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Stand - The Superbook Show

Josh encourages MollyJean to do the right thing even though it is not the popular decision. Read Transcript

- "The Superbook Show" is here.

(swishing sounds playing)

- I have a problem.

- Can you say hi to the people first?

- Why hello people.

(puzzling sound playing)

- Cool. What's your problem?

- My entire class is evil.

(guitar sound playing)

(air whooshing)

- Like everybody, or?

- Well, our teacher,

Ms. Meyers,

emailed out a test for us to take.

- What's the matter? Test too hard?

- Too easy.

She accidentally emailed

out the answer key.

- Whoa, that's a big mistake.

- And nobody is goingto say anything to her.

- Oh, so it's like everybody?

- Yeah.

I told them I didn't feel right

about not saying anything,

but now I'm the most talked

about thing at school.

- In a bad way?

- Way, bad way.

What should I do?

- Sounds like you're already doing it.

- Telling the teacher?

Oh no, no.

That was before I was getting made fun of.

Now I might just have to learn

to keep a secret.

- No, you were doing the right thing.

You can't back down

because of opposition.

- Why not?

You go to school,

you know how this works.

- You know, Noah had a similar problem.

You remember him?

(air whooshing)

- [Girl] Help!

- Who are the good guys

and who are the bad guys?

- They're all bad guys!

(man roaring)

- Help, help!


- Why would Superbook ever bring us here?

- The whole world's gone crazy!

(soft instrumental music playing)

- But I will establishmy covenant with you,

and you shall go into the Ark.


your sons,

your wife, and your sons wives with you.

(cheerful music)

(air whooshing)

- Even though the wholeworld had gone crazy,

one man refused to go crazy with them.

- Whoa, Noah?

- Yup. And God blessed him

and his family for it.

- I was worried about my class,

but Noah was against the whole world.

- If God is with you,

you can stand up to do what's right.

Even if it seems like no one else will.

- Okay.

So the right thing to do

is clearly not cheat

like the rest of my classmates.

- Correct.

- But is it wrong I don't want

to be made fun of?

- Of course not.

Nobody wants that,

but because of this hugesacrifice you're making,

I'm sure God will blessyou greatly for it.

- Yeah, you're probably right.

- And who knows,

maybe one of your classmates wants

to stand up and do the right thing too,

but they're waiting for someone else

to do it first to give them courage.

- I never thought of that.

- Remember, Noah's obedience

to God blessed not only him

but his family too.

And your obedience can bless some

of your classmates.

(Molly jean sighs)

- Okay. I'm gonna do it.

Thanks for this pep talk.

I really needed it.

- No problem.

His word is forever alive.

(air whooshing)

Check out

to learn more about Noah.

- Don't be afraid to stand.

(silly music playing)

- Yeah, you're probably right.

(Josh and Molly jean laughing)

(alarm beeping)

- My entire class is evil.

(silly music playing)

(Josh and Molly jean laughing)

- She's like and I'm like.

(Josh and Molly jean laughing)

(alarm beeping)

(Josh and Molly jean laughing)

- Yo, that probably would've

made my shoot though.

(Josh and Molly jean laughing)

(alarm beeping)

- Entire class is evil.

(silly music playing)

- Don't break! Don't break!

(Josh and Molly jean laughing)

(alarm beeping)

- If God is with you,

you can stand up to do what's right.

Oh, Gizmo

you sly dog.

I was supposed to look at you.

(Josh sighing)

Ah man.

(Josh and Molly jean laughing)

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