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Pain and Empathy - The Superbook Show

Alex and MollyJean talk about how we can use our own experiences and emotions to understand and encourage others in their pain. Read Transcript

- Welcome to "The Superbook Show".

Today M.J.'s gonna hijack our topic.

- What?

Why would you say that?

- Because I can tell there'ssomething bothering you,

and whenever something's bothering you

you always have to takeover the entire show

to talk about it.

- That's silly, I would never do that.

(timer ticking)

But since you mentioned it,

I do have a problem we need to talk about.




- Lay it on us.

- This week was theseventh grade spelling bee

and I wanted to come in first place.

- But you came in second.

- 33rd.

And I misspelled a word I knew,which only makes it worse.

- What was the word?

- It was difficult.

- Well yeah it was difficult,but what was the word?

- Difficult, D-I-F-F-I-C-U-L-T, difficult.

- Got it.

- And now I'm hurt, embarrassed,

and never wanting to goto school ever again.

- I'm sorry, that stinks.

- It does.

- So, what are you gonna do about it?

- There's nothing I can do,it's an annual spelling bee.

Unless I flunk the seventh grade

and take it again next year.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down tiger,

that's not what I meant.

What I meant was, what are you gonna do

with all this disappointment,embarrassment, and pain?

- Uh, what do you mean?

- Whenever we run into a rough patch

we first feel bad forourselves, which is natural.

- That's where I'm at.

- Right, but then we have to decide,

are we going to use itor just wallow in it?

- Clear as mud.

- Well, God says

that we can use the negativesituations in our life.

Here, look at this.

Right, "We can rejoice too

"when we run into problems and trials,

"for we know that theyhelp us develop endurance,

"and endurance developsstrength of character,

"and character strengthens ourconfident hope of salvation."

- Are you saying

that God wanted me tolose the spelling bee?

Talk about difficult.

- No, I'm not saying that at all.

What I'm saying is, God canuse the fact that you lost

to turn what was painful into a positive.

- How?

- Well, too many ways tocover in just one episode,

but empathy is a good start.

- Empathy, E-M-P-A-T-H-Y.

What about it?

- Well, remember how we talked about

how Jesus can understandour pain and rejection

because he's gone through it?

- [Molly Jean] Yeah, I remember.

"He was hated and rejected."

"His life was filled withsorrow and terrible suffering."

No one wanted to look at him.

- And when we feel rejected

we know that Jesus comes alongside of us.

- It helps having someone who understands,

but I still don't,

are you saying I shouldlean on Jesus in my pain?

- No, yes, well yes, you should do that,

but you should also act on it.

- Act on it?

- Well, you know how it feels

to be hurt, rejected, and embarrassed.

- I do, and because I know how it feels,

if I see someone else like that--

- You can come alongsidethem, help them through it,

be an example.

What are you thinking about?

- David, a kid in my class.

He's always picked last for gym

and I'm just thinking ofways to encourage him.

- Well, "We can rejoice too

"when we run into problems and trials,

"for we know that theyhelp us develop endurance,

"and endurance developstrength of character,

"and character strengthens ourconfident hope of salvation."

- His word is forever alive.



Have you ever beendisappointed or embarrassed

like the way I was feeling?

If so, I'm very sorry.

- Yeah, that never feels good.

- However, now thatyou've gone through it,

what are you gonna do about it?

Are you gonna becomestronger because of it?

- Show empathy towards someone else?

- E-M-P-A-T-H-Y, empathy.

- See you guys next time.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

(Molly Jean laughs)



"We can rejoice too when werun into problems and trials,

"for we know that they helpstrengthen, help us develop."

Even when I can readit, that's just a shame.

- [Producer] That's okay, it happens.


- E-M-P-H-T-H-T.

(both laugh)

- E-M-P-H-T-H-H-H-T-H.


- E-M-P-H-C-T,

'cause I say the A and itkinda sounds like A-H, cha.

- Just one.


- Oh wait.



- Make it natural.

- [Molly Jean] Is this natural enough?

- [Alex] Cut.

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