
with a shout of commandwith the trumpet of God.
And the last trump well,those who are dead will rise,
and those of us who arealive will be transformed
in a twinkling of an eye,
twinkle as fast as it could be,
and we will be transformed.
At that point, we will liveand reign with Jesus Christ.
We will be like him becausewe will see him as he is.
So the question is whenhe comes back again,
the saints of God willof course be with him,
and we will be part of that.
The heavenly kingdom willreign and rule with Christ
forever and ever, and ever.
- Amen.
Well, here's, Miguel fromRiverside, California.
- [Miguel] When you write abook, what is your protocol?
What are the steps that you take
when you first write abook from beginning to end?
Thank you.
- You know, I just kindalike the ask the Lord.
And when I've written to finishthe book on the holy spirit
and I just said, Lord, you lead me.
And then it's amazing.
Just day after day after day,
it would come to me and Iwould write down this chapter
and then I'd wait until the next day,
and then get another one.
When I wrote the book, I HaveWalked With the Living God,
I did have a, sort of a timelineof stuff that had happened
because you don't remembereverything you've done
over the last 50 years,but from then on out,
it would just come.
I would just sit there and in the morning
and God would just give it to me.
I don't know what to say.
I wish I could say I was more systematic,
but I'm really not.
But the books come out prettygood when I get through.
- And you just, you haveto take the time to do it.
You have to sit down,
put your hands on thekeyboard or however you do it
or I think you used a pad, a writing pad.
- I used to writeeverything out in longhand.
These last couple I've dictated them.
So I'm just sit there and it just comes.
But I mean, I'm thinking, praying.
And then the Lord justkind of gives it to me
and then begins to flow out.
- You've written some incredible books.
- Amen.
- Lost count, how many?
- Well, they're about 23.
- Oh man.
Okay, our next question comes from Joan.
She's from Coventry, Rhode Island.
- [Joan] What can I do to helpmyself become more faithful?
I try to pray every day,
and yet sometimes I just feellike I'm not getting there.
Any information you cangive me would be helpful.
Thank you, Pat.
- And Joan, I recommend thething is to empty yourself.
The Bible says he emptied himself
and took on the form ofa servant and so forth.
I think the biggest thingis to stop struggling.
You know, we try to begood, we try to do this.
Our works are not gonna save us,
we're saved by grace
and that not of ourselvesis the gift of God.
So I think the thing we need to do
is to open her heart and say, God,
we praise you and worship youand we receive your blessing
and he will hear and give it to you.
- Yeah, I'm thinking about Adam
who walked in the garden with God
and the cool of the evening.
And it was effortless, thatrelationship was effortless.
- Exactly.
I mean, they that areled by the spirit of God,
they're the sons of God andthat's the way it works.
Sorry, Don.
- Good question.
Don from Houston, Texaswith this question for pat.
- [Don] I would like to know
do you have to be baptizedin order to be saved?
- No, you don't.
The apostle Paul said,look, I didn't baptize any,
except, oh yeah, therewas that (indistinct)
that soulless (indistinct)and this and that.
But he said, God didn't send me to baptize
but to preach the gospel.
So if baptism was salvation,
Paul would have had to baptize everybody.
Baptism is a sign of obedience
after you have come to the Lord
and you're buried with him
and raised the newness of life.
But it is a sign thatyou have died to yourself
and have been raised in newness of life.
But it's after you weresaved, it does not...
your salvation does notpertain to your baptism
in my opinion.
- Amen.
All right, Sarah, fromDurham, North Carolina,
with this question.
- [Sarah] Pat, you have addressedelectric cars, favorably.
How will charging stationschallenge the electrical grid?
- I really don't haveall that, but I tell you,
we're going to have them.
You know the thing is, over in Europe,
Volkswagen is going to tryto set up charging stations
on its own, it will nothave government support.
And then I don't think
that's gonna impact the grid particularly.
I don't know enough about it to say,
but I do think that theseelectric cars are so much superior
to the internal combustion engines.
