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The 700 Club - March 10, 2021

It’s a super-sized edition of “Your Questions/Honest Answers.” Hear Pat Robertson as he weighs in on your biggest issues about life and beyond. What is the mark of the beast? What does it mean if I see dead people? It’s a brand new round ... Read Transcript

(dramatic music)

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN

- [Wendy] Coming up, a brandnew round of your voicemails.

Get answers to questions such

as can babies be demon possessed?

Should Christians get the vaccine?

Should I tell my husband about my affair?

Hear Pat as he weighs in on your

biggest issues about life and beyond.

Are you once saved, always saved?

What is the mark of the beast?

I see dead people, what does it mean?

Tune in for a supersized edition

of Your Questions, HonestAnswers on today's "700 Club."

(dramatic music)

- Well, welcome folks to thisedition of "The 700 Club."

Vox populi, the voice of the people.

Today is the day we featureyour voicemail questions

on the air throughout our program.

So get ready for three riveting rounds

of Your Questions andHonest Answers coming up.

But first, take a look in the news.

The escalating border crisis.

A surge of up to 1,000 migrantsa day crossing the border.

Hundreds of them violent criminals.

So what's being done to try to stop them?

Here's Efrem Graham.

- Pat, border officials arrested

and encountered more than 100,000 migrants

at the southern borderin the last four weeks.

That's the most for the month

of February in the past five years.

About 700 to 1000 people are illegally

crossing the border every day.

Most are single adults butthe numbers of families

and children are also increasing.

Agents are now holding morethan 3,200 unaccompanied minors

in facilities similar to prison cells,

which are not intended for children.

Tuesday, Texas Governor GregAbbott declared a crisis

on the border pointing the finger

at the Biden administration.

- This crisis is a result

of President Biden's open border policies.

It invites illegal immigration

and is creating a humanitariancrisis in Texas right now

that will grow increasinglyworse by the day.

- [Efrem] Abbott claims the surge is from

ending Trump era policiesof returning people

who cross the border illegally

as well as making asylumseekers wait in Mexico.

He also said border patrolagents captured 800 criminals

since the beginning of the year.

Meanwhile, Florida Attorney General

Ashley Moody is suing the administration

for policies ending thedeportation of violent felons.

- First they canceled Operation Talon,

which targeted sex offenders here

in the United States illegally,

and now they've released guidance

which is basicallyreleasing into our streets

serious criminal offenders.

They're canceling detainers and requiring

our law enforcementleaders to release them

back into our state.

- The AG says she's goingto hold the administration

accountable in federal court.

A powerful new White House council aims

to promote gender ideologyacross the federal government.

But critics say it actuallythreatens women's rights.

Jennifer Klein, the new headof the Gender Policy Council

says it will promotegender and gender identity.

Critics say it's based on a confusing

and harmful new social construct

which could abruptly end advances

for women and girls byallowing boys and men

to change their gender identity at will.

- The name is nice, Gender Policy Council,

but it's not about advancing women,

it's not about advancing girls' interests,

not about protecting sex-based rights.

It's about enshrining gender identity

across the federal government

and making policy decisions on that basis.

- The council's broad scope and access

to Cabinet secretariesmean it could profoundly

change US policy both at home and abroad.

Computer hackers broke

into a Silicon Valleycompany gaining access

to 150,000 surveillancecameras live streaming

from companies, hospitals,police departments,

prisons, and schools.

The hackers launched the attack to show

how widespread videosurveillance is worldwide

and how easy it is to breakinto systems and to gain access.

One video reportedly showsstaffers tackling a patient

and pinning him to a bedin a Florida hospital.

Another shows Tesla workers

on an assembly line in Shanghai, China.


- Well, thank you for thosestories and now folks,

it's what you've been waiting for

and we've all been waiting for it.

And Wendy, what's next?

- That's right.

Up next, we've got your voicemails.

Pat's about to answeryour voicemail questions.

Stay tuned for a special edition

of Your Questions, Honest Answers.

That's coming up next.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- And welcome back to "The 700 Club.

It's a special editionof your voicemail calls

and Pat's answers.

We're going to start with this one

from Ben and he's fromGrand Forks, North Dakota.

Here's Ben.

- [Ben] Hello Pat.

My name is Ben.

How do you walk in love,but yet not be walked

all over like a doormat?

Seems the nicer you try to be,

the more people try totake advantage of you.

- I think the Bible talks about

suffering yourself to be defrauded.

You remember Moses wasconsidered one of the meekest man

in the world, but he was incharge of a whole country.

He was tough.

And I believe there's sucha thing as tough love.

