Kaitlin and Lawrence discuss which is most important our thoughts or our actions.
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- Hey friends, welcomeback to the Superbook Show.
- Are you ready for another episode
of Keeping It Real?
- Good, 'cause it'd be alittle awkward if you weren't.
- Today's question comes from Kierra.
"Sometimes I get frustrated and want
"to say mean things to people.
"I don't because I know it'd be wrong
"but I still think them.
"Is that bad?"
- Yeah, Kierra, I think it is.
- But she didn't say anyof those things out loud.
- But she still thought them.
- Well, I think the real questions is
what's more important, ourthoughts or our actions?
I think actions are more important.
Our actions are how we show the world that
we're followers of Christ.
- Yeah, but thoughts arestill pretty important.
- Wait, wait, wait.
You're tellin' me that ifI wanted to throw a pie
in your face but didn't,that'd be just as bad
as if I actually threw the pie?
- Well, of course not.
Wait, do you wanna throw a pie in my face?
- Only sometimes.
(sad music soundbite)
- Okay, okay, I'm not saying that thoughts
are more important thanactions, but I do believe that
thoughts and actions areequally as important.
- Because even if no one else sees it,
God knows what's in our hearts.
- That's exactly what I was thinking.
Look, Proverbs says, "Peoplemay be right in their own eyes
"but the Lord examines the heart."
- I just have one question.
- What's that?
- There's a differencebetween a passing thought
and a sinful desire that takes root
in a person's heart, right?
- Oh, definitely.
I mean, if you hold your tongue
before saying somethinghurtful, that's great.
- But then you have tolet go of the desire
to say those hurtfulthings, that's crucial.
- Everyone has ugly passingthoughts now and then.
The sin is if you hold onto them.
- While it may seem likesomething you'd think to yourself
isn't as bad as something you'ddo or say to another person,
God sees it all.
- And all sins are equal in God's eyes.
- Including ones committedonly in your heart.
- So what do we do?
How do we be like Jesusand live without sin
in thought and deed?
- Okay, I have an idea.
(victory music soundbite)
Psalms 19:14 says, "Maythe words of my mouth
"and the meditation of my heart
"be pleasing to You O Lordmy rock and my redeemer."
- Well, that's a great versebut how does it help us?
- It's a prayer.
(blinking soundbite)
Okay, well we all knowthat everyone has sinned
and we all fall short of God'sglorious standard, right?
- Right.
- Well, God knows that too,and He's not just going
to leave us high and dry, He loves us.
- Oh, so if we pray to Him and ask Him
to help us be better, He will.
- God looks at our hearts.
Yes, it's a heart that sins sometimes,
but it's also a heart thatlongs to be one with Christ.
- So if we continually askGod to purify our hearts,
He will honor that request.
- And eventually, we're notgoing to want to sin anymore,
externally or internally.
- Well, it sounds so easywhen you put it like that.
- Yeah, it does doesn't it?
But in reality, trueperfection is impossible.
- But it's a journey not adestination and it's gonna take
a lot of diligence and self-discipline.
- Try writing in a journal so you can
see your progress over time.
- Or tell a trustedfriend what you're going
through so that they cankeep you accountable.
- And will rejoice with you when the Lord
helps you overcome those temptations.
- You are not alone in this.
God will help you becomeblameless and pure
from the inside-out.
- His word is forever alive.
- Thanks for joining us today.
- And if you're thinkingabout throwing a pie
in your friend's face, don't.
But hit that Like andSubscribe button, instead.
- Wait, why do you wantto throw a pie in my face?
- I just think it would be funny.
- Anyway, if you have aquestion you would like us
to answer, send us an emailat SuperbookShow@CBN.org.
- And make sure to downloadthe Superbook Bible app
and go to TheSuperbookShow.com.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Kierra, Kierra?
- [Producer] Kierra.
- Kierra?- Kierra.
- Is it Kierra?
(Kaitlin giggling)
- [Soundstage Member] Ear or--?
(Lawrence and Kaitlin chuckling)
- [Producer] Ear.
- Ear?- Key-ra?
- Hira?- Like an ear?
- Key-ra?- Like Keara?
- Like your name?- Like Ear-ah.
(audience member speaking softly)
- Key-ear-a. (giggling)- Key-era.
- [Producer] Whenever you're ready.
- Wait, so is it Kierra?
Do we--?
(Lawrence and Producer chuckling)
Wait, do you really wannathrow a pie in my face?
- Only sometimes.
No, I'm just funny, I know what you meant.
- Why do you wanna throw?
Do you really wanna throw a pie?
Do you really wanna throwa pie in my face, today?
Wait, do you really wannathrow a pie in my face?
Did I say that wrong, again?
- No, that's what we say in--
- Why do you wanna throw?
I just want answers!
- [Producer] Exactly, just like that, why.
- [Kaitlin] I just want answers.