There's no comparison,
no comparison in the price,
no comparison in the excellence level
and I'm surprised they haven't taken hold
as fast as the NFS
Tesla has done very well with theirs,
but you have Neo andseveral of them in China.
But we don't have enough of my,
I think GM has startingto put electric trucks,
but the charging stations,
I don't think it's goingto affect the grid.
I really can't say,
but it won't do any more toit than how it's done now.
And one thing you won'tbe burning fossil fuels
with electric cars.
- Right, what's gonna happento the gasoline industry?
- Well, it's tough luck.
(both laughing)
Okay, we're not there yet though.
So, okay.
Another question from Oliverfrom Wausau, Wisconsin.
- [Oliver] Dr. Robertson,
in light of your teaching abouta post tribulation rapture,
how do you understand the scripture
in 1 Thessalonians chapter 4,
talking about the fact that weare not appointed unto wrath.
Thanks very much for taking myquestion and for your answer.
- I'm not sure that thatone you're referring to
the were not appointed onthe wrath that that's got
I really believe that the whole idea of,
of that it was expounded byJohn Nelson, Nelson Darby,
and picked up by Scofield.
There's gonna be the sevenyear period in between.
And that there'll be a secretcaching away and so forth.
I don't think tribulationis the kind of wrath
that God's talking about.
The world is going to begiven a period of suffering.
And the Bible says immediatelyafter the tribulation
of those days.
So we're not appointed under wrath,
but we are not going tobe given the wrath of God
that says in the wrath of God
and those of us who know the Lord,
but we may have to go through this thing.
You know, look at thechurch of Philadelphia
because you've keptthe word of my patience
therefore I've kept youfrom the hour of trial
come upon the whole earth.
So if God knows how totake care of his people,
but there has been suffering.
You can lose the fact that over the years
Christians have had suffering.
And Jesus said, you will.
In the end of the world,you'll have to pause,
in the end of the world,you have many tribulations,
but be a good cheer
I've overcome the world.
- Amen.
Let me think about the Christians
that live during the Roman empire.
- Exactly.
They were at least 10,
their specific persecution of Christians.
- Yeah.
- So you know, okay.
- All right.
Here's Linda from Gulf port, Mississippi.
- [Linda] I guess what Idon't really understand
is the difference betweenpredestined and destined.
Could you explain that for me?
- Oh, I don't know.
But predestined and destinedis two sides of the same coin.
What we're talking about is predestination
is whether God knows in advance,
which is gonna happen to you or doesn't.
And I have said,
I learned in ceremony areaslike a twist between two things.
The apostle Paul said,
work out your own salvationwith fear and trembling
for it is God that works.
Then you have also willingto do of his good pleasure.
So in a sense, God, you know, I said,
just like he got two basketball teams.
One is in charge of the action,
but the score is on the other team,
who is the invisible team.
And so God is looking after you.
And yet at the same time,
you are to work out your own salvation
with fear and trembling, okay?
- Coming up,
we've got round two of ourspecial voicemail edition
of your questions,honest answers from Pat.
So don't go away, we will be right back.
(dramatic music)
- Welcome back to the 700Club for the CBN news break.
The former Washington statehigh school football coach
fired over post-game players
is headed back to the Supreme court.
The ninth circuit court of appeals
ruled in favor of his former employer,
the Bremerton school district this week.
The Supreme court sent thecase back to the lower courts
in 2019, saying more facts were needed.
Joe Kennedy and his lawyers saythe districts ordered to end
his on-field post-game prayers
violated his first amendment rights
and they'll continue to fight.
Well, the Biden administration
is ready to approve controversiala natural gas pipeline
running from Russia to Germany.
Officials say theagreement could be released
as soon as today.
The past two administrations have paused
the Nord stream 2 pipeline
because it increases Russia's economic
and political power throughout Europe.
Critics say Europeannations could get hooked
on Russia's natural gas,
leaving them vulnerable to blackmail
if the Kremlin threatens torestrict or cut off the flow.
