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His Word is Forever Alive - The Superbook Show

Mia and Emma answer a viewers question asking "why we always end our show with his word is forever alive." Read Transcript

- Hey, everyone!

Cindy asked why we always end our show

by saying "His Word is forever alive".

- His Word is forever alive.

- His Word is forever alive.

- His Word is forever alive.

- His Word is forever alive.

- So, we thought we'd explain it a little.

(swooshing sounds)

- The phrase "His Word is forever alive"

comes from our Suprebook theme song.

♪ His Word is forever alive ♪

♪ superbook ♪

- This phrase has a coupleof different meanings.

- The Bible is often referredto as "the living Word of God"

- Oh, I saw a verse like thaton my Superbook Bible app

the other day.

Here it is.

"The Word of God is alive and powerful".

- As a book, it's the literal Word.

- And it's alive, becauseit's relevant and applicable

to whatever you might be going through.

- That's why you can reada Bible verse and think

"wow, it's like it was writtenjust for me in this moment".

- Exactly.

The Word of God can also mean Jesus.

- Oh, John chapter one says

"In the beginning, theWord already existed.

The Word was with God,and the Word was God".

- Later on the chapter,we find out that John

is actually speaking about Jesus Christ.

- Jesus died for our sins,was buried for three days,

rose from the grave, andascended into Heaven.

- He is forever alive!

- And, God's spirit isforever alive in us,

when we receive Jesusas our Lord and Savior.

- Isn't that good news?

- It is!

Do you know what I like todo when I have good news?

- Share it with everyone you know?

- That's right!

When we tell othersthe good news of Jesus,

it gives them theopportunity to receive Him

into their lives.

- And then Jesus can live in them, too!

- And then, they can shareit with their friends,

and those friends can shareit with their friends,

and so on, forever!

- You know what that makes me want to say?

- Sure do!

- His Word is forever alive!

(swooshing sounds)

- Thanks for the great question, Cindy.

- If you have a questionyou'd like us to answer,

let us know in the comments below.

- Be sure to like, subscribe, and download

the Superbook Bible app.

- Bye!

- You know what that makes me want to say?

- (grunt) I know, Imessed up my words too.

- (bilabial trill) (laugh) okay.

- "His Word is forever alive"comes from our Superbook--

I'm going to do that again.

Get it out of our mouths.

Ooh, that's cute.

- I know, it's literally spaghetti.

- [Man] It's tortellini.

- It's tortellini.

He says I've been looking at it.

- [Woman] Angel hair pasta.

- [Man] Angel hair.

- There you go, yeah.

Angel hair pasta.

It's from angels.


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