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American Idols - The Superbook Show

Mariah and John answer a viewers question by explaining how something becomes an idol in our lives. Read Transcript

- Hey.- Hey.

- Guess what...

(drum roll)

You're watching The Superbook Show

and we're keeping it real.

- We are?

- Yep, our keeping it realsegment is alive and well.

- Okay, what's today's question?

- Toya writes,

"how can something becomean idol in your life?"

(whooshing sound)

Okay, well, let's startfrom the beginning.

- Okay, roll 'em!

(projector rolling)

- [Narrator] In the beginning,

God created the heavens and the earth.

(record scratching)

- Okay, not that far back.

I meant let's define what an idol is.

- Okay, sure, I knew that.

All right guys, that'sa wrap, cut and print.

- If you Google the word idol,

it says, "an image orrepresentation of a god,

used as an object of worship."

According to the Bible,

I think it means, anything or anyone

that you love or enjoy more than God.

- (whistles)

(splashing sound)

That's deep.

- So, what can become an idol?

- Seems like anything.

- Yeah, you can set youraffection on a person,

a place, a game, entertainment, job,

work, achievement,

anything can become an idol.

- So basically loving the wrong way.

- Huh?

- The wrong way.

Loving God above anythingelse is the right way.

But, loving anything else, theway you should only love God,

is the wrong way.

- That's a great way of putting it.

In Romans, it says thatpeople worshiped creation,

rather than the creator,which basically means,

it's okay to enjoy the thingsthat God created for us,

but it's never okay to enjoythem more than we enjoy God.

- So Toya, to answer your question,

anything can become an idol,

but it's about listening to your heart,

and making sure you'renot loving anything else

above God.

- Yeah, and if you'resitting there thinking,

oh man, I've done this.

Just remember that eventhe children of Israel

struggled with this too.

(brassy music)

- [Man] Idolatress.

(thunder clapping)

(people chattering)

- Aaron, what have they done?


I pleaded with you-

- The Israelites were so quick

to make the golden calf an idol.

I forgot about that.

- Yeah, we've all been quickto worship other people

and things, but we have to pray,

and ask God to help us toturn away from those idols,

and serve him, the one, true, living God.

- Anything can become anidol in your life, so easily.

But you can set it straight

by keeping Jesus first in your hearts.

- His word is forever alive.

(whooshing sound)

A part of loving God more,means learning more about him.

And you can learn more abouthim at

- [Hosts] Love God more!

- The Israelites were soquick to... (clapping sound)

Try again.

- You have information to share.

- I do, just I'm not good at sharing it.

- Not that bar fack.


I just said not that bar fack.


In Romans it says thatthe children of Israel-



In Romans it said that, who?

What is it?

- So to answer your question Toya,

anything can become an idol.

All right, cut and print.

(tape rolling)

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