Well, you can always getthe latest from CBS news
by going to our website at
Pat and Wendy, will be back
with more of the 700club right after this.
(dramatic music)
(upbeat music)
- And welcome back to thisspecial edition of the 700 club,
your voicemail questionsand Pat's honest answers.
Let's get started with Walter
he's from Dayton, Ohio.
Here's Walter.
- [Dalton] I am 49 years oldand I live in Dayton, Ohio,
and I have Down Syndrome.
So my question to Pat is:when I die and go to heaven.
will I still have Down Syndrome?
Thank you.
- Walter, God bless you.
You have Down Syndrome,well, when you get to heaven,
you're gonna have a body like Jesus,
you will look like him.
You'll be fresh and you'll be new
and you'll be absolutely whole,you'll be a spiritual being.
And you will not be subjectto any of the diseases
that come above,
there'll be no more tears, no more sorrow
and no disease in heaven.
- All right.
God bless him.
Great question.
Here's Sylvia from Arlington, Texas.
- [Sylvia] My question is:
it says that when God banned Cain,
Cain went off and married.
My question is who did he marry
if they were the only ones on the earth?
- The Bible isn't clear about that,
but I'm sure that Adam andEve had other children.
We learned about Cain and Abel,
but they must have had others.
And so if they were the only people
that meant that there was no law
against incest in those early days,
because it was the onlyfamily that was there.
So he must've had some sisters
and they must have gottenmarried to those sisters.
I mean, something had to be done
to pre-propagate the race and they
only two of them and so 7 billion people
and they had to come somewhere.
So I think that's theonly way we can read it
is that Adam and Eve musthave had other children
and some of them were girls.
All right?
- That's the best explanation I've heard.
And the fact that, like you said,
incest was not illegal or a taboo then.
Well, could it be?
- Big thing about incest is in breeding,
when you have genetic problems
that you have two peoplesof the same family
joining together,
those recessive genes will may magnify
and you'll have all kinds of problems,
but in those days theywere completely pure
and everything was fine.
All right, next question.
- Great answer. Here's Vivianfrom Redding, Pennsylvania.
- [Vivian] My friend Cathyand myself, we were wondering,
are there layers of hell?
She thought she heard aboutseven layers of hell, are there?
I watch you every day and enjoy it.
- Thanks, Vivian.
I believe that theApostle Paul talks about
being caught up into ahigher level of paradise.
As far as hell, it's justgonna be one big lake of fire
and it'll be horrible,it'll be forever and ever,
and the warmth doesn't die,
the fire isn't quenched
just because it's going to be awful.
But I don't think he, I mean,
how many layers of pain can you take?
I mean, it's gonna be so awful.
You can't have anyadditional layers to it.
There are differentlayers of heaven, however,
according to the apostle Paul really.
- Cause he was in the third.
- Third (mumbles)
- All right.
We have this question fromGary and he's from Michigan.
- [Gary] A while back,
I heard you say on the show
that you believe that anasteroid hit planet earth
that wiped out all the dinosaurs,
I would like to know ifyou're having a scripture
to back up that belief.
Thank you.
- The scripture doesn't goback 250 million years ago
or 30 million or whatever it was.
There was something happenedthat changed the climate
and knocked the earth off its course.
And the only explanation is,
of course it looks likeinitially what it was is now Mars
and the earth bang together.
And out of that came amoon, which we needed.
God set the whole thing up,
but I don't have anything inthe scripture to back that up
because we don't haveanything in the scripture
about dinosaurs and allthese prehistoric beings.
- Just leviathan that's it.
- Well, the leviathan wasthe whale and you know,
we have whales and we have,
we have hippopotamusesand things like that.
But do I have any scripture?
No, I don't.
That's just science, sir.
- I'm just glad that thedinosaurs were long gone
before we got here.
All right, here's Laurafrom Baltimore, Maryland.
- [Laura] I had afinancial question for Pat.