I don't think we oughtto be walked all over.

I think we ought to standup for our principles.

Sometimes we have to fight for them.

So there's nothing in the Bible

that says you've got to be a doormat.

- Let's go to Coushatta ofLouisiana for this call.

- [Coushatta] I'm a faithfulviewer of "The 700 Club"

but I'm baffled andpuzzled about something.

I am a born again Christian.

And I'm wondering whyI've prayed exhaustively

for the last five years

for God to restore my vision and I prayed

and I waited and I'm stillwaiting for God to hear.

Tell me, what is it that I could be saying

or doing wrong or shouldI just keep praying

and believing and waiting on God?

- [Pat] What is she asking for?

- She is praying for the last five years

for God to restore her vision

and her healing hasn't come yet.

And she wants to know,

"Should I be doing something different?"

- Well, I think thebiggest thing is you need

to wait on the Lord and rest on Him.

Now the Bible says if Iregard iniquity in my heart,

the Lord won't hear me.

So first of all,

do you have anythingyou're doing that's wrong?

Secondly, you ask yourself,

"Have I got all against any?"

If you hold a grudge against somebody,

you'll never get your prayers answered.

So ask yourself thosethings and then believe.

The Bible talks about accepting belief,

"I receive what You're doing, Lord."


- That's good, all right.

Here's Betty from Pittson, Pennsylvania.

- [Betty] I was wonderingwhat should be done

when your pastor leaves the church

and the new one comes in and it's a woman.

She has had a husband, three children,

but she left her family fora member of the same sex.

Should she be preaching in the church?

- She shouldn't be preachingin any church I'm involved in.

(Pat laughing)

I mean, I think that is outrageous.

I mean, not only is she living apparently

committing her adultery,but she's taking up

with the a same sex unionand she's going to be pastor?

I don't know whether those people in that

church have got the littlescrews in their head

in the deacon's board ofcalling such a pastor.

- There are a few denominationsthat they're okay with that.

The Bible's not.

- That, Wendy, is beyond belief.

She's left her her own family

and then picked up on this deal.

Folks, sin is sin.

And if the church is weakened,

it's going to ruin our society.

You say, "What do I do?"

Well, you can protest or youcan go get another church.

- All right, here's a caller,Lisa from Fallon, Nevada.

- [Lisa] My question isregarding demon possession.

Can babies be possessed?

And if so, does the ageof accountability come

into play for salvation?

- You asked what age account-

- Can babies speak possessed?

And if so, does the ageof accountability come

into play for salvation?

- The age of accountability has to do

with the point you know right from wrong

and that normally doesn't take place

'til you're old enough tounderstand something's wrong.

So the age of accountability can be five,

it can be six, it could befour, it could be three.

But can a baby be demon possessed?

I just believe if that child is born

to a family of devil worshipers,

there's a real possibilitythat the devil will think

that he has a claim over that child.

I mean, it's horrible to contemplate,

but I don't think that they're protected

in some fashion from a generational curse.

But normally a little baby, as I say,

there's no such thing as a sinful baby

because a baby doesn't ever know

he or she is doing anything wrong.

So they're free from the law,

but not necessarily freefrom the influence of Satan.

- All right, here's aquestion from Claudia

and she's from Hawthorne, California.

- [Claudia] I have a question.

If you ask God to forgiveyou for the same sin

that you keep committing over and over,

does God still forgive you of that sin?

- The Lord talked about forgiveness to one

of his disciples in health,"Do I forgive seven times?"

No, He said, "Seven times 70."

But you're committing a sin.

I think you need to understandthat there's demonic power

and that sin that you'recommitting may well be instigated

in your life by some kindof demonic influence.

So I think not only do you need to repent,

but you need to havedeliverance and somebody needs

to cast that thing outbecause that's not normal.

- Good word.

Here's Carson from Glen Rock, Pennsylvania

with this question for Pat.

- [Glen] I have a question.

What does Pat think aboutChristian comedians?

Is this right in God's eyes?

- Christian comedians. (chuckles)

I tell you what, it's toughto find material these days.

They used to make a lotof fun of Donald Trump.

Now they're having a hard time with Biden.

I have found that a little difficult

because it is so easy toedge over into blasphemy.

And I know there wasone particular comedian,

he kept making jokes,the next thing you know,

I think God took him, he died prematurely.

And I think being blasphemousis on the edge of this humor.

And I think we gotta be very careful

about making jokes aboutthe sacred things of God.

- All right, here's a question from Amy.

She's from Rocky Mount, North Carolina.

