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More Questions Answered - The Superbook Show

Morgan and Joel dedicate a whole episode to answering viewer's questions. Read Transcript

- Welcome to, "The Super Book Show,"

and today we're answeringviewer questions.

- Like the one from Paulin,

"What language did Jesus Christ speak?"

- Easy, I'm gonna look up John 14:6

on my "Superbook Bible app."

"Jesus told him I am the way,the truth, and the life."

Boom, He was speaking English.

- This is going to betougher than I thought.

(upbeat music)

Okay, so the Bible you're actually reading

is a translation into English.

Jesus wasn't speaking English.

Actually English didn't exist at the time.

- Yeah, I knew that.

- Okay, so scholarsagree that Jesus probably

would have spoken Aramaic,

which was the main languageof Palestine at the time.

- My second guess would have been Hebrew.

Wasn't most of the OldTestament written in Hebrew?

- Yeah, Jesus read Hebrew andHe probably knew a little bit

of Greek as well.

It was the main languageof trade at the time.

- Smart dude.

- Indeed.

Our next question is actually from Joshua.

He writes in to say, "Allmy friends are out there

"getting girlfriends, andI'm not because I want

"to be a good Christianand become closer to God."

- Ooh, it's tough notgoing along with the crowd.

I remember when my parentssaid I was too young

to have a boyfriend,but what does the Bible

say about dating?

- Well directly, nothing.

The concept of datingis actually fairly new.

Actually dating as we knowit, didn't exist in the Bible.

- So, how would someone like Joshua

know when the righttime to start dating is?

- Well, same way you did.

When you're a kid, mom and dad rule.

- Right, "Children obey your parents

"because you belong to the Lord for this

"is the right thing to do."

- Yeah, Joshua, hang in there.

If your parents say you shouldn't date,

you just shouldn't get a girlfriend.

- And that pressure you'refeeling from others,

it's not a good pressure.

Your real friends willrespect your choice.

- Hey, let's pray for him real quick.

- Yeah.

- Dear Heavenly Father,

please give Joshua the strength to hold

on to his convictions, and you know,

we know You have His future in Your hands,

and that You have thebest in mind for him,

so help him to havetrust in You and give us

all the strength tobelieve You, and to follow

what You have for us so thatwe will be ready in You,

when You call us.

In Jesus' name, amen.

- Amen.

Cool, spontaneous prayer.

- I felt led.

- I have another oneabout a different kind

of peer pressure.

- Okay.

- Bailey writes in that her"family is going to a new church

"and it seems like all ofthese other kids know where

"to find things in the Bible,

"but I always get lost trying to navigate

"through the pages in the Bible."

- Hmm, I get that.

I cannot believe how youjust come up with verses

off the top of your head.

- It's just how my brain works,

but you seem like you're ableto understand them better.

- I don't know, that'sjust how my brain works.

- Bailey, everyone worksat different levels.

Some people are better at memorizing,

and some people arebetter at understanding.

- And some people are good at

putting these things into practice,

so don't feel bad if you can't find things

as quickly as others can.

- Besides, the moreyou get into the Bible,

the more you'll soak up.

It comes with practice.

- It's not a competition, unless you're

on a Bible quiz team,then it is a competition.

- And besides, being fast isnot always the best thing.

Patience and thoughtfulnessare key virtues.

- You know, in Proverbs itsays, "If you have a plan

"and work hard, you will have plenty.

"If you get in a hurry,you'll end up poor."

- (laughing) And there you go again.

- Just using the search function

in the "Superbook Bible app."

- That's actually really smart.

So, the next question is from EALV.

"Dear 'Superbook,' show me in the Bible,

"where's the fall of Lucifer."

- Lucifer, the fallenangel, also known as Satan,

or the devil.

(dramatic music)

- You have sinned againstthe Lord, and for that,

you shall be banished (grunting).

(dramatic clanging)

(triumphant music)

How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer,

son of the morning.

(rocks crumbling)

(Lucifer screaming)

- The Archangel Michael wasquoting the prophet Isaiah,

when he said, "How youare fallen from heaven,

"O shining star, son of the morning.

"You have been thrown down to earth,

"you who destroyed thenations of the world."

- Revelation also talks about this.

"Then there was a war in heaven,

"Michael and his angelsfought against the dragon

"and his angels, and thedragon lost the battle.

"And he and his angelswere forced out of heaven.

"This great dragon, the ancient serpent

"called the devil or Satan,

"the one deceiving the whole world,

"was thrown down to earthwith all his angels."

- That's pretty scary stuff.

- But no matter how scary Satan seems,

we know that God is greater,and we know how it ends.

- God wins.

(Morgan grunting)

(hands slapping)


(triumphant music)

- Well, that's all thetime we have for today.

To learn more about the Bible,you can visit our website,

- And download the "Superbook Bible app."

The search function makesyou look pretty smart.

- His Word is forever alive.

(digital chiming)

- (grunting) Take that, he'sbigger than the bogeyman.

♪ Or the monsters on TV ♪

♪ Buh, buh, buh ♪

- Yeah, Jesus could probablyat least read English.

(Morgan laughing)

- I'm like, "What?"

- Heresy, okay.

Probably spoke Aramaic,which was the English.

(hands slapping)

So, language is nowsynonymous with English.

Okay, everybody?- There is no other language.

- We need to do allsubtitles for this episode.

(Morgan laughing)

Scholars agree that Jesus spoke...

- English (laughing).

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