I was wondering if hecould share the best way
for us to invest our moneyand keep our money safe.
I appreciate your wisdomand knowledge on this Pat.
Love the 700 club. Thank you.
- Thanks Laura.
I really believe the bestinvest with is to find solid
companies that have been around a while
and that pay regular dividends.
And you know, beyond that,
I think gold will go up and down.
Silver will go up and down.
And the Bible says neither silver or gold
will deliver them the day of God's wrath.
So I just believe that, you know,
the American dollar maybe depreciating in value,
but I think, well managed companies
that have been around a long while
they were paying regulardividends at this point of time
is the best investment.
And I know the Oracle of Omaha
has said that he recommendspeople invest in index funds.
I don't know that that'swhat I would recommend
is find companies that are solid,
they've got a repeat business.
They've got a franchisewhere they have a monopoly
on what they're doing andthey pay regular dividends.
- And something my dad talkedto me about recently Pat.
As you get to be olderand closer to retirement,
you don't want to be so heavilyinvested in stocks, do you?
- No, I don't agree with that.
I'm gonna hold my hand.
(both laughing)
Ima open my eyeballs, I'mheavy and there's (indistinct)
I'm thinking, it doesn't matter, you know,
but I found some stocksthat pay very solid
1%, 10% dividends andother ones has been paying
every year it plays on and on and on.
- That's the right stocks, with dividends.
- Right, that's right.
Okay, go ahead.
- Thanks, all right.
Here's Michelle fromChesterfield, South Carolina.
- [Michelle] When we go to heaven,
are we able to look downand see what I loved ones
on earth are doing?
Thank you.
- You know, I don'tbelieve that's the case.
I know that is the storyof Dives and Lazarus.
And the rich man was being tormented.
And he said, look, I've gotbrothers and sisters on earth.
And I don't want them to get tormented.
And Abraham said disagreed.
And he calls between you and me
and they can't go from here to there.
And you can't go from there back up.
I don't believe that our lovedones are looking in on us.
I just don't believethe Bible teaches that.
- Here's Eddie Salsbury, North Carolina,
with this question for Pat.
- [Eddie] Hi Pat.
What's the differencebetween the grim reaper
and the angel of death.
- I think it was the same.
The grim reaper is not a biblical term.
That's just the name, that popular culture
was given to death.
And I don't know that there'san angel of this either.
I just think that, you know,
we died depends on whetherwe're in the Lord or not.
And, you know,
the Bible talks aboutJesus sending his angels
to take his elect, youknow, so forth anyway.
- All right, quick question.
Here's Misty from Spindale North Carolina.
- [Misty] My question is
I have a lot going on in my life
and I find it so difficultto find time to pray.
And I just wonder if the HolySpirit prays on my behalf
when I'm overwhelmed andcan't seem to get it together
enough to go to the Lord.
Thank you, have a blessed day.
- Misty you're exactly right.
The Bible says the Holy Spiritintercedes with groanings,
which cannot be uttered, butI tell you what, you know,
if that's the feel of the holyspirit to pray in the spirit,
you can, you know, youcan pray without ceasing.
You know, there was abook a long time ago,
a guy named Brother Lawrence.
He wrote a book calledPracticing the Presence of God.
His job was to wash the dishes.
And so while he was washingdishes, he's praising God.
And you can praise God wherever you are.
You don't have to have a church.
You don't have to have a quiet place.
Having a quiet place is reallygood, but at the same time,
you can pray without ceasing
and as you're walkingalong you're praying,
as you were thinkingof God, you're praying,
as you're talking to theLord, he's talking to you.
That's the way it ought to be.
- Good word. Okay.
Here's Sheryl from Livermore, California.
- [Sheryl] Hi, Pat,
may we please hear a storyabout you and your favorite dog?
- I have had several,
I guess, well, I've had (indistinct)
and I've had everything,
every kind of pool from alittle toys to standards.
I've had...