- [Amy] My question iswhen you pray on the show

and have a word of knowledgeof someone getting healed,

if I'm watching the show,can I claim that healing

for someone else that isnot watching the show?

- I don't know there's any question.

The promises of theBible are for everybody.

It may trigger something in your heart

and you say, "This is mine,"but the Bible's for everybody.

So I think any word that the Lord speaks,

if there's a blessing, it'savailable for everybody.

- That's good news.

Here's Dee from Radford, Virginia.

- [Dee] I'd like for you to explain

to me what the apostle Paul actually said

in I Corinthians 11 about a woman's hair.

I've been taught for most of my life

that based on what Paul said here

it is a sin for a woman to cut her hair.

What did he mean when

he said a woman's hair is her covering?

- I think he's goingback to Jewish tradition.

Again, you go through the whole idea

of a woman has to praywith her head covered.

So you find people in churchesthat have a little thing

on their hair or they wear a veil

or a hat or something like that.

And he says, the Lord isthe covering of the man,

the man is the covering of the woman

and on account of the angels.

And there's a whole lot ofthings that he said in there.

But I honestly don't believe that's

something normative for Christians today,

the women have to cut their hair

in a particular way orwear a particular style.

And you look at some of theseso-called holiness women,

in the old days, theyused to pound up something

on top of their head thatlooked like a Tower of Pisa.

I mean, it's unbelievable.

So I don't think that'snormalty for us today, frankly.

- That's good news for us.

(Pat and Wendy laughing)

We like our hair.

Okay, here's Rod from Austin, Texas.

- [Rod] I have a questionconcerning Melchizedek.

He's mentioned in Genesis,the Psalms, and in Hebrews.

And I want to understand thesignificance of Melchizedek

and how does Melchizedek fitinto the biblical picture?

- The word melech in Hebrew is king

and zedek is righteousness.

So he was the king of righteousness.

And when Abraham came backfrom winning the battle

against those peoplein Sodom and Gomorrah,

he met Melchizedek, andMelchizedek was a priest

of the Most High Godand he gave a blessing

to Abraham and Abraham gave him a tithe.

And the Bible says he'swithout a father or mother.

The reason that we don'tknow where he came from.

But the king of righteousness and peace

and so he was so symbolic of something.

But other than that, I don't think there's

any significance in the fact,

except if you want to know where

you give your tithes iswhere you're blessed.

That is the Abrahamic concept.

- Yeah, that makes sense.

All right, here's Cindyfrom Midland, Michigan.

- [Cindy] I was wondering why is it that

I have asked to be savedover and over and over again,

but I just don't feel thatpresence of the Holy Spirit

or that I've been forgiven or saved

in my heart deep down inside.

I feel that I might not be in the rapture

and this scares me deeply.

Is it just my head over myheart or my heart over my head?

- Clarify that, I didn't quite hear it.

- She's asked to be saved over and over.

She just doesn't feel it in herheart that she's been saved.

- I know you want to go in the rapture

and be part of the kingdom.

Look, if you do what theBible says, believe it.

Now, if you don't have awitness of the Holy Spirit

in your heart that you'vebeen sin, then ask yourself,

"Have I really committedmyself to the Lord?"

And if you do, take theBible and believe it.

And so I've got to besaved over and over again,

once you made that commitment,the Lord will accept you.

You don't have to getadopted over and over again.

- She's saying shedoesn't feel the presence

of the Holy Spirit.

Can you ask the Lord to let you feel it?

- As many as are bornby the Spirit of God,

they're the sons of God andthe spirit will bear witness

with our spirit and we'rethe children of God.

So there'll be a witness in your spirit.

If you are living for theLord, you'll love the brethren,

for example, you will have alove for the people of God.

You'll want to be with the people of God.

You'll be open to prayer.

There's something aboutyour life will change.

And if that doesn't happen in your life,

then you ask yourself,

"Have I really, reallysurrendered to the Lord?"

But if you have, then you should have

that witness in your heart.

- Amen, here's Judy from New York City.

- [Judy] My question isin the Book of Psalms,

some of the Psalms they havea word in there called selah.

I would like to knowthe meaning of that word

and why it's only in someparticular versus of Psalms.

- That's just a little thingfor the choir director.

- [Wendy] It means pause, right?

- Well, it's sort ofthe idea, yeah, selah.

But in this case, I thinkif you read those things,

those Psalms were meant to be sung

and I think it's a choralmatter and this is essentially.

That's all it is, it'snot part of the song.

- Selah, that's pretty word.

All right, here's Helen from Florida.

