Sean and Emma answer a viewer’s question, and do their best to explain the trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
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- Welcome to "The Superbook Show."
- It is, but it isn't.
But it is, but it isn't.
But it is, but it isn't.
But it is, but it isn't.
- Are you okay?
- Just practicing for today's topic;
The Trinity.
- Sean is referring to a question
that we received from one of our viewers.
Kendra says,
"Can you please do a videoabout the difference between
God the Father, God the son,and God the Holy Spirit,
and how they're all in one but different?"
- Janine Derico also asked forclarification on the Trinity.
- The Trinity is the unionbetween God the Father,
Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
- And today, our job is to explain to you
how it is that those three-
- Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit-
- Are unique beings, andat the same time, one.
- Spoiler alert, we can't do it.
- Oh, good. Episode over.
See ya.- But, we will try our best.
- Episode back on.
- The thing is, is whilewe can explain it somewhat,
the Trinity is one ofthe mysteries of God.
Something we will never fully understand.
- Until we are in heaven,then we'll be all like,
"Oh, I get it."
- In the meantime,
we can use similes to try andwrap our brains around it.
- What's a simile?
- It's a like statement.
- Right, I knew that.
As in, I liked that"Superbook Show" video.
I similed it.
- It's using comparison totry and explain a concept.
Jesus said, "The Kingdom ofheaven is like a mustard seed."
- Got it.
Jesus was describing anaspect of the Kingdom
using something that we could understand.
- When doing this, onlyan aspect is explained.
So a simile is incomplete.
- For example?
- The Trinity is like an egg.- Tasty.
- The egg has a shell,a white, and a yolk.
Three different partsyet all part of one egg.
Think of the shell as God the Father,
the white as the Holy Spirit,and the yolk as Jesus.
- Three in one,
like the shamrock.
When Patrick, the missionary to Ireland,
tried to explain theTrinity, he used a shamrock.
Three separate leaves, one plant.
- Yeah.
But that's not a real shamrock,that's just a paper one.
- Our budget didn'tinclude airfare to Ireland.
- Bummer.
So we have two illustrations,but each are incomplete.
- My shamrock is complete.
- In our illustrations, eachelement has a different part,
but in the Trinity, therearen't different parts.
Each element is one whole.
- Meaning Jesus isn'tpart of God, Jesus is God.
- Right.
So the simile, the Trinity islike an egg, is incomplete.
- Water!
(table banging)- Water!
- The Trinity is like water.
Water can be liquid, or ice, or steam.
- Three different states yet fully water.
An ice cube is its ownthing, but still water.
Just like Jesus is aseparate being yet fully God.
- Three in one!
Oh wait.- You see the problem.
- Another incomplete simile.
Water changes form to becomeice, liquid, or steam,
but Jesus doesn't changeform to become human or God.
- Let's try another.
- Woo!
- What are you doing?
- Setting up my lemonade stand.
We can make some bank here.
Maybe enough for that Ireland trip.
- Water, lemon juice, and sugar.
Any doubt that these arethree distinct items?
- No.
- Just like there is no doubt
that God the father, God theSon, and God the Holy Spirit
are three distinct beings.
- I'm betting Jesus is the sugar.
That's the way I view Him.
- Let's make some together.(bright lively music)
(water spattering)
(bright lively music progressing)
(sugar splattering)
And it all becomes one.
Can you tell which one is the sugar
and which one's the lemon juice or water?
(liquid spattering)- Nope. All one.
- For this simile to work,
you have to imagine thatJesus is still the sugar,
a complete, distinct,unique, separate being.
- And at the same time,Jesus is the lemonade.
A perfectly undistinguishable whole.
- Hard to imagine, butall a part of the mystery.
God the Father, God the Son,and God the Holy Spirit.
- Juice, sugar, and water,and lemonade all at once.
- Not a perfect simile, buta step toward the mystery.
- His word is forever alive.
- I hope you enjoyed this episode.
Be sure to visit us
- And when life gives youlemons, open up a lemonade stand,
make some money, andbuy a ticket to Ireland,
and find yourself some shamrocks.
- We'll see you next time.- Bye.
- The Trinity is like an egg.
Dang it!
(Emma giggling)Sorry.
And how they are all together...
- And today our job is to explain to you
how it is that those three are...
Dang it.- It's okay.
And these instructions, Idon't know what the line is,
so I literally, if I don't focus on it.
(Emma indistinctly chattering)
I hope you enjoyed this episode.
Be...(Emma indistinctly chattering)