Well, I think when I was growing up,
I had a cocker spaniel andhe was the cutest little dog.
And I named him Loki, whichis after the God of mischief.
And he was such a wonderful little dog
when I was growing up.
He was so special, but I trained dog
cause I've had a couple of Dobermanns.
I had one, I had when Iwas in law school and man,
he was a fantastic hell in my head.
He loved me and I lovedhim and we were very close.
- And so how did you dolaw school and have a dog
and take care of a dog?
- I lived off campus.
- Okay, what happened to Princess Maggie?
- Princess Maggie was hit by a car
and the car not only hit her,
but rolled back over topof him and broke his spine
and we had to put her down.
- She used to come onthe show quite a bit.
- Exactly, she was trained.
But I train dogs and horses and it's fun.
I mean, they're just great animals, and...
- Great companions.
- Yeah, I've tried to teachthem to learn the language
so that they would understandwhat I was talking about.
But anyway, I've got a lot of pets,
but again, my favorite dog
was that little Cocker spanielyears ago when I was a kid
- Oh man.
Great stories.
All right, here's Chipfrom Knoxville, Tennessee,
with another question for Pat.
- [Chip] Hi Pat, in the past
you've had astrophysicistHugh Ross on your program
and you both said that the world
is more than 4 billion years old.
In Mark 10:6, Jesus saidreferring to Adam and Eve.
But from the beginning of the creation,
God made them male and female.
So does this mean that man has been here
for more than 4 billion years?
Please explain.
Thank you.
- Chip I don't think so.
I think man as we know him,
is it 50,000, is it 10,000, 20,000?
Well, what is called homo sapiens
has been here just a short time.
The world, the formation of the universe
that we're talking aboutthe entire universe
is maybe 4 billion years old.
I mean, you know, there was a big bang
and then you have to get the planets
and all this stuff is gasand it has to cool down
and it took forever.
So that's what we're talking about.
- We're there cavemennow, we're the dinosaurs.
- Well, they were Neanderthals
and various people alongthe way that have had,
but the question is,
are they really thesame as the homo sapiens
that we know right now or not?
But in terms of cave,
I don't know what acaveman whose in the Bible
is not the same the caveman,I don't know, but caveman,
but I do know that therehave been various label,
but what we have rightnow, what do you call it?
Homo sapiens.
And I don't think that wehave the Adam and Eve project.
They have been around on earth very long,
but in terms of theuniverse, the creation,
since the very beginning of time,
when it was the big bang wasat least 4 billion years,
because it took that longto get everything in space
get it all set up.
It took a long time to cool this earth.
It took a long time to breakthrough to have us a moon,
to have the oceans.
I mean, the processes are just incredible.
They take a long, long time.
It's a whole lot longer than6,000 years, believe me, Wendy.
- Well, coming up,
it could be your voicemail question
that Pat answers live on the air.
So stay tuned for roundthree of this special edition
of your voicemail questionsand Pat's honest answers
coming up.
(dramatic music)
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So much good stuff in that box.
Well, we are gonna jumpback into our third round
of your voicemail questions
and here's Viewer fromBakersfield, California.
Go ahead.
- Hello, Pat,
can you please talk aboutwhere the idea came from
regarding praying tosaints, angels, virgins,
prophets, apostles, et cetera,
for healing and forgivenessand other life issues.
Thank you, pat.
- I think the Bible makes it clear.
We're not supposed to pray toanybody except to God himself
in the holy spirit, throughthe Lord Jesus Christ,
but the idea of praying to saints,
I think it came aboutthe thought that look,
if you really wanted to get to somebody,
why don't you talk to his mother?
And so the Virgin Mary came to be honored
and in one particularecclesiastical denomination,
but the idea of prayingthe saints, you know,
St Jude and St this, and St the other
there's nothing in the Biblethat says we should pray
to St. Paul or St. Peter St. anybody else.
And I think we, you know,
the Bible says we shouldcall no man father.
I mean, we have one father who's God.