- [Helen] My question is some Pentecostals

say very pridefully that youmust have the second baptism

of the Holy Spirit with evidence

of speaking in tonguesbecause of they have it.

Well, I know thishappens, I believe in it,

but does that work exactlythe same in every life?

- I don't think we oughtto put God in a box

and say you've got to do it this way

or you've got to do with the other.

But I do think when the HolySpirit came upon people,

their highest senses, thespeech senses were activated

and they began to praise God.

They weren't winning people to the Lord,

they were worshiping God,

they were magnifying the Lordand talking about the Lord.

And they were speaking in other languages

so other people heard them.

But to say you've got to have this

or you've got the other,I think God is infinite.

And I just think to create some kind

of theological box toput Him in as a mistake.

But Paul said I thank God

I speak with tongues more than you all.

So he did.

And I stand before you, sit before you,

I do the same thing, Idon't do it as much as Paul,

but I have had the experienceof speaking in tongues,

can worship in tongues.

And the Bible says he prays in the spirit,

edifies these spirits.

So it's not a bad thing to do.

But to say you've got to do this

or you've got to do the other,

I just don't bother that kind of theology.

- It's a great tool to have though.

- Absolutely.

He that prays in thespirit, edifies himself,

that's what the Bible says.

- Exactly.

Here's Lance from Red Oak, Texas.

- [Lance] My question is you recommended

for people to get vaccinated.

Have you gotten vaccinated yet, Pat?

- I'm waiting for that one time deal.

The hotel we have here isa site for vaccination.

My dear wife has gotten the first one

and she's due in another two or three days

to get the second one.

I think it's absolutely,this COVID is so deadly,

what it does to your mind andwhat it does to your lungs,

what it does to your muscles.

And I think the idea of thesevaccinations are all safe

but I'm waiting for theone that you get one time,

the Johnson and Johnson.

I'm in that category where I'm at the top

of the line because of my age.

I think it's a good thing

and I think everybody ought to do it.

- I don't blame you.

I think one shot is plenty.

I mean, you have to get two,

but my parents are in their 80s.

They both had both shots, they did great.

My 100-year-old mother-in-lawjust had her second shot

yesterday and she did fantastic.

So praise the Lord.

- Well, I recommended it.

And I think from what I understand,

they're absolutely safeso get 'em, get 'em.

- Well, coming up, we'vegot round two of our special

voicemail edition of YourQuestions, Honest Answers.

Will you hear your voicemailquestion played on the air?

Well, stick around to find out, you might.

(upbeat music)

(dramatic music)

- And welcome back to "The 700 Club"

for this "CBN NewsBreak."

California lawmakers areconsidering a bill mandating

how children's products are displayed

in large department stores.

It would force retailers to offer toys,

clothing, and other kid-oriented items

in gender neutral fashionor face a $1,000 fine.

Products would have to be together instead

of a separate boys and girls section.

And online stores wouldhave to separate pages

for children unisex or gender neutral.

Israel is reopening mostof its economy this week

including restaurants, gyms, and malls.

Some of the COVID restrictions had been

in place since September.

- We feel very good aboutreopening the restaurant.

We've been closed for six months.

We feel lucky that wecan host people again,

give them great food, great music,

see the light in their eyes,make them and us happy again.

It's very important for us to do it

so we feel very happy about it.

- Some businesses didnot survive the lockdowns

and certain places are only open

to those who've been vaccinated.

Nearly 40% of Israel'spopulation has received

both doses of the Pfizer vaccine.

And you can now get ahead start on your day

by subscribing to CBN News QuickStart.

Get the latest national, international,

and faith-based news delivered

to your email each weekday morning.

You'll also see a previewof stories in the works

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Pat and Wendy are back withmore of today's "700 Club."

It's coming up right after this.

(dramatic music)

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Are you ready?

- Let's go for some more questions,

yes, we're ready.- All right, let's go,

let's start right in.

Gale from Eaton, Ohio hasthis question for Pat.

- [Gale] Hi, Pat, this is Gale.

My wife and I would like for you

to describe a typical day for you.

The average a day when you get

up in the morning and go to bed at night.

- I can't go into all of that, Gale,

but I must say the most important thing

in my day is that I spendtime talking to the Lord.

I really, really need to talk to Him

before I do anything else.

I also, I try to eat some breakfast,

but I have a call at 8:30 in the morning

with our producer and wego over the news items

we're going to talk about andsee if I have any suggestions

and he's got some, and I've got some news.

So we talk about that.

And then I read the Word for a while

and then get ready to go.

So I'm on the air, I'm herein the chair by nine o'clock.

But I'm over here in the studio by eight.

