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Do I Have to Go to Church? - The Superbook Show

Emma and MollyJean answer a viewers question asking if we have to go to church to be a good Christian? Read Transcript

(logo zipping)

- Welcome--

- To the Supberbook Show!

- Did you have to do that?

- Good question and related toour Keeping It Real segment.

(logo swooshing)

- So let me get this straight,

a viewer asked if it was okay to be rude

to a friend and cohost?

- No, but a few people havecommented on our videos,

"Do you have to go to churchto be a good Christian?"

- So you cut me off to get me to say,

"Do you have to do that?"

- Well, yes.

- That's a bit of a stretch.

But what do you think?

Do we have to go to church?

- Depends on the church, I don't know?

- You know this.

- Okay, yes.

- Why, yes?

- Because my mommy said so?

It's a trap, my mom does watch this,

and she wants me in church.

- That is a good reason,but do you have another one?

- Because my dad said so.

- A biblical reason.

(cricket chirping)(cricket bouncing)

Do you know what the Bible says about it?

- Thou shalt doeth whatthine mommy and daddy saith.

- Okay, my turn to cut you off.

In Hebrews it says, Letus motivate each other

to love and good works,and not neglect to meet

with each other as some people do,

but encourage one another.

- Sweet, what does that mean?

- It means, it's important forChristians to get together.

- So the answer was yes.

- Yes, but it's still a yes, even if

your mom and dad don't make you go.

- All right, you got me.

- As believers, we should come together

because it helps us to encourageand motivate each other.

- That makes sense, somethings are just plain hard

to do alone.

- Yeah, and life is one of them.

- So the answer to your question, viewers,

church itself doesn't save you,

but it makes the Christian life easier.

- Easier, but doesn'tit make your life harder

when your parents make you go?

- Listen Emma, if you're notgonna take things seriously

you should just leave.

Our viewers have questions,stop joking around so much.

- If I'm not gonna take this seriously?

I was just--- Just kidding!


- His Word is forever alive.

(logo swishing)

- Don't do life alone, getthe Superbook Bible App

and visit

[Both] See you at church!

(lips sputtering)

- As believers we--- No.

should come, sorry.(both laughs)

[Both] See you at (laughs)...

- [Assistant] What do you think?

(imitating cat screeching)

(hands slapping)- Okay.

- [Assistant] This big on the screen.

- Yeah!

- [Male Assistant] Thanks, Molly.

- Oh, sorry.


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