And I think the ideaof honoring some saint,
but the pagans used to pray the stars.
They worshiped the sun and themoon and the various stars.
And so it's easiest totranslate that in to say, well,
we'll call that star,we'll call him Neptune.
And we will pray to Saint Neptune.
And then we'll call this one Jude
and we'll pray to St. Jude.
I don't know where it came from.
It's been there for a long time,but it's pagan and in ours,
in my opinion. All right.
- All right good.
Well here's Anne fromNashua, New Hampshire
with this question for Pat.
- Pat, could you please tell me how long
you've been working out on the total gym?
And is it really easy for senior citizens
and easy to set up and take down
when you don't have the roomto keep it up afterwards
after exercising?
Thank you so much.
- Great fan of this total gym.
I've been working on one for years.
I mean, I don't knowexactly how many years,
but I use it dramaticallyand I just bought a new one.
They have various prices
and the cheap ones are notreally worth the money,
but I think the other ones are very good.
But it is an incredible,
you can do 70 differentexercises on one-on-one and yes,
you can take them down andput them up to, you know,
they're great devices.
I mean, whoever came upwith it was a genius,
but 70 exercises at least, andthey are wonderful machines.
- Wasn't Chuck Doris aspokesperson for total gym?
- Chuck has been showinghow to do it over the years,
but I mean I do all kinds of things.
You could do a pushup, you cando over the shoulder things,
you can do bicep curls, you name it.
And you can do it on a total gym.
They're great devices, all right.
- Awesome, okay.
Here's Bill fromGoldsboro, North Carolina,
with this question.
- [Bill] I would like to askyou a question about angels.
I just wonder, when were angels created?.
I appreciate that answer. God bless.
- I think the angels werecreated shortly thereafter
the creation of the world, you know,
the Satan was thecovering angel, you know.
He was the anointed coveringand that's the word Cherub
was the one who coveredthe holiness of God.
And he was with God in the early days.
And so there was a rebellionagainst God in heaven,
and he took,
Satan a third of theso-called angels with him
in that rebellion and theyhave become demonic spirits.
But I think the angels, you know,
you look at Job and others, you know,
where were you when I created the earth,
when the sons of God shouted for joy?
So I think the angels weregoing along on the way back.
- All right.
Our next question comesfrom Franklin, Virginia,
and Deborah has the question.
- [Deborah] When we go to heaven,
even though we've beenforgiven for our sins
do we still have to answer toGod when we make it to heaven?
- You know, the Lord said,
he that hears my word believes that the,
on him that sent me has everlasting life
and shall not come into judgment,
but it's passed from death unto her life.
That's what the Bible says.
So when you have been forgiven,your sins are forgiven.
But as we said to herin a previous question,
I do believe that the apostle Paul
says that there will be rewards in heaven.
And we talk about, hey, theknew that the Lord's will
and did it will be rewarded.
And he knew the Lord'swill, and didn't do it
he will be punished withmany stripes and so forth.
So I do think that there areenough verses in the Bible
to indicate that he's going to be
some level of accountability
when we get to heaven.
I just don't think everybody'sgoing to go home free.
And you really think it's only fair
if somebody spent a lifetime serving God,
working for him and doing things
that he or she would get the same deal
as somebody who totally ignored the Lord.
Will say well I'm saved.
And I want to go to church once a week,
and I'm a peace sitter.
So anyhow, so much forthat, let's go slow.
- All right because thegoal is to get in the...
- You know Paul said this,
one thing I do that I made attain
the resurrection of the dead.
That's what we want todo is get the hell on.
And that's the biggest thing.
He brought us to what the other aren't.
- Here's Jerry, Bradford, Pennsylvania
with this question for Pat.
- [Jerry] I just wanted toknow what single supplement
would you say is the most important thing
for your good mentality at your age?
Thank you so much.
- I think, you know, that gut flora thing,
we sent her a book about the (mumbles)
but apparently the vagusnerve connects your stomach
to your brain and yourmood will be affected
by this whole gut flora.