And then all day long,it's something else.

All right, that's enough.

- 'Cause you're runningour university as well.

- Our university and Ihave some other issues

and I've got some investmentactivities that I have to do.

There are a whole bunch of things.

But I'm also thinkingabout what's to do next.

I'm thinking particularlyabout the program

we've got to do tomorrow

because I think there'ssome very important things

and we break some news stories.

But also, I ask the producers tell me

about what spiritual thingsand I'm asking the Lord,

"God, I need your anointing.

I want the anointing for wisdom.

And then I want to beable to speak the word

that people will be healed."

So, I'm really crying out to God.

And I think that's themost important thing.

I say, "Lord I've just got to hear

from You before I go on the air.

Give me wisdom."

And like before this program,

"Take my mind and let me give

Your answers to people's questions."

- All right, thank you so much for that.

All right, here's a callerfrom Sparks-Glencoe, Maryland.

- [Caller] I have aquestion concerning spirits.

I occasionally do see deadpeople that I have known

in the past and some I have not.

One was my father who hasbeen dead for 20 some years.

Does this have anysignificance, any meaning

that I may be ready topass myself in time?

So I hope you can answer the question.

I know it's an odd one.

- There are things called familiar spirits

and I think the spirits haveto do with your family members.

And those who contactthem or called mediums

and mediums are prohibited in the Bible.

The danger is when youthink you are in touch

with Aunt Minnie who's passed on

and suddenly she's giving youadvice, you're in trouble.

And these familiar spirits

before long will wantto take over your life.

So I don't think it's awholesome matter at all.

In my opinion.

I don't know your particular situation,

but if I were you Iwould rebuke that thing

and ask the Lord to set you free.

- Amen, here's Michelle's question.

She's from Chesterfield, South Carolina.

- [Michelle] If everything is preordained,

what control do we reallyhave over our life?

- When I was in seminary, I was wrestling

with the whole idea offreewill and predestination.

And the Bible says,work out your salvation

with fear and trembling.

Okay, that's what it says,work out your salvation.

And then it also says for it's God

who works in you to willand do His good pleasure.

So here you've got God'spreordination and everything

and then you've also got your work.

I thought it was like a basketball game.

So you got guys down thecourt and the visible players

are the ones that score the points.

But there's an invisible team behind them

who really are controlling the action.

And in order to have stability,

you have to have tensionbetween both of them.

If I wanted to see a movie,I see it a reel at a time

and you think it's ongoing action.

But if you took that film and laid it out,

you'd see the whole thing in front of you.

So God sees everything in front of Him,

He knows what's theend from the beginning.

But at the same time, Hedoesn't take away free will

because there's an opportunity

for people to exercise their free will.

So to have orthodoxy,

you have to have atension between them both.

You cannot say it's all God doing it,

or it's all me doing it,or everything's ordained

so why should I try?

It doesn't work that way.

- God doesn't want puppets.

He wants children.

- He wants freedom.

But He's given us freedom,

but He knows what's going to happen.

But it's difficult things.

I was in seminary and tryingto work it out (chuckles)

and we still have allgot the answers to it.

- All right, here's a question from Donna.

She's from Lubbock, Texas.

- I've been married 30 years.

The first five years of ourmarriage was not very good.

And I was constantly in and out

of having affairs so I was not faithful.

But after that five years, I went to God

and asked for forgiveness of my sins.

And I repented, turnedaway from that lifestyle,

and I haven't ever done that again.

So my question is, do I needto confess this to my husband?

- Look, I don't thinkthat we need to bring up

all the sexual activitythat we haven't been engaged

in before or after, or during.

You sinned against God.

If that thing is standingin the way of intimacy

between you and your husband,then you need to confess it.

But if he isn't aware of it,

he'll keep throwing up in yourface, you don't need that.

So I don't think there's anything

that says you've got to confess it to him.

And I especially think it's true if what

you did before you got marriedand that sort of thing.

Everybody has had his own little conquests

or failings or romances or whatever.

They're in the past.

So if I were you, I would live

for the present and the future.

But if that adulterous affairis blocking the intimacy

between you and your husband,

then you need to open upand tell him about it.

But if it's not, I'd goahead and live your life.

- Good word there.

Here's Max from Vero Beach, Florida

with this question for Pat.

- [Max] I'd like to ask how do you walk

into the blessing of theLord in all matters of life?

Everything from spirit, soul, mind,

body, finances, walking in abundance.

- The Lord was talkingabout the souls, the seed,

the sower that was sowingseed, and certain seed came up

and it didn't have any root and it died

and others found good soiland yielded 360, and 100.

And others grew up amongstthorns and the cares

of this life and the deceitfuland riches choked the word

and it becomes unfruitful.

You know, we live in the world.

Paul said you use the worldbut you don't abuse it.

We have to earn a living.

You've got to do yourcraft, whatever it is.

You have to go to workwhether you're a secretary

or you're an accountant or you're a lawyer

or whatever you do, you've gotto worry about those cases.

And that's part of living in this life.

So God's not going totake you out of the world.

But in all of it, you'regiving God the praise.

And I remember that bookabout Brother Lawrence,

he said it's called practicingthe presence of God.

He was a scullery cook.

And he was in there washing pots and pans.

And it was service to God.

And every time he cleaned the pan,

he was doing it for the Lord.

And whatever your hand finds to do,

do it with all your might.

That's what the Bible says.

But we live in a world, God knows that.

And so don't worry about the fact

that have to do thingsin the secular basis.

But don't let the cares of this life

and the deceitful ofriches choke the word.

That's what you got to be careful of.

- Amen.

Thanks, Pat.

All right, let's go toCanada for this question.

Patty from Ontario, go ahead.

- [Patty] I suffer from a lot of pain

so I take pain medications.

I've tried to get off the pain medication

and trust God for a healing,

but I tend to go backto the pain medication

because it's just pain that I can't take.

I was wondering if thatwould disqualify me

for not having enough strength to believe

that I can get healed by God.

Am I going to be disqualifiedfor taking pain medication

and not allowed to be in heaven?

- There was a Sackler family,

they were big on pain and theywent around to the doctors,

they said you've got to dosomething to deal with pain.

So they had this somethingcalled oxycodone and Oxycontin

and they hooked morepeople on these pain meds.

It was a shocking, absolutely shocking.

But it all had to do with pain.

He went to all these doctors and they said

you can't let your patients have pain.

Now, I don't think there's anything wrong

with taking an aspirin.

You can believe God to heal a headache

or you can take an aspirin.

I believe in healing, but ifyou don't believe in healing,

then there's nothing wrongwith taking medicine.

I think that medicine anddoctors and the skilled

that are in our medicalprofession is a gift

of God to all of us.

And I don't think we'redisqualified before the Lord

because we seek the advice of medicine.

We have at Regent University,

we've got a school of healthcare sciences.

And we're training nursesand we believe in medicine.

So I don't think it'ssinful to take medicine.

But at the same time, ifGod wants you to believe God

for healing, then that'sbetween you and Him.

- Here's Paula and she'sfrom Spokane, Washington

with this question.

- [Paula] I've always wonderedwhy Aaron, Moses' brother,

wasn't punished for helpingbuild the golden calf

during the Exodus.

Other people were severely punished

but he seemed to retainhis position and title.

- She's wondering why Aaron,

Moses' brother, was not punished

for helping build thegolden calf in the Exodus.

Other people were severely punished

but he seemed to retainhis position and title.

- Well, I'm not God. (laughs)

I'm not sure, but he saidthey gave me this stuff

and I threw it out andthey out came this calf.

He tried to duck it.

I'm sure God dealt with him severely.

I don't know, the gifts and calling

of God are withoutrepentance, the Bible says.

And so he was gifted as being high priest.

It's a good question.

I have no idea why he wasn't punished.

- All right, well, let's go to Stan

from Chula Vista, Californiawith this question for Pat.

- [Stan] Yeah, this is Stan.

I want to know how do you breakaway from a porn addiction?

It's been really hard.

I know God forgives many times.

I just need to break away totally.

- Give me that one again.

- He's like, "I want toknow how do you break away

from a porn addiction?"

He's tried many times.

- That is one of themost serious addictions.

It's worse than anything.

In order to establish ahabit, this is a rule,

you've got to do it for 21 days.

So day one, I won't watch porn, okay?

And then day two, I won't watch porn.

Day three, I won't watch porn.

Don't make a resolution,

"I'm going to give it upfor the rest of my life."

But it is a terrible, terrible addiction.

It goes to the senses andI think it is artificial.

And the people who are setting these

things up do it to profit by your loss.

They want to make money on you.

And the porn industry is huge.

So they are trying totake advantage of you.

So what you got to say is,"I do not want to be a tool

of an industry that wants to destroy me."

I'm talking about 21 days.

Count it off on your calendar.

I didn't watch porn today.

Next day, I didn't do it today.

The next day, I didn't do it today.

And then don't watch dirty movies.

Don't watch pictures.

Don't look at underwearads, all that stuff.

There's so much.