And so looking after thelittle critters in there,
billions of them in your intestines
that will affect your mood.
And so, in my opinion,
the big thing is to avoidartificial sweeteners,
to avoid any kind of antibioticswill kill them there.
And to make sure that you eat,
don't eat sweets and whiteflour and that kind of thing,
but to eat fruits andvegetables and natural stuff,
and especially some bran along the way,
because the littlecritters need some feeding.
So I think that if we put a little book
about how to have a better gut,
then I do think that that willaffect your mental health.
And it's also about at least80% of your immune system
is there in that gut flora.
So it's amazing what Godhas set up down there.
And these little critters aredown there doing good for you.
If you don't mess them up, so stay away,
stay away from artificialsweeteners and stay away
particularly if you possiblycan from antibiotics.
- The wider, remember thatguest we had on the 700 Club
one said the whiter the bread,the quicker you're dead.
- I mean look at that, look at that.
I cut. That still haunts me.
All right we're still ahead.
Anaheim, California, Crawfordsville,Oregon, and many more.
You're up next,
the final round of ourspecial voicemail edition
of Your Questions, HonestAnswers after this.
(dramatic music)
Welcome back to the final roundof your voicemail questions.
Pat's answers.
Shaniece from St. Petersburg, Florida.
Go ahead with this question.
- [Shaniece] What doesthe word me when it says
to meditate day and night?
Does it mean to think aboutthe word throughout the day
or speak the word?
Thank you.
- Well, Shaniece meditatingmeans just what it says.
You think about it.
It doesn't hurt to talk about it,
but I think the idea isyou're thinking on the word,
how will the young man cleanse his way
by taking he there tooaccording to thy word.
Thy word that I've heed in my heart
that I might not sin against thee.
So we have the word buildsup and we meditate on it.
You think about the psalms,
you think about the good things of God
you think about the book of Romans.
All those things and to meditateis to just what it says.
You think about them, okay.
- Here's Sherry from Anaheim, California.
- [Sherry] I was wondering
if you're supposed to leave an inheritance
to your children and your grandchildren,
if they don't wantanything to do with you.
Thank you.
- Sherry, you're not on the obligation
to give to ingrates.
The last thing you want to do
is to enrich somebody who's an angry,
but the righteous man'sheaps up for his shoulder,
you know, but you don't heap them up
for a bunch of ingrates.
So if I were you,
I would pick some worthy causethat you really believe in
and leave your inheritance to them.
But that's an individual decision, but no,
you're not under any obligationto leave a lot of money
to a bunch of ingrates,
especially those who will wasteyour money when they get it.
All right.
- Amen. All right, Steve,from Crawfordsville, Oregon,
go ahead.
- [Steve] How come there'sno mention of dinosaurs
in the Bible?
Just curios, thank you.
- Well, because as wewere talking earlier,
the dinosaurs were justnot part of the experience,
the Bible centers on thefamily of Abraham and Isaac
and Jacob, and the revelation of God
and a few verses leading up to that.
But it's not a biography.
It's not a book of biology.
It's not a book of geology.
It's a spiritual book period.
All right, next question.
- All right, that's a good answer.
Here's Viewer from Atlanta, Georgia.
Go ahead.
- Hi Pat,
what are your thoughts on the teachings
of once saved always saved,
or you can lose your salvation?
Thank you for your thoughts.
God bless.
- I believe that when we were adopted
into the family of God,
we can be comfortablein the goodness of God
but the same time to rely on some doctrine
that once I'm saved, I'm always saved
and I can do anythingI want to oh, is wrong.
And Paul said their judgment is just
so that's my feeling on it.
You must continue in the word.
If you continue in the word,
if you continue to follow the Lord,
that's what he wants you to do.
Well, these last words I say,
walk by the spirit,
and you will not gratifythe desires of the flesh.
Thanks so much for you questions.
From Wendy and all of us,we'll see you tomorrow.
(dramatic music)