Look, everything they'vegot to think has got

to have some kind of a sexy woman to show

to advertise these products, every one.

And they're trying to use you

and they're trying tomake money on your lust.

That's what it amounts to.

So just say, "I'm not going to be a tool

of these exploiters, period."

But 21 days and you'll be free of it.

And ask the Lord to set you free

but for 21 days and watch what happens.

- Amen, help him, Lord.

All right, here's Shirleyfrom Dallas, Georgia.

- My question for Pat is,

is tithing from the gross or from the net?

We would like to makesure we are in compliance.

- You know, when Jim Bakerwas secretary of the treasury,

we met for a meeting and he was so sharp

and what he wanted to find out

whether he was supposedto have a tax deduction

on the basis of your grossincome and your net income.

For example, you own a grocery store.

Your net is about 3% of your sales.

You have huge sales, hundredsof millions of dollars,

but you will only net 3%,maybe 4%, but that's about it.

So if you were to titheon the basis of your gross

and you couldn't do it, you just couldn't

on the basis of gross, you couldn't do it.

And I think it's the samething with your own income.

Figure out how your ownincome works and then decide.

God isn't some accountantwith a green eyeshade sitting

in heaven trying to figureout, "I'm going to get him here

because he didn't givelike he's supposed to."

But gross or net, I think the money

that you actually receiveafter all your expenses is what

you ought to give your titheon and not your gross income.

- Amen. I used to tell you on the gross

and now I'm glad I tithe on the net.

It's hard.

- Say if you're a grocery store,

you couldn't possibly doit, you'd go bankrupt.

- Here's Jo-Ann fromFranklin Boro, New Jersey.

- My question is to Pat,

is it biblical that wecan rebuke a disease

from a person in laying on hands?

Is this still biblical today?

- [Pat] I missed it.

- Is it biblical that wecan re rebuke a disease

from a person and lay handson people and rebuke it?

Is it still biblical?

- Sure, it's biblical.

I'm not sure laying hands

on demons is the best thing in the world.

But you speak and the one thing I want

to caution people about,

don't try to play head games with Satan.

Do not because Satan is the father of lies

and he's a deceiver and he will trick you.

When Jesus Christ himself,

the Son of God was beingconfronted by Satan,

He did not argue with him.

He just said it is written, it is written.

So know the Word, butthere's nothing wrong

with rebuking Satan.

I think that is the most important thing.

I bind you Satan and the forces of evil,

do it in the name of the Lord,

in the name of Jesus, I bind you.

There's nothing, absolutelynothing wrong with that.

That's biblical and it's God.

- All right, here's Lisafrom Lancaster, California.

- [Lisa] Do we have anything in Scripture

that would lead us tobelieve of any other advice

on other planets, particularly Mars?

- Absolutely not. (chuckles)

You look at Mars,there's nothing up there.

The truth is most ofthese planets are just

dead lifeless item andsome of them were hot,

some of them were cold,depends on the sun.

But you know, the gentlemanthat we think so highly of,

Hugh Ross, he thinks thatwhen there is an influx

of spiritism going on,

that all these sightingscertainly take place.

And he thinks a lot of it, a lot of this,

these little creatures, thecreatures from outer space

and ET and all that stuff, itcomes out of demonic spirits.

I don't think there's any other life.

I think this planet we're onis uniquely fitted for us.

And the universe aroundus is tuned for life.

And the wonderful thingis this planet was where

God decided He was goingto set forth the plan

of redemption for the entire universe.

And so this earth we'reon is a wonderful place.

And we ought to just praise God for it.

But I'm not thinkingabout anything in the law.

They're talking about a spaceship to Mars.

I mean, who needs it?

It's a bunch of empty rock up in the sky

and it may be too coldor it may be too hot,

but who needs it?

- Yeah, not me, I want to stay right here.

- I'm happy with thisworld, it's a great world.

- With all the oxygen.

- This is my Father's world,I rest me in the thought.

- All right, well, still ahead,

we've got more of yourvoicemail questions.

Round three of this specialedition of Your Questions,

Honest Answers from Patcoming up next, stay tuned.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- Welcome back to "The 700 Club."

And this is our final segment today

of your voicemail questions for Pat.

We're going to start with Sharon.

She's from Blackstone, Virginia.

Hi, Sharon.

- [Sharon] I just have one quick question.

In the Christian world,people are always talking

about the two different sidesof once saved, always saved.

Could you tell us youropinion on that statement?

- I certainly do.

I think that the most terrible thing is

that I've got a doctrine that says

once I've made a decision,I can live as I want to live

and I'll go to heaven regardless.

And so it's a coverfor any kind of conduct

and that is wrong.

But I just believe, the Bible says,

if anybody is born of the Spirit of God,

he does not keep on sinning.

And I do believe that ifyou have come to the Lord,

you are adopted into the family of God.

You have been sealed with the Holy Spirit

until the day of redemption.

And if you really havecome to Jesus Christ,

I think you can rest yourself in the fact

that you're a child of God.

Wouldn't it be terribleif you adopted some kid,

and every few days he said,

"I wonder if he's gonnakick me out of the house?"

I mean, wouldn't that be awful?

But you say, "Look, Johnny,you're a part of the family.

You're my child andyou're part of the family

and you're here till you grow up."

And I think that's theway God wants us to be.

He wants us to rest in His assurance.

But we should not use that as a cover

to go and do what we want to do.

As Paul said, you say you will sin boldly

that grace may abound.

They said their condemnation is just.

- [Wendy] Yeah, that's a good word.

- [Pat] I hope I answered that.

- Yeah, very good, all right.

Here's Roxanna from, Ihope I'm saying this right.

- [Pat] Kittanning.

- Kittanning, Pennsylvania, thanks, Pat.


- [Roxanna] I would like to know why

in the Old Testament the kings

and the people had so many wives

and now I know in theNew Testament, we don't.

Could you answer my question?

I love "The 700 Club."

- In those days, they had a harem.

And the truth is that in order

to have some extra population,

David had two wives, for example.

He had two with him andthe others have had harems.

I believe that it's forpopulation increase.

But we-

- It wasn't just to have variety of women?

- The Bible says pastors shouldbe the husband of one wife.

And I think that's appropriate.

But somebody said one wife at a time.

I am absolutely not certain that polyamory

and some of these thingsis necessarily central.

But the reason it was against the law,

and therefore, the Mormons andothers were held accountable

and they were run out of certain areas

because they believed inhaving multiple wives.

But can you find anything in the Bible?

The New Testament says theelder should be the husband

of one wife.

And that certainly hasbeen a wonderful thing.

And I totally concur with it.

But how come the kings had the privileges?

Because they had harems.

And that was part of theculture of those days.

- Alrighty, there you go.

Good answer.

Here's Kenny from Daytona Beach, Florida.

- [Kenny] My bipolartwin brother is homeless

when he's not in jail.

He's attacked me several times in front

of my Down syndromedaughter with no remorse.

How do I get over the guilt

of not helping him when he's homeless?

- You do what you can do.

But you can't leave your brother.

You said he's bipolar

which means the old termused to be schizophrenic.

And he needs to beprobably institutionalized

and to love him.

But you don't have to have somebody

in your house who'sgoing to try to kill you.

You just don't.

So why should you feel guilty about it?

But I do think if you want to help him,

I think the best thingto do is to get some sort

of institutional help.

Perhaps he needs to be institutionalized.

The Supreme Court had a rulingthat has been devastating

where they let a lot of these people go

and they wandered the streets

because they are not ableto take care of themselves.

So if you really love your brother,

I would get institutional help

and he probably needsto be having some place

of confinement where he'snot allowed to go loose

and then hurt himself and hurt others.

So how do you get over the guilt?

Well, just know that you've done

what you could for him and then that's it.

You don't have to feel guilty.

- Amen, here's Janice fromKansas City, Missouri.

- [Janice] When we get to heaven, Pat,

what's happens with the Holy Spirit?

Does He stay with us or doesHe have another role then?

- So when we get to heaven,what happens to the Holy Spirit?

Does He stay with uswhen we get to heaven?

- Of course.

We're in heaven, we don'tleave the Holy Spirit.

I wake up, Thou art withme wherever You are.

It'll be an intensity.

We will be spiritual beings in heaven.

We will be spirits and we will be like Him

for we will see Him as He is.

Of course the Holy Spirit will be there.

The triune God, Father, Son,

and Holy Spirit will bepresent forever in heaven.

And He doesn't leave.

It's wonderful.

And so the Bible talks about

he that restrains will be restrained

until he's taken out of the way.

But the Holy Spirit is nevertaken out of heaven ever.

Today's Power Minute is from Psalm 119.

"Your word is a lamp to myfeet and a light to my path."

Tomorrow you're goingto meet the first female

sprint car driver to winat the Knoxville Speedway.

And you'll hear whathappened when she saw Jesus

in the cockpit.

So you don't want tomiss tomorrow's program.

And I've got some reallyimportant things for you

but I won't tell about it now

that you don't want totune in and find out.

We'll see you later, bye